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ECN counts decreased unexpectedly.received packet with unknown encryption level: %sPeer doesn't await address validation any longer.Congestion limited: bytes in flight %d, window %dexpected character %c but the document ended heresubslice address (%d) is before data address (%d)gob: registering duplicate types for %q: %s != %sgob: registering duplicate names for %s: %q != %qhttps://api.zerossl.com/acme/eab-credentials-emailx509: missing ASN.1 contents; use ParseCertificatex509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute valuex509: RSA public exponent is not a positive numberx509: unknown key type while marshaling PKCS#8: %Tcryptobyte: attempted write while child is pendinggo package net: dynamic selection of DNS resolver cgo argument has Go pointer to unpinned Go pointermallocgc called with gcphase == _GCmarkterminationrecursive call during initialization - linker skewattempt to execute system stack code on user stackcobra_annotation_bash_completion_one_required_flagtls: received unexpected CertificateStatus messagetls: invalid signature by the server certificate: tls: invalid signature by the client certificate: tls: client offered TLS version older than TLS 1.3net/http: cannot rewind body after connection losshttp: putIdleConn: CloseIdleConnections was calledgot CONTINUATION for stream %d; expected stream %dhttp: suspiciously long trailer after chunked bodynet/http: Transport failed to read from server: %vnet/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: %wobtaining certificate aborted by event handler: %wunknown key type; only RSA and ECDSA are supportedinvalid hijack address (must be an IP address): %scrypto/elliptic: nistec rejected normalized scalarcrypto/cipher: incorrect nonce length given to GCMreflect.Value.Slice3: slice of unaddressable array%s has arguments but cannot be invoked as functionfunction %s has %d return values; should be 1 or 2Not adding connection ID %s, as it already exists.http3: HEADERS frame too large: %d bytes (max: %d)chacha20: SetCounter attempted to rollback counterdns: svcbport: port length is not exactly 2 octetsoauth2: token expired and refresh token is not setedwards25519: invalid SetUniformBytes input lengthcannot add shadow to auto-increment or boolean keytoml: negative number %d does not fit in an uint64toml: negative number %d does not fit in an uint32toml: negative number %d does not fit in an uint16^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$ACK rate: %.2f (total=%d, ack=%d, loss=%d, rtt=%d)initial_max_streams_uni too large: %d (maximum %d)unknown transport parameter marshaling version: %d Queuing ACK because the packet was ECN-CE marked.received an ACK for skipped packet number: %d (%s)LogValue called too many times on Value of type %Treflect.Value read-only flag has changed semanticsexpected: IDENT | STRING | ASSIGN | LBRACE got: %serror while trying to parse object within list: %sslice offset (%d) is farther than data length (%d)invalid uint data length %d: exceeds input size %dgoogle.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/source_contextinvalid Mutable on map with non-message value typefield %v has invalid type: got %v, want slice kindcache must have GetConfigForCert set in its optionsx509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: ScanState's Read should not be called. Use ReadRunelimiterEvent.stop: invalid limiter event type foundpotentially overlapping in-use allocations detectedfatal: systemstack called from unexpected goroutinequery parameters not allowed with file URLs: got %vtls: VerifyHostname called on TLS server connectioncrypto/tls: reserved ExportKeyingMaterial label: %stls: server's identity changed during renegotiationtls: server selected unsupported compression formattls: server sent an unexpected early_data extensiontls: client did not request an application protocolJSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?http2: invalid Transfer-Encoding request header: %qprotocol error: received %T before a SETTINGS frameloading managed certificate for %v from storage: %vgot nil TLS-ALPN challenge certificate but no errorunable to forcefully get new certificate for %v: %wcould not encode the form data for the request: %wcrypto/ecdh: internal error: isLess input too largecrypto/elliptic: Add was called on an invalid pointgodebug: Value of name not listed in godebugs.All: '%s': source data must be an array or slice, got %sdefault type does not match variable type: %v != %vIgnoring Retry, since we already received a packet.Ignoring Retry, since a Retry was already received.HTTP Datagrams enabled, but QUIC Datagrams disabledauthz %s has unexpected status; order will fail: %sreadPythonMultilines: failed to peek with error: %vline %d: mapping key %#v already defined at line %dlwt bpf decode: received unknown attribute type: %dinitial_max_streams_bidi too large: %d (maximum %d) Queueing ACK because packet %d was missing before.expected = after a key, but the document ends thereslice ends (%d+%d) is farther than data length (%d)invalid AppendMutable on list with non-message typeextension %v extends %v outside the extension rangefield %v has invalid type: got %v, want struct kindfield %v has invalid type: %v does not implement %vunicode code point U+E123 reserved for internal usex509: cannot verify signature: insecure algorithm %verrors: *target must be interface or implement errormallocgc called without a P or outside bootstrappingruntime: cannot disable permissions in address spaceruntime.SetFinalizer: pointer not in allocated blockruntime: use of FixAlloc_Alloc before FixAlloc_Init span set block with unpopped elements found in resetcasfrom_Gscanstatus: gp->status is not in scan statecobra_annotation_bash_completion_filename_extensionsRegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' does not existuser and password not allowed with file URLs: got %vtls: server selected unsupported protocol version %xtls: received a session ticket with invalid lifetimetls: internal error: session ticket keys unavailabletls: private key type does not match public key type request header "TE" may only be "trailers" in HTTP/2http2: Transport readFrame error on conn %p: (%T) %vprotocol error: received DATA before a HEADERS framedid not find chain matching preferences; using firstdeleting temporary record for name %q in zone %q: %wrequest to delete the record was not successful: %wrequest to update the record was not successful: %wecdsa: internal error: unexpectedly masking off bitscrypto/rsa: PSSOptions.SaltLength cannot be negativednsmessage.OPTResource{Options: []dnsmessage.Option{wrong number of args for %s: want at least %d got %dwrong number of args for %s: got %d want at least %dGot UserPassNegotiationRequest: %#v %#v %#v %#v %#v Ignoring spoofed Retry. Integrity Tag doesn't match.Removing connection ID %s after it has been retired.Activating reading of packet info for IPv4 and IPv6.activating packet info failed for both IPv4 and IPv6:path must be empty and :authority must not be emptyhttp3: invalid http header field value %q for key %vdownloading certificate chain from %s: %w (order=%s)successfully downloaded available certificate chainsinternal error: missing handler for resolver table: source and destination ip are not the same IP familyxml: EncodeElement of StartElement with missing nameinvalid value for max_ack_delay: %dms (maximum %dms) setting loss timer for packet %d (%s) to %s (in %s)Starting key drop timer to drop key phase %d (in %s)unexpected character 'i' while scanning for a numberunexpected character 'n' while scanning for a numberprototext: error parsing unknown field wire type: %vfailed to connect (server may not support speed test)x509: certificate specifies an incompatible key usagenon-concurrent sweep failed to drain all sweep queuesexited a goroutine internally locked to the OS threadtls: unable to generate random session ticket key: %vtls: received unexpected handshake message of type %Ttls: unexpected server_name extension in server hellotls: client does not support uncompressed connectionstls: HKDF-Expand-Label invocation failed unexpectedlytls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate inputhttp: putIdleConn: too many idle connections for hosthttp2: Framer %p: failed to decode just-written frameillegal use of AllowIllegalReads with ReadMetaHeadershttp2: Transport failed to get client conn for %s: %vnon-CONNECT pattern with unclean path can never matchdescribeConflict called with non-conflicting patternsnet/http: CloseNotify called after ServeHTTP finishedsubject does not qualify for a public certificate: %sfound preferred certificate chain by root common namefound unknown private key type in PKCS#8 wrapping: %Tgetting certificate from external certificate managerforcefully renewing certificate due to REVOKED statusHTTP %d: JSON-decoding problem details: %w (raw='%s')pem: cannot encode a header key that contains a colonmath/big: internal error: cannot find (D/n) = -1 for crypto/ecdh: internal error: mismatched isLess inputscrypto/elliptic: attempted operation on invalid pointreflect: non-interface type passed to Type.Implementsreflect.Value.Slice: string slice index out of boundssync/atomic: compare and swap of nil value into Valuebufio.Scan: too many empty tokens without progressingSent UserNameNegotiationRequest: %#v %#v %#v %#v %#v <- Reading packet %d (%d bytes) for connection %s, %sserver sent reduced limits after accepting 0-RTT data-> Sending packet %d (%d bytes) for connection %s, %sreceived crypto data after change of encryption levelDiscarding received DATAGRAM frame (%d bytes payload)Adding connection IDs %s and %s for a new connection.wire.PutStreamFrame called with packet of wrong size!received a packet with an unexpected connection ID %s^[-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$did not find expected alphabetic or numeric characterxml: %s.MarshalXML wrote invalid XML: <%s> not closed %s &wire.RetireConnectionIDFrame{SequenceNumber: %d}invalid value for ack_delay_exponent: %d (maximum %d)script-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'chacha20: internal error: wrong dst and/or src lengthinvalid GOLANG_PROTOBUF_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT value: unkown field number %d while unmarshalling GoFeaturesunkown field number %d while unmarshalling FeatureSethaving only HTTP server without HTTPS is not supportedx509: cannot verify signature: algorithm unimplementedx509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute value: %sURI with IP (%q) cannot be matched against constraintscryptobyte: Builder is exceeding its fixed-size bufferfmt: scanning called UnreadRune with no rune available, square brackets can only be used with IPv6 addresses, IPv6 addresses must be surrounded by square bracketsmin size of malloc header is not a size class boundarygcControllerState.findRunnable: blackening not enabledcasGToWaitingForGC with non-isWaitingForGC wait reasonno goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!trace: non-empty full trace buffer for done generationtrace: non-empty full trace buffer for next generation goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable certificate is not valid for requested server name: %wtls: server resumed a session with a different versiontls: server accepted 0-RTT with the wrong cipher suitetls: server sent ECH retry configs after accepting ECHtls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithmtls: client indicated early data in second ClientHellotls: failed to create cipher while encrypting ticket: tls: found unknown private key type in PKCS#8 wrappinghttp: Request.Write on Request with no Host or URL setread loop ending; caller owns writable underlying conninternal error: expected to be already writing a framehttp2: received GOAWAY %+v, starting graceful shutdownhttp2: handler wrote more than declared Content-Lengthtarget must be an absolute URL or an absolute path: %qnet/http: can't write control character in Request.URLhttputil: ReverseProxy read error during body copy: %vhttps://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directoryno matching certificates and no custom selection logicremoved certificate's compromised private key from usebytes.Buffer: reader returned negative count from Readcrypto/elliptic: Double was called on an invalid pointreflect: Value.SetIterKey called on exhausted iteratorname is not in canonical format (it must end with a .)panic calling String method on zero %v for flag %s: %vbinary.Write: some values are not fixed-sized in type virtioNetHdr.hdrLen (%d) < virtioNetHdr.csumStart (%d)end of checksum offset (%d) exceeds packet length (%d)expected first connection ID to have sequence number 0error parsing packet, couldn't parse connection ID: %sexpected retry_source_connection_id to equal %s, is %sClient offered version %s, sending Version Negotiationinvalid value for SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL: %dreceived pseudo header %s after a regular header fieldquic: HKDF-Expand-Label invocation failed unexpectedlytoml: cannot decode TOML %s into a Go value of type %stag handle must contain alphanumerical characters onlyexplicitly tagged !!binary data must be base64-encodedblock sequence entries are not allowed in this contextoption ,inline needs a map with string keys in struct xml: namespace without name in field %s of type %s: %qNot enough samples (total=%d, ack=%d, loss=%d, rtt=%d) %s &wire.MaxStreamsFrame{Type: uni, MaxStreamNum: %d}received %d bytes for the connection, allowed %d bytesAccepting 0-RTT. Restoring RTT from session ticket: %squotedprintable: invalid unescaped byte 0x%02x in bodyfield %v has invalid type: got %v, want interface kindpacked public key must be of mode3.PublicKeySize bytespacked public key must be of mode2.PublicKeySize bytesx509: authority info access incorrectly marked criticalx509: too many intermediates for path length constraintx509: failed to load system roots and no roots providedeach colon-separated field must have at least one digitos: invalid use of WriteAt on file opened with O_APPENDmheap.freeSpanLocked - invalid free of user arena chunkcasfrom_Gscanstatus:top gp->status is not in scan state is longer than the maximum zone name length (40 bytes)tls: internal error: handshake should have had a resulttls: no ECDHE curve supported by both client and servernet/http: request canceled while waiting for connectionnet/http: invalid byte %q in %s; dropping invalid byteshttp2: server: error reading preface from client %v: %vinternal error: can only be writing one frame at a timehttp2: Transport received GOAWAY from server ErrCode:%vfound preferred certificate chain by issuer common name[WARNING] Unable to delete invalid OCSP staple file: %vcould not start listener for challenge server at %s: %vcould not get records: Domain: %s; Status: %v; Body: %smust set at least one of Certificates or GetCertificatecrypto/rsa: GenerateMultiPrimeKey: nprimes must be >= 2cipher.NewCBCEncrypter: IV length must equal block sizecipher.NewCBCDecrypter: IV length must equal block sizereflect: internal error: invalid use of makeMethodValuereflect.FuncOf: last arg of variadic func must be sliceunable to cast %#v of type %T to map[string]interface{}cannot assign type '%s' to map value field of type '%s'bufio.Scanner: SplitFunc returns negative advance countSending a keep-alive PING to keep the connection alive.dns: svcbmandatory: value length is not a multiple of 2edwards25519: invalid SetBytesWithClamping input lengtherror when getting key of section %q: key %q not existstimes are expected to have the format HH:MM:SS[.NNNNNN]number must have at least one digit between underscoresmap merge requires map or sequence of maps as the valuealias value must contain alphanumerical characters only %s &wire.MaxStreamsFrame{Type: bidi, MaxStreamNum: %d}expected preferred_address to be %d long, read %d byteserror parsing list, expected comma or list end, got: %sDecodeSEG6Srh: error parsing Segment List (buf len: %d)extension number %d is already registered on message %vindent may only be composed of space and tab charactersstrings: illegal use of non-zero Builder copied by valuex509: subject key identifier incorrectly marked criticalx509: internal error: empty chain when appending CA certrange function continued iteration after loop body panicrange function continued iteration after whole loop exitprofilealloc called without a P or outside bootstrappingin gcMark expecting to see gcphase as _GCmarkterminationruntime: netpoll: eventfd ready for something unexpectedRegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' already registeredfile URLs must leave host empty or use localhost: got %vtls: no cipher suite supported by both client and servertls: TLS 1.3 client supports illegal compression methodstls: client sent key share for group it does not supporttls: SendSessionTicket called before handshake completedptrEncoder.encode should have emptied ptrSeen via defershttp2: request body larger than specified content lengthhttp2: response header list larger than advertised limithttp: Request.RequestURI can't be set in client requestspromised request headers cannot include pseudo header %qnet/http: Transport.DialContext hook returned (nil, nil)b4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4b70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21bd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34non-empty pointer map passed for non-pointer-size valuesreflect: Value.SetIterValue called on exhausted iteratorrecord on line %d; parse error on line %d, column %d: %v<- Reading packet %d (%d bytes) for connection %s, 1-RTTexpected initial_source_connection_id to equal %s, is %sSTREAM frames are handled with their respective streams.Conn has send buffer of %d kiB (wanted: at least %d kiB)mlkem768: internal error: invalid decapsulation key sizecannot add nested value to auto-increment or boolean keytoml: not encoding uint (%d) greater than max int64 (%d)attempted to go past the end of stream; corrupted value?anchor value must contain alphanumerical characters onlyoption ,inline may only be used on a struct or map fieldxml: %s.UnmarshalXML did not consume entire <%s> element %s &wire.StreamsBlockedFrame{Type: uni, MaxStreams: %d}StreamFrame: attempting to write empty frame without FINremaining length (%d) smaller than parameter length (%d)wrong length for stateless_reset_token: %d (expected 16)TransportParameter BUG: transport parameter %d not foundhttps://protobuf.dev/reference/go/faq#namespace-conflictpacked private key must be of mode3.PrivateKeySize bytespacked private key must be of mode2.PrivateKeySize bytesa powerful, lightning fast and censorship resistant proxyAperture Internet Laboratory x509: failed to parse EC private key embedded in PKCS#8: runtime: checkmarks found unexpected unmarked object obj=runtime: failed to disable profiling timer; timer_delete(non-Go code set up signal handler without SA_ONSTACK flagtls: Ed25519 public keys are not supported before TLS 1.2received record with version %x when expecting version %xtls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest messagetls: server selected an invalid PSK and cipher suite pairbackend tried to switch protocol %q when %q was requestedloading existing private key for reuse with issuer %s: %vsync: WaitGroup misuse: Add called concurrently with Waitcan't handle assignment of %s to empty interface argumentcannot run executable found relative to current directory (set GODEBUG=execwait=2 to capture stacks for debugging)lwt bpf encode: bpf obj definitions returned empty buffercongestion BUG: decreased max datagram size from %d to %d %s &wire.StreamsBlockedFrame{Type: bidi, MaxStreams: %d}invalid value for max_udp_payload_size: %d (minimum 1200)Max outstanding limited: tracking %d packets, maximum: %dDecodeSEG6Encap: error parsing Segment List (buf len: %d)unkown field number %d while unmarshalling EditionDefaultx509: authority key identifier incorrectly marked criticalx509: certificate contains duplicate extension with OID %qx509: failed to parse RSA private key embedded in PKCS#8: x509: provided PrivateKey doesn't match parent's PublicKeyDNS response contained records which contain invalid names"help" flag declared as non-bool. Please correct your codeGenerate the autocompletion script for the specified shelltls: server changed cipher suite after a HelloRetryRequestjson: cannot set embedded pointer to unexported struct: %vcannot push URL with scheme %q from request with scheme %qhttp2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Closecache must be initialized with a GetConfigForCert callbackno information found to solve challenge for identifier: %sno matching certificate; will choose from all certificatescrypto/ecdh: internal error: converting the wrong key typecrypto/ecdh: bad X25519 remote ECDH input: low order pointcrypto/elliptic: ScalarMult was called on an invalid pointsync/atomic: swap of inconsistently typed value into Valuereceived conflicting connection IDs for sequence number %dreceived CRYPTO frame with unexpected encryption level: %sdns: svcbnodefaultalpn: no-default-alpn must have no valueGODEBUG=execwait=2 detected a leaked exec.Cmd created by: inline table cannot contain nested tables, only key-valuesfailed to ParseRouteAttr for IFLA_MACVLAN_MACADDR_DATA: %vxml: unsupported version %q; only version 1.0 is supportedxml: encoding %q declared but Decoder.CharsetReader is nilIncreasing receive flow control window for stream %d to %dreceived ACK for key phase %d, but peer didn't update keysgob: cannot encode nil pointer of type %s inside interfaceThis should only happen 1 in 2^{128}: something is wrong.runtime: mmap: too much locked memory (check 'ulimit -l'). tried to trace goroutine with invalid or unsupported statustls: server resumed a session with a different cipher suitetls: server selected TLS 1.3 using the legacy version fieldtls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest key_sharetls: client didn't send one key share in second ClientHellotls: client sent unexpected key share in second ClientHellohttp2: Transport received Server's graceful shutdown GOAWAYRoundTripper returned a response & error; ignoring responsehttp: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from %s (%s:%d)http: response.Write on hijacked connection from %s (%s:%d)unsupported scheme for HTTP proxy (use http:// or https://)sync: WaitGroup is reused before previous Wait has returnedcrypto/ecdh: private key and public key curves do not matchreflect: reflect.Value.Elem on an invalid notinheap pointerreflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded structsync/atomic: store of inconsistently typed value into Valuebufio.Scanner: SplitFunc returns advance count beyond inputneed one more IPv4 address in first prefix for system stackneed one more IPv6 address in first prefix for system stackRejecting new connection due to GetConfigForClient callbackConn has receive buffer of %d kiB (wanted: at least %d kiB)tried to send an ECN-marked packet although ECN is disabledhpke: mandatory-to-implement cipher suite not supported: %stoml: decoding can only be performed into a pointer, not %stoml: cannot convert map key of type %s to expected type %s%s field %q with tag %q conflicts with field %q with tag %qRetire Prior To value (%d) larger than Sequence Number (%d)key '%s' expected start of object ('{') or assignment ('=')Generate a hysteria2:// URI from a client config for sharingmanual span allocation called with non-manually-managed typeaddr range base and limit are not in the same memory segmentruntime: failed to configure profiling timer; timer_settime(runtime: malformed profBuf buffer - tag and data out of synctls: no supported versions satisfy MinVersion and MaxVersiontls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extensiontls: server resumed a session with a different EMS extensiontls: client requested unsupported application protocols (%s) (Client.Timeout or context cancellation while reading body)internal error: attempt to send frame on a closed stream: %vmalformed response from server: missing status pseudo headernet/http: server response headers exceeded %d bytes; abortedfailed storage check: %v - storage is probably misconfiguredexternal certificate manager: %s: filling cert from leaf: %vbytes.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRunecrypto/elliptic: CombinedMult was called on an invalid pointreflect: call of reflect.Value.Cap on ptr to non-array Valuereflect: call of reflect.Value.Len on ptr to non-array Valuesync/atomic: compare and swap of inconsistently typed valuesBUG: readPosInFrame (%d) > frame.DataLen (%d) in stream.Readfound a tab character where an indentation space is expectedinvalid value for active_connection_id_limit: %d (minimum 2) Queuing ACK because there's a new missing packet to report.Loss detection alarm fired in loss timer mode. Loss time: %sLoss detection alarm for %s fired in PTO mode. PTO count: %dCryptoSetup: keys at this encryption level not yet availablestart pointer address (%d) is after end pointer address (%d)failed getting ZeroSSL EAB credentials: HTTP %d: %s (code %d)x509: failed to parse URI constraint %q: cannot be IP addressgo package net: GODEBUG setting forcing use of Go's resolver runtime: may need to increase max user processes (ulimit -u) abiRegArgsType needs GC Prog, update methodValueCallFrameObjs"version" flag declared as non-bool. Please correct your codeto request completion choices for the specified command-line.tls: unsupported certificate: private key is %T, expected *%Ttls: EncryptedClientHelloConfigList contains no valid configstls: server sent a ServerHello extension forbidden in TLS 1.3tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithmnet/http: invalid Cookie.Domain %q; dropping domain attributeReverseProxy must have exactly one of Director or Rewrite setreflect: wrong return count from function created by MakeFuncReceived a Version Negotiation packet. Supported Versions: %sSending stateless reset to %s (connection ID: %s). Token: %#xexec: Cmd started a Process but leaked without a call to Waitinvalid base '%c', should have been checked by scanIntOrFloatinternal error: unexpected tail comment event (please report)lwt bpf decode: received unknown attribute: type: %d, len: %dxml: EncodeToken of Directive containing wrong < or > markerspacked public key must be of eddilithium4.PublicKeySize bytespacked public key must be of eddilithium2.PublicKeySize bytesx509: failed to marshal EC private key while building PKCS#8: x509: certificate is not authorized to sign other certificatesURI with empty host (%q) cannot be matched against constraintsx509: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Signerfound bad pointer in Go heap (incorrect use of unsafe or cgo?)limiterEvent.stop: found wrong event in p's limiter event slotslice length too short to convert to array or pointer to arrayruntime: internal error: misuse of lockOSThread/unlockOSThreadstrings.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRunetls: server did not send a quic_transport_parameters extensiontls: client used the legacy version field to negotiate TLS 1.3tls: client did not send a quic_transport_parameters extensiontls: certificate cannot be used with the selected cipher suitehttp2: request header list larger than peer's advertised limittrying to put back buffer of the wrong size in the copyBufPoolno configuration associated with certificate; unable to manage0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZreflect.ArrayOf: array size would exceed virtual address spacereflect: reflect.Value.Pointer on an invalid notinheap pointerabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789expected original_destination_connection_id to equal %s, is %sDropping packet from %s (%d bytes). Server receive queue full.Received a stateless reset with token %#x. Closing connection.the message the server sent is empty, incomplete, or corruptedtoml: cannot decode TOML %s into struct field %s.%s of type %scannot have key %q in inlined map: conflicts with struct fieldgateway, source, and destination ip are not the same IP familywrong length for disable_active_migration: %d (expected empty) Queueing ACK because the first packet should be acknowledged.AuthEncapsulateDeterministically is not supported for this KEMmalformed GOMEMLIMIT; see `go doc runtime/debug.SetMemoryLimit`Request shell completion choices for the specified command-linehttp2: push would exceed peer's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMSrequest declared a Content-Length of %d but only wrote %d bytes

HTTP Error 431

Request Header Field(s) Too Large

internal error: exactly one of res or err should be set; nil=%vcryptobyte: BuilderContinuation reallocated a fixed-size bufferreceived invalid offset %d on crypto stream, maximum allowed %dPacketPacker BUG: packet too large (%d bytes, allowed %d bytes)dns: internal error: unpack should never be called on RR_Headergave up after %d attempts, last error unavailable (resp == nil)parser should not permit expression of kind %s at document rootnew destination and destination are not the same address familypacked private key must be of eddilithium4.PrivateKeySize bytespacked private key must be of eddilithium2.PrivateKeySize bytesruntime.SetFinalizer: first argument was allocated into an arenaattempted to trace stack of a goroutine this thread does not own0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tls: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Decrypterjson: invalid number literal, trying to unmarshal %q into Numberhttp: request method or response status code does not allow bodyhttp2: too many control frames in send queue, closing connection Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Connection: close suppressing panic for copyResponse error in test; copy error: %vcan't switch protocols using non-Hijacker ResponseWriter type %Terror while checking if stored certificate is also expiring soon5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c2964fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5reflect.StructOf: struct size would exceed virtual address spaceABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_shouldn't queue undecryptable packets after handshake completionClient sent an invalid retry token. Sending INVALID_TOKEN to %s.failed to increase send buffer size (wanted: %d kiB, got %d kiB)class must be IN (Internet) (or ANYCLASS (*), which includes IN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . readPythonMultilines: failed to skip to the end, returning errorRestoring of transport parameters from session ticket failed: %sunmarshaling transport parameters from session ticket failed: %sDropping key phase %d ahead of scheduled time. Drop time was: %sextension %v has mismatching containing message: got %v, want %vx509: inner and outer signature algorithm identifiers don't matchx509: issuer name does not match subject from issuing certificatex509: certificate request contains duplicate requested extensionsuser arena chunk size is not a multiple of the physical page sizeruntime: function marked with #cgo nocallback called back into Goruntime.SetFinalizer: pointer not at beginning of allocated blocktls: internal error: attempted to read record with QUIC transporttls: server selected an invalid version after a HelloRetryRequesttls: session supported extended_master_secret but client does nothttp: response.WriteHeader on hijacked connection from %s (%s:%d)net/http: Transport.DialTLS or DialTLSContext returned (nil, nil)crypto/rsa: too few primes of given length to generate an RSA keycryptobyte: pending child length %d exceeds %d-byte length prefixreflect: StructOf does not support methods of embedded interfaces'%s' expected type '%s', got unconvertible type '%s', value: '%v'Received first packet. Switching destination connection ID to: %sencryption level changed, but crypto stream has more data to readextended CONNECT: :scheme, :path and :authority must not be emptynistec: internal error: p224Table called with out-of-bounds valuenistec: internal error: p256Table called with out-of-bounds valuenistec: internal error: p384Table called with out-of-bounds valuenistec: internal error: p521Table called with out-of-bounds valuexml: name %q in tag of %s.%s conflicts with name %q in %s.XMLName %s &wire.MaxStreamDataFrame{StreamID: %d, MaximumStreamData: %d}x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match x509: requested SignatureAlgorithm does not match private key typeruntime: unexpected error while checking standard file descriptor tls: certificate private key (%T) does not implement crypto.Signerclient doesn't support ECDHE, can only use legacy RSA key exchangetls: server sent an unexpected quic_transport_parameters extensiontls: client sent an unexpected quic_transport_parameters extensionsender tried to send more than declared Content-Length of %d bytesunable to get configuration to manage certificate; unable to renewcryptobyte: high-tag number identifier octects not supported: 0x%xreflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded struct field Got Datagram. data: %#v %#v %#v %#v %#v %#v datagram address: %#v received conflicting stateless reset tokens for sequence number %dParsed a coalesced packet. Part %d: %d bytes. Remaining: %d bytes.Dropping %s packet (%d bytes) because we already dropped the keys.-> Sending packet %d (%d bytes) for connection %s, 1-RTT (ECN: %s)-> Sending coalesced packet (%d parts, %d bytes) for connection %sfailed to parse version for sending version negotiation packet: %scan only use a single QUIC version for dialing a HTTP/3 connectionskipping challenge initiation because authorization is not pendinginternal error: attempted to parse unknown event (please report): Increasing receive flow control window for the connection to %d kBtoml: key %s already exists as a %s, but should be an array tableDescriptor.Options called without importing the descriptor packagex509: internal error: supported public key does not implement EqualHelp provides help for any command in the application. Simply type tls: server sent certificate containing RSA key larger than %d bitstls: client sent certificate containing RSA key larger than %d bitscannot make valid ACMEIssuer without an associated CertMagic configcannot make a valid config without a pointer to a certificate cacheReceived %d packets after sending CONNECTION_CLOSE. Retransmitting.Dropping %s packet (%d bytes) that could not be unpacked. Error: %sfailed to increase receive buffer size (wanted: %d kiB, got %d kiB)no compatible QUIC version found (we support %s, server offered %s)inconsistent transport parameter length for transport parameter %#xinvalid logger type passed, must be Logger or LeveledLogger, was %Tfield %v with invalid Mutable call on field with non-composite typeif non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks.embedded IPv4 address must replace the final 2 fields of the addressAllThreadsSyscall6 results differ between threads; runtime corruptedFailed to find flag %q and mark it as being required in a flag grouptls: internal error: sending non-handshake message to QUIC transportpadding bytes must all be zeros unless AllowIllegalWrites is enabledhttp2: Transport conn %p received error from processing frame %v: %vhttp2: Transport received unsolicited DATA frame; closing connectionhttp: message cannot contain multiple Content-Length headers; got %qcertificate does not need to be renewed, but renewal is being forced[ERROR] TLS-ALPN challenge server: expected tls.Conn but got %T: %#vbig: invalid 2nd argument to Int.Jacobi: need odd integer but got %s2695994666715063979466701508701963067355791626002630814351006629888126959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368061reflect: reflect.Value.UnsafePointer on an invalid notinheap pointercan not look up shorthand which is more than one ASCII character: %qreceived retry_source_connection_id, although no Retry was performedReplacing connection for connection IDs %s with a closed connection.Dropping a packet that is too small to be a valid Initial (%d bytes)crypto/hmac: hash generation function does not produce unique valuesstrict mode: fields in the document are missing in the target structexpected SCALAR, SEQUENCE-START, MAPPING-START, or ALIAS, but got %vVersion Negotiation packet has a version list with an invalid lengthinvalid descriptor: using edition features in a proto with syntax %sextension %v does not implement protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptortoo many hex fields to fit an embedded IPv4 at the end of the addressinternal/concurrent.HashMapTrie: ran out of hash bits while iteratinginternal/concurrent.HashMapTrie: ran out of hash bits while insertingtls: peer doesn't support the certificate custom signature algorithmstls: handshake message of length %d bytes exceeds maximum of %d bytestls: client certificate contains an unsupported public key of type %Thttp2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)%s matches more methods than %s, but has a more specific path pattern%s matches fewer methods than %s, but has a more general path patternin case of issues. You can leave it blank, but we don't recommend it.invalid: OCSP response for %v valid after certificate expiration (%s)response Content-Type is %s but target container is not io.Writer: %Treflect: embedded interface with unexported method(s) not implemented'%s': expected source data to have length less or equal to %d, got %dOnLost callback called although there's no MTU probe packet in flightpacket too small, expected at least 20 bytes after the header, got %dPacket too small. Expected at least 20 bytes after the header, got %dedwards25519: internal error: setShortBytes called with a long string %s &wire.StreamDataBlockedFrame{StreamID: %d, MaximumStreamData: %d}x509: PKCS#8 wrapping contained private key with unknown algorithm: %vx509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs insteadgot %s for stream %d; expected CONTINUATION following %s for stream %dbytes.Buffer: UnreadByte: previous operation was not a successful readsync/atomic: compare and swap of inconsistently typed value into ValueOnAcked callback called although there's no MTU probe packet in flightdns: svcbipv6hint: ipv6 address byte array length not a multiple of 16 %s &wire.AckFrame{LargestAcked: %d, LowestAcked: %d, DelayTime: %s%s}x509: issuer has name constraints but leaf doesn't have a SAN extensionrange function recovered a loop body panic and did not resume panickingif any flags in the group [%v] are set they must all be set; missing %vtls: peer doesn't support any of the certificate's signature algorithmsjson: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %vinternal error: attempt to send frame on a half-closed-local stream: %vinternal error: 101 switching protocols response with non-writable bodyPlease enter your email address to signify agreement and to be notifiedthere is only one chain offered; selecting it regardless of preferencesall external certificate managers yielded no certificates and no errorsDuckDNS request failed, expected (OK) but got (%s), url: [%s], body: %stoo many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)Not adding connection ID %s for a new connection, as it already exists.PacketPacker BUG: payload size inconsistent (expected %d, got %d bytes)dynamic table size update MUST occur at the beginning of a header blockexec: command with a non-nil Cancel was not created with CommandContextpacket length (%d bytes) is smaller than the expected length (%d bytes) %s &wire.ResetStreamFrame{StreamID: %d, ErrorCode: %#x, FinalSize: %d}toml: cannot redefine table %s that has already been explicitly defined{{with .Name}}{{printf "%s " .}}{{end}}{{printf "version %s" .Version}} client doesn't support any cipher suites compatible with the certificatetls: server's certificate contains an unsupported type of public key: %Ttls: certificate private key of type %T does not implement crypto.Signercrypto/ecdh: internal error: nistec ScalarBaseMult returned the identityreflect: embedded type with methods not implemented for non-pointer typeIgnoring Retry, since the server didn't change the Source Connection ID.dns: svcbipv4hint: ipv4 address byte array length is not a multiple of 4tls: received unexpected handshake message of type %T when waiting for %Ttls: internal error: handshake returned an error but is marked successfultls: found a certificate rather than a key in the PEM for the private keycoalesced packet has different destination connection ID: %s, expected %sconnection doesn't allow setting of send buffer size. Not a *net.UDPConn?http3: invalid use of RequestStream.Read: need to call ReadResponse firstLimited by the number of tracked packets: tracking %d packets, maximum %dreceived inconsistent final offset for stream %d (old: %d, new: %d bytes) if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION:-}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-}" -gt 3 ]]; thenhttps://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat@release/geoip.dattls: certificate RSA key size too small for supported signature algorithmsbytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not a successful ReadRunemalformed response from server: malformed non-numeric status pseudo headernet/http: server replied with more than declared Content-Length; truncatedreceived NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame but zero-length connection IDs are in useDropping undecryptable packet (%d bytes). Undecryptable packet queue full.Amplification window limited. Received %d bytes, already sent out %d bytesAddAttrs unsafely called on copy of Record made without using Record.Clone%[2]s is a special command that is used by the shell completion logic %[1]stls: internal error: attempted to read record with pending application dataUnsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with %q; err=%vcertificate revoked, but unable to fully clean up assets from issuer %s: %vno configuration associated with certificate; unable to manage OCSP staplesACK rate too low: %.2f, clamped to %.2f (total=%d, ack=%d, loss=%d, rtt=%d)Disabling ECN. Received less ECT(0) + ECN-CE than packets sent with ECT(0).Disabling ECN. Received less ECT(1) + ECN-CE than packets sent with ECT(1).https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat@release/geosite.dattls: failed to send closeNotify alert (but connection was closed anyway): %wtls: server certificate contains incorrect key type for selected ciphersuiteHTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server. on-demand certificate's OCSP status is REVOKED; will try to forcefully renewunable to redefine %q shorthand in %q flagset: it's already used for %q flagconnection doesn't allow setting of receive buffer size. Not a *net.UDPConn? %s &wire.CryptoFrame{Offset: %d, Data length: %d, Offset + Data length: %d}crypto/tls: ExportKeyingMaterial is unavailable when renegotiation is enabledinvalid Body.Read call. After hijacked, the original Request must not be usedMapIter.Next called on an iterator that does not have an associated map Valueinvalid function signature for %s: second return value should be error; is %sgithub.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: pop from an empty queuegithub.com/apernet/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: pop from an empty queueRemoving connection IDs %s for a closed connection after it has been retired.recevedPacketTracker BUG: ReceivedPacket called for old / duplicate packet %dreceived offset %d for stream %d, but final offset was already received at %dreceived final offset %d for stream %d, but already received offset %d beforex509: signature check attempts limit reached while verifying certificate chainrange function continued iteration after function for loop body returned falseThis is a command line tool. You need to open cmd.exe and run it from there. Failed to find flag %q and mark it as being in a mutually exclusive flag grouppattern %q (registered at %s) conflicts with pattern %q (registered at %s): %sinvalid configuration: maxEvents = 0 and window != 0 does not allow any events115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951115792089210356248762697446949407573529996955224135760342422259061068512044369reflect: embedded type with methods not implemented if type is not first fieldgithub.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: back from an empty queuegithub.com/apernet/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: peek from an empty queueinvalid quic-go log level, see https://github.com/apernet/quic-go/wiki/LoggingDisabling ECN. ECN-marked packet acknowledged, but no ECN counts on ACK frame.cannot convert slice with length %y to array or pointer to array with length %xtls: client certificate private key of type %T does not implement crypto.Signerhttp2: server closing client connection; error reading frame from client %s: %vinvalid configuration: maxEvents = 0 and window != 0 would not allow any eventscould not append records: Domain: %s; Record: %s, Status: %v; Body: %s; PUT: %sgithub.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: offset from invalid indexgithub.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: front from an empty queuename %v does not contain enough fields; expected format: '_service._proto.name'local datetimes are expected to have the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.NNNNNNNNN]toml: type %s implementing the TextMarshaler interface cannot be a root elementx509: invalid signature: parent certificate cannot sign this kind of certificatetls: either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify must be specified in the tls.Confighttp: RoundTripper implementation (%T) returned a nil *Response with a nil errorbug: unexpected way for two patterns %s and %s to conflict: methods %s, paths %scrypto/ecdh: internal error: nistec ScalarBaseMult failed for a fixed-size inputDropping %s packet (%d bytes) for which we couldn't unpack the header. Error: %sno port can be announced, specify it explicitly using Server.Port or Server.AddrUnable to extract port from listener, will not be announced using SetQUICHeaderscrypto/rand: blocked for 60 seconds waiting to read random data from the kernel xml: end tag in namespace %s does not match start tag <%s> in namespace %s Long Header{Type: %s, DestConnectionID: %s, SrcConnectionID: %s, %sVersion: %s}Disabling ECN. Received more ECT(0) / ECT(1) acknowledgements than packets sent.received packet number %d on a 0-RTT packet after receiving %d on a 1-RTT packetif any flags in the group [%v] are set none of the others can be; %v were all set[ERROR] Keeping lock file fresh: %v - terminating lock maintenance (lockfile: %s)could not delete requested records: Domain: %s; Records: %v, Status: %v; Body: %sBUG: ackhandler would have acked wrong packet %d, while evaluating range %d -> %dx509: a root or intermediate certificate is not authorized to sign for this name: certificate expires soon but is already being renewed; serving current certificateno memory of presenting a DNS record for %q (usually OK if presenting also failed)refusing to use HTTP_PROXY value in CGI environment; see golang.org/s/cgihttpproxyx509: issuer has name constraints but leaf contains unknown or unconstrained name: (possibly because of %q while trying to verify candidate authority certificate %q)json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal unquoted value into %vno issuers configured; impossible to renew or check existing certificate in storagereflect: embedded type with methods not implemented if there is more than one fieldgave up after %d attempts, last error unavailable (error reading response body: %v)BandwidthEstimate: %s, CongestionWindowGain: %.2f, PacingGain: %.2f, PacingRate: %sx509: signature algorithm specifies an %s public key, but have public key of type %Ttls: downgrade attempt detected, possibly due to a MitM attack or a broken middleboxpacketPacker BUG: Peeked and Popped packet numbers do not match: expected %d, got %dDropping a packet with an unsupported version number %d that is too small (%d bytes)x509: failed to parse private key (use ParseECPrivateKey instead for this key format)http: WriteHeader called with both Transfer-Encoding of %q and a Content-Length of %dunable to obtain new to certificate after OCSP status of REVOKED; removing from cachereflect.Value.Interface: cannot return value obtained from unexported field or methodDropping a packet with an unknown version for which we failed to parse connection IDsPacketConn is not a net.UDPConn. Disabling optimizations possible on UDP connections.x509: a root or intermediate certificate is not authorized for an extended key usage: tls: MinVersion must be >= VersionTLS13 if EncryptedClientHelloConfigList is populatedtls: MaxVersion must be >= VersionTLS13 if EncryptedClientHelloConfigList is populatedcertificate has expired, but is already being renewed; waiting for renewal to completereflect: New of type that may not be allocated in heap (possibly undefined cgo C type) %s &wire.AckFrame{LargestAcked: %d, LowestAcked: %d, AckRanges: {%s}, DelayTime: %s%s}Sent %d packets with current key phase. Initiating key update to the next key phase: %dx509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS8PrivateKey instead for this key format)x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS1PrivateKey instead for this key format)no issuers configured; impossible to obtain or check for existing certificate in storage Short Header{DestConnectionID: %s, PacketNumber: %d, PacketNumberLen: %d, KeyPhase: %s}certificate expires soon, but is already renewed in storage; reloading stored certificateDropping Initial packet (%d bytes) with unexpected source connection ID: %s (expected %s)%s: no solvers available for remaining challenges (configured=%v offered=%v remaining=%v)http2: server sent GOAWAY and closed the connection; LastStreamID=%v, ErrCode=%v, debug=%qOCSP status for managed certificate is REVOKED; attempting to replace with new certificatetls: unexpected encrypted_client_hello extension in server hello despite ECH being acceptedfailed to sufficiently increase send buffer size (was: %d kiB, wanted: %d kiB, got: %d kiB)xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst xml target only valid for xml declaration, first token encodedReceived %d packets with current key phase. Initiating key update to the next key phase: %dIPv6 is not supported or enabled on this system, TUN device is created without IPv6 support.tls: handshake hash for a client certificate requested after discarding the handshake buffer[INFO][%s] Lock for '%s' is stale (created: %s, last update: %s); removing then retrying: %stls: unsupported certificate: private key is *ed25519.PrivateKey, expected ed25519.PrivateKeyretired connection ID %d (%s), which was used as the Destination Connection ID on this packetfailed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: %d kiB, wanted: %d kiB, got: %d kiB)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------deprecated: golang.org/x/oauth2: Transport.CancelRequest no longer does anything; use contexts&wire.TransportParameters{OriginalDestinationConnectionID: %s, InitialSourceConnectionID: %s, size mismatch (see https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/1609): calculated=%d, measured=%dPerform a speed test through the proxy server. The server must have speed test support enabled.b3312fa7e23ee7e4988e056be3f82d19181d9c6efe8141120314088f5013875ac656398d8a2ed19d2a85c8edd3ec2aefaa87ca22be8b05378eb1c71ef320ad746e1d3b628ba79b9859f741e082542a385502f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab73617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5fhttp: RoundTripper implementation (%T) returned a *Response with content length %d but a nil Bodyname.com will not allow an update to a record that has identical values to an existing record: %wNoClientCertRequestClientCertRequireAnyClientCertVerifyClientCertIfGivenRequireAndVerifyClientCertunable to get automation config for certificate; maintenance for this certificate will likely failload yielded different value than was stored; expected %d bytes, got %d bytes of differing elements %s &wire.StreamFrame{StreamID: %d, Fin: %t, Offset: %d, Data length: %d, Offset + Data length: %d}cipher: the nonce can't have zero length, or the security of the key will be immediately compromisedsentPacketHandler BUG: PTO fired, but bytes_in_flight is 0 and Initial and Handshake already droppedcgocheck > 1 mode is no longer supported at runtime. Use GOEXPERIMENT=cgocheck2 at build time instead.\A\s*(?:export\s+)?([\w\.]+)(?:\s*=\s*|:\s+?)('(?:\'|[^'])*'|"(?:\"|[^"])*"|[^#\n]+)?\s*(?:\s*\#.*)?\zHTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Connection: close 400 Bad Request Queueing ACK because packet %d packets were received after the last ACK (using initial threshold: %d).asn1: time did not serialize back to the original value and may be invalid: given %q, but serialized as %qed25519: expected opts.HashFunc() zero (unhashed message, for standard Ed25519) or SHA-512 (for Ed25519ph)config returned for certificate %v is not nil and points to different cache; got %p, expected %p (this one)Starting new connection to %s (%s -> %s), source connection ID %s, destination connection ID %s, version %sinvalid nil message info; this suggests memory corruption due to a race or shallow copy on the message structtimed out waiting for record to fully propagate; verify DNS provider configuration is correct - last error: %v[INFO][%s] %s: Empty lockfile (%v) - likely previous process crashed or storage medium failure; treating as stale %s &wire.NewConnectionIDFrame{SequenceNumber: %d, RetirePriorTo: %d, ConnectionID: %s, StatelessResetToken: %#x}http2: Transport: cannot retry err [%v] after Request.Body was written; define Request.GetBody to avoid this errorIncreasing receive flow control window for the connection to %d, in response to stream flow control window increase3940200619639447921227904010014361380507973927046544666794829340424572177149687032904726608825893800186160697311231939402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465446667946905279627659399113263569398956308152294913554433653942643Perform a TCP ping to a specified remote address through the proxy server. Can be used as a simple connectivity test.tls: failed to find "CERTIFICATE" PEM block in certificate input after skipping PEM blocks of the following types: %vVersion: %s BuildDate: %s BuildType: %s Toolchain: %s CommitHash: %s Platform: %s Architecture: %s Libraries: quic-go=%s flags=() two_word_flags=() local_nonpersistent_flags=() flags_with_completion=() flags_completion=() {{with (or .Long .Short)}}{{. | trimTrailingWhitespaces}} {{end}}{{if or .Runnable .HasSubCommands}}{{.UsageString}}{{end}}tls: failed to find certificate PEM data in certificate input, but did find a private key; PEM inputs may have been switchedYour sites will be served over HTTPS automatically using an automated CA. By continuing, you agree to the CA's terms of service --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------================================================================================================================================\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\008\009\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\018\019\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\028\029\030\031tls: failed to find PEM block with type ending in "PRIVATE KEY" in key input after skipping PEM blocks of the following types: %v Long Header{Type: %s, DestConnectionID: %s, SrcConnectionID: %s, %sPacketNumber: %d, PacketNumberLen: %d, Length: %d, Version: %s}0051953eb9618e1c9a1f929a21a0b68540eea2da725b99b315f3b8b489918ef109e156193951ec7e937b1652c0bd3bb1bf073573df883d2c34f1ef451fd46b503f0000c6858e06b70404e9cd9e3ecb662395b4429c648139053fb521f828af606b4d3dbaa14b5e77efe75928fe1dc127a2ffa8de3348b3c1856a429bf97e7e31c2e5bd66011839296a789a3bc0045c8a5fb42c7d1bd998f54449579b446817afbd17273e662c97ee72995ef42640c550b9013fad0761353c7086a272c24088be94769fd16650HTTP/1.1 431 Request Header Fields Too Large Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Connection: close 431 Request Header Fields Too LargeGenerate the autocompletion script for %[1]s for the specified shell. See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script. if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then complete -o default -F __start_%s %s else complete -o default -o nospace -F __start_%s %s fi crypto/tls: ExportKeyingMaterial is unavailable when neither TLS 1.3 nor Extended Master Secret are negotiated; override with GODEBUG=tlsunsafeekm=1Received invalid IPv6 packet info control message: %+x. This should never occur, please open a new issue and include details about the architecture.Received invalid IPv4 packet info control message: %+x. This should never occur, please open a new issue and include details about the architecture.NoMatchEmptyMatchLiteralCharClassAnyCharNotNLAnyCharBeginLineEndLineBeginTextEndTextWordBoundaryNoWordBoundaryCaptureStarPlusQuestRepeatConcatAlternate68647976601306097149819007990813932172694353001433054093944634591855431833976560521225596406614545549772963113914808580371219879997166438125740282911150571516864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397655394245057746333217197532963996371363321113864768612440380340372808892707005449netlink socket in Android is banned by Google, use the root or system (ADB) user to run sing-box, or switch to the sing-box Adnroid graphical interface client[WARNING] OS reports a contradiction: %v - but we cannot connect to it, with this error: %v; continuing anyway 🤞 (I don't know what causes this... if you do, please help?)%[1]s and %[2]s both match some paths, like %[3]q. But neither is more specific than the other. %[1]s matches %[4]q, but %[2]s doesn't. %[2]s matches %[5]q, but %[1]s doesn't.http2: TLSConfig.CipherSuites is missing an HTTP/2-required AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher (need at least one of TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 or TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899duplicate registration of %q The generated definition for this file has moved: from: %q to: %q A dependency on the %q module must be at version %v or higher. Upgrade the dependency by running: go get -u %v InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal: %d, InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote: %d, InitialMaxStreamDataUni: %d, InitialMaxData: %d, MaxBidiStreamNum: %d, MaxUniStreamNum: %d, MaxIdleTimeout: %s, AckDelayExponent: %d, MaxAckDelay: %s, ActiveConnectionIDLimit: %d  @ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4t L,l\<|B"bR2r J*jZ:zF&fV6vN.n^>~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}C#cS3s K+k[;{G'gW7wO/o_?Generate the autocompletion script for powershell. To load completions in your current shell session: %[1]s completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile. Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell. To load completions in your current shell session: %[1]s completion fish | source To load completions for every new session, execute once: %[1]s completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/%[1]s.fish You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. ░█░█░█░█░█▀▀░▀█▀░█▀▀░█▀▄░▀█▀░█▀█░░░▀▀▄ ░█▀█░░█░░▀▀█░░█░░█▀▀░█▀▄░░█░░█▀█░░░▄▀░ ░▀░▀░░▀░░▀▀▀░░▀░░▀▀▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀░░░▀▀▀ \127\128\129\130\131\132\133\134\135\136\137\138\139\140\141\142\143\144\145\146\147\148\149\150\151\152\153\154\155\156\157\158\159\160\161\162\163\164\165\166\167\168\169\170\171\172\173\174\175\176\177\178\179\180\181\182\183\184\185\186\187\188\189\190\191\192\193\194\195\196\197\198\199\200\201\202\203\204\205\206\207\208\209\210\211\212\213\214\215\216\217\218\219\220\221\222\223\224\225\226\227\228\229\230\231\232\233\234\235\236\237\238\239\240\241\242\243\244\245\246\247\248\249\250\251\252\253\254\255Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell. This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager. To load completions in your current shell session: source <(%[1]s completion bash) To load completions for every new session, execute once: #### Linux: %[1]s completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/%[1]s #### macOS: %[1]s completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/%[1]s You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell. If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once: echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc To load completions in your current shell session: source <(%[1]s completion zsh) To load completions for every new session, execute once: #### Linux: %[1]s completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_%[1]s" #### macOS: %[1]s completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_%[1]s You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. Hysteria Traffic Stats API Server

This is a Hysteria Traffic Stats API server.

Check the documentation for usage.

{ local cur prev words cword split declare -A flaghash 2>/dev/null || : declare -A aliashash 2>/dev/null || : if declare -F _init_completion >/dev/null 2>&1; then _init_completion -s || return else __%[1]s_init_completion -n "=" || return fi local c=0 local flag_parsing_disabled= local flags=() local two_word_flags=() local local_nonpersistent_flags=() local flags_with_completion=() local flags_completion=() local commands=("%[1]s") local command_aliases=() local must_have_one_flag=() local must_have_one_noun=() local has_completion_function="" local last_command="" local nouns=() local noun_aliases=() __%[1]s_handle_word } firstIDADXAESNIAMD3DNOWAMD3DNOWEXTAMXBF16AMXINT8AMXTILEAVXAVX2AVX512BF16AVX512BITALGAVX512BWAVX512CDAVX512DQAVX512ERAVX512FAVX512FP16AVX512IFMAAVX512PFAVX512VBMIAVX512VBMI2AVX512VLAVX512VNNIAVX512VP2INTERSECTAVX512VPOPCNTDQAVXSLOWAVXVNNIBMI1BMI2CETIBTCETSSCLDEMOTECLMULCLZEROCMOVCMPSB_SCADBS_SHORTCMPXCHG8CPBOOSTCX16ENQCMDERMSF16CFMA3FMA4FXSRFXSROPTGFNIHLEHRESETHTTHWAHYPERVISORIBPBIBSIBSBRNTRGTIBSFETCHSAMIBSFFVIBSOPCNTIBSOPCNTEXTIBSOPSAMIBSRDWROPCNTIBSRIPINVALIDCHKIBS_PREVENTHOSTINT_WBINVDINVLPGBLAHFLAMLBRVIRTLZCNTMCAOVERFLOWMCOMMITMMXMMXEXTMOVBEMOVDIR64BMOVDIRIMOVSB_ZLMPXMSRIRCMSR_PAGEFLUSHNRIPSNXOSXSAVEPCONFIGPOPCNTRDPRURDRANDRDSEEDRDTSCPRTMRTM_ALWAYS_ABORTSERIALIZESEVSEV_64BITSEV_ALTERNATIVESEV_DEBUGSWAPSEV_ESSEV_RESTRICTEDSEV_SNPSGXSGXLCSHASMESME_COHERENTSSESSE2SSE3SSE4SSE42SSE4ASSSE3STIBPSTOSB_SHORTSUCCORSVMSVMDASVMFBASIDSVMLSVMNPSVMPFSVMPFTSYSCALLSYSEETBMTOPEXTTMETSCRATEMSRTSXLDTRKVAESVMCBCLEANVMPLVMSA_REGPROTVMXVPCLMULQDQVTEWAITPKGWBNOINVDX87XGETBV1XOPXSAVEXSAVECXSAVEOPTXSAVESAESARMARMCPUIDASIMDASIMDDPASIMDHPASIMDRDMATOMICSCRC32DCPOPEVTSTRMFCMAFPFPHPGPAJSCVTLRCPCPMULLSHA1SHA2SHA3SHA512SM3SM4SVElastIDUsage:{{if .Runnable}} {{.UseLine}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}} {{.CommandPath}} [command]{{end}}{{if gt (len .Aliases) 0}} Aliases: {{.NameAndAliases}}{{end}}{{if .HasExample}} Examples: {{.Example}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}{{$cmds := .Commands}}{{if eq (len .Groups) 0}} Available Commands:{{range $cmds}}{{if (or .IsAvailableCommand (eq .Name "help"))}} {{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{else}}{{range $group := .Groups}} {{.Title}}{{range $cmds}}{{if (and (eq .GroupID $group.ID) (or .IsAvailableCommand (eq .Name "help")))}} {{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if not .AllChildCommandsHaveGroup}} Additional Commands:{{range $cmds}}{{if (and (eq .GroupID "") (or .IsAvailableCommand (eq .Name "help")))}} {{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableLocalFlags}} Flags: {{.LocalFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableInheritedFlags}} Global Flags: {{.InheritedFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}{{end}}{{if .HasHelpSubCommands}} Additional help topics:{{range .Commands}}{{if .IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand}} {{rpad .CommandPath .CommandPathPadding}} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}} Use "{{.CommandPath}} [command] --help" for more information about a command.{{end}} -----BEGIN RSA TESTING KEY----- MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQDFyXr1E4l3GM34 wlmdsWtjHJCigAMKwnpUOS4zI1AiLH8eTXk2T+4XIFfUx775oSkaZjdEhjh9S8Qu pP+yu8AexNfBVVK20xxjylwAWZdKqjfHgy5RMb+MJfdV+2PSvcQzkzwiZjWvMD+O pNMsmDTSsP4Oa4MAFypC+hfD9FXzDXJNGLkE+gcMUP8BZO39iAy+TWXZir/EjxVs xQimMGgZfFaxJ69DmLazWaT3/JnO7RiynW1OXMOo49rjKwWMGK11eLB/GPG2/mde o4I/muF4o7SxYuTR960ynU5XklIkwAnDpzZkySVTZYyoASlGN0T+8d8i42D7IZpF GojTs1lFAgMBAAECggEAIYthUi1lFBDd5gG4Rzlu+BlBIn5JhcqkCqLEBiJIFfOr /4yuMRrvS3bNzqWt6xJ9MSAC4ZlN/VobRLnxL/QNymoiGYUKCT3Ww8nvPpPzR9OE sE68TUL9tJw/zZJcRMKwgvrGqSLimfq53MxxkE+kLdOc0v9C8YH8Re26mB5ZcWYa 7YFyZQpKsQYnsmu/05cMbpOQrQWhtmIqRoyn8mG/par2s3NzjtpSE9NINyz26uFc k/3ovFJQIHkUmTS7KHD3BgY5vuCqP98HramYnOysJ0WoYgvSDNCWw3037s5CCwJT gCKuM+Ow6liFrj83RrdKBpm5QUGjfNpYP31o+QNP4QKBgQDSrUQ2XdgtAnibAV7u 7kbxOxro0EhIKso0Y/6LbDQgcXgxLqltkmeqZgG8nC3Z793lhlSasz2snhzzooV5 5fTy1y8ikXqjhG0nNkInFyOhsI0auE28CFoDowaQd+5cmCatpN4Grqo5PNRXxm1w HktfPEgoP11NNCFHvvN5fEKbbQKBgQDwVlOaV20IvW3IPq7cXZyiyabouFF9eTRo VJka1Uv+JtyvL2P0NKkjYHOdN8gRblWqxQtJoTNk020rVA4UP1heiXALy50gvj/p hMcybPTLYSPOhAGx838KIcvGR5oskP1aUCmFbFQzGELxhJ9diVVjxUtbG2DuwPKd tD9TLxT2OQKBgQCcdlHSjp+dzdgERmBa0ludjGfPv9/uuNizUBAbO6D690psPFtY JQMYaemgSd1DngEOFVWADt4e9M5Lose+YCoqr+UxpxmNlyv5kzJOFcFAs/4XeglB PHKdgNW/NVKxMc6H54l9LPr+x05sYdGlEtqnP/3W5jhEvhJ5Vjc8YiyVgQKBgQCl zwjyrGo+42GACy7cPYE5FeIfIDqoVByB9guC5bD98JXEDu/opQQjsgFRcBCJZhOY M0UsURiB8ROaFu13rpQq9KrmmF0ZH+g8FSzQbzcbsTLg4VXCDXmR5esOKowFPypr Sm667BfTAGP++D5ya7MLmCv6+RKQ5XD8uEQQAaV2kQKBgAD8qeJuWIXZT0VKkQrn nIhgtzGERF/6sZdQGW2LxTbUDWG74AfFkkEbeBfwEkCZXY/xmnYqYABhvlSex8jU supU6Eea21esIxIub2zv/Np0ojUb6rlqTPS4Ox1E27D787EJ3VOXpriSD10vyNnZ jel6uj2FOP9g54s+GzlSVg/T -----END RSA TESTING KEY-----  37?/* & * ; 9 %#>'  1<   0 ")  7  +19$p$: r.r,r:>,s<s*L$L; )  4 4  ! 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Leave $out as is. __%[1]s_debug "No directive found. Setting do default" directive=0 fi __%[1]s_debug "directive: ${directive}" __%[1]s_debug "completions: ${out}" __%[1]s_debug "flagPrefix: ${flagPrefix}" if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveError)) -ne 0 ]; then __%[1]s_debug "Completion received error. Ignoring completions." return fi local activeHelpMarker="%[9]s" local endIndex=${#activeHelpMarker} local startIndex=$((${#activeHelpMarker}+1)) local hasActiveHelp=0 while IFS='\n' read -r comp; do # Check if this is an activeHelp statement (i.e., prefixed with $activeHelpMarker) if [ "${comp[1,$endIndex]}" = "$activeHelpMarker" ];then __%[1]s_debug "ActiveHelp found: $comp" comp="${comp[$startIndex,-1]}" if [ -n "$comp" ]; then compadd -x "${comp}" __%[1]s_debug "ActiveHelp will need delimiter" hasActiveHelp=1 fi continue fi if [ -n "$comp" ]; then # If requested, completions are returned with a description. # The description is preceded by a TAB character. # For zsh's _describe, we need to use a : instead of a TAB. # We first need to escape any : as part of the completion itself. comp=${comp//:/\\:} local tab="$(printf '\t')" comp=${comp//$tab/:} __%[1]s_debug "Adding completion: ${comp}" completions+=${comp} lastComp=$comp fi done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${out[@]}") # Add a delimiter after the activeHelp statements, but only if: # - there are completions following the activeHelp statements, or # - file completion will be performed (so there will be choices after the activeHelp) if [ $hasActiveHelp -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${#completions} -ne 0 ] || [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -eq 0 ]; then __%[1]s_debug "Adding activeHelp delimiter" compadd -x "--" hasActiveHelp=0 fi fi if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace)) -ne 0 ]; then __%[1]s_debug "Activating nospace." noSpace="-S ''" fi if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveKeepOrder)) -ne 0 ]; then __%[1]s_debug "Activating keep order." keepOrder="-V" fi if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt)) -ne 0 ]; then # File extension filtering local filteringCmd filteringCmd='_files' for filter in ${completions[@]}; do if [ ${filter[1]} != '*' ]; then # zsh requires a glob pattern to do file filtering filter="\*.$filter" fi filteringCmd+=" -g $filter" done filteringCmd+=" ${flagPrefix}" __%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd" _arguments '*:filename:'"$filteringCmd" elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) -ne 0 ]; then # File completion for directories only local subdir subdir="${completions[1]}" if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir" pushd "${subdir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 else __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ." fi local result _arguments '*:dirname:_files -/'" ${flagPrefix}" result=$? if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then popd >/dev/null 2>&1 fi return $result else __%[1]s_debug "Calling _describe" if eval _describe $keepOrder "completions" completions $flagPrefix $noSpace; then __%[1]s_debug "_describe found some completions" # Return the success of having called _describe return 0 else __%[1]s_debug "_describe did not find completions." __%[1]s_debug "Checking if we should do file completion." if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -ne 0 ]; then __%[1]s_debug "deactivating file completion" # We must return an error code here to let zsh know that there were no # completions found by _describe; this is what will trigger other # matching algorithms to attempt to find completions. # For example zsh can match letters in the middle of words. return 1 else # Perform file completion __%[1]s_debug "Activating file completion" # We must return the result of this command, so it must be the # last command, or else we must store its result to return it. _arguments '*:filename:_files'" ${flagPrefix}" fi fi fi } # don't run the completion function when being source-ed or eval-ed if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_%[1]s" ]; then _%[1]s fi function __%[1]s_debug set -l file "$BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE" if test -n "$file" echo "$argv" >> $file end end function __%[1]s_perform_completion __%[1]s_debug "Starting __%[1]s_perform_completion" # Extract all args except the last one set -l args (commandline -opc) # Extract the last arg and escape it in case it is a space set -l lastArg (string escape -- (commandline -ct)) __%[1]s_debug "args: $args" __%[1]s_debug "last arg: $lastArg" # Disable ActiveHelp which is not supported for fish shell set -l requestComp "%[10]s=0 $args[1] %[3]s $args[2..-1] $lastArg" __%[1]s_debug "Calling $requestComp" set -l results (eval $requestComp 2> /dev/null) # Some programs may output extra empty lines after the directive. # Let's ignore them or else it will break completion. # Ref: https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1279 for line in $results[-1..1] if test (string trim -- $line) = "" # Found an empty line, remove it set results $results[1..-2] else # Found non-empty line, we have our proper output break end end set -l comps $results[1..-2] set -l directiveLine $results[-1] # For Fish, when completing a flag with an = (e.g., -n=) # completions must be prefixed with the flag set -l flagPrefix (string match -r -- '-.*=' "$lastArg") __%[1]s_debug "Comps: $comps" __%[1]s_debug "DirectiveLine: $directiveLine" __%[1]s_debug "flagPrefix: $flagPrefix" for comp in $comps printf "%%s%%s\n" "$flagPrefix" "$comp" end printf "%%s\n" "$directiveLine" end # this function limits calls to __%[1]s_perform_completion, by caching the result behind $__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result function __%[1]s_perform_completion_once __%[1]s_debug "Starting __%[1]s_perform_completion_once" if test -n "$__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result" __%[1]s_debug "Seems like a valid result already exists, skipping __%[1]s_perform_completion" return 0 end set --global __%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result (__%[1]s_perform_completion) if test -z "$__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result" __%[1]s_debug "No completions, probably due to a failure" return 1 end __%[1]s_debug "Performed completions and set __%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result" return 0 end # this function is used to clear the $__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result variable after completions are run function __%[1]s_clear_perform_completion_once_result __%[1]s_debug "" __%[1]s_debug "========= clearing previously set __%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result variable ==========" set --erase __%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result __%[1]s_debug "Succesfully erased the variable __%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result" end function __%[1]s_requires_order_preservation __%[1]s_debug "" __%[1]s_debug "========= checking if order preservation is required ==========" __%[1]s_perform_completion_once if test -z "$__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result" __%[1]s_debug "Error determining if order preservation is required" return 1 end set -l directive (string sub --start 2 $__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result[-1]) __%[1]s_debug "Directive is: $directive" set -l shellCompDirectiveKeepOrder %[9]d set -l keeporder (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveKeepOrder) %% 2) __%[1]s_debug "Keeporder is: $keeporder" if test $keeporder -ne 0 __%[1]s_debug "This does require order preservation" return 0 end __%[1]s_debug "This doesn't require order preservation" return 1 end # This function does two things: # - Obtain the completions and store them in the global __%[1]s_comp_results # - Return false if file completion should be performed function __%[1]s_prepare_completions __%[1]s_debug "" __%[1]s_debug "========= starting completion logic ==========" # Start fresh set --erase __%[1]s_comp_results __%[1]s_perform_completion_once __%[1]s_debug "Completion results: $__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result" if test -z "$__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result" __%[1]s_debug "No completion, probably due to a failure" # Might as well do file completion, in case it helps return 1 end set -l directive (string sub --start 2 $__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result[-1]) set --global __%[1]s_comp_results $__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result[1..-2] __%[1]s_debug "Completions are: $__%[1]s_comp_results" __%[1]s_debug "Directive is: $directive" set -l shellCompDirectiveError %[4]d set -l shellCompDirectiveNoSpace %[5]d set -l shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp %[6]d set -l shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt %[7]d set -l shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs %[8]d if test -z "$directive" set directive 0 end set -l compErr (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveError) %% 2) if test $compErr -eq 1 __%[1]s_debug "Received error directive: aborting." # Might as well do file completion, in case it helps return 1 end set -l filefilter (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt) %% 2) set -l dirfilter (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs) %% 2) if test $filefilter -eq 1; or test $dirfilter -eq 1 __%[1]s_debug "File extension filtering or directory filtering not supported" # Do full file completion instead return 1 end set -l nospace (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveNoSpace) %% 2) set -l nofiles (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp) %% 2) __%[1]s_debug "nospace: $nospace, nofiles: $nofiles" # If we want to prevent a space, or if file completion is NOT disabled, # we need to count the number of valid completions. # To do so, we will filter on prefix as the completions we have received # may not already be filtered so as to allow fish to match on different # criteria than the prefix. if test $nospace -ne 0; or test $nofiles -eq 0 set -l prefix (commandline -t | string escape --style=regex) __%[1]s_debug "prefix: $prefix" set -l completions (string match -r -- "^$prefix.*" $__%[1]s_comp_results) set --global __%[1]s_comp_results $completions __%[1]s_debug "Filtered completions are: $__%[1]s_comp_results" # Important not to quote the variable for count to work set -l numComps (count $__%[1]s_comp_results) __%[1]s_debug "numComps: $numComps" if test $numComps -eq 1; and test $nospace -ne 0 # We must first split on \t to get rid of the descriptions to be # able to check what the actual completion will be. # We don't need descriptions anyway since there is only a single # real completion which the shell will expand immediately. set -l split (string split --max 1 \t $__%[1]s_comp_results[1]) # Fish won't add a space if the completion ends with any # of the following characters: @=/:., set -l lastChar (string sub -s -1 -- $split) if not string match -r -q "[@=/:.,]" -- "$lastChar" # In other cases, to support the "nospace" directive we trick the shell # by outputting an extra, longer completion. __%[1]s_debug "Adding second completion to perform nospace directive" set --global __%[1]s_comp_results $split[1] $split[1]. __%[1]s_debug "Completions are now: $__%[1]s_comp_results" end end if test $numComps -eq 0; and test $nofiles -eq 0 # To be consistent with bash and zsh, we only trigger file # completion when there are no other completions __%[1]s_debug "Requesting file completion" return 1 end end return 0 end # Since Fish completions are only loaded once the user triggers them, we trigger them ourselves # so we can properly delete any completions provided by another script. # Only do this if the program can be found, or else fish may print some errors; besides, # the existing completions will only be loaded if the program can be found. if type -q "%[2]s" # The space after the program name is essential to trigger completion for the program # and not completion of the program name itself. # Also, we use '> /dev/null 2>&1' since '&>' is not supported in older versions of fish. complete --do-complete "%[2]s " > /dev/null 2>&1 end # Remove any pre-existing completions for the program since we will be handling all of them. complete -c %[2]s -e # this will get called after the two calls below and clear the $__%[1]s_perform_completion_once_result global complete -c %[2]s -n '__%[1]s_clear_perform_completion_once_result' # The call to __%[1]s_prepare_completions will setup __%[1]s_comp_results # which provides the program's completion choices. # If this doesn't require order preservation, we don't use the -k flag complete -c %[2]s -n 'not __%[1]s_requires_order_preservation && __%[1]s_prepare_completions' -f -a '$__%[1]s_comp_results' # otherwise we use the -k flag complete -k -c %[2]s -n '__%[1]s_requires_order_preservation && __%[1]s_prepare_completions' -f -a '$__%[1]s_comp_results' # powershell completion for %-36[1]s -*- shell-script -*- function __%[1]s_debug { if ($env:BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE) { "$args" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "$env:BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE" } } filter __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars { $_ -replace '\s|#|@|\$|;|,|''|\{|\}|\(|\)|"|`|\||<|>|&','`$&' } [scriptblock]$__%[2]sCompleterBlock = { param( $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $CursorPosition ) # Get the current command line and convert into a string $Command = $CommandAst.CommandElements $Command = "$Command" __%[1]s_debug "" __%[1]s_debug "========= starting completion logic ==========" __%[1]s_debug "WordToComplete: $WordToComplete Command: $Command CursorPosition: $CursorPosition" # The user could have moved the cursor backwards on the command-line. # We need to trigger completion from the $CursorPosition location, so we need # to truncate the command-line ($Command) up to the $CursorPosition location. # Make sure the $Command is longer then the $CursorPosition before we truncate. # This happens because the $Command does not include the last space. if ($Command.Length -gt $CursorPosition) { $Command=$Command.Substring(0,$CursorPosition) } __%[1]s_debug "Truncated command: $Command" $ShellCompDirectiveError=%[4]d $ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[5]d $ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[6]d $ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[7]d $ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[8]d $ShellCompDirectiveKeepOrder=%[9]d # Prepare the command to request completions for the program. # Split the command at the first space to separate the program and arguments. $Program,$Arguments = $Command.Split(" ",2) $RequestComp="$Program %[3]s $Arguments" __%[1]s_debug "RequestComp: $RequestComp" # we cannot use $WordToComplete because it # has the wrong values if the cursor was moved # so use the last argument if ($WordToComplete -ne "" ) { $WordToComplete = $Arguments.Split(" ")[-1] } __%[1]s_debug "New WordToComplete: $WordToComplete" # Check for flag with equal sign $IsEqualFlag = ($WordToComplete -Like "--*=*" ) if ( $IsEqualFlag ) { __%[1]s_debug "Completing equal sign flag" # Remove the flag part $Flag,$WordToComplete = $WordToComplete.Split("=",2) } if ( $WordToComplete -eq "" -And ( -Not $IsEqualFlag )) { # If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it) # We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go method. __%[1]s_debug "Adding extra empty parameter" # PowerShell 7.2+ changed the way how the arguments are passed to executables, # so for pre-7.2 or when Legacy argument passing is enabled we need to use # `"`" to pass an empty argument, a "" or '' does not work!!! if ($PSVersionTable.PsVersion -lt [version]'7.2.0' -or ($PSVersionTable.PsVersion -lt [version]'7.3.0' -and -not [ExperimentalFeature]::IsEnabled("PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing")) -or (($PSVersionTable.PsVersion -ge [version]'7.3.0' -or [ExperimentalFeature]::IsEnabled("PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing")) -and $PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing -eq 'Legacy')) { $RequestComp="$RequestComp" + ' `"`"' } else { $RequestComp="$RequestComp" + ' ""' } } __%[1]s_debug "Calling $RequestComp" # First disable ActiveHelp which is not supported for Powershell $env:%[10]s=0 #call the command store the output in $out and redirect stderr and stdout to null # $Out is an array contains each line per element Invoke-Expression -OutVariable out "$RequestComp" 2>&1 | Out-Null # get directive from last line [int]$Directive = $Out[-1].TrimStart(':') if ($Directive -eq "") { # There is no directive specified $Directive = 0 } __%[1]s_debug "The completion directive is: $Directive" # remove directive (last element) from out $Out = $Out | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Out[-1] } __%[1]s_debug "The completions are: $Out" if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveError) -ne 0 ) { # Error code. No completion. __%[1]s_debug "Received error from custom completion go code" return } $Longest = 0 [Array]$Values = $Out | ForEach-Object { #Split the output in name and description $Name, $Description = $_.Split("`t",2) __%[1]s_debug "Name: $Name Description: $Description" # Look for the longest completion so that we can format things nicely if ($Longest -lt $Name.Length) { $Longest = $Name.Length } # Set the description to a one space string if there is none set. # This is needed because the CompletionResult does not accept an empty string as argument if (-Not $Description) { $Description = " " } @{Name="$Name";Description="$Description"} } $Space = " " if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace) -ne 0 ) { # remove the space here __%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace is called" $Space = "" } if ((($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt) -ne 0 ) -or (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs) -ne 0 )) { __%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs are not supported" # return here to prevent the completion of the extensions return } $Values = $Values | Where-Object { # filter the result $_.Name -like "$WordToComplete*" # Join the flag back if we have an equal sign flag if ( $IsEqualFlag ) { __%[1]s_debug "Join the equal sign flag back to the completion value" $_.Name = $Flag + "=" + $_.Name } } # we sort the values in ascending order by name if keep order isn't passed if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveKeepOrder) -eq 0 ) { $Values = $Values | Sort-Object -Property Name } if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp) -ne 0 ) { __%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp is called" if ($Values.Length -eq 0) { # Just print an empty string here so the # shell does not start to complete paths. # We cannot use CompletionResult here because # it does not accept an empty string as argument. "" return } } # Get the current mode $Mode = (Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "Tab" }).Function __%[1]s_debug "Mode: $Mode" $Values | ForEach-Object { # store temporary because switch will overwrite $_ $comp = $_ # PowerShell supports three different completion modes # - TabCompleteNext (default windows style - on each key press the next option is displayed) # - Complete (works like bash) # - MenuComplete (works like zsh) # You set the mode with Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function # CompletionResult Arguments: # 1) CompletionText text to be used as the auto completion result # 2) ListItemText text to be displayed in the suggestion list # 3) ResultType type of completion result # 4) ToolTip text for the tooltip with details about the object switch ($Mode) { # bash like "Complete" { if ($Values.Length -eq 1) { __%[1]s_debug "Only one completion left" # insert space after value [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars) + $Space, "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") } else { # Add the proper number of spaces to align the descriptions while($comp.Name.Length -lt $Longest) { $comp.Name = $comp.Name + " " } # Check for empty description and only add parentheses if needed if ($($comp.Description) -eq " " ) { $Description = "" } else { $Description = " ($($comp.Description))" } [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new("$($comp.Name)$Description", "$($comp.Name)$Description", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") } } # zsh like "MenuComplete" { # insert space after value # MenuComplete will automatically show the ToolTip of # the highlighted value at the bottom of the suggestions. [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars) + $Space, "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") } # TabCompleteNext and in case we get something unknown Default { # Like MenuComplete but we don't want to add a space here because # the user need to press space anyway to get the completion. # Description will not be shown because that's not possible with TabCompleteNext [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars), "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") } } } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName '%[1]s' -ScriptBlock $__%[2]sCompleterBlock # bash completion V2 for %-36[1]s -*- shell-script -*- __%[1]s_debug() { if [[ -n ${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE-} ]]; then echo "$*" >> "${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE}" fi } # Macs have bash3 for which the bash-completion package doesn't include # _init_completion. This is a minimal version of that function. __%[1]s_init_completion() { COMPREPLY=() _get_comp_words_by_ref "$@" cur prev words cword } # This function calls the %[1]s program to obtain the completion # results and the directive. It fills the 'out' and 'directive' vars. __%[1]s_get_completion_results() { local requestComp lastParam lastChar args # Prepare the command to request completions for the program. # Calling ${words[0]} instead of directly %[1]s allows to handle aliases args=("${words[@]:1}") requestComp="${words[0]} %[2]s ${args[*]}" lastParam=${words[$((${#words[@]}-1))]} lastChar=${lastParam:$((${#lastParam}-1)):1} __%[1]s_debug "lastParam ${lastParam}, lastChar ${lastChar}" if [[ -z ${cur} && ${lastChar} != = ]]; then # If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it) # We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go method. __%[1]s_debug "Adding extra empty parameter" requestComp="${requestComp} ''" fi # When completing a flag with an = (e.g., %[1]s -n=) # bash focuses on the part after the =, so we need to remove # the flag part from $cur if [[ ${cur} == -*=* ]]; then cur="${cur#*=}" fi __%[1]s_debug "Calling ${requestComp}" # Use eval to handle any environment variables and such out=$(eval "${requestComp}" 2>/dev/null) # Extract the directive integer at the very end of the output following a colon (:) directive=${out##*:} # Remove the directive out=${out%%:*} if [[ ${directive} == "${out}" ]]; then # There is not directive specified directive=0 fi __%[1]s_debug "The completion directive is: ${directive}" __%[1]s_debug "The completions are: ${out}" } __%[1]s_process_completion_results() { local shellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d local shellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d local shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d local shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d local shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d local shellCompDirectiveKeepOrder=%[8]d if (((directive & shellCompDirectiveError) != 0)); then # Error code. No completion. __%[1]s_debug "Received error from custom completion go code" return else if (((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace) != 0)); then if [[ $(type -t compopt) == builtin ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "Activating no space" compopt -o nospace else __%[1]s_debug "No space directive not supported in this version of bash" fi fi if (((directive & shellCompDirectiveKeepOrder) != 0)); then if [[ $(type -t compopt) == builtin ]]; then # no sort isn't supported for bash less than < 4.4 if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 || ( ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -lt 4 ) ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "No sort directive not supported in this version of bash" else __%[1]s_debug "Activating keep order" compopt -o nosort fi else __%[1]s_debug "No sort directive not supported in this version of bash" fi fi if (((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp) != 0)); then if [[ $(type -t compopt) == builtin ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "Activating no file completion" compopt +o default else __%[1]s_debug "No file completion directive not supported in this version of bash" fi fi fi # Separate activeHelp from normal completions local completions=() local activeHelp=() __%[1]s_extract_activeHelp if (((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt) != 0)); then # File extension filtering local fullFilter filter filteringCmd # Do not use quotes around the $completions variable or else newline # characters will be kept. for filter in ${completions[*]}; do fullFilter+="$filter|" done filteringCmd="_filedir $fullFilter" __%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd" $filteringCmd elif (((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs) != 0)); then # File completion for directories only local subdir subdir=${completions[0]} if [[ -n $subdir ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir" pushd "$subdir" >/dev/null 2>&1 && _filedir -d && popd >/dev/null 2>&1 || return else __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ." _filedir -d fi else __%[1]s_handle_completion_types fi __%[1]s_handle_special_char "$cur" : __%[1]s_handle_special_char "$cur" = # Print the activeHelp statements before we finish if ((${#activeHelp[*]} != 0)); then printf "\n"; printf "%%s\n" "${activeHelp[@]}" printf "\n" # The prompt format is only available from bash 4.4. # We test if it is available before using it. if (x=${PS1@P}) 2> /dev/null; then printf "%%s" "${PS1@P}${COMP_LINE[@]}" else # Can't print the prompt. Just print the # text the user had typed, it is workable enough. printf "%%s" "${COMP_LINE[@]}" fi fi } # Separate activeHelp lines from real completions. # Fills the $activeHelp and $completions arrays. __%[1]s_extract_activeHelp() { local activeHelpMarker="%[9]s" local endIndex=${#activeHelpMarker} while IFS='' read -r comp; do if [[ ${comp:0:endIndex} == $activeHelpMarker ]]; then comp=${comp:endIndex} __%[1]s_debug "ActiveHelp found: $comp" if [[ -n $comp ]]; then activeHelp+=("$comp") fi else # Not an activeHelp line but a normal completion completions+=("$comp") fi done <<<"${out}" } __%[1]s_handle_completion_types() { __%[1]s_debug "__%[1]s_handle_completion_types: COMP_TYPE is $COMP_TYPE" case $COMP_TYPE in 37|42) # Type: menu-complete/menu-complete-backward and insert-completions # If the user requested inserting one completion at a time, or all # completions at once on the command-line we must remove the descriptions. # https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1508 local tab=$'\t' comp while IFS='' read -r comp; do [[ -z $comp ]] && continue # Strip any description comp=${comp%%%%$tab*} # Only consider the completions that match if [[ $comp == "$cur"* ]]; then COMPREPLY+=("$comp") fi done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${completions[@]}") ;; *) # Type: complete (normal completion) __%[1]s_handle_standard_completion_case ;; esac } __%[1]s_handle_standard_completion_case() { local tab=$'\t' comp # Short circuit to optimize if we don't have descriptions if [[ "${completions[*]}" != *$tab* ]]; then IFS=$'\n' read -ra COMPREPLY -d '' < <(compgen -W "${completions[*]}" -- "$cur") return 0 fi local longest=0 local compline # Look for the longest completion so that we can format things nicely while IFS='' read -r compline; do [[ -z $compline ]] && continue # Strip any description before checking the length comp=${compline%%%%$tab*} # Only consider the completions that match [[ $comp == "$cur"* ]] || continue COMPREPLY+=("$compline") if ((${#comp}>longest)); then longest=${#comp} fi done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${completions[@]}") # If there is a single completion left, remove the description text if ((${#COMPREPLY[*]} == 1)); then __%[1]s_debug "COMPREPLY[0]: ${COMPREPLY[0]}" comp="${COMPREPLY[0]%%%%$tab*}" __%[1]s_debug "Removed description from single completion, which is now: ${comp}" COMPREPLY[0]=$comp else # Format the descriptions __%[1]s_format_comp_descriptions $longest fi } __%[1]s_handle_special_char() { local comp="$1" local char=$2 if [[ "$comp" == *${char}* && "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" == *${char}* ]]; then local word=${comp%%"${comp##*${char}}"} local idx=${#COMPREPLY[*]} while ((--idx >= 0)); do COMPREPLY[idx]=${COMPREPLY[idx]#"$word"} done fi } __%[1]s_format_comp_descriptions() { local tab=$'\t' local comp desc maxdesclength local longest=$1 local i ci for ci in ${!COMPREPLY[*]}; do comp=${COMPREPLY[ci]} # Properly format the description string which follows a tab character if there is one if [[ "$comp" == *$tab* ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "Original comp: $comp" desc=${comp#*$tab} comp=${comp%%%%$tab*} # $COLUMNS stores the current shell width. # Remove an extra 4 because we add 2 spaces and 2 parentheses. maxdesclength=$(( COLUMNS - longest - 4 )) # Make sure we can fit a description of at least 8 characters # if we are to align the descriptions. if ((maxdesclength > 8)); then # Add the proper number of spaces to align the descriptions for ((i = ${#comp} ; i < longest ; i++)); do comp+=" " done else # Don't pad the descriptions so we can fit more text after the completion maxdesclength=$(( COLUMNS - ${#comp} - 4 )) fi # If there is enough space for any description text, # truncate the descriptions that are too long for the shell width if ((maxdesclength > 0)); then if ((${#desc} > maxdesclength)); then desc=${desc:0:$(( maxdesclength - 1 ))} desc+="…" fi comp+=" ($desc)" fi COMPREPLY[ci]=$comp __%[1]s_debug "Final comp: $comp" fi done } __start_%[1]s() { local cur prev words cword split COMPREPLY=() # Call _init_completion from the bash-completion package # to prepare the arguments properly if declare -F _init_completion >/dev/null 2>&1; then _init_completion -n =: || return else __%[1]s_init_completion -n =: || return fi __%[1]s_debug __%[1]s_debug "========= starting completion logic ==========" __%[1]s_debug "cur is ${cur}, words[*] is ${words[*]}, #words[@] is ${#words[@]}, cword is $cword" # The user could have moved the cursor backwards on the command-line. # We need to trigger completion from the $cword location, so we need # to truncate the command-line ($words) up to the $cword location. words=("${words[@]:0:$cword+1}") __%[1]s_debug "Truncated words[*]: ${words[*]}," local out directive __%[1]s_get_completion_results __%[1]s_process_completion_results } if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then complete -o default -F __start_%[1]s %[1]s else complete -o default -o nospace -F __start_%[1]s %[1]s fi # ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh __%[1]s_debug() { if [[ -n ${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE:-} ]]; then echo "$*" >> "${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE}" fi } # Homebrew on Macs have version 1.3 of bash-completion which doesn't include # _init_completion. This is a very minimal version of that function. __%[1]s_init_completion() { COMPREPLY=() _get_comp_words_by_ref "$@" cur prev words cword } __%[1]s_index_of_word() { local w word=$1 shift index=0 for w in "$@"; do [[ $w = "$word" ]] && return index=$((index+1)) done index=-1 } __%[1]s_contains_word() { local w word=$1; shift for w in "$@"; do [[ $w = "$word" ]] && return done return 1 } __%[1]s_handle_go_custom_completion() { __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: cur is ${cur}, words[*] is ${words[*]}, #words[@] is ${#words[@]}" local shellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d local shellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d local shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d local shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d local shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d local out requestComp lastParam lastChar comp directive args # Prepare the command to request completions for the program. # Calling ${words[0]} instead of directly %[1]s allows to handle aliases args=("${words[@]:1}") # Disable ActiveHelp which is not supported for bash completion v1 requestComp="%[8]s=0 ${words[0]} %[2]s ${args[*]}" lastParam=${words[$((${#words[@]}-1))]} lastChar=${lastParam:$((${#lastParam}-1)):1} __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: lastParam ${lastParam}, lastChar ${lastChar}" if [ -z "${cur}" ] && [ "${lastChar}" != "=" ]; then # If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it) # We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go method. __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Adding extra empty parameter" requestComp="${requestComp} \"\"" fi __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: calling ${requestComp}" # Use eval to handle any environment variables and such out=$(eval "${requestComp}" 2>/dev/null) # Extract the directive integer at the very end of the output following a colon (:) directive=${out##*:} # Remove the directive out=${out%%:*} if [ "${directive}" = "${out}" ]; then # There is not directive specified directive=0 fi __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: the completion directive is: ${directive}" __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: the completions are: ${out}" if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveError)) -ne 0 ]; then # Error code. No completion. __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: received error from custom completion go code" return else if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace)) -ne 0 ]; then if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: activating no space" compopt -o nospace fi fi if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -ne 0 ]; then if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: activating no file completion" compopt +o default fi fi fi if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt)) -ne 0 ]; then # File extension filtering local fullFilter filter filteringCmd # Do not use quotes around the $out variable or else newline # characters will be kept. for filter in ${out}; do fullFilter+="$filter|" done filteringCmd="_filedir $fullFilter" __%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd" $filteringCmd elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) -ne 0 ]; then # File completion for directories only local subdir # Use printf to strip any trailing newline subdir=$(printf "%%s" "${out}") if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir" __%[1]s_handle_subdirs_in_dir_flag "$subdir" else __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ." _filedir -d fi else while IFS='' read -r comp; do COMPREPLY+=("$comp") done < <(compgen -W "${out}" -- "$cur") fi } __%[1]s_handle_reply() { __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}" local comp case $cur in -*) if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then compopt -o nospace fi local allflags if [ ${#must_have_one_flag[@]} -ne 0 ]; then allflags=("${must_have_one_flag[@]}") else allflags=("${flags[*]} ${two_word_flags[*]}") fi while IFS='' read -r comp; do COMPREPLY+=("$comp") done < <(compgen -W "${allflags[*]}" -- "$cur") if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then [[ "${COMPREPLY[0]}" == *= ]] || compopt +o nospace fi # complete after --flag=abc if [[ $cur == *=* ]]; then if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then compopt +o nospace fi local index flag flag="${cur%%=*}" __%[1]s_index_of_word "${flag}" "${flags_with_completion[@]}" COMPREPLY=() if [[ ${index} -ge 0 ]]; then PREFIX="" cur="${cur#*=}" ${flags_completion[${index}]} if [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]; then # zsh completion needs --flag= prefix eval "COMPREPLY=( \"\${COMPREPLY[@]/#/${flag}=}\" )" fi fi fi if [[ -z "${flag_parsing_disabled}" ]]; then # If flag parsing is enabled, we have completed the flags and can return. # If flag parsing is disabled, we may not know all (or any) of the flags, so we fallthrough # to possibly call handle_go_custom_completion. return 0; fi ;; esac # check if we are handling a flag with special work handling local index __%[1]s_index_of_word "${prev}" "${flags_with_completion[@]}" if [[ ${index} -ge 0 ]]; then ${flags_completion[${index}]} return fi # we are parsing a flag and don't have a special handler, no completion if [[ ${cur} != "${words[cword]}" ]]; then return fi local completions completions=("${commands[@]}") if [[ ${#must_have_one_noun[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then completions+=("${must_have_one_noun[@]}") elif [[ -n "${has_completion_function}" ]]; then # if a go completion function is provided, defer to that function __%[1]s_handle_go_custom_completion fi if [[ ${#must_have_one_flag[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then completions+=("${must_have_one_flag[@]}") fi while IFS='' read -r comp; do COMPREPLY+=("$comp") done < <(compgen -W "${completions[*]}" -- "$cur") if [[ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 0 && ${#noun_aliases[@]} -gt 0 && ${#must_have_one_noun[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then while IFS='' read -r comp; do COMPREPLY+=("$comp") done < <(compgen -W "${noun_aliases[*]}" -- "$cur") fi if [[ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then if declare -F __%[1]s_custom_func >/dev/null; then # try command name qualified custom func __%[1]s_custom_func else # otherwise fall back to unqualified for compatibility declare -F __custom_func >/dev/null && __custom_func fi fi # available in bash-completion >= 2, not always present on macOS if declare -F __ltrim_colon_completions >/dev/null; then __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur" fi # If there is only 1 completion and it is a flag with an = it will be completed # but we don't want a space after the = if [[ "${#COMPREPLY[@]}" -eq "1" ]] && [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]] && [[ "${COMPREPLY[0]}" == --*= ]]; then compopt -o nospace fi } # The arguments should be in the form "ext1|ext2|extn" __%[1]s_handle_filename_extension_flag() { local ext="$1" _filedir "@(${ext})" } __%[1]s_handle_subdirs_in_dir_flag() { local dir="$1" pushd "${dir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && _filedir -d && popd >/dev/null 2>&1 || return } __%[1]s_handle_flag() { __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}" # if a command required a flag, and we found it, unset must_have_one_flag() local flagname=${words[c]} local flagvalue="" # if the word contained an = if [[ ${words[c]} == *"="* ]]; then flagvalue=${flagname#*=} # take in as flagvalue after the = flagname=${flagname%%=*} # strip everything after the = flagname="${flagname}=" # but put the = back fi __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: looking for ${flagname}" if __%[1]s_contains_word "${flagname}" "${must_have_one_flag[@]}"; then must_have_one_flag=() fi # if you set a flag which only applies to this command, don't show subcommands if __%[1]s_contains_word "${flagname}" "${local_nonpersistent_flags[@]}"; then commands=() fi # keep flag value with flagname as flaghash # flaghash variable is an associative array which is only supported in bash > 3. if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION:-}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-}" -gt 3 ]]; then if [ -n "${flagvalue}" ] ; then flaghash[${flagname}]=${flagvalue} elif [ -n "${words[ $((c+1)) ]}" ] ; then flaghash[${flagname}]=${words[ $((c+1)) ]} else flaghash[${flagname}]="true" # pad "true" for bool flag fi fi # skip the argument to a two word flag if [[ ${words[c]} != *"="* ]] && __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${two_word_flags[@]}"; then __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: found a flag ${words[c]}, skip the next argument" c=$((c+1)) # if we are looking for a flags value, don't show commands if [[ $c -eq $cword ]]; then commands=() fi fi c=$((c+1)) } __%[1]s_handle_noun() { __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}" if __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${must_have_one_noun[@]}"; then must_have_one_noun=() elif __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${noun_aliases[@]}"; then must_have_one_noun=() fi nouns+=("${words[c]}") c=$((c+1)) } __%[1]s_handle_command() { __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}" local next_command if [[ -n ${last_command} ]]; then next_command="_${last_command}_${words[c]//:/__}" else if [[ $c -eq 0 ]]; then next_command="_%[1]s_root_command" else next_command="_${words[c]//:/__}" fi fi c=$((c+1)) __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: looking for ${next_command}" declare -F "$next_command" >/dev/null && $next_command } __%[1]s_handle_word() { if [[ $c -ge $cword ]]; then __%[1]s_handle_reply return fi __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}" if [[ "${words[c]}" == -* ]]; then __%[1]s_handle_flag elif __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${commands[@]}"; then __%[1]s_handle_command elif [[ $c -eq 0 ]]; then __%[1]s_handle_command elif __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${command_aliases[@]}"; then # aliashash variable is an associative array which is only supported in bash > 3. if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION:-}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-}" -gt 3 ]]; then words[c]=${aliashash[${words[c]}]} __%[1]s_handle_command else __%[1]s_handle_noun fi else __%[1]s_handle_noun fi __%[1]s_handle_word } y 1)I9ZmYA=^Ei5Q!)-U1%]U !} 6m ] ]MEA2u.UefM-yq9aq}I% }JY*&:- 5Q%  )et{_bX8 ` (dL&K&N& tR#X|#, 1%$ 8#%t0fX8h F/dP4R|aataa4a4a\ab%$5Tocxcf`~a|a wwX %8Ȇ PN14 j@>~7$pWG@A"; 4,tT (/"N$           !          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parseNext BytesLost hasNewAck isMissing ackQueued maxPeriod TimerType enableECN bytesRead applyMask ourParams allow0RTT ChoseALPN willBlock WillBlock setIPMreq JoinGroup LogValuer WithAttrs WithGroup AddSource withAttrs withGroup *[316]int availRead readFlush writeCopy writeMark stepState dataBlock nextBlock freqcache bitCounts bitLength StartCond alternate checkSize newRegexp numRegexp TokenTypewritep BodyBytes drainBody DeriveKey authEncap coreDecap coreEncap *hpke.KEM dhKemBase *ast.Node *ast.File IsLiteral endEscape Highlight encodeInt popWriter AddRtAttr IfAddrmsg SetExtAck *nl.RtMsg Locations initDecls IsDefault **float32 **float64 AsIfaceOf AsValueOf StringPtr Uint32Ptr Uint64Ptr fieldDesc oneofDesc isPointer MessageOf GoValueOf IsValidGo IsValidPB PBValueOf DoNotCopy DataBytes sizeClass lastState raceWrite sockaddrs recvmmsgF sendmmsgF syscaller *bpf.Jump SkipFalse *bpf.RetA ShakeHash *x448.Key IsKeyword Multiline EmitASCII WriteBool WriteName WriteUint DecryptTo EncryptTo MulBy2toD UnpackB60 Decompose Transpose GetParams Disconnect TCPRequest UDPRequest Obfuscator *[8]string *[]*string *struct {} *[16]uint8 *[1]string keyModTime *[2]string *[32]uint8 *[][]uint8 *[8]uint32 *[64]uint8 *[28]uint8 RawSubject Extensions MaxPathLen OCSPServer rawSubject constraint systemPool ScalarMult ThisUpdate PrivateKey *[5]string Attributes NextUpdate *[20]uint8 *[66]uint8 *[4]uint64 *[8]uint64doSlowv *[18]uint8 *[14]uint8 UnreadRune *fmt.ssave floatToken scanNumber *fmt.State clearflags fmtBoolean fmtInteger fmtUnicode *func(int) widPresent *[68]uint8 goodArgNum catchPanic fmtComplex fmtPointer missingArg printValue isWildcard IsLoopback RemoteAddr *net.netFD closeWrite CloseWrite SetNoDelay *net.IPNet remoteDone noReadFrom IsNotFound ReadMsgUDP WriteToUDP ReadFromIP WriteMsgIP unlinkOnce AcceptUnix *net.scope Precedence *net.Error *net.Flags ai_addrlen unknownOpt *[]*net.MX *[]*net.NS forResolve LookupAddr LookupHost LookupPort goLookupIP goLookupMX goLookupNS lookupAddr lookupHost lookupPort tryOneName dialSerial dialSingle *[12]uint8 *[8]uint16 **abi.TypeexpandJ IsSingleIP string4In6 *[15]uint8 *[29]uint8 appendMode checkValid *os.Signal SystemTime systemTime *[3]uint32 *[]uintptr *complex64 *[]float32 *[]float64 pclnOffset modulename enoptrdata pluginpath gcdatamask *runtime.g *runtime.m *runtime.p insertBack allocCache gcmarkBits pinnerBits allocCount countAlloc nextSample tinyoffset tinyAllocs stackcache allocLarge releaseAll updateHeap *[2]uint64 mSyscallID tryGetFast workbufhdr checkempty sysmontick sudogcache mspancache gcStopTime recordLock cyclesLost stringData goSigStack preemptoff isExtraInC needextram cgoCallers winsyscall preemptGen waitreason gcscandone throwsplit raceignore parentGoid selectDone oldbuckets difference inWorkBufs largeAlloc numObjects totalFreed totalFrees mSpanInUse accumulate GCIdleTime atomicInfo *[10]uint8 *[2]uint32 _interface *[24]uint8 sysmonWake sleepRatio shouldStop gomaxprocs *chan bool *[48]uint8 readerWait rotateLeft frameStore *[3]string FieldAlign IfaceIndir StructType *[][]int32 *[65]uint8 UnreadByte *[108]int8 ExitStatus StopSignal Controllen *[96]uint8 Credential Foreground Cloneflags Reordering *[19]uint8 LayoutElem *time.zone *time.Time cacheStart lookupName Nanosecond ZoneBounds initTicker subCommand SuggestFor ArgAliases Deprecated AddCommand DebugFlags HasExample LocalFlags ParseFlags PrintErrln ResetFlags SetContext HasChanged configName configFile configType BindPFlags GetFloat64 ReadConfig SetDefault callerSkip *zap.uints *zap.times *zap.int8s *zap.bools httpClient acceptChan deleteFunc ListenHTTP acceptLoop DisableUDP forwarding MoveBefore MoveToBack *url.Error RequestURI ForceQuery geositeMap ServerName ServerAddr QUICConfig UDPEnabled configFunc openStream writeMutex LoggerName AppendBool AppendInt8 AppendTime AppendUint AddFloat32 AddFloat64 AddUintptr thereafter reflectBuf reflectEnc crypto/tls OCSPStaple NextProtos ClientAuth MinVersion MaxVersion ticketKeys trafficKey *[13]uint8 scratchBuf nextCipher handshakes serverName retryCount activeCall pskBinders marshalMsg PublicName innerHello *tls.alert readRecord verifyData ciphertext HandleData sourceFunc escapeHTML ReadString FieldStack nameNonEsc parseState savedError canAddrEnc tokenError tokenState tokenStack invalidate writeDebug countError getReadBuf frameCache EndHeaders startWrite writeBytes writeFrame OpenStream CountError StatusCode ProtoMajor ProtoMinor RawExpires WriteProxy wantsClose *http.conn fullDuplex FlushError remoteAddr lastMethod finalFlush inShutdown activeConn onShutdown BaseConfig baseConfig checkNotOn bodyReadCh serveMsgCh writeSched goAwayCode readFrames rejectConn runHandler shutDownIn wroteFrame reqTrailer snapHeader sentHeader wroteBytes writeChunk ReadCloser *http.body earlyClose readLocked BodyCloser IsResponse ByteReadCh doBodyCopy unwrapBody addPattern multiChild emptyChild handleFunc HandleFunc readCloser continueCh callerGone writeErrCh markReused targetAddr beforeDial tryDeliver peerClosed readClosed resTrailer readerDone doNotReuse lastActive sendGoAway *http.File promisedID mimeHeader SetCookies connection copyBuffer BufferPool IsTerminal cacheIndex MustStaple ManageSync RevokeCert forceRenew obtainCert selectCert ListenHost acmeClient GetAccount getAccount newAccount acmeIssuer handleConn txtRecords GetRecords SetRecords getApiHost nameClient HTTPClient NewAccount LogTraffic ForceHTTPS DeviceName CancelRead getTraffic *hash.Hash *pem.Block unlockSlow *sync.Pool victimSize swapLocked *sync.Cond missLocked *sync.Once RightAlign *asn1.Flag IsCompound stringType isCompound modInverse montgomery ModInverse scaleDenom crypto/dsa Parameters privateKey polynomial SaltLength crypto/rsa saltLength Precompute *pkix.Name appendRDNs PostalCode CommonName ExtraNames HasExpired nonDefault flushChild crypto/aes crypto/des *[4]uint32 crypto/md5 *io.Writer *io.Reader *io.Closer IsExported CanComplex CanConvert Comparable SetComplex SetIterKey SetPointer UnsafeAddr Implements IsVariadic StructType assignIntN valueStart stackBytes outRegPtrs structType *[5]uint32 Additional AllAnswers MXResource NSResource SkipAnswer isBlocking RawControl ReadDirent readUnlock runtimeCtx *abi.TFlag IsEmbedded ReadVarint BucketSize *[0]uint64 fromString IsBoolFlag AddFlagSet BoolSliceP FlagUsages Float32Var Float64Var GetFloat32 GetIPSlice IPMaskVarP IPSliceVar Int32Slice Int64Slice MarkHidden StringVarP Uint16VarP Uint32VarP Uint64VarP UintSliceP shorthands rightDelimactionYbackupYerrorfYexpectYnewDotYnewEndYnewNilYuseVarY ParseFiles missingKey parseFuncs DecodeHook ErrorUnset ZeroFields decodeBool decodeFunc decodeUint *hcl.Codec *ini.Codec Properties *flag.Flag AppendByte copyNeeded DecodedLen EncodedLen Target_idx *[63]uint8 IncludeUID ExcludeUID TableIndex ruleIndex6 gsoEnabled gsoToWrite BatchWrite nextIndex6 resetRules unsetRoute unsetRules *tun.Stack LastActive portAccess addrAccess LookupBack udpTimeout ReadPacket wintunLoop ILinkIndex *[1]uint32 WriteZeroN AddrString AddressLen PostReturn Descriptor comparator LastPacket RemoveUpTo extraAcked bytesAcked HeaderSize TokenStore WouldBlock SentPacket highestSeq HasAppData addAppData addInitial DestConnID streamsMap peerParams closeLocal PacketConn supportsDF signalRead frameQueue finalError sendStream runStopped MaxDataLen sendPacket streamType nextStream expiration retryQueue baseServer handlerMap closeQueue receiveErr Connection contentLen numWritten Connection HTTPStream ByteReader connection clientConn *[0]func() *rand.Rand ExpFloat64 initConfig nodeOffset *hmac.hmac crypto/rc4 *list.List *hkdf.hkdf CreatePart WriteField *[30]uint8 readHeader readString setMaxSize evictCount DecodeFull firstField beginChunk HTTPSProxy httpsProxy ipMatchers TBSRequest ProducedAt IssuerHash packHeader wrappedErr *dns.AFSDB DigestType *dns.CNAME *dns.CSYNC *dns.DHCID *dns.DNAME *dns.EUI48 *dns.EUI64 *dns.HINFO *dns.HTTPS SubAddress Preference *dns.MINFO *dns.NAPTR *dns.NINFO *dns.NSEC3 Iterations HashLength *dns.EDNS0 SetUDPSize SetVersion *dns.RRSIG Expiration PackBuffer RemoveName *dns.SSHFP *dns.UINFO *dns.Error TsigStatus TsigSecret prefixRune FindString ReplaceAll allMatches replaceAll StackTrace DeviceAuth AttachVPC2 DetachVPC2 MassReboot GetInvoice CreateUser DeleteUser UpdateUser CreateIPv4 DeleteIPv4 ListPublic GetCluster Kubernetes ReservedIP NewRequest SetBaseURLexited ExtraFiles StderrPipe StdoutPipe childStdin LookupAAAA DisableTFO ECHConfigs PskBinders nextProtos *[67]uint8 *[57]uint8 *[33]uint8 *[97]uint8 *[49]uint8 IsNegative MarkerOnly *[50]uint8 *parse.Pos continueOK parenDepth actionLine rangeDepth BranchNode Complex128 endControl newCommand newComment startParse unexpected *norm.Form SpanString appendRune assignRune initString setFlusher *norm.Iter InitString *hcl.field ReadCloser MustString MustUint64 RangeInt64 StrictInts TimeFormat ValidBools ValidTimes ValidUints parseBools parseUints KeyStrings ParentKeys mapToField mapToSlice NameMapper GetSection HasSection NewSection lineNumber FilterFunc GetComment MustGetInt SetComment getFloat64 EnterTable FromParser arrayIndex fromParser *yaml.Kind *yaml.Node token_mark start_mark items_data pairs_data buffer_pos raw_buffer flow_level references serialized best_width line_break whitespace open_ended FieldsList parseChild uniqueKeys aliasCount aliasDepth emitScalar marshalDoc Statistics AddrFamily Collisions AttachMode GSOMaxSize GSOMaxSegs GROMaxSize SrcPortMin MultiProto TimeQuanta NonPersist AgeingTime EncapLimit EncapFlags EncapSport EncapDport PartnerKey PartnerMac UseCarrier ResendIgmp LpInterval *xml.Token *xml.stack popElement indentedIn putNewline attrPrefix MarshalXML markPrefix writeStart ReadOutput buildError inMiddleOf marshalMap cloneBytes ParentFile ByJSONName ByTextName IsMapEntry HasDefault GetUnknown SetUnknown WhichOneof NewElement InRecovery PacingRate debugPrint *bbr.Clock pacingRate pacingGain WithPrefix timeFormat logMessage AcksPacket PacketType parseFrame BytesAcked LostPacket ecnMarking nextToSkip congestion ecnTracker sendWindow SetReadKey setReadKey createAEAD UpdatedMTU UpdatedKey DroppedKey icmpFilter *[126]int8 getIPMreqn setIPMreqn genericOpt ICMPFilter LeaveGroup WriteBatch *slog.Attr *slog.Kind *slog.kind *spew.flag availWrite writeSlice makeReader *[17]int32 *[16]int32 hash/crc32 *syntax.Op calcHeight parseClass CheckRetry loggerInit clientInit *hpke.xKEM getSuiteID IsOperator *token.Pos writeLines Expression parseTable currentIdx checkArray checkTable safeString CommonType *gob.encOp encodeUint pushWriter sendTypeId countState *nl.RtAttr AddRawData Calculated RangeFiles RangeEnums MakeString StringName CheckValid IsOpenEnum allocEnums checkDecls validation atomicOnce BytesSlice Float32Ptr Float64Ptr WeakFields newMessage fieldTypes rangeInfos getUnknown setUnknown nilMessage isRequired weakOffset checkField getPointer keyWiretag valWiretag CheckBytes *qtls.conn controllen setControl *bpf.ALUOpwriteX scanDigits scanEscape scanString ErrorCount EndMessage WriteFloat marshalAny *k12.State *fp448.Elt ReduceLe2Q addGeneric nttGeneric subGeneric PackLeqEta UnpackHint IsIdentity CompressTo Decompress IsExtended HTTPRequest sync/atomic *[0]*string *chan error *[2]uintptr *[3]uintptr certificate certModTime poolDequeue *[][]string *func() int crypto/x509 *[]*url.URL *[]x509.OID MarshalText ExtKeyUsage IPAddresses addCertFunc CurrentTime buildChains Certificate crypto/ecdh scalarOrder GenerateKey TBSCertList *x509.pkcs8 *[]*big.Int *[]big.Word *[133]uint8 *fmt.buffer writeString errorString scanComplex scanPercent *func(bool) precPresent wrappedErrs WriteString unknownType *[1]uintptr *[4]uintptr *net.IPMask DefaultMask IsMulticast SetDeadline isConnected ctrlNetwork ReadMsgUnix SyscallConn WriteToUnix *net.IPAddr *chan<- int *<-chan int IsTemporary ReadFromUDP WriteMsgUDP readFromUDP *net.IPConn mptcpStatus *net.ipAttr *[]net.Addr ai_socktype ai_protocol *[]*net.SRV *net.result *net.byName lookupGroup LookupCNAME LookupNetIP goLookupPTR goLookupSRV goLookupTXT lookupCNAME *net.Dialer DialContext *[5]uintptr LoadOrStore HashTrieMap *netip.Addr bitsPlusOne withoutZone bitsSetFrom *[9]uintptr *os.dirInfo stdoutOrErr setDeadline *os.rawConn *os.timeout *[]*os.File *os.Process closeHandle *[16]uint64 *[512]uint8 *complex128 pctabOffset runtimehash funcnametab findfunctab textsectmap deferreturn stackguard0 stackguard1 *[6]uintptr syscalltick syscallwhen speciallock ensureSwept *func(uint)pushAllL minWhenHeap acquiretime releasetime bytesMarked flushedWork raceprocctx pinnerCache newSigstack createstack waitunlockf isMutexWait preemptStop trackingSeq setoverflow newoverflow noldbuckets oldoverflow *[68]uint64 totalAllocs mCacheInUse buckHashSys GCPauseTime GCTotalTime globalsScan publishInfo setEventErr *[0]uintptr slotsOffset errIntegral errOverflow *[112]uint8 startBucket checkBucket *[128]uint8 readerCount rotateRight *[1][]int32 *[800]uint8 badCharSkip *[256]uint8 ContainerID *[8][]uint8 NoSetGroups UidMappings GidMappings AmbientCaps UseCgroupFD Nanoseconds *time.Month MarshalJSON *time.Timer Annotations helpCommand CommandPath ErrOrStderr NamePadding OutOrStderr OutOrStdout SetHelpFunc UsageString ValueString configPaths AllSettings GetDuration GetIntSlice MergeConfig MustBindEnv WatchConfig WriteConfig writeConfig *zap.Option *zap.Logger development errorOutput WithOptions *zap.int16s *zap.int32s *zap.int64s WriteSyncer *zap.Config ReceiveLoop EventLogger ListenSOCKS GetOrCreate *tun.Server StructRoute InsertAfter MoveToFront insertValue *url.Values EscapedPath setFragment passwordSet RawFragment LoadGeoSite ConnFactory Established SendMessage Deobfuscate HopInterval currentConn TrimmedPath *func(int8) AppendArray AppendInt16 AppendInt32 AppendInt64 AppendUint8 AddDuration ErrorOutput EncodeEntry appendFloat jsonEncoder initialized cipherSuite *tls.Config CipherSuite ECHAccepted WrapSession writeKeyLog expandLabel handshakeFn echAccepted packetsSent hpkeContext echRejected serverShare closeNotify loadSession CryptBlocks serverHello clientHello *[1][]uint8 *json.field nameEscHTML byExactName valueQuoted InputOffset indentValue StreamEnded maxReadSize debugFramer stringToken HasPriority ErrorDetail WriteGoAway writeUint16 writeUint32 CloseStream activeConns MaxHandlers IdleTimeout WriteSubset writeSubset WriteHeader Partitioned lastSegment otherValues WithContext isH2Upgrade writeHeader wroteHeader handlerDone CloseNotify bodyAllowed readRequest ReadTimeout BaseContext ConnContext idleTimeout setConnFlow doneServing readFrameCh pushEnabled curHandlers canonHeader PseudoValue NumSettings httpResCode contentType closeStream onIdleTimer processData processPing readPreface resetStream resetQueued hasTrailers bodyRemains readTrailer addSegments findHandler registerErr canceledErr closeLocked reqCanceler h2transport dialConnFor PingTimeout pingTimeout bytesRemain sentHeaders pastHeaders readAborted abortStream *[][8]uint8 goAwayDebug reqHeaderMu closeIfIdle healthCheck ErrorString maxStreamID SortStrings Certificate getAllCerts ManageAsync generateCSR AltHTTPPort DNS01Solver usingTestCA loadAccount saveAccount DNSProvider getZoneInfo toSanitized getDNSZones *acme.stack PollTimeout *acme.Order httpPostJWS pollTimeout postAccount *acme.keyID InitialTime TraceStream RequestHook MasqHandler receiveLoop eventLogger masqHandlerreadMsgwriteTo ResolveInfo HostMatcher evictedKeys evictedVals onEvictedCB CancelWrite initialTime *[621]uint8 *sync.Mutex *sync.eface rUnlockSlow *sync.entry dirtyLocked application *[8]float64 *ecdh.Curve addJacobian Precomputed AddASN1Enum AddASN1NULL MarshalASN1 Constructed *[60]uint32 *cipher.gcm *cipher.ctr *cipher.cbc *md5.digest *io.discard panicNotMap FieldByName OverflowInt SetMapIndex capNonSlice extendSlice lenNonSlice stackAssign IndirectKey crypto/sha1 LatinOffset *[255]uint8 authorities additionals OPTResource PTRResource SOAResource SRVResource TXTResource ConnectDone SetBlocking writeUnlock prepareRead FieldAlign_ *abi.Method DataChecked ReturnIsPtr *abi.FuncID *cpu.option LoadAcquire *[32]uint64 *pflag.Flag NoOptDefVal BytesBase64 BytesHexVar DurationVar Float32VarP Float64VarP GetBytesHex GetIPv4Mask IPSliceVarP Int32SliceP Int64SliceP IntSliceVar StringArray StringSlice StringToInt getFlagTypebackup2Ybackup3YcommandYnewBoolYnewElseYnewListYnewTextYnewWithYoperandYpopVarsYrecoverY *log.Logger ErrorUnused decodeArray decodeBasic decodeFloat decodeSlice *afero.File *afero.OsFs LoadOptions *[]*ini.Key *json.Codec *toml.Codec *yaml.Codec *flag.Value AppendFloat TrimNewline WithPadding Bdaddr_type NFCProtocol ServiceName *unix.Iovec *unix.RtMsg InfoContext WarnContext IDByPackage PackageByID StrictRoute itemsByFlow routeUpdate unsetRoute0 *tun.System *tun.TCPNat Destination staleReturn tcpListener *tun.WinTun processIPv4 processIPv6 WritePacket *buf.Buffer WriteRandom AddrPortLen ReadAddress matchDomain GetIntValue *v2geo.CIDR firstPacket FirstPacket HasMoreData ContainsAll ContainsAny writeOffset DropPackets streamQueue CurrentSize perspective frameParser closeRemote destroyImpl handleFrame sendPackets GetAckFrame cryptoSetup finalOffset cancelWrite signalWrite closeCalled resetTokens *quic.sconn gotGSOError writePacket nextVersion blockedSent maxTokenAge connHandler connContext ListenEarly closeServer MaxTokenAge createdConn isSingleUsehasDatai hasMoreData sentRequest clearStream *http3.body getSettings reqDoneOnce requestDone closeCancel graceCancel addListener *[607]int64 NormFloat64 crypto/hmac *rc4.Cipher openGeneric sealGeneric crypto/rand *hpke.dhKEM *sha3.state *[25]uint64 *[168]uint8 SetBoundary currentPart NextRawPart disposition Multistream multistream PutIdleConn hasNetHooks *hpack.node searchTable shouldIndex evictOldest byNameValue EmitEnabled SetEmitFunc emitEnabled proxyForURLhttpReq RequestList *dns.zlexer isDuplicate GatewayType *dns.DNSKEY parseDNSKEY *dns.NIMLOC TypeCovered *dns.MsgHdr *dns.Header NameNotUsed RemoveRRset SetQuestion *dns.SMIMEA *dns.TALINK PSDNAddress *dns.ZONEMD fromRFC3597 SourceScope *dns.Client dialTimeout readTimeout DialTimeout *dns.klexer *libdns.SRV subexpNames prefixBytes minInputLen *regexp.job shouldVisit MatchReader MatchString SubexpIndex SubexpNames formatSlice expiryDelta RedirectURL AuthCodeURL TokenSource *govultr.OS GetUpgrades GetUserData ListVPCInfo ListHistory WriteAccess ListRegions GetNodePool GetVersions ListCluster Application Marketplace *exec.Errorsuccess SysProcAttr lookPathErr childStderr childStdout RespMailbox *doh.answer *tfo.Dialer setIPv6Only *bigmod.Nat ShouldPrint matchResult *parse.Node *parse.Tree *parse.Mode *parse.item emitComment elseControl expectOneOf hasFunction newContinue newPipeline newTemplate newVariable withControl *norm.input appendSlice charinfoNFC insertFlush returnSlice *gotenv.Env *[]ast.Node Insensitive MustFloat64 StrictBools StrictTimes StrictUints TimesFormat ValidInt64s parseInt64s ReflectFrom StrictMapTo reflectFrom dataSources sectionList ValueMapper NewSections GetComments MustGetBool MustGetUint SetComments *toml.entry handleTable handleValue stashedExpr MarshalYAML *yaml.Style HeadComment LineComment FootComment pairs_start tokens_head simple_keys best_indent events_head space_above foot_indent anchor_data scalar_data knownFields decodeCount RxCrcErrors ParentIndex MasterIndex NumTxQueues NumRxQueues SamplePoint PDPHashsize ActiveSlave ArpInterval ArpValidate FailOverMac PreferedLft *[2][]uint8 *[]xml.Attr pushElement savedOffset syntaxError EncodeToken *[]xml.Name marshalAttr writeIndent destinationenviron}_ marshalList StartColumn IsSynthetic Cardinality HasJSONName HasPresence IsExtension InterfaceOf InSlowStart setHighGain InitiatedBy SetLogLevel *utils.Rand MaxAckDelay SmoothedRTT smoothedRTT maxAckDelay *wire.Frame LowestAcked MaximumData StreamLimit outstanding numSentECT0 numSentECT1 DeleteBelow addToRanges IgnoreBelow ignoreBelow sentPackets ReceivedAck DeclareLost largestSent prevRcvAEAD nextRcvAEAD SetWriteKey handleEvent setWriteKey writeRecord DecodeToken setGroupReqrecvMsgZ sendMsgZ  *[136]uint8 *[264]uint8 *slog.Level *slog.Value ReplaceAttr groupPrefix nOpenGroups writeLocked wrotePrefix *[][]uint32 Uint32Slice Uint64Slice finishBlock readHuffman appendGroup checkHeight checkLimits maybeConcat parseEscape parseRepeat wholeRegexp AccessToken IPv4Enabled IPv6Enabled *kem.Scheme Decapsulate Encapsulate LeadComment *token.Type handlePanic startEscape updateWidth AttachChild parseKeyval UpdateTable *gob.typeId externalEnc externalDec GobEncoderT EncodeValue encodeArray descsByName filesByPath NumMessages typesByName numMessages EnforceUTF8 eagerValues NumServices allMessages allServices lazyRawInit requiredBit messageInfo protoUnwrap denseFields coderFields sizePointer InvalidUTF8 *coding.Num betaLastMax ParseHeader Disassemble *bpf.JumpIf *bpf.ALUOpX *xof.k12d10writeX2writeX4 *sha3.State IsAbsorbing *x25519.Key *p384.Curve *p384.curve scanComment scanHeredoc lastCharLen lastLineLen EmitUnknown *[510]uint8 initialTodo Power2Round prepareNext outputASCII DeriveNoise ConnectError fillFastOpen *func() bool *[]struct {} *[11]uintptr *[16]uintptr *[8][]string EqualASN1OID SerialNumber SubjectKeyId *x509.sum224 systemVerify NewPublicKey CombinedMult *[][4]uint64 *[1]big.Word encoding/hex *[1024]uint8 *func(uint8) *func(int32) convertFloat *func(error) mustReadRune quotedString writePadding *fmt.Scanner *net.OpError *net.UDPAddr *net.TCPAddr *net.Buffers *func(int64) writeBuffers listenStream readMsgInet4 readMsgInet6 writeToInet4 writeToInet6 ReadFromUnix WriteMsgUnix *net.TCPConn MultipathTCP SetKeepAlive readDeadline lookupValues *net.UDPConn ListenPacket *net.rawConn HardwareAddr *net.nssConf *net.timeout ai_canonname serverOffset StrictErrors LookupIPAddr lookupIPAddr strictErrors dialParallellockSlowv *[1]net.Addr appendTo4In6 *[62]uintptr *os.fileStat Readdirnames spliceToFile RuntimeError *[]complex64 *[]*abi.ITab linktimehash *[]*abi.Type modulehashes takeFromBack *func() uint deferBitsPtr initHeapBits maybeRunChan unlockAndRun dequeueSudoG readyNextGen statusTraced heapScanWork deferpoolbuf goidcacheend gcAssistTime limiterEvent *[32]uintptr captureStack recordUnlock *runtime.mOS profileTimer isExtraInSig mLockProfile pcvalueCache locksHeldLen atomicstatus paniconfault inMarkAssist runnableTime sameSizeGrow nextOverflow gcCyclesDone GCAssistTime *[4096]uint8 *chan uint32 *map[int]int *[8192]uint8 replacements Unshareflags Microseconds Milliseconds *[]time.zone AppendFormat appendFormat *time.Ticker *cobra.Group UnknownFlags flagErrorBuf globNormFunc helpTemplate SilenceUsage HelpTemplate SetUsageFunc UsagePadding ValidateArgs VisitParents *viper.Viper AutomaticEnv GetStringMap ReadInConfig SetEnvPrefix UnmarshalKey mergeFlatMap searchInPath *zap.uint16s *zap.uint32s *zap.uint64s *zap.payload *[]io.Closer *[]time.Time buildEncoder buildOptions RegisterSink *http.Server httpListener FirewallMark Inet4Address Inet6Address *[]func(int) InsertBefore PushBackList DownloadFunc checkModTime closeCleanup *func(int16) AppendObject AppendString AppendUint16 AppendUint32 AppendUint64 AddComplex64 AddReflected LevelEnabler writeContext ocspResponse alpnProtocol SessionState *tls.CurveID CipherSuites OCSPResponse Certificates KeyLogWriter *[][32]uint8 cipherSuites deriveSecret finishedHash handshakeErr maxEarlyData ocspStapling RecordHeader sessionState certificates *tls.cbcMode *[]tls.alert readFinished sendFinished masterSecret rsaDecryptOk StoreSession *[1088]uint8 *[1184]uint8 *json.Number reflectValue byFoldedName literalStore errorContext indentPrefix getDataFrame maxWriteSize HeadersEnded WriteHeaders AdjustStream registerConn *http.Header Uncompressed *http.Cookie ProtoAtLeast comparePaths CookiesNamed SetBasicAuth SetPathValue isReplayable hitReadLimit setReadLimit calledHeader *<-chan bool hijackLocked WriteTimeout TLSNextProto nextProtoErr doKeepAlives shuttingDown wroteFrameCh maxFrameSize writingFrame hpackEncoder shutdownOnce PseudoFields checkPseudos LastStreamID noteBodyRead processFrame sendServeMsg setConnState writeHeaders wroteHeaders *http.mp4Sig earlyCloseFn *http.noBody doEarlyClose FlushHeaders extraHeaders readResponse wroteRequest targetScheme removeOldest idleConnWait connsPerHost MaxIdleConns queueForDial connPoolOnce RoundTripOpt initConnPool newTLSConfig pastTrailers copyTrailers writeRequest *[8][8]uint8 seenSettings nextStreamID addConnCalls RoundTripErr contentRange *[2048]uint8 *[]io.Reader *http.Client *[]sync.Pool Authenticate flushPending delayedFlush *[]io.Writer copyResponse ErrorHandler lockFilename DecisionFunc NeedsRenewal checkStorage TrustedRoots SetMaxEvents txtRecordsMu libdnsRecordID json:"id" createRecord doAPIRequest updateRecord deleteRecord upsertRecord addDNSRecord *acme.Client PollInterval GetDirectory pollInterval OverrideAddr OriginalAddr CloseWithErr handleClientreadFromwriteMsgTx json:"tx"OK json:"ok" ExpireBucket RemoveOldest *[63]uintptrRx json:"rx" *crypto.Hash encoding/pem *sync.Locker *sync.noCopy loadReadOnly defaultValue *big.divisor convertWords divRecursive crypto/ecdsa Organization Undocumented AddASN1Int64 BytesOrPanic *[256]uint32 XORKeyStream *cipher.AEAD productTable counterCrypt updateBlocks *io.WriterTo *io.ReaderAt *fs.FileInfo *fs.FileMode *fs.DirEntry CanInterface FieldByIndex MethodByName OverflowUint SetIterValue panicNotBool AssignableTo assignFloatN IndirectElem ReflexiveKey makeFuncCtxt *sha1.digest AAAAResource AllQuestions AnswerHeader SkipQuestion checkAdvance skipResource ConnectStart *atomic.Bool *poll.String ReadMsgInet4 ReadMsgInet6 WriteToInet4 WriteToInet6 prepareWrite waitCanceled internal/abi *abi.NameOff *abi.TypeOff *abi.ChanDir *abi.TextOff *abi.Imethod *abi.MapType *abi.PtrType *abi.RegArgs internal/cpu StoreRelease *pflag.Value AddGoFlagSet BoolSliceVar BytesBase64P BytesHexVarP DurationVarP Float32Slice Float64Slice GetBoolSlice GetUintSlice IntSliceVarP StringArrayP StringSliceP StringToIntP UintSliceVar parseLongArg sortedActual sortedFormal interspersed ErrorContextitemListYnewBreakYnewChainYnewFieldYnewRangeYpipelineY AddParseTree **log.Logger logThreshold logListeners SetLogOutput encoding/csv *fsnotify.Op decodeString decodeStruct keyDelimiter KeyDelimiter defaultUsage *buffer.Pool lastRuneSize AppendDecode AppendEncode DecodeString SharedUmemFD tipcAddrtype Nfc_protocol Service_name *unix.RtAttr *tproxy.Conn AcceptTProxy DebugContext *tun.Options *tun.flowKey tcpGROAccess tcp4GROTable tcp6GROTable *tun.Handler checkTimeout inet4Address inet6Address tcpListener6 ExtendHeader ReadFullFrom ReadOnceFrom CheckBadAddr ReadAddrPort WriteAddressdeadlineresolver RearHeadroom NeedHeadroom GetBoolValue ProtoMessage ProtoReflect GetAttribute *v2geo.GeoIP windowLength GetThirdBest MaybeRelease handlePacket *quic.Config AddrVerified *quic.Stream AcceptStream SendDatagram capabilities *quic.sender DeleteStream ResetFor0RTT UpdateLimits UseResetMaps ConnectionID oneRTTStream addHandshake *quic.framer *quic.packer PacketNumber StreamFrames streamFrames AppendPacket srcConnIDLen creationTime handleFrames *quic.sealer appendPacket *quic.stream currentFrame streamSender mtuIncreased SetMaxStream shouldDelete deleteStream runSendQueue createServer sendDatagram SetSendError parseTrailer responseBody ReadResponse acceptStream rcvdSettings *http3.Error ErrorMessage closeReceive altSvcHeader removeClient roundTripOpt *rand.Source *blake2b.XOF *blake2b.xof *color.Color *rand.reader *hpke.Sender sharedSecret *[2400]uint8 dashBoundary ReadCodeLine ReadDotBytes ReadDotLines readCodeLine *gzip.Reader *gzip.Header decompressor WroteHeaders WroteRequest maxSizeLimit successRatio *ocsp.certID ResponseType *dns.CDNSKEY publicKeyRSA *dns.SVCBKey *dns.NSAPPTR *[]dns.EDNS0 RRsetNotUsed MatchingType *dns.RFC3597 tsigProvider *dns.Handler TsigProvider HandleRemove writeTimeout *[2]*big.Int *libdns.Zone MatchRunePos *[][][]uint8 ExpandString FindAllIndex FindSubmatch tryBacktrack ClientSecret refreshTokenOs json:"os" GetBandwidth ListVPC2Info ListInvoicesPG json:"pg" *govultr.SoaIP json:"ip" *govultr.Iso GetNeighbors *govultr.ISO ListClusters *govultr.SSL Availability *govultr.VPC BlockStorage DomainRecord FirewallRule LoadBalancer SetRateLimit SetUserAgentOS json:"os" ProcessStatesysUsageuserTime ProcessState childIOFiles goroutineErr *doh.ARecord *doh.DNSType dialAndWrite rawPublicKey MasterSecret OmitEmptyPsk nextProtoNeg getPublicPtr NextProtoNeg OcspStapling getPublicObj *quic.Header SetGenerator ShouldEnable *bisect.cond *parse.lexer insideAction atRightDelim atTerminator blockControl breakControl nextNonSpace parseControl peekNonSpace rangeControl textOrAction *template.JS multiSegment *norm.qcInfo charinfoNFKC LastBoundary NextBoundary nextBoundary insertSingle insertUnsafe *[]token.Pos ShortCircuit AllowShadows *ini.Section nestedValues InTimeFormat MustDuration NestedValues RangeFloat64 StrictInt64s ValidUint64s parseUint64s *[8]*ini.Key isRawSection SaveToIndent FilterPrefix FilterRegexp MustGetInt64 WriteComment encodeStruct *toml.strict ExitKeyValue MissingField MissingTable arrayIndexes scalar_style head_comment line_comment foot_comment tail_comment token_number end_implicit problem_mark context_mark read_handler input_reader stem_comment root_context *yaml.parser fieldByIndex mergedFields *netlink.Via RxOverErrors RxFifoErrors TxFifoErrors RxCompressed TxCompressed ProxyArpWiFi PhysSwitchID *netlink.Can *netlink.GTP *netlink.Vrf *netlink.Vti AggregatorId ArpIpTargets NumPeerNotif TlbDynamicLb VtepDevIndex VlanProtocol *netlink.Ifb toRtAttrData encoding/xml *xml.Decoder DefaultSpace UnmarshalXML *xml.printer *xml.Encoder EscapeString marshalValue *xml.Comment *udpnat.conn *shell.ShellwatchCtx}_ IsMessageSet unmarshalMap AllowPartial MarshalState marshalField sizeSingular mergeMessage DoNotCompare ByDescriptor IsValidValue ProtoMethods panicMessage isAppLimited IsAppLimited MaxAckHeight OnAppLimited OnPacketLost OnPacketSent a0Candidates *bbr.bbrMode setDrainGain maxBandwidth highCwndGain pktInfoSlots ToHeaderBits *utils.Timer LargestAcked MaxStreamNum ReasonPhrase *wire.Header ValidFor0RTT ReceivedTime declaredLost numAckedECT0 numAckedECT1 deletedBelow cleanupStart largestAcked ackedPackets getScaledPTO AddBytesRead AddBytesSent addBytesRead isLongHeader aeadOverhead nextSendAEAD rejected0RTT IsRetryToken SetLossTimer *ipv4.rawOptrecvMsgsZ sendMsgsZ  MulticastTTL TrafficClass *slog.Record *[]slog.Attr isEmptyGroup *slog.Source *slog.Logger *[512]uint32 tryWriteCopy huffmanBlock *flate.hcode *crc32.Table *syntax.Inst *syntax.Prog setAuthStyle RefreshToken EncodeValues RetryWaitMin RetryWaitMax PrepareRetrypatIndexp *sign.Scheme *[4057]uint8 *[2009]uint8 *[1952]uint8 *[3407]uint8 *[4000]uint8 math/rand/v2 *ast.Comment IsIdentifier *token.Token PushAndChain parseNewline scanDateTime *gob.gobType encoding/gob *gob.mapType *gob.Encoder encodeSingle writeMessage IfaCacheinfo RegisterFile RegisterEnum CheckOverlap TypeResolver FileRegistry lazyInitOnce fileRegistry *impl.offset PointerSlice extensionMap isMessageSet oneofsByName mergePointer ExtendedType initToLegacy lazyInitSlow isNonPointer *impl.enumV1 *coding.Bits *coding.Mask *coding.Code *coding.Plan maxBurstSize lastSentTime getBandwidth IsEndOfRound hystartFound *socket.Conn *bpf.JumpIfX *bpf.NegateA *[1568]uint8 *[3168]uint8 *[1632]uint8 *[1920]uint8 *[3293]uint8 IsAtInfinity scanExponent scanFraction scanMantissa StartMessage WriteLiteral *gf256.Field coreAddition oddMultiples *[2560]uint8 *[1344]uint8 *[1312]uint8 *[2484]uint8 *[2528]uint8 *blake2s.XOF *blake2s.xof *common.Poly PackLeGamma1 UnpackLeqEta ExtendedEltP encoderState *[1280]uint8 *[2420]uint8 DeriveNoise2 DeriveNoise3 *func() error *func(string) fillTLSConfig *[8]struct {} *go.shape.int crypto/sha256 MarshalBinary *[]*net.IPNet UnmarshalText Intermediates NewPrivateKey pointToAffine *func(func()) *fmt.readRune complexTokens convertString *func() int32 *func(uint64) *fmt.fmtFlags handleMethods *fmt.Stringer *net.UnixAddr *net.sockaddr IsUnspecified *net.UnixConn SetReadBuffer readFromInet4 readFromInet6 writeMsgInet4 writeMsgInet6 writeDeadline *net.pipeAddr *net.DNSError *net.Listener *net.fileAddr *[]net.IPAddr *[]net.ipAttr *[]netip.Addr singleRequest *chan []uint8 canonicalName *[]net.byName *net.Resolver *net.addrList goLookupCNAME fallbackDelay FallbackDelay internal/weak *netip.Prefix *func() int64 *os.LinkError copyFileRange *os.noWriteTo pidDeactivate *[]complex128 *interface {} *runtime.Func filetabOffset *[8]*abi.Type takeFromFront *runtime.coro decPinCounter getPinnerBits incPinCounter newPinnerBits nextFreeIndex pinnerBitSize *func(uint16) reportZombies setPinnerBits maybeRunAsync acquireStatus *[508]uintptr checknonempty *[512]uintptr scannedStacks *runtime.note *[65516]uint8 varintReserve cgoCallersUse waitTraceSkip signalPending hasCgoOnStack preemptShrink parkingOnChan nocgocallback trackingStamp gcAssistBytes *runtime.hmap *runtime.bmap incrnoverflow oldbucketmask *[]abi.Method missingMethod inputOverflow *func(uint32) *[16384]uint8 IncNonDefault headerWritten InterfaceType IsDirectIface *[256][]uint8 *strings.span *syscall.Conn *time.Weekday firstZoneUsed UnmarshalJSON *[1]time.zone commandgroups parentsPflags usageTemplate flagErrorFunc SilenceErrors ArgsLenAtDash ContainsGroup FlagErrorFunc HasLocalFlags RemoveCommand ResetCommands UsageTemplate secretKeyring SecretKeyring *viper.Logger allowEmptyEnv AddConfigPath AllowEmptyEnv BindFlagValue MergeInConfig RegisterAlias SetConfigFile SetConfigName SetConfigType WriteConfigAs getConfigFile getConfigType marshalWriter registerAlias resetEncoding *[]zap.Option sweetenFields *zap.errArray *zap.uintptrs *zap.float32s *zap.float64s handleConnect handleRequest socksListener BindInterface **net.UDPAddr NewConnection PushFrontList *url.Userinfo GeoIPFilename verifyAndFill connectedFunc *client.udpIO ListenUDPFunc *zapcore.Core CapitalString unmarshalText AppendFloat32 AppendFloat64 AppendUintptr AddByteString AddComplex128 OpenNamespace IncCheckReset UnmarshalYAML EncoderConfig appendComplex safeAddString FlushInterval AcceptableCAs UnwrapSession Renegotiation DecryptTicket EncryptTicket decryptTicket encryptTicket mutualVersion supportsCurve *tls.halfConn trafficSecret *tls.keyShare sessionTicket alpnProtocols pskIdentities originalBytes updateBinders MaxNameLength serverNameAck selectedGroup readFromUntil readHandshake *tls.listener LoadAndDelete *[8]tls.alert establishKeys cipherSuiteOk *tls.QUICConn encoding/json *json.encOpts readSlice$% *[]json.field *json.scanner popParseState convertNumber rescanLiteral *json.Decoder tokenValueEnd *json.Encoder SetEscapeHTML replyToWriter BlockFragment headerFragBuf WritePriority WriteRawFrame WriteSettings readMetaFrame HeaderEncoder *http.Handler *http.Request ContentLength *http.pattern *http.segment conflictsWith MultipartForm PostFormValue requiresHTTP1 handlerHeader contentLength closeNotifyCh finalTrailers finishRequest *[]*http.conn nextProtoOnce listenerGroup trackListener remoteAddrStr advMaxStreams shutdownTimer RegularFields HasDuplicates checkPriority processGoAway declBodyBytes onReadTimeout *http.htmlSig *http.textSig didEarlyClose bodyReadError GetClientConn *chan<- error writeLoopDone cancelRequest getCtxForDial *http.connLRU CancelRequest customDialTLS newclientconn connPoolOrDef NewClientConn newClientConn requestedGzip reqBodyClosed sentEndStream getConnCalled StreamsActive SetDoNotReuse closeForError encodeHeaders onIdleTimeout tooIdleLocked addConnLocked getClientConn *http.anyDirs reqDidTimeout needsContinue *http.Flusher *[32768]uint8 checkRedirect CheckRedirect SetXForwarded flushInterval copyToBackend AnyCommonName hostWhitelist CertSelection RenewCertSync AccountKeyPEM emailUsername lookUpAccount newACMEClient activeWorkers AppendRecords DeleteRecords getDNSRecords errorResponse *vultr.Client getDNSEntries *acme.Problem *acme.Account FinalizeOrder UpdateAccount doHTTPRequest *server.udpIO HookedReqAddr UntraceStream TrafficLogger Authenticator authenticated HijackAddress removeElement ContainsOrAdd RewriteDomain *bytes.readOp *bytes.Buffer *bytes.Reader *sync.rlocker *[]sync.eface *sync.RWMutex *asn1.encoder encoding/asn1 *big.Accuracy expNNWindowed ProbablyPrime publicKeyOnce *rsa.CRTValue SessionKeyLen ToRDNSequence StreetAddress pendingLenLen pendingIsASN1 AddASN1BigInt AddASN1Uint64 addASN1Signed addBase128Int crypto/cipher *cipher.Block deriveCounter *io.nopCloser *io.eofReader *io.onceError *fs.PathError *reflect.Type *reflect.Kind *reflect.flag InterfaceData OverflowFloat UnsafePointer ConvertibleTo stepsForValue NeedKeyUpdate crypto/sha512 DNSSECAllowed ExtendedRCode Authoritative CNAMEResource SkipAuthority resHeaderType *atomic.Value *atomic.Int32 *atomic.Int64 internal/poll *poll.fdMutex *poll.SysFile ZeroReadIsEOF GetsockoptInt ReadFromInet4 ReadFromInet6 SetsockoptInt WriteMsgInet4 WriteMsgInet6 stringOffsets *abi.FuncType IntRegArgAddr *abi.FuncFlag *[]cpu.option *atomic.Uint8 *func() uint8 BoolSliceVarP DurationSlice Float32SliceP Float64SliceP GetInt32Slice GetInt64Slice Int32SliceVar Int64SliceVar PrintDefaults SetAnnotation StringToInt64 UintSliceVarP parseShortArg orderedActual orderedFormal argsLenAtDash errorHandling text/template ifControlY newActionY newNumberY newStringY stopParseY *[]parse.Node *csv.position *[65536]uint8 WrappedErrors *dotenv.Codec *[]*flag.Flag *flag.FlagSet ErrorHandling *atomic.nocmp *bufio.Writer *bufio.Reader decodeQuantum *unix.IPMreqn *[]unix.Iovec *socks5.Reply gsoReadAccess FrontHeadroom deleteElement inet4Prefixes inet6Prefixes broadcastAddr bindInterface frontHeadroom *tun.LinuxTUN processPacket familyByteMap WriteAddrPort dualStack *acl.HostInfo *acl.TextRule *acl.Protocol *v2geo.Domain unknownFields GetTypedValue GetSecondBest sendTimeState OpenUniStream SetRemoteAddr highestOffset GetCryptoData initialStream *[]wire.Frame activeStreams controlFrames pathResponses HandleMessage connIDManager tokenStoreKey mtuDiscoverer receivedRetry datagramQueue maxPacketSize Get0RTTSealer Get1RTTSealer getDestConnID EncryptHeader encryptPacket getLongHeader DecryptHeader *quic.rawConn *quic.oobConn receiveStream AddResetToken AddWithConnID packetInfoOOB *quic.streamI lastProbeTime lowestInQueue newStreamChan maxNumStreams handleNewConn validateToken zeroRTTQueues stopAccepting signalHasData *http3.stream parsedTrailer writeUnframed requestWriter *http3.Stream flushTrailers writeTrailers *http3.Server ServeListener ServeQUICConn serveListener *list.Element *hpke.hkdfKDF LabeledExpand *hpke.uint128 encryptionKey decryptionKey padAndPermute SectionReader net/textproto ReadLineBytes readLineSlice CharsetReader compress/gzip *[]hpack.node maxTableIndex *acmez.Solver *acmez.Waiter Authorization currentSolver *acmez.Client nextChallenge provision userAgent HashAlgorithm IssuerKeyHash *ocsp.request *dns.AMTRELAYTxt dns:"txt" *dns.IPSECKEY ExtendedRcode *dns.Question *dns.SVCBPort *dns.SVCBAlpn *dns.EDNS0_UL SourceNetmask *dns.ServeMux ReadMsgHeader *regexp.input regexp/syntax *regexp.queue *regexp.entry *[]regexp.job FindAllString LiteralPrefix *errors.stack *errors.Frame *oauth2.Token SetAuthHeader DeviceAuthURL *oauth2.Alias *govultr.Meta *[]govultr.OS *govultr.IPv4 *govultr.IPv6 ExpirySeconds GetRepository UpdateUserACL *govultr.Node CreateCluster DeleteCluster GetKubeConfig ListNodePools UpdateCluster *govultr.Plan ListBareMetal CreateFromURL *govultr.User *govultr.VPC2 FirewallGroup ObjectStorage StartupScript DoWithContext SetRetryLimit *<-chan error parentIOPipes *doh.DNSClass *doh.MXRecord *doh.NSRecord *doh.Resolver LookupService exchangeHTTPS rawExtensions SessionTicket *tls.KeyShare AlpnProtocols PskIdentities getPrivatePtr montgomeryMul *bisect.dedup *[]parse.item *parse.IfNode checkPipeline html/template *template.CSS *template.URL BoundaryAfter Decomposition FirstBoundary firstBoundary combineHangul insertOrdered compatibility *[8]token.Pos isBooleanType StrictUint64s ValidFloat64s parseFloat64s ChildSections NewBooleanKey DeleteSection NewRawSection WriteToIndent writeToBuffer ClearComments MustGetString MustGetUint64 *[]toml.entry EnterKeyValue *toml.decoder handleKeyPart unmarshalBool *yaml.keyList *[]*yaml.Node mapping_style problem_value comments_head tokens_parsed block_allowed write_handler output_buffer output_writer *yaml.decoder mappingStruct stringMapType *yaml.encoder *[]gob.typeId *netlink.Link RxFrameErrors PhaseSegment1 PhaseSegment2 SyncJumpWidth VlanFiltering *netlink.Bond ArpAllTargets AdUserPortKey AdActorSystem *netlink.Vlan *netlink.Veth PeerNamespace *netlink.Addr *netlink.Rule *xml.typeInfo DecodeElement unmarshalAttr unmarshalPath EncodeElement marshalSimple marshalStruct *xml.CharData *xml.ProcInst overlapsEndOf *netipx.IPSet ContainsRange OverlapsRange unmarshalList MarshalAppend Deterministic UseCachedSize ProtoInternal IsPlaceholder ReservedNames AppendMutable *bbr.ackPoint bytesInFlight chooseA0Point onAckEventEnd OnPacketAcked TimeUntilSend recoveryState endRecoveryAt slowerStartup drainToTarget updateAckRate *protocol.ECN *utils.Logger MeanDeviation SetInitialRTT meanDeviation IsCryptoError RetirePriorTo ParseExtended skippedPacket numAckedECNCE failIfMangled packetHistory ReceivedBytes ResetForRetry SkippedPacket bytesReceived lastBlockedAt receiveWindow Get0RTTOpener Get1RTTOpener highestRcvdPN updateAllowed zeroRTTOpener zeroRTTSealer initialOpener initialSealer has1RTTSealer has1RTTOpener handleMessage NewRetryToken ReceivedRetry DroppedPacket *ipv4.sockOpt getICMPFilter setICMPFilter SetICMPFilter *slog.Handler *[5]slog.Attr *slog.Leveler readDeltaBase *flate.Reader *flate.byFreq *syntax.Error *syntax.Flags leadingRegexp leadingString closeBodyp LeveledLogger TLSIdentifier PublicKeySize SignatureSize DeriveKeyPair SharedKeySize extractExpand labeledExpand *hpke.kemBase *ast.ListType flushNoDefers terminateCell parseStdTable parseValArray checkKeyValue *gob.wireType *gob.encInstr *gob.gobError *gob.typeInfo *[]*gob.encOp *nl.IfInfomsg *nl.IfAddrmsg *[]sync.Mutex NumExtensions RangeMessages numExtensions GoPackagePath *strs.Builder *filedesc.Out unmarshalFull unmarshalSeed RawDescriptor allExtensions allocMessages allocServices *impl.pointer *func() *bool growBoolSlice unknownOffset GoReflectType OneofWrappers sizecacheType extensionType ExtensionType *impl.mapInfo *coding.Alpha *coding.Level AddCheckBytes *coding.Pixel *common.Pacer isCwndLimited currentMinRTT MarshalHeader *socket.iovec *bpf.JumpTest *bpf.Register *xof.blake2xs *xof.blake2xb EncapsulateTo DecapsulateTo isValidPubKey *ed448.scheme *descfmt.list invNttGeneric mulHatGeneric *internal.Mat *text.encType *text.Encoder *internal.Vec BarrettReduce *mlsbset.EltG *mlsbset.EltP DeriveUniform invNTTGeneric*func() 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FileDescriptorReservedRangesTypeDescriptor*bbr.BandwidthtotalBytesSenttotalBytesLostTotalBytesLostTotalBytesSentmax_ack_heightlastSentPacket*bbr.bbrSenderroundTripCountnumStartupRttslastCycleStartexitProbeRttAtrecoveryWindowtoGQUICVersionSetMaxAckDelayhasMeasurementDataLenPresent*wire.AckFrame*wire.AckRangeencodeAckRangeValidForUpdateInitialMaxDatanumSentTestingnumLostTestingReceivedPacketshouldQueueACKinitialPacketsappDataPacketsnumOutstandingIsNewlyBlockedSendWindowSizeepochStartTimetokenProtector*logging.FrameBufferedPacketUpdatedMetrics*ipv4.ICMPType*ipv4.groupReqsetSourceGroupgetMulticastIfsetMulticastIf*ipv4.dgramOptpayloadHandlernewHandleState*slog.groupptr*slog.timeTime*qpack.Decoder*qpack.Encodercompress/flate*[]flate.hcode*[]crc32.Table*syntax.ranges*syntax.InstOp*[]syntax.Inst*syntax.Regexp*syntax.parserparseClassCharparsePerlFlags*query.EncoderRequestLogHook wantsClosepStandardClient*pki.TLSSchemePrivateKeySize*kem.PublicKeyCiphertextSizelabeledExtract*hpke.shortKEM*ast.ObjectKeytext/tabwriter*unstable.Kind*unstable.Node*unstable.rootNextExpressionparseSimpleKeyscanIntOrFloat*danger.TypeID*tracker.entry*gob.arrayType*gob.sliceType*gob.fieldType*gob.encBufferTextMarshalerT*gob.encHelper*gob.encEnginesendActualType*[]gob.gobType*[8]*gob.encOpSetSendTimeoutFindFileByPathFindEnumByName*[]token.TokenAppendFullName*filedesc.File*filedesc.Enum*filedesc.Base*impl.exporter*func() **bool*func() *int32*func() 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json:"group"CompressionMethodscachedPrivateHello*bisect.parseError*parse.CommandNode*parse.CommentNode*[8]parse.itemType*template.HTMLAttr*[]norm.Properties*[1]*ast.ObjectKey*[]*ast.ObjectItemIgnoreContinuationKeyValueDelimitersStringsWithShadows*[8][]*ini.SectionscanEscapeSequencescanUnicodeLiteral*toml.valueOptions*toml.errorContexthandleKeyValueParttryTextUnmarshalerunmarshalLocalDateunmarshalLocalTime*yaml.yaml_event_t*yaml.yaml_style_t*yaml.yaml_token_ttag_directives_endsimple_key_allowedsimple_keys_by_tok*yaml.yaml_break_tflow_plain_allowedsimple_key_context*[8]yaml.fieldInfoInlineUnmarshalers*netlink.MPLSEncap*netlink.SEG6Encap*[4]netlink.bpfObj*netlink.LinkAttrs*netlink.LinkSlavePropagationSegment*netlink.IPoIBMode*netlink.BondSlave*netlink.WireguardunmarshalInterface*xml.MarshalerAttr*[1]netipx.IPRange*[8]protowire.TypemarshalMessageSlow*protoreflect.Name*protoreflect.Kind*protoreflect.ListappendFieldOptionsappendOneofOptionsHasOptionalKeyword*protoreflect.Enum*bbr.sendTimeStatemaxAckHeightFiltersampleMaxBandwidthsampleIsAppLimitedTotalBytesNeuteredtotalBytesNeuteredconnectionStateMapMaybeExitSlowStartSetMaxDatagramSizecycleCurrentOffsetdetectOvershooting*[5]brutal.pktInfo*quicvarint.Reader*protocol.StreamID*protocol.KeyPhaseMaybeSplitOffFrame*wire.MaxDataFrameIsApplicationErrormarshalVarintParam*ackhandler.packetfirstTestingPacketfirstCapablePacketGetHighestAckRangeLowestPacketNumbergetPTOTimeAndSpacebaseFlowControllerDecodePacketNumberGetHandshakeOpener*[]handshake.EventinvalidPacketLimitinvalidPacketCountValidateRemoteAddr*logging.TimerTypeAcknowledgedPacket*rand.LockedSource*ipv4.ControlFlagsMulticastInterface*func() 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uint64golang.org/x/sys/unix*unix.SockaddrNetlink*unix.RawSockaddrUnix*unix.SockaddrL2TPIP6*unix.TIPCServiceName*unix.RawSockaddrTIPC*unix.RawSockaddrIUCV*unix.SockaddrNFCLLCP*func(net.Conn) error*ranges.Range[uint32]DefaultInterfaceIndex*func(netip.AddrPort)*buf.defaultAllocator*network.PacketWriter*acl.CompilationError*func() []*v2geo.CIDR*func() *bbr.ackPoint*func() bbr.Bandwidth*quic.ClientHelloInfo*quic.ConnectionStateMaxIncomingUniStreamsHandleMaxStreamsFrame*quic.connIDGenerator*[]protocol.ByteCount*[]utils.ByteInterval*[8]protocol.StreamID*quic.coalescedPacketSetHandshakeConfirmed*chan quic.closeError*quic.connectionTimerreceivedPacketHandlerhandshakeCompleteChanhandleHandshakeEventshandleMaxStreamsFramesendPacketsWithoutGSOmaybeGetAppDataPacket*quic.headerDecryptor*[]protocol.StreamNum*[]*quic.packetBufferhandleStreamFrameImpl*quic.uniStreamSenderonStreamCompletedImpl*chan 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error*[]regexp.onePassInstFindAllStringSubmatchgithub.com/pkg/errors*oauth2.RetrieveErrorMainIPjson:"main_ip"SizeGBjson:"size_gb"*govultr.BlockStorage*govultr.DatabaseUser*[]govultr.DatabaseDB*govultr.DatabasePlanListAvailableVersionsUpdateAdvancedOptions*govultr.DomainRecordIPTypejson:"ip_type"*govultr.FirewallRule*govultr.ReinstallReq*govultr.LoadBalancer*[]govultr.ReservedIPSSHKeyjson:"ssh_key"*govultr.databaseBase*govultr.instanceBase*govultr.invoicesBase*govultr.lbFWRuleBase**govultr.lbRulesBase*govultr.networksBase*govultr.snapshotBase*govultr.userDataBase*govultr.vpc2InfoBase*exec.goroutineStatusSetServerCertificates*func() tls.ticketKey*func() tls.TicketKeyLabeljson:"identity"*map[uint]sign.Scheme*[56]nistec.p224Table*[64]nistec.p256Table*[96]nistec.p384Table*[96]fiat.P224ElementcarryPropagateGeneric*func() bigmod.choiceinternal/unsafeheader*concurrent.equalFunc*[]*parse.CommandNode*parse.IdentifierNodeskipContinuationBytesFirstBoundaryInString*[8]*ast.CommentGroup*ini.sourceReadCloserChildSectionDelimiter*chan properties.itemMustGetParsedDuration*yaml.yaml_encoding_t*yaml.yaml_document_tstream_start_producedsingle_quoted_allowed*netlink.BondLacpRate*netlink.BondAdSelect*netlink.VlanProtocol*netlink.RuleUIDRange*[8]netlink.IPoIBMode*[]netlink.TuntapMode*func() xml.Directive*func(xml.Attr) error*netipx.stacktraceErrFindExtensionByNumber*[8]protoreflect.Kind*proto.MarshalOptions*protoreflect.MessageappendDescriptorProtoExtensionRangeOptionsSetFilterWindowLengthaggregationEpochBytes*bbr.bandwidthSamplerRemoveObsoletePacketsoverestimateAvoidance*bbr.bbrRecoveryStatehasNoAppLimitedSamplelastAckPrintTimestamp*protocol.Perspective*protocol.KeyPhaseBit*func(utils.LogLevel)*qerr.StreamErrorCodenumEncodableAckRanges*wire.MaxStreamsFrame*congestion.ByteCount*[]*ackhandler.packet*func() 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bool*unstable.ParserError*func(*gob.encEngine)*protoiface.MessageV1checkGenProtoConflict*[]order.messageField*[]filedesc.Extension*filedesc.ExtensionL2*[]filedesc.EnumValue*filedesc.EnumValueL1*[8]protoreflect.Name*filedesc.OneofFields*filedesc.FieldRanges*[8]*filedesc.Message*[8]*filedesc.Service*filedesc.FileImportsresolveEnumDependency*filedesc.ExtensionL1*impl.valueCoderFuncs*impl.unmarshalOutputoneofWrappersByNumbermakeUnknownFieldsFunc*impl.aberrantMessage*impl.uint32Converter*impl.uint64Converter*impl.stringConverter*impl.legacyMarshaler*congestion.BandwidthOnConnectionMigrationmaybeTraceStateChange*kyber1024.PrivateKeyNormalizeAssumingLe2Q*func(*internal.VecK)*goldilocks.groupMLSB*func([]uint8, uint8)*cmd.tcpRedirectLogger*func(net.Addr, error)URLmapstructure:"url"UDPmapstructure:"udp"SNImapstructure:"sni"*cmd.tcpRedirectConfigMTUmapstructure:"mtu"TLSmapstructure:"tls"TUNmapstructure:"tun"Keymapstructure:"key"Dirmapstructure:"dir"DNSmapstructure:"dns"TCPmapstructure:"tcp"*cmd.serverConfigSniffACLmapstructure:"acl"Successjson:"success"*func(*string) *string*[0]*sync.poolChainElt*[]*server.StreamStats*map.bucket[string]int*[][]*x509.Certificate*func([]uint8) []uint8ExcludedEmailAddresses*func() *x509.CertPool*x509.SystemRootsError*x509.basicConstraints*func() *godebug.value*func() (uint8, error)*func() netip.AddrPort*func(time.Time) error*[]dnsmessage.Resource*func(string) []string*map.bucket[int]string*[]net.hostLookupOrder*map[string]net.byName*func() (string, bool)*go.shape.[]net.IPAddr*func(dnsmessage.Type)*func(netip.Addr) bool*go.shape.interface {}*os.fileWithoutWriteTo*func(os.Signal) errorhandleTransientAcquirehandleTransientRelease*func(*runtime._defer)*runtime.PanicNilError*runtime.mSpanStateBox*func(uintptr) uintptrisUnusedUserArenaChunkspecialFindSplicePointwriteUserArenaHeapBits*runtime.stackfreelist*[256]runtime.guintptr*func() unsafe.Pointer*runtime.statAggregate*[]*runtime.moduledata*[8]runtime.metricData*func() *abi.ArrayType*syscall.SockaddrInet4*syscall.SockaddrInet6*func() syscall.Signal*func() (int64, int64)*func() *time.Location*func() (uint64, bool)github.com/spf13/cobraBashCompletionFunction*func(...*cobra.Group)*func() *pflag.FlagSet*func(io.Writer) errorGenZshCompletionNoDesc*func() []*cobra.GroupHasAvailableLocalFlagsInitDefaultVersionFlag*func() *cobra.Command*func(...interface {})*func(context.Context)*[8]*template.Templategithub.com/spf13/viper*func(io.Reader) errorHookjson:"-" yaml:"-"*forwarding.atomicTimegetAndClearAcceptError*tproxy.TCPEventLogger*tproxy.UDPEventLoggerMaxStreamReceiveWindow*client.udpConnFactory*[]protocol.UDPMessage*func() *http.response*zapcore.writerWrapper*zapcore.ObjectEncoder*func(string, []uint8)*func(string, float32)*func(string, float64)*func(string, uintptr)*[4096]zapcore.counter*zapcore.SamplerOption*zapcore.EncoderConfig*zapcore.CallerEncoder*context.backgroundCtx*[]tls.SignatureSchemeSessionTicketsDisabledBuildNameToCertificate*tls.RecordHeaderErrorhandleNewSessionTicketmaxPayloadSizeForWriteprocessCertsFromClientquicReadHandshakeBytescertificateAuthoritiesdiscardHandshakeBuffer*tls.ECHRejectionErrorUnverifiedCertificates*tls.endOfEarlyDataMsg*tls.ecdheKeyAgreement*func() *sync.readOnly*func(*tls.activeCert)SetTransportParameters*func() (int64, error)*map[reflect.Type]bool*http.http2chunkWriter*http.http2writeFramer*http.http2FrameHeader*func() 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bool*poll.splicePipeFields*[8]*singleflight.callgithub.com/spf13/pflag*pflag.int64SliceValue*pflag.int32SliceValue*map[uint8]*pflag.Flag*[]*parse.VariableNode*mapstructure.Metadatagithub.com/spf13/afero*map[string]*flag.Flag*func() *buffer.Buffergo.uber.org/zap/buffer*func([]uint8, uint16)*func([]uint8, uint32)*func([]uint8, uint64)*unix.RawSockaddrInet4*unix.RawSockaddrInet6*unix.RawSockaddrPPPoX*unix.TIPCServiceRange*unix.SockaddrCANJ1939*acl.geositeDomainType*func() 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*regexp.Regexp*regexp.onePassMachine*oauth2.AuthCodeOption*oauth2.tokenRefresherBalancejson:"balance"*[]govultr.Application*govultr.BackupService*govultr.AttachVPC2ReqOSjson:"os,omitempty"IPjson:"ip,omitempty"*[]govultr.InvoiceItemProductjson:"product"Allowedjson:"allowed"Countryjson:"country"Airportjson:"airport"Billingjson:"billing"Storagejson:"storage"Premiumjson:"premium"*[]govultr.PGExtension*govultr.DatabaseUsage*govultr.DBListOptionsPGjson:"pg,omitempty"*govultr.DatabaseAlertListMaintenanceUpdates*govultr.DomainService*govultr.FirewallGroupReversejson:"reverse"*[]govultr.NodePoolReqVersionjson:"version"DeleteNodePoolInstance*govultr.ObjectStorage*govultr.BareMetalPlan*govultr.RegionServiceOptionsjson:"options"*govultr.ReservedIPReq*govultr.SSHKeyService*govultr.StartupScriptBackupsjson:"backups"*govultr.bareMetalBaseRegionsjson:"regions" DatabaseDBs json:"dbs"*govultr.databasesBaseDomainsjson:"domains"*govultr.instancesBase*govultr.isoStatusBase*govultr.lbFWRulesBaseNetworkjson:"network"*govultr.snapshotsBase*govultr.vpc2NodesBase*<-chan exec.ctxResult*chan<- exec.ctxResult*tls.ECHConfigContentsInsecureSkipTimeVerify*tls.PubClientHelloMsg*[132]nistec.p521Tablecrypto/internal/nisteccrypto/internal/bigmod*func() parse.NodeTypeAllowNonUniqueSectionsDeleteSectionWithIndex*properties.Properties*func(string, int) int**unstable.ParserError*map[reflect.Value]int*func() *unstable.NodeunmarshalLocalDateTime*[]yaml.yaml_comment_t*yaml.yaml_node_type_t*yaml.yaml_node_item_t*yaml.yaml_node_pair_t*map[interface {}]bool*map[string]*yaml.Node*[]yaml.resolveMapItem*exceptions.multiError*exceptions.causeError*exceptions.MultiError*netlink.LinkOperStateAdPartnerOperPortState*netlink.RouteProtocol*netlink.RulePortRange*[8]netlink.TuntapMode*func() xml.EndElementunmarshalTextInterface*func(xml.Token) error*func() []netip.Prefix*interface { Reset() 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error)*http.http2writePingAck*http.onceCloseListener*http.persistConnWriter*http.http2noBodyReader*[8]http.http2FrameType*[8]http.http2SettingID*[]http.socksAuthMethod*certmagic.KeyGenerator*certmagic.CacheOptions*certmagic.ConfigGetterAllMatchingCertificatesmakeCertificateWithOCSPCertificatePEMjson:"-"CacheManagedCertificategetCertificateFromCachegetTLSALPNChallengeCertmanagedCertNeedsRenewalrenewDynamicCertificatestorageHasCertResourcesDisableTLSALPNChallenge*[8]certmagic.Challenge*[]certmagic.ocspUpdate*cloudflare.cfDNSRecordPerPagejson:"per_page"github.com/libdns/gandigithub.com/libdns/vultr*[]govultr.DomainRecordDeactivateAuthorization*[]acme.cachedDirectory*server.BandwidthConfig*server.udpSessionEntry*server.defaultOutbound*auth.HTTPAuthenticator*outbounds.httpOutbound*outbounds.resolveError*outbounds.udpConnState*outbounds.fastOpenConn*outbounds.lookupResultReqAddrjson:"req_addr"*func() utils.PortUnion*sync.poolLocalInternal*func([]uint8) *big.Int*func() 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[]string)*[8]hpack.pairNameValue*hpack.headerFieldTable*internal.chunkedWriter*internal.chunkedReader*acmez.challengeHistorylistRemainingChallengesfillChallengeFieldsrememberFailedChallengepresentForNextChallengeNamedns:"cdomain-name"*func() (dns.lex, bool) TimeSigned dns:"uint48"Mboxdns:"cdomain-name"*dns.tsigSecretProvider*map[string]dns.Handler*map[dns.SVCBKey]string*map[string]dns.SVCBKeyExchangeWithConnContext*func(int) (int32, int)FindReaderSubmatchIndexFindStringSubmatchIndexReplaceAllLiteralString*govultr.AccountServiceTagurl:"tag,omitempty"ImageIDjson:"image_id"*govultr.BillingServiceEndDatejson:"end_date"MountIDjson:"mount_id"*[]govultr.BlockStorageBaseURLjson:"base_url"StartUpjson:"start_up"CreateDockerCredentialsPlanRAMjson:"plan_ram"*govultr.DatabaseBackup*[]govultr.DatabasePlan*govultr.MaxConnections*[]govultr.DatabaseUser*[]govultr.FirewallRule*govultr.BackupSchedule*govultr.PrivateNetworkRecycleNodePoolInstance*govultr.StickySessions*govultr.ForwardingRule*govultr.LBFirewallRule*[]govultr.LoadBalancer*govultr.NetworkService*govultr.SnapshotURLReqIPBlockjson:"ip_block"*govultr.bareMetalsBase*govultr.databaseDBBase**govultr.lbFWRulesBase*govultr.publicIsosBase*govultr.reservedIPBaseSSHKeysjson:"ssh_keys"*govultr.vkeClusterBase*exec.prefixSuffixSaverPeerApplicationSettingsQuicTransportParameters*func() *parse.ListNode*func() *parse.PipeNodeSkipUnrecognizableLinesPreserveSurroundedQuote*[]unstable.ParserError*func(*yaml.Node) error*yaml.yaml_event_type_t*yaml.yaml_error_type_t*yaml.yaml_token_type_t*yaml.yaml_simple_key_t*yaml.yaml_alias_data_t*[8]yaml.resolveMapItemcallObsoleteUnmarshaler*netlink.SEG6LocalEncap*netlink.LinkStatistics*netlink.BondSlaveState*netlink.vxlanPortRange*[]netlink.BondAdSelect*[]netlink.BondLacpRate*[]netlink.VlanProtocol*proto.UnmarshalOptionsLeadingDetachedComments*protoreflect.RawFields*[8]impl.ExtensionFieldNumAckAggregationEpochsnumAckAggregationEpochsOnRetransmissionTimeoutcalculateRecoveryWindowenterProbeBandwidthModemaybeExitStartupOrDraininitialCongestionWindow*wire.PathResponseFrameMarshalForSessionTicketInitialMaxStreamDataUniRetrySourceConnectionIDActiveConnectionIDLimit*ackhandler.StreamFrameincludedInBytesInFlightlargestObservedRcvdTimeGetLossDetectionTimeoutlowestNotConfirmedAckedremoveFromBytesInFlightstartNewAutoTuningEpochEnsureMinimumWindowSizeshouldQueueWindowUpdate*handshake.xorNonceAEADfirstRcvdWithCurrentKeyfirstSentWithCurrentKeyshouldInitiateKeyUpdategetDataForSessionTicketSentTransportParametersJoinSourceSpecificGroup*[]qpack.indexAndValuesparseIndexedHeaderFieldparseLiteralHeaderFieldreadRequiredInsertCount*quotedprintable.Reader*map[*syntax.Regexp]int*internal.RetrieveError*map[string]sign.Scheme*eddilithium3.PublicKey*func() 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error)*x509.SignatureAlgorithm*x509.PublicKeyAlgorithm*[]asn1.ObjectIdentifier*func(*x509.Certificate)Idasn1:"optional,tag:0"*x509.certificateRequest*x509.CertificateRequestRawTBSCertificateRequest*func(interface {}) bool*func(string, bool) bool*net.UnknownNetworkError*func(net.IPMask) net.IP*func() <-chan struct {}*func(netip.Prefix) bool*func(string) netip.Addr*func(netip.Addr) string*func(fs.FileMode) error*func(*os.Process) error*runtime.boundsErrorCodesetUserArenaChunkToFault*[]runtime.stackfreelist*func(int64, int64) bool*runtime.persistentAlloc*runtime.pcvalueCacheEnt*map[string]interface {}*strings.genericReplacer*syscall.SockaddrNetlink*syscall.RawSockaddrUnix*cobra.CompletionOptionscompletionCommandGroupID*func(...*cobra.Command)*func() []*cobra.CommandInitDefaultCompletionCmd*[8]pflag.NormalizedName*forwarding.sessionEntry*[]*proxymux.muxListener*redirect.TCPEventLoggerInet4RouteExcludeAddressInet6RouteExcludeAddress*list.Element[func(int)]*func(*url.URL) 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*bbr.ackPoint*[]protocol.ConnectionID*[]quic.frameSorterEntry*func(protocol.StreamID)streamsWithControlFramesapplyTransportParameterscheckTransportParametershandleHandshakeConfirmedhandleHandshakeDoneFramehandleMaxStreamDataFramehandlePathChallengeFrame*quic.errTransportClosed*http3.QUICEarlyListener*func() http3.Connection*func(http.Header) error*func(qpack.HeaderField)crypto/internal/mlkem768*[]mlkem768.fieldElement*textproto.ProtocolError*hpack.InvalidIndexErrorcountAvailableChallengesinitiateCurrentChallengegolang.org/x/crypto/ocsp Certificate dns:"base64"Targetdns:"domain-name"*func() dns.SVCBKeyValueRmaildns:"cdomain-name"Emaildns:"cdomain-name"Map822dns:"domain-name"*func(*dns.Msg) *dns.Msg*dns.EDNS0_TCP_KEEPALIVE*map.bucket[string]uint8*map.bucket[uint8]stringgithub.com/libdns/libdns*func([]uint8) [][]uint8*oauth2.reuseTokenSource*[]oauth2.AuthCodeOptionPasswordCredentialsToken*govultr.BareMetalCreateTagjson:"tag,omitempty"*govultr.BareMetalServerFeaturesjson:"features"*govultr.BareMetalUpdateUserNamejson:"username"Passwordjson:"password"Metadatajson:"metadata"Businessjson:"business"*govultr.DatabaseServiceDatabasejson:"database"Usernamejson:"username"*govultr.DatabaseUserACL*govultr.DatabaseForkReq*govultr.DatabaseBackupsJitjson:"jit,omitempty"*govultr.AvailableOption*[]govultr.DatabaseAlert*govultr.DomainRecordReq*[]govultr.FirewallGroup*govultr.FirewallRuleReqProtocoljson:"protocol"*govultr.InstanceServiceHostnamejson:"hostname"Dowjson:"dow,omitempty"Domjson:"dom,omitempty"FileNamejson:"filename"Endpointjson:"endpoint"Versionsjson:"versions"*govultr.LoadBalancerReqSSLjson:"ssl,omitempty"VPCjson:"vpc,omitempty"Requiredjson:"required"Locationjson:"location"*[]govultr.ObjectStorage*[]govultr.BareMetalPlan*govultr.SnapshotService*[]govultr.StartupScript*govultr.applicationBasePlansjson:"plans_metal"*govultr.databaseDBsBase*govultr.databaseMessage 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protoreflect.Map*bbr.maxAckHeightTrackerResetMaxAckHeightTrackermaybeEnterOrExitProbeRttprobeRttCongestionWindow*qerr.TransportErrorCode*wire.MaxStreamDataFrame*wire.PathChallengeFrame*wire.HandshakeDoneFrame*congestion.PacketNumber*ackhandler.FrameHandler*func(bool) protocol.ECN*[]protocol.PacketNumberIncrementHighestReceived*handshake.updatableAEADOriginalDestConnectionID*logging.CongestionState*func(protocol.KeyPhase)*logging.ECNStateTriggerReceivedLongHeaderPacketLeaveSourceSpecificGroupFunctionjson:"function"github.com/quic-go/qpack*qpack.invalidIndexError*[8]qpack.indexAndValuesgithub.com/stretchr/objx*flate.CorruptInputError*internal.AuthStyleCache*internal.expirationTimewantsHttp10KeepAlivep*retryablehttp.LenReaderUnmarshalBinaryPublicKeygolang.org/x/crypto/hkdf*eddilithium3.PrivateKeygolang.org/x/crypto/sha3*[]protoreflect.FullNameRangeExtensionsByMessageresolveMessageDependency*impl.reflectMessageInfo*func(impl.pointer) bool*impl.extensionFieldInfo*impl.lazyExtensionValue*func() *impl.weakFields*[8]*impl.coderFieldInfo*func(*impl.MessageInfo)*congestion.DefaultClockCongestionWindowAfterAcklargestAckedPacketNumberlargestSentAtLastCutback*qtls.clientSessionCachelog/slog/internal/buffer*func(token.Pos, string)*eddilithium2.PrivateKey*func(net.Addr, net.Addr)*[]cmd.tcpForwardingEntry*[]cmd.udpForwardingEntry*cmd.serverConfigACMEHTTP*map.bucket[string]string*cmd.serverConfigAuthHTTP*cmd.serverConfigResolverfillIgnoreClientBandwidth*func(server.StreamState)*[8]zapcore.EncoderConfig*map[string]zapcore.LevelMaxConstraintComparisions*func() *nistec.P256Point*func() *nistec.P384Point*func() *nistec.P521Point*func() *nistec.P224Point*x509.authorityInfoAccessMGFasn1:"explicit,tag:1"*[]x509.distributionPointIsInterfaceLocalMulticast*func() (*os.File, error)*func() (time.Time, bool)*func() (net.Conn, error)*func(netip.AddrPort) int*net.result[[]net.IPAddr]*func() ([]string, error)*net.result[go.shape.int]*func() *netip.addrDetail*[]*runtime.PanicNilError*[4]runtime.stackfreelist*runtime.gcMarkWorkerMode*runtime.traceBlockReason*[10]runtime.heldLockInfo*runtime.gcStatsAggregate*map[int32]unsafe.Pointer*map[unsafe.Pointer]int32*func() *abi.UncommonType*func(int32) (int, error)*syscall.RawSockaddrInet4*syscall.RawSockaddrInet6*syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr*func(time.Duration) bool*map.bucket[string]uint64*cobra.ShellCompDirective*cobra.FParseErrWhitelistcommandsMaxCommandPathLenAllChildCommandsHaveGroup*func(string) *pflag.Flag*func(string, bool) errorMarkFlagsRequiredTogetherMarkPersistentFlagDirname*func(string, int) string*map[string]reflect.ValuesearchMapWithPathPrefixes*func(string) *zap.Logger*func(zapcore.Level) bool*func(net.Listener) error*proxymux.connWithOneByte*[8]*proxymux.muxListener*func(...string) *url.URL LatestVersion json:"lver"*client.udpSessionManager*zapcore.multiWriteSyncer*func(interface {}) error*func(string, complex128)*func(zapcore.Field) bool*zapcore.CheckWriteAction*zapcore.SamplingDecision*zapcore.ReflectedEncoder*zapcore.MapObjectEncoder*map[zapcore.Level]string*func(bool, error, error)*context.withoutCancelCtx*func(func()) func() bool*tls.RenegotiationSupportunmarshalHandshakeMessage*tls.certificateVerifyMsg*tls.certificateStatusMsg*tls.serverKeyExchangeMsg*tls.clientKeyExchangeMsggenerateClientKeyExchangegenerateServerKeyExchange*tls.clientHandshakeState*tls.serverHandshakeState*[]json.reflectWithString*http.http2WriteScheduler*func() *http.http2Framer*[8]*http.http2serverConnMaxDecoderHeaderTableSizeMaxEncoderHeaderTableSize*func() (*url.URL, error)*map[*http.conn]struct 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quic.rejectedPacketdisableVersionNegotiationmaybeHandleStatelessReset*func(quic.packetHandler)*map.bucket[uint64]uint64*http3.countingByteReader*func(quic.ReceiveStream)*encoding.BinaryMarshaler*encoding.TextUnmarshaler*acmez.failedChallengeMapenqueueUnfailedChallengesObtainCertificateUsingCSR*[8]asn1.ObjectIdentifierTargetdns:"cdomain-name"Mapx400dns:"domain-name"*func() (*dns.Msg, error)*map[uint16]func() dns.RR*map.bucket[uint16]string*func(io.RuneReader) bool*func() 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map[string]string*yaml.obsoleteUnmarshaler*yaml.yaml_scalar_style_t*yaml.yaml_parser_state_t*yaml.yaml_read_handler_t*[]yaml.yaml_simple_key_t*[]yaml.yaml_alias_data_t*exceptions.HasInnerError*func(netlink.Encap) bool*netlink.LinkStatistics32*netlink.LinkStatistics64*func(netlink.Route) bool*map[int]*nl.SocketHandle*xml.UnsupportedTypeError*protoreflect.Cardinality*func() protoreflect.Name*func(protoreflect.Value)*protoreflect.FileImportsappendEnumDescriptorProtoappendFileDescriptorProtoappendUninterpretedOption*protoreflect.FieldRanges*func() protoreflect.Kind*protoreflect.MessageType*func() protoreflect.List*[]protoreflect.RawFieldsaggregationEpochStartTimecalculateCongestionWindowgetTargetCongestionWindow*protocol.EncryptionLevel*protocol.PacketNumberLen*func(bool) time.Duration*qerr.StatelessResetError*wire.StreamsBlockedFrame*wire.TransportParametersInitialSourceConnectionID*func(*ackhandler.packet)SentNonAckElicitingPacketcheckFlowControlViolation*func([]uint8, bool) bool*handshake.TokenGenerator*handshake.tokenProtector*logging.ConnectionTracer*logging.PacketDropReason*logging.PacketLossReasonReceivedShortHeaderPacket*func(ipv4.ICMPType) bool*map[ipv4.ICMPType]string*base32.CorruptInputError*map[*syntax.Regexp]int64ErrorURIjson:"error_uri"*retryablehttp.CheckRetry*retryablehttp.ReaderFunc*retryablehttp.hookLogger*netx.IPStackCapabilitiesUnmarshalBinaryPrivateKey*func(kem.PublicKey) bool*func() *fiat.P224Element*func() *fiat.P256Element*func() *fiat.P384Element*func() *fiat.P521Element*func() unstable.IteratorparseIntOrFloatOrDateTimeparseMultilineBasicString*errors.SizeMismatchError*pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals*[8]protoreflect.FullName*filedesc.EditionFeatures*filedesc.SourceLocations*map[filedesc.pathKey]int*filedesc.PlaceholderFile*filedesc.PlaceholderEnum*filedesc.resolverByIndex*filetype.resolverByIndex*func(int32, int32) int32*func() *impl.MessageInfo*impl.aberrantMessageType*func() protoreflect.Enum*impl.messageIfaceWrapper*func(coding.Version) int*prototext.MarshalOptions*cmd.masqHandlerLogWrapper*cmd.clientConfigTransport*cmd.clientConfigBandwidthRealmmapstructure:"realm"Routemapstructure:"route"Emailmapstructure:"email"*cmd.serverConfigBandwidthHTTPSmapstructure:"https"GeoIPmapstructure:"geoip"Proxymapstructure:"proxy"Sniffmapstructure:"sniff"*func() server.StreamState*func(string, string) bool*func(time.Time) time.Time*[]pkix.RevokedCertificate*func(*x509.CertPool) bool NextUpdateasn1:"optional" RawAttributes asn1:"tag:0"Hashasn1:"explicit,tag:0"*func(string) (int, error)*func(string) net.sockaddr*func(time.Duration) error*net.tcpConnWithoutWriteTo*func(func(uintptr)) error*chan net.result[[]string]*map[string]map[string]int*func(netip.AddrPort) bool*map[abi.TypeOff]*abi.Type*[0]*runtime.PanicNilError*[]runtime.pcvalueCacheEnt*runtime.sysStatsAggregate*runtime.cpuStatsAggregate*runtime.sliceInterfacePtr*func(uint64, uint64) bool*func() 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error*http.http2readFrameResult*http.http2writeResHeaderscloseAllStreamsOnConnClose*func([]uint8, int) string*http.globalOptionsHandler*http.expectContinueReader*[]context.CancelCauseFuncStrictMaxConcurrentStreams*[]*http.http2clientStream*http.http2ClientConnState*http.http2ConnectionError*[][]*http.http2ClientConn*[8]*http.http2addConnCall*http.http2handlerPanicRST*http.http2goAwayFlowError*http.checkConnErrorWriter*http.http2stickyErrWriter*http.requestBodyReadError*map[http.ConnState]string*[][]*multipart.FileHeader*map[string][]*http.Cookie*httputil.maxLatencyWriter*certmagic.ChainPreferenceSANsjson:"sans,omitempty"*certmagic.renewQueueEntry*map[string]chan struct {}*certmagic.ACMEDNSProviderSizejson:"size,omitempty"Namejson:"name,omitempty"Portjson:"port,omitempty"Typejson:"type,omitempty"Datajson:"data,omitempty"Metajson:"meta,omitempty" Frequencyjson:"frequency"Hostjson:"host,omitempty"Fqdnjson:"fqdn,omitempty"Userjson:"user,omitempty" KeyChangejson:"keyChange" 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protocol.ByteCount*[]*wire.PathResponseFramequeuedTooManyControlFramesAddStreamWithControlFramesQueuedTooManyControlFrames*func(*wire.DatagramFrame)appendOneShortHeaderPackethandleConnectionCloseFramehandleNewConnectionIDFramerestoreTransportParameters*quic.OOBCapablePacketConnhandleResetStreamFrameImpl*quic.packetHandlerManager*quic.sendStreamAckHandler*map[uint64]chan struct {}**qerr.StatelessResetErrorhandleResetStreamFrameihandleStopSendingFramei*[1]*quic.longHeaderPackethandleBidirectionalStreams*http3.stateTrackingStream*func(int, func(int, int))*mlkem768.DecapsulationKeyGoodasn1:"tag:0,optional"Hostnamedns:"domain-name"MACdns:"size-hex:MACSize"NextNamedns:"domain-name"Keydns:"size-hex:KeySize"*func(int) regexp.lazyFlag*func(*regexp.Regexp) bool*func(string, int) [][]intFindAllStringSubmatchIndex*func(io.RuneReader) []int*oauth2.DeviceAuthResponsePlanjson:"plan,omitempty"V6MainIPjson:"v6_main_ip" 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bool**errors.SizeMismatchError*func(protoreflect.MapKey)*func() protoreflect.Value*protoreflect.ProtoMessageappendFieldDescriptorProtoappendOneofDescriptorProto*func() protoreflect.Names*[]protoreflect.EnumNumber*protoreflect.FieldNumbers*[8]protoreflect.RawFields*bbr.congestionEventSampleshouldExitStartupDueToLossroundsWithoutBandwidthGain*func() protocol.StreamNum*func(string) utils.Logger*qerr.ApplicationErrorCode*wire.NewConnectionIDFrame*wire.ConnectionCloseFrame*wire.transportParameterID*map.bucket[uint64][]uint8UnmarshalFromSessionTicket*congestion.LostPacketInfo*func() *ackhandler.packetlastAckElicitingPacketTime*handshake.headerProtector*handshake.ConnectionStatehandleDataFromSessionStatemarshalDataForSessionStateExcludeSourceSpecificGroupIncludeSourceSpecificGroup*func(string) slog.Handler*func(string) *slog.Logger*func(*flate.decompressor)*func(*syntax.Regexp) bool*func() (io.Reader, error)*func(kem.PrivateKey) bool*protoregistry.typesByName*map[protoreflect.Name]int*impl.placeholderExtension*impl.legacyMessageWrapperlastTargetCongestionWindowlastCutbackExitedSlowstartinitialMaxCongestionWindow*map.bucket[string]float64*func([]uint8, uint8, int)**sockopts.UnsupportedError*cmd.serverConfigMasquerade*atomic.Pointer[os.dirInfo]*cmd.clientModeRunnerResult*func(string, func() error)*map.bucket[string][]string*func([]uint8) (int, error)UnhandledCriticalExtensionsPermittedDNSDomainsCritical*x509.UnknownAuthorityError*x509.tbsCertificateRequest*x509.distributionPointName*[]x509.authorityInfoAccess*func() (int32, int, error)*net.tcpConnWithoutReadFrom*func() ([]net.Addr, error)*map[string][]net.nssSource*net._Ctype_struct_addrinfo*net._Ctype_struct_sockaddr*func(*net.MX, *net.MX) int*<-chan 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[]*x509.CertificateVarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMultUnescapeValueCommentSymbols*map.bucket[string]*ini.Key*yaml.yaml_sequence_style_t*[]yaml.yaml_parser_state_t*map.bucket[*yaml.Node]boolgithub.com/sagernet/netlink*netlink.BondSlaveMiiStatus*netlink.BondXmitHashPolicy*[8]netlink.BondArpValidate*[8]netlink.BondFailOverMac*func() protoreflect.SyntaxappendExtensionRangeOptionsappendMethodDescriptorProto*[2]protoreflect.EnumNumber*func(int) protowire.Number*protoreflect.ExtensionType*func() protoreflect.MapKeyEnableOverestimateAvoidance*func(congestion.ByteCount)checkIfFullBandwidthReached*func() protocol.StreamType*qerr.HandshakeTimeoutError*congestion.AckedPacketInfodetectAndRemoveAckedPacketshasOutstandingCryptoPackets*handshake.LongHeaderOpener*handshake.LongHeaderSealer*handshake.longHeaderOpener*handshake.longHeaderSealerReceivedTransportParametersRestoredTransportParameters*ipv4.kernelSockaddrStorage*func(*net.Interface) error*func(func(slog.Attr) bool)vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu 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bool*map.bucket[x509.sum224]bool*map.bucket[string]struct {}*func(string, time.Duration)*x509.InsecureAlgorithmErrorReasonasn1:"optional,tag:1"*func(crypto.PublicKey) bool**net._Ctype_struct_addrinfo*func(context.Context, bool)*go.shape.*internal/abi.Type*func() (fs.FileInfo, error)*func(int) ([]string, error)*func(uintptr) (string, int)*func(uintptr, uintptr) bool*runtime.savedOpenDeferState*func([]uint8, int, int) int*func(context.Context) error*func(io.Writer, bool) errorIsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand*func(string, string) string*viper.defaultRemoteProvider*func(string) (string, bool)watchKeyValueConfigOnChannel*map[string]encoding.Decoder*map[string]encoding.Encoder*func([]uint8, string) error*[8]*forwarding.sessionEntry*func(*list.List[func(int)])*utils.localCertificateCache*func() (quic.Stream, error)**quic.DatagramTooLargeError*func(zapcore.ObjectEncoder)SupportedSignatureAlgorithms*map[string]*tls.CertificatesupportedSignatureAlgorithmssecureRenegotiationSupported*map.bucket[tls.alert]string*func(uint8) (string, error)*map.bucket[reflect.Type]int*http.http2OpenStreamOptions*http.http2FrameWriteRequest*http.http2HeadersFrameParam*func(*http.http2serverConn)PermitProhibitedCipherSuitesMaxUploadBufferPerConnection*func(string) []*http.Cookie*map[*net.Listener]struct {}DisableGeneralOptionsHandlershouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe*func(int) http.http2Setting*http.http2WindowUpdateFramecopyTrailersToHandlerRequestshouldSendChunkedRequestBody*func(*http.http2ClientConn)*map[[8]uint8]chan struct {}awaitOpenSlotForStreamLockeddecrStreamReservationsLocked*http.http2writeWindowUpdate*http.http2pseudoHeaderError*http.http2ContinuationFrame*http.http2noCachedConnError*certmagic.IssuedCertificateCacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate*certmagic.distributedSolver*[8]*certmagic.soaCacheEntrygithub.com/libdns/cloudflareProtojson:"proto,omitempty"Flagsjson:"flags,omitempty"Usagejson:"usage,omitempty"github.com/libdns/namedotcom*namedotcom.nameDotComRecordTokenjson:"token,omitempty"Titlejson:"title,omitempty" NewAccountjson:"newAccount" RevokeCertjson:"revokeCert"Errorjson:"error,omitempty" Identifierjson:"identifier" Challengesjson:"challenges"*outbounds.PluggableOutbound*outbounds.aclRejectOutbound*chan outbounds.lookupResult Connectionjson:"connection"*func(int64, int64) *big.Int*func([]uint8) cipher.Stream*map[*reflect.structType]int*func(reflectlite.Type) bool*map[dnsmessage.Class]string*map[dnsmessage.RCode]string*func() (int, string, error)*func(*syscall.Stat_t) error*func(int, int) (int, error)*func(int, int, uint8) error*func(string) (int64, error)*func(string) (int32, error)*func(string) (int16, error)*func(string) ([]int, error)*func(string) (uint8, error)*jwalterweatherman.Thresholdgithub.com/fsnotify/fsnotify*func(string) (uint32, bool)*mapstructure.DecodeHookFunc*map[reflect.Value]struct {}github.com/txthinking/socks5github.com/apernet/go-tproxy*func(uint32) (string, bool)*tun.DefaultInterfaceMonitor*func() protoreflect.Message*func() *quic.receivedPacket*func() quic.ConnectionState*func(*wire.MaxStreamsFrame)*func(protocol.ConnectionID)*func() []utils.ByteIntervalhandleStreamDataBlockedFramemaybeGetAppDataPacketFor0RTT**quic.errCloseForRecreating*[8]*http3.QUICEarlyListener*func(quic.Connection) error*http3.roundTripperWithCount*multipart.stickyErrorReader*multipart.sectionReadCloser*func(httptrace.GotConnInfo)*func(httptrace.DNSDoneInfo)vendor/golang.org/x/net/idnaHitdns:"size-hex:HitLength" NextDomaindns:"domain-name" SignerNamedns:"domain-name"*func(uint16, bool) *dns.MsgpackBufferWithCompressionMapLabeljson:"label,omitempty"Plansjson:"plans,omitempty"*govultr.BlockStorageService*[]govultr.ContainerRegistry Enterprisejson:"enterprise"*govultr.FerretDBCredentials*govultr.DatabaseDBCreateReq*govultr.DatabaseCredentials Percentagejson:"percentage"*govultr.DatabaseMemoryUsageUnitsjson:"units,omitempty"*govultr.DatabaseConnectionsMySQLjson:"mysql,omitempty"Emailjson:"email,omitempty"*govultr.DomainRecordService*govultr.FireWallRuleServiceNotesjson:"notes,omitempty"*govultr.LoadBalancerServiceChainjson:"chain,omitempty"Nodesjson:"nodes,omitempty"*govultr.ReservedIPUpdateReq*govultr.VPC2AttachDetachReq*govultr.LoadBalancerHandler*govultr.containerRegistriesDatabaseAlerts json:"alerts"*govultr.databaseUpdatesBaseIPv4sjson:"ipv4s,omitempty"IPv6sjson:"ipv6s,omitempty"*govultr.privateNetworksBase*func([][]*x509.Certificate)SecureRenegotiationSupported*map.bucket[uint]sign.Schemecrypto/internal/edwards25519*map[string]template.element*[]func(string, string) bool*func(string, uint64) uint64*[]yaml.yaml_tag_directive_t*[]yaml.yaml_emitter_state_t*map[reflect.Type]gob.typeId*netlink.BondPrimaryReselect*[]netlink.BondArpAllTargets*map[netlink.BondMode]string*func() (netip.Prefix, bool)*protoreflect.EnumDescriptor*protoreflect.FileDescriptor*func(pragma.DoNotImplement)*protoreflect.SourceLocationappendServiceDescriptorProto*func(int) protoreflect.Name*func(protowire.Number) bool*[]protoreflect.ProtoMessage*func() congestion.ByteCount*[]congestion.LostPacketInfocongestionWindowGainConstantcwndToCalculateMinPacingRate*func() protocol.Perspective*func() protocol.KeyPhaseBit*wire.StreamDataBlockedFrame*[]wire.transportParameterID*congestion.RTTStatsProvider*func(protocol.PacketNumber)queueFramesForRetransmission*handshake.ShortHeaderOpener*handshake.ShortHeaderSealer*handshake.TokenProtectorKeySentVersionNegotiationPacketgolang.org/x/net/http2/hpack*map[string]syntax.charGroupgolang.org/x/oauth2/internal*internal.LazyAuthStyleCache*retryablehttp.LeveledLoggerEncapsulateDeterministically*func(*fiat.P224Element) int*func(*fiat.P256Element) int*func(*fiat.P384Element) int*func(*fiat.P521Element) int*map[reflect.Type]*gob.encOp*func(nl.NetlinkRequestData)*filedesc.PlaceholderMessage*[8]filedesc.EditionFeatures*func() proto.MarshalOptionsestimatedTCPcongestionWindow*func() congestion.BandwidthnormalizeAssumingLe2QGeneric*cmd.serverConfigOutboundHTTP*cmd.clientConfigTransportUDP*cmd.clientConfigQUICSockopts*cmd.serverConfigTrafficStats*func(*x509.Certificate) bool*x509.CertificateInvalidError*func() 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error)*func(string) (uint64, error)*func(string) ([]uint, error)*func(...interface {}) string*func(string, int, int) error*map.bucket[string]*flag.Flag*func(int32) *base64.Encoding*func() (*tproxy.Conn, error)*func(uint16) *tun.TCPSession*func(io.Reader) (int, error)*func() protoreflect.EnumTypeisDomain_Attribute_TypedValueAllowConnectionWindowIncrease*func() quic.connCapabilities*func(*wire.StopSendingFrame)*func() protocol.ConnectionIDundecryptablePacketsToProcesshandleRetireConnectionIDFrame*quic.StreamLimitReachedError*func() (quic.streamI, error)*map[string]map[string]string*func(httptrace.DNSStartInfo)SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSizeRevokedasn1:"tag:1,optional"Unknownasn1:"tag:2,optional" ThisUpdateasn1:"generalized" ProducedAtasn1:"generalized" Replacementdns:"domain-name"*func(*dns.Msg, int) *dns.Msg*map.bucket[uint8]crypto.Hash*func([]uint8, int) [][]uint8*func(string, int) [][]string DeviceCodejson:"device_code"Cursorurl:"cursor,omitempty"Regionurl:"region,omitempty" 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VKEClusterjson:"vke_cluster"*tls.HPKESymmetricCipherSuite*func() [][]*x509.Certificate*func(uintptr, []uint8) error*func(*properties.Properties)*map.bucket[reflect.Value]int*map.bucket[interface {}]bool*map.bucket[string]*yaml.Node*func(int, int, string) error*[8]netlink.BondArpAllTargets*[]netlink.BondXmitHashPolicy*map[netlink.IPoIBMode]string*map[string]netlink.IPoIBModesyscallVectorisedWriterFields*func(protoreflect.Name) bool*func() protoreflect.FullName*protoreflect.FieldDescriptor*protoreflect.EnumDescriptors*protoreflect.SourceLocationsappendSourceCodeInfo_Location*protoreflect.OneofDescriptor*func(protoreflect.RawFields)*func(int) protoreflect.Value*[8]protoreflect.ProtoMessage*[]congestion.AckedPacketInfoexpireAckAggregationInStartup*protocol.StatelessResetToken*qerr.VersionNegotiationError*func() protocol.PacketNumber*wire.RetireConnectionIDFramereadNumericTransportParameterInitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal*congestion.CongestionControl*ackhandler.sentPacketTracker*ackhandler.SentPacketHandler*ackhandler.sentPacketHandler*ackhandler.packetNumberSpace*ackhandler.sentPacketHistory*handshake.aesHeaderProtector*map.bucket[int]*ipv4.sockOpt*func(*ipv4.ICMPFilter) error*retryablehttp.RequestLogHook*func() asn1.ObjectIdentifier*map[reflect.Type]gob.gobType*[]protoreflect.ExtensionType*[][2]protoreflect.EnumNumber*impl.extensionTypeDescriptor*func(net.Addr, string, error)*cmd.serverConfigOutboundEntryTimeoutmapstructure:"timeout"Addressmapstructure:"address"AltPortmapstructure:"altPort"Domainsmapstructure:"domains"Commandmapstructure:"command"*cmd.serverConfigResolverHTTPSGeoSitemapstructure:"geosite"Contentmapstructure:"content"Headersmapstructure:"headers" EABHMACKeyjson:"eab_hmac_key"*func(*os.dirInfo) *os.dirInfo*x509.ConstraintViolationError*func(*x509.Certificate) error*func(*big.Int, *big.Int) boolUniqueIdasn1:"optional,tag:1"FullNameasn1:"optional,tag:0"*func() (*net.UnixConn, error)*chan net.result[[]net.IPAddr]*net.result[go.shape.[]string]*chan net.result[go.shape.int]marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes*func(string) ([]uint8, error)*[2][8]runtime.pcvalueCacheEnt*runtime.goroutineProfileState*map[string]runtime.metricData*map.bucket[uint32][]*abi.Type*struct { F uintptr; X0 *int }*struct { F uintptr; X0 bool }*func(time.Duration) time.Time*func(int, int, int) time.Time*func([]uint8, string) []uint8*func() (int, time.Month, int)*func(time.Time) time.Duration*func() (time.Time, time.Time)*func(string, ...string) error*func(string, ...interface {})enforceFlagGroupsForCompletion*map[string]*template.Template*viper.ConfigFileNotFoundError*map[interface {}]interface {}*[]mapstructure.DecodeHookFuncInitialConnectionReceiveWindow*zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder*map[zapcore.Level]color.Color*context.deadlineExceededErrorEncryptedClientHelloConfigList*func(*tls.SessionState) error*func(uint16) tls.keyAgreement*atomic.Pointer[sync.readOnly]*map.bucket[string]*json.field*http.http2responseWriterState*func(http.http2Setting) error*http.http2serverInternalState*func() (io.ReadCloser, error)*func() (string, string, bool)onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve*[]http.http2FrameWriteRequest*map[http.connectMethodKey]int*func(*http.http2clientStream)*http.tlsHandshakeTimeoutError*[8]map[http.http2Flags]string*func(*url.URL) []*http.Cookie*httputil.switchProtocolCopier*certmagic.CertificateSelector*certmagic.CertificateResourcedistributedHTTPChallengeSolver*certmagic.decodedCertResourceWeightjson:"weight,omitempty"Targetjson:"target,omitempty"Sourcejson:"source,omitempty"Lockedjson:"locked,omitempty" Permissionsjson:"permissions"Resultjson:"result,omitempty"Errorsjson:"errors,omitempty" Descriptionjson:"description"Answerjson:"answer,omitempty"Serverjson:"server,omitempty"*[]namedotcom.nameDotComRecordStatusjson:"status,omitempty"Detailjson:"detail,omitempty" 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error*quic.streamControlFrameGetterhandleUnpackedLongHeaderPackethandleVersionNegotiationPackettryQueueingUndecryptablePacketpopNewStreamFrameWithoutBuffer**qerr.VersionNegotiationError*func(protocol.ByteCount) bool*func(io.Reader, uint64) error*http3.unknownFrameHandlerFuncgo.uber.org/zap/internal/color*func(hpack.HeaderField) error*func(func(hpack.HeaderField)) GatewayHostdns:"amtrelayhost"Saltdns:"size-hex:SaltLength"*func(string, uint16) *dns.Msg*func(*dns.KEY, []uint8) error PreviousNamedns:"domain-name"*map.bucket[string]dns.Handler*map.bucket[dns.SVCBKey]string*map.bucket[string]dns.SVCBKey*func(*regexp.Regexp, int) int*func() (*oauth2.Token, error)Expiryjson:"expiry,omitempty"*govultr.AccountServiceHandlerMainIPurl:"main_ip,omitempty"Regionjson:"region,omitempty" 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error)BindIPv4mapstructure:"bindIPv4"BindIPv6mapstructure:"bindIPv6"FastOpenmapstructure:"fastOpen"Usernamemapstructure:"username"Passwordmapstructure:"password"Insecuremapstructure:"insecure"Sockoptsmapstructure:"sockopts"SNIGuardmapstructure:"sniGuard"UserPassmapstructure:"userpass"TCPPortsmapstructure:"tcpPorts"UDPPortsmapstructure:"udpPorts" *[]cmd.serverConfigOutboundEntry *cmd.serverConfigMasqueradeProxyResolvermapstructure:"resolver" *func(time.Time, time.Time) bool *[0]*utils.localCertificateCache *chan cmd.clientModeRunnerResult *map.bucket[string]zapcore.Level *struct { F uintptr; X0 string } *func([]*x509.Certificate) error *x509.UnhandledCriticalExtension SaltLengthasn1:"explicit,tag:2" *[]pkix.AttributeTypeAndValueSET *struct { F uintptr; X0 *error } *func() (syscall.RawConn, error) *func(net.KeepAliveConfig) error *func(interface {}) interface {} *func(int) (netip.Prefix, error) *func(int64, int) (int64, error) *runtime.traceSchedResourceState 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error)PerPageurl:"per_page,omitempty"Netmaskjson:"netmask,omitempty"Gatewayjson:"gateway,omitempty"Reversejson:"reverse,omitempty"Networkjson:"network,omitempty" *govultr.ContainerRegistryRegion Subscriptionjson:"subscription" *[]govultr.ContainerRegistryRepo *govultr.DatabaseAdvancedOptionsVersionjson:"version,omitempty"Backupsjson:"backups,omitempty"Enabledjson:"enabled,omitempty"SSLInfojson:"has_ssl,omitempty" S3AccessKeyjson:"s3_access_key" S3SecretKeyjson:"s3_secret_key" Applicationsjson:"applications" **govultr.containerRegistryRepos Repositoriesjson:"repositories" **govultr.ContainerRegistryPlans SupportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert *func(*bigmod.Nat) bigmod.choice *map[token.Pos]*ast.CommentGroup github.com/magiconair/properties *map[netlink.BondAdSelect]string *map[netlink.BondLacpRate]string *map[netlink.VlanProtocol]string *map.bucket[int]*nl.SocketHandle *map[string]netlink.BondAdSelect *map[string]netlink.BondLacpRate *map[string]netlink.VlanProtocol 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X0 *http3.Server; X1 quic.EarlyConnection }@*func(context.Context) (*govultr.Account, *http.Response, error)PGStateStatementsTrack)json:"pg_stat_statements.track,omitempty"@*func(context.Context, string) ([]string, *http.Response, error)@*func(context.Context, string, *govultr.ClusterUpgradeReq) error@*func(protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error)@*func(protoreflect.OneofDescriptor) protoreflect.FieldDescriptorA*struct { Code int "json:\"code\""; Type string "json:\"type\"" }A*go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }A*func([]uint8, []uint8, *syscall.SockaddrInet4) (int, int, error)A*func([]uint8, []uint8, *syscall.SockaddrInet6) (int, int, error)A*func(zapcore.Entry, *zapcore.CheckedEntry) *zapcore.CheckedEntryA*[8]struct { curve ecdh.Curve; hash crypto.Hash; nSecret uint16 }A*struct { F uintptr; X0 func(reflect.Value, reflect.Value) bool }A*func(string, string, map[string]int64, string) *map[string]int64A*func(network.PacketConn) (context.Context, network.PacketWriter)A*func(context.Context, string, *govultr.BlockStorageAttach) errorA*func(context.Context, string, *govultr.BlockStorageDetach) errorA*func(context.Context, string, *govultr.BlockStorageUpdate) errorMySQLRequirePrimaryKey*json:"mysql_require_primary_key,omitempty"AutovacuumFreezeMaxAge*json:"autovacuum_freeze_max_age,omitempty"MaxLocksPerTransaction*json:"max_locks_per_transaction,omitempty"MaxStandbyArchiveDelay*json:"max_standby_archive_delay,omitempty"TrackActivityQuerySize*json:"track_activity_query_size,omitempty"A*func(context.Context) (*govultr.Versions, *http.Response, error)A*func(string, string, string) ([]*doh.SRVRecord, []uint32, error)A*func(context.Context, string, string, []uint8) (net.Conn, error)A*struct { F uintptr; 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X0 chan exec.goroutineStatus; X1 chan error }B*func(*nistec.P521Point, *nistec.P521Point, int) *nistec.P521PointB*func(*nistec.P224Point, *nistec.P224Point, int) *nistec.P224PointB*func(*nistec.P256Point, *nistec.P256Point, int) *nistec.P256PointB*func(*nistec.P384Point, *nistec.P384Point, int) *nistec.P384PointB*struct { pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals; Message protoreflect.Message }B*func(func(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value) bool)*3xŹHŹǹǹ ǹǹB*func(protocol.StreamType, protocol.Perspective) protocol.StreamID23\66 8ƹ66@B*func(net.Addr, *wire.Header, protocol.ByteCount, []logging.Frame)B*func(*fiat.P224Element, *fiat.P224Element, int) *fiat.P224ElementB*func(*fiat.P256Element, *fiat.P256Element, int) *fiat.P256ElementB*func(*fiat.P384Element, *fiat.P384Element, int) *fiat.P384ElementB*func(*fiat.P521Element, *fiat.P521Element, int) *fiat.P521ElementB*map.bucket[protoreflect.FullName]protoregistry.extensionsByNumberB*func(impl.pointer, *impl.coderFieldInfo, impl.marshalOptions) inte'3h6n8˹n %@C*struct { F uintptr; 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S(0internal/abi.(*RegArgs).Dumpinternal/abi.(*RegArgs).IntRegArgAddrinternal/abi.(*IntArgRegBitmap).Setinternal/abi.(*IntArgRegBitmap).Getinternal/abi.Kind.Stringinternal/abi.(*Type).Kindinternal/abi.(*Type).HasNameinternal/abi.(*Type).Pointersinternal/abi.(*Type).IfaceIndirinternal/abi.(*Type).IsDirectIfaceinternal/abi.(*Type).GcSliceinternal/abi.(*UncommonType).Methodsinternal/abi.addCheckedinternal/abi.(*UncommonType).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*Type).Leninternal/abi.(*Type).Commoninternal/abi.(*Type).ChanDirinternal/abi.(*Type).Uncommoninternal/abi.(*Type).Eleminternal/abi.(*Type).StructTypeinternal/abi.(*Type).MapTypeinternal/abi.(*Type).ArrayTypeinternal/abi.(*Type).FuncTypeinternal/abi.(*Type).InterfaceTypeinternal/abi.(*Type).Sizeinternal/abi.(*Type).Aligninternal/abi.(*Type).FieldAligninternal/abi.(*Type).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*Type).NumMethodinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).NumMethodinternal/abi.(*MapType).IndirectKeyinternal/abi.(*MapType).IndirectEleminternal/abi.(*MapType).ReflexiveKeyinternal/abi.(*MapType).NeedKeyUpdateinternal/abi.(*MapType).HashMightPanicinternal/abi.(*Type).Keyinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Ininternal/abi.(*FuncType).InSliceinternal/abi.(*FuncType).NumIninternal/abi.(*FuncType).NumOutinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Outinternal/abi.(*FuncType).OutSliceinternal/abi.(*FuncType).IsVariadicinternal/abi.(*StructField).Embeddedinternal/abi.Name.IsEmbeddedinternal/abi.Name.DataCheckedinternal/abi.Name.Datainternal/abi.Name.IsExportedinternal/abi.Name.HasTaginternal/abi.Name.ReadVarintinternal/abi.Name.IsBlankinternal/abi.Name.Nameinternal/abi.Name.Taginternal/abi.NewNameinternal/abi.writeVarintinternal/abi.(*Kind).Stringinternal/abi.(*Name).Datainternal/abi.(*Name).DataCheckedinternal/abi.(*Name).HasTaginternal/abi.(*Name).IsBlankinternal/abi.(*Name).IsEmbeddedinternal/abi.(*Name).IsExportedinternal/abi.(*Name).Nameinternal/abi.(*Name).ReadVarintinternal/abi.(*Name).Taginternal/abi.(*StructType).Aligninternal/abi.(*StructType).ArrayTypeinternal/abi.(*StructType).ChanDirinternal/abi.(*StructType).Commoninternal/abi.(*StructType).Eleminternal/abi.(*StructType).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*StructType).FieldAligninternal/abi.(*StructType).FuncTypeinternal/abi.(*StructType).GcSliceinternal/abi.(*StructType).HasNameinternal/abi.(*StructType).IfaceIndirinternal/abi.(*StructType).InterfaceTypeinternal/abi.(*StructType).IsDirectIfaceinternal/abi.(*StructType).Keyinternal/abi.(*StructType).Kindinternal/abi.(*StructType).Leninternal/abi.(*StructType).MapTypeinternal/abi.(*StructType).NumMethodinternal/abi.(*StructType).Pointersinternal/abi.(*StructType).Sizeinternal/abi.(*StructType).StructTypeinternal/abi.(*StructType).Uncommoninternal/abi.(*MapType).Aligninternal/abi.(*MapType).ArrayTypeinternal/abi.(*MapType).ChanDirinternal/abi.(*MapType).Commoninternal/abi.(*MapType).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*MapType).FieldAligninternal/abi.(*MapType).FuncTypeinternal/abi.(*MapType).GcSliceinternal/abi.(*MapType).HasNameinternal/abi.(*MapType).IfaceIndirinternal/abi.(*MapType).InterfaceTypeinternal/abi.(*MapType).IsDirectIfaceinternal/abi.(*MapType).Kindinternal/abi.(*MapType).Leninternal/abi.(*MapType).MapTypeinternal/abi.(*MapType).NumMethodinternal/abi.(*MapType).Pointersinternal/abi.(*MapType).Sizeinternal/abi.(*MapType).StructTypeinternal/abi.(*MapType).Uncommoninternal/abi.(*ArrayType).Aligninternal/abi.(*ArrayType).ArrayTypeinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).ChanDirinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).Commoninternal/abi.(*ArrayType).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).FieldAligninternal/abi.(*ArrayType).FuncTypeinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).GcSliceinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).HasNameinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).IfaceIndirinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).InterfaceTypeinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).IsDirectIfaceinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).Keyinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).Kindinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).MapTypeinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).NumMethodinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).Pointersinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).Sizeinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).StructTypeinternal/abi.(*ArrayType).Uncommoninternal/abi.(*FuncType).Aligninternal/abi.(*FuncType).ArrayTypeinternal/abi.(*FuncType).ChanDirinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Commoninternal/abi.(*FuncType).Eleminternal/abi.(*FuncType).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*FuncType).FieldAligninternal/abi.(*FuncType).FuncTypeinternal/abi.(*FuncType).GcSliceinternal/abi.(*FuncType).HasNameinternal/abi.(*FuncType).IfaceIndirinternal/abi.(*FuncType).InterfaceTypeinternal/abi.(*FuncType).IsDirectIfaceinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Keyinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Kindinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Leninternal/abi.(*FuncType).MapTypeinternal/abi.(*FuncType).NumMethodinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Pointersinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Sizeinternal/abi.(*FuncType).StructTypeinternal/abi.(*FuncType).Uncommoninternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Aligninternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).ArrayTypeinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).ChanDirinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Commoninternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Eleminternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).FieldAligninternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).FuncTypeinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).GcSliceinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).HasNameinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).IfaceIndirinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).InterfaceTypeinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).IsDirectIfaceinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Keyinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Kindinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Leninternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).MapTypeinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Pointersinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Sizeinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).StructTypeinternal/abi.(*InterfaceType).Uncommoninternal/abi.(*PtrType).Aligninternal/abi.(*PtrType).ArrayTypeinternal/abi.(*PtrType).ChanDirinternal/abi.(*PtrType).Commoninternal/abi.(*PtrType).ExportedMethodsinternal/abi.(*PtrType).FieldAligninternal/abi.(*PtrType).FuncTypeinternal/abi.(*PtrType).GcSliceinternal/abi.(*PtrType).HasNameinternal/abi.(*PtrType).IfaceIndirinternal/abi.(*PtrType).InterfaceTypeinternal/abi.(*PtrType).IsDirectIfaceinternal/abi.(*PtrType).Keyinternal/abi.(*PtrType).Kindinternal/abi.(*PtrType).Leninternal/abi.(*PtrType).MapTypeinternal/abi.(*PtrType).NumMethodinternal/abi.(*PtrType).Pointersinternal/abi.(*PtrType).Sizeinternal/abi.(*PtrType).StructTypeinternal/abi.(*PtrType).Uncommontype:.eq.internal/abi.UncommonTypeinternal/cpu.Initializeinternal/cpu.doinitinternal/cpu.isSetinternal/cpu.isV7internal/cpu.processOptionsinternal/cpu.indexBytetype:.eq.internal/cpu.optiontype:.eq.[3]internal/cpu.optionruntime/internal/math.MulUintptrtype:.eq.runtime/internal/sys.NotInHeapcmpbodyinternal/bytealg.Compareruntime.cmpstringcountbytebodyinternal/bytealg.Countinternal/bytealg.CountStringmemeqbodyruntime.memequalruntime.memequal_varlenindexbytebodyinternal/bytealg.IndexByteinternal/bytealg.IndexByteStringinternal/chacha8rand.(*State).Nextinternal/chacha8rand.(*State).Initinternal/byteorder.LeUint64internal/chacha8rand.(*State).Init64internal/chacha8rand.(*State).Refillinternal/chacha8rand.(*State).Reseedinternal/chacha8rand.setupinternal/chacha8rand.block_genericinternal/chacha8rand.qrinternal/chacha8rand.blockruntime.initruntime.float64frombitsruntime.init.func2runtime.memhash8runtime.memhash16runtime.memhash_varlenruntime.strhashFallbackruntime.f32hashruntime.f64hashruntime.c64hashruntime.c128hashruntime.interhashruntime.isDirectIfaceruntime.mapKeyError2runtime.addruntime.memequal0runtime.memequal8runtime.memequal16runtime.memequal32runtime.memequal64runtime.memequal128runtime.f32equalruntime.f64equalruntime.c64equalruntime.c128equalruntime.strequalruntime.interequalruntime.nilinterequalruntime.efaceeqruntime.ifaceeqruntime.init.0runtime.(*mspan).setUserArenaChunkToFaultruntime.(*mspan).baseinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint64).Addruntime.(*mspan).setUserArenaChunkToFault.func1runtime.lockruntime.lockWithRankruntime.unlockruntime.unlockWithRankruntime.atomicstorepruntime.callbackUpdateSystemStackruntime.cgocallbackgruntime.lockOSThreadruntime.dolockOSThreadruntime.(*guintptr).setruntime.(*muintptr).setruntime.cgocallbackg1internal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).Loadruntime.cgocallbackg1.deferwrap2runtime.cgocallbackg1.deferwrap1runtime.cgocallbackg1.func1runtime.unwindmruntime.acquiremruntime.releasemruntime.cgoCheckArgruntime.inheapruntime.cgoCheckUnknownPointerruntime.activeModulesruntime.cgoInRangeruntime.cgoIsGoPointerruntime.makechanruntime.(*hchan).raceaddrruntime.chansend1runtime.chansendruntime.fullruntime.cputicksruntime.nanotimeruntime.(*waitq).enqueueinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Bool).Storeinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint8).Storeruntime.chanbufruntime.chansend.func1runtime.sendruntime.goreadyruntime.send.goready.func1runtime.timerchandrainruntime.sendDirectruntime.recvDirectruntime.closechanruntime.(*gList).pushruntime.(*gList).emptyruntime.(*gList).popruntime.closechan.goready.func1runtime.emptyruntime.chanrecv1runtime.chanrecv2runtime.chanrecvruntime.chanrecv.func1runtime.recvruntime.recv.goready.func1runtime.chanparkcommitruntime.selectnbsendruntime.selectnbrecvruntime.chanleninternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int32).Loadruntime.chancapruntime.(*waitq).dequeueinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).CompareAndSwapruntime.(*cpuProfile).addinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).Storeruntime.(*cpuProfile).addNonGoruntime.(*cpuProfile).addExtraruntime.GOMAXPROCSruntime.NumCgoCallruntime.totalMutexWaitTimeNanosinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int64).Loadruntime.gogetenvruntime.envKeyEqualruntime.(*TypeAssertionError).RuntimeErrorruntime.(*TypeAssertionError).Errorruntime.errorString.RuntimeErrorruntime.errorString.Errorruntime.errorAddressString.RuntimeErrorruntime.errorAddressString.Errorruntime.errorAddressString.Addrruntime.plainError.RuntimeErrorruntime.plainError.Errorruntime.boundsError.RuntimeErrorruntime.boundsError.Errorruntime.appendIntStrruntime.itoaruntime.printpanicvalruntime.printanycustomtyperuntime.printindentedruntime.panicwrapruntime.funcnameruntime.funcInfo.validruntime.funcNameForPrintruntime.Callerruntime.CallersFramesruntime.checkfdsruntime.memhash32Fallbackruntime.mix32runtime.readUnaligned32runtime.memhash64Fallbackruntime.memhashFallbackruntime.(*timeHistogram).recordruntime.(*timeHistogram).writeruntime.(*metricValue).float64HistOrInitinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint64).Loadruntime.timeHistogramMetricsBucketsruntime.float64NegInfruntime.float64Infruntime.(*itabTableType).findruntime.itabHashFuncruntime.itabAddruntime.(*itabTableType).addruntime.itabInitruntime.rtype.nameOffruntime.rtype.typeOffruntime.itabsinitruntime.panicdottypeEruntime.panicdottypeIruntime.panicnildottyperuntime.convTruntime.convTnoptrruntime.convT16runtime.convT32runtime.typeAssertruntime.interfaceSwitchruntime.iterate_itabsruntime.unreachableMethodruntime.(*lfstack).pushruntime.lfstackPackruntime.taggedPointerPackruntime.(*lfstack).popruntime.lfstackUnpackruntime.taggedPointer.pointerruntime.lfnodeValidateruntime.lock2internal/runtime/atomic.Xchgruntime.unlock2runtime.notewakeupruntime.notesleepruntime.notetsleep_internalruntime.notetsleepruntime.notetsleepgruntime.lockRank.Stringruntime.mallocinitruntime.(*linearAlloc).initruntime.alignUpinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int64).Storeruntime.(*mheap).sysAllocruntime.(*fixalloc).freeruntime.arenaIndexruntime.sysHugePageruntime.sysNoHugePageruntime.sysFreeOSruntime.sysReserveAlignedruntime.(*mheap).enableMetadataHugePagesruntime.(*mcache).nextFreeruntime.deductAssistCreditruntime.memclrNoHeapPointersChunkedruntime.goschedguardedruntime.newobjectruntime.profileallocruntime.getMCacheruntime.nextSampleruntime.fastexprandruntime.cheaprandnruntime.cheaprandruntime.fastlog2runtime.float64bitsruntime.persistentallocruntime.persistentalloc.func1runtime.persistentalloc1runtime.(*notInHeap).addruntime.(*linearAlloc).allocruntime.(*hmap).incrnoverflowruntime.(*hmap).newoverflowruntime.(*bmap).overflowruntime.(*bmap).setoverflowruntime.(*hmap).createOverflowruntime.makeBucketArrayruntime.bucketShiftruntime.roundupsizeruntime.divRoundUpruntime.mapaccess1runtime.bucketMaskruntime.(*hmap).sameSizeGrowruntime.evacuatedruntime.tophashruntime.mapKeyErrorruntime.mapaccessKruntime.hashGrowruntime.overLoadFactorruntime.growWorkruntime.(*hmap).oldbucketmaskruntime.(*hmap).noldbucketsruntime.(*hmap).growingruntime.evacuateruntime.isEmptyruntime.advanceEvacuationMarkruntime.bucketEvacuatedruntime.mapaccess1_fast32runtime.(*bmap).keysruntime.mapdelete_fast32runtime.growWork_fast32runtime.evacuate_fast32runtime.mapaccess1_fast64runtime.mapdelete_fast64runtime.growWork_fast64runtime.evacuate_fast64runtime.mapaccess1_faststrruntime.mapdelete_faststrruntime.growWork_faststrruntime.evacuate_faststrruntime.wbZeroruntime.wbMoveruntime.reflectcallmoveruntime.typedmemclrruntime.(*mspan).typePointersOfruntime.(*mspan).objBaseruntime.(*mspan).objIndexruntime.(*mspan).divideByElemSizeruntime.(*mspan).typePointersOfUncheckedruntime.spanClass.noscanruntime.heapBitsInSpanruntime.spanClass.sizeclassruntime.readUintptrruntime.typePointers.nextruntime.typePointers.nextFastruntime.typePointers.fastForwardruntime.alignDownruntime.bulkBarrierPreWriteruntime.spanOfruntime.(*mSpanStateBox).getinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint8).Loadruntime.puintptr.ptrruntime.(*mspan).typePointersOfTyperuntime.(*wbBuf).get1runtime.(*wbBuf).get2runtime.bulkBarrierPreWriteSrcOnlyruntime.(*mspan).initHeapBitsruntime.(*mspan).heapBitsruntime.heapBitsSliceruntime.(*mspan).heapBitsSmallForAddrruntime.addbruntime.(*mspan).writeHeapBitsSmallruntime.heapSetTyperuntime.heapSetType.func1runtime.(*mspan).refillAllocCacheruntime.(*gcBits).bytepruntime.(*mspan).nextFreeIndexruntime.badPointerruntime.bulkBarrierBitmapruntime.typeBitsBulkBarrierruntime.(*mspan).countAllocruntime/internal/sys.OnesCount64runtime.progToPointerMaskruntime.runGCProgruntime.add1runtime.subtract1runtime.subtractbruntime.materializeGCProgruntime.allocmcacheruntime.allocmcache.func1runtime.(*mcache).refillruntime.(*mcache).allocLargeruntime.makeSpanClassruntime.bool2intruntime.(*mcentral).fullSweptruntime.(*mcache).releaseAllruntime.(*mcache).prepareForSweepruntime.(*mcentral).cacheSpanruntime.traceAcquireruntime.traceEnabledruntime.traceLocker.okruntime.(*mcentral).partialSweptruntime.(*mcentral).partialUnsweptruntime.(*mcentral).fullUnsweptruntime.(*mcentral).uncacheSpanruntime.(*mcentral).growruntime.startCheckmarksruntime.endCheckmarksruntime.setCheckmarkruntime.markBits.isMarkedruntime.sysAllocruntime.sysUnusedruntime.sysUsedruntime.sysFreeruntime.sysFaultruntime.sysReserveruntime.sysReserveOSruntime.sysMapruntime.sysAllocOSruntime.sysUnusedOSruntime.sysUsedOSruntime.sysHugePageOSruntime.sysNoHugePageOSruntime.sysFaultOSruntime.mprotectruntime.sysMapOSruntime.initMetricsruntime.makeStatDepSetruntime.compute0runtime.queuefinalizerinternal/runtime/atomic.Xaddinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).Orinternal/runtime/atomic.Orruntime.createfingruntime.finalizercommitruntime.runfinqinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).Andruntime.assertE2Iinternal/runtime/atomic.Andruntime.SetFinalizerruntime.inUserArenaChunkruntime.isGoPointerWithoutSpanruntime.assertE2I2runtime.SetFinalizer.func2runtime.SetFinalizer.func1runtime.(*fixalloc).initruntime.(*fixalloc).allocruntime.gcinitruntime.gcenableruntime.gcenable.gowrap2runtime.gcenable.gowrap1runtime.pollFractionalWorkerExitruntime.GCruntime.Goschedruntime.isSweepDoneruntime.(*activeSweep).isDoneruntime.gcWaitOnMarkruntime.goparkunlockruntime.gcTrigger.testruntime.gcStartruntime.semacquireruntime.semreleaseruntime.(*cpuStats).accumulateGCPauseTimeruntime.setGCPhaseruntime.gcBgMarkPrepareruntime.gcStart.func3runtime.gcStart.func1runtime.gcMarkDoneruntime.forEachPinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Bool).Loadruntime.gcMarkDone.func4runtime.gcMarkDone.func3runtime.(*gcWork).emptyruntime.gcMarkDone.func2runtime.gcMarkDone.forEachP.func5runtime.gcMarkTerminationruntime.(*sysMemStat).loadruntime.mProf_NextCycleruntime.itoaDivruntime.printunlockruntime.(*gcControllerState).heapGoalruntime.gcMarkTermination.forEachP.func6runtime.gcMarkTermination.func3runtime.gcMarkTermination.func2runtime.gcMarkTermination.func1runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkersruntime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers.gowrap1runtime.gcBgMarkWorkerruntime.gcBgMarkWorker.func2runtime.gcDrainMarkWorkerIdleruntime.gcDrainMarkWorkerFractionalruntime.gcDrainMarkWorkerDedicatedruntime.globrunqputbatchruntime.(*gQueue).pushBackAllruntime.guintptr.ptrruntime.gcMarkWorkAvailableruntime.(*lfstack).emptyruntime.gcMarkruntime.gcSweepruntime.(*activeSweep).resetinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint64).Storeinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uintptr).Storeruntime.(*sweepClass).clearruntime.gcResetMarkStateruntime.unique_runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup.gowrap1runtime.unique_runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup.func1runtime.clearpoolsruntime.fmtNSAsMSruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).startGCTransitionruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).tryLockruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).finishGCTransitionruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).updateruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).updateLockedinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int64).Addruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).accumulateruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).unlockinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).Swapruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).resetCapacityruntime.(*limiterEvent).startruntime.limiterEventStamp.typruntime.makeLimiterEventStampruntime.(*limiterEvent).consumeruntime.limiterEventStamp.durationinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint64).CompareAndSwapruntime.(*limiterEvent).stopruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).addIdleTimeruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).addAssistTimeruntime.gcMarkRootPrepareruntime.gcMarkRootPrepare.func1runtime.allGsSnapshotruntime.gcMarkRootCheckruntime.gcMarkRootCheck.func1runtime.readgstatusruntime.markrootruntime.markroot.func1runtime.markrootBlockruntime.markrootFreeGStacksruntime.(*gList).pushAllruntime.(*gQueue).emptyruntime.markrootSpansruntime.gcAssistAllocruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).limitinginternal/runtime/atomic.(*Float64).Loadruntime.gcAssistAlloc.func1runtime.gcAssistAlloc1runtime.gcWakeAllAssistsruntime.(*gQueue).popListruntime.gcParkAssistruntime.(*gQueue).pushBackruntime.gcFlushBgCreditruntime.(*gQueue).popruntime.scanstackruntime.(*unwinder).initruntime.(*unwinder).validruntime.(*stackScanState).buildIndexruntime.(*stackScanState).findObjectruntime.(*stackObject).setRecordruntime.(*stackObjectRecord).gcdataruntime.(*stackObjectRecord).useGCProgruntime.(*stackObjectRecord).ptrdataruntime.dematerializeGCProgruntime.scanframeworkerruntime.gcDrainruntime.(*gcWork).tryGetFastruntime.gcDrainNruntime.scanblockruntime.scanobjectruntime.spanOfUncheckedruntime.(*gcWork).putFastruntime.scanConservativeruntime.(*mspan).isFreeruntime.(*gcBits).bitpruntime.shaderuntime.greyobjectruntime.(*mspan).markBitsForIndexruntime.markBits.setMarkedruntime.pageIndexOfruntime.gcDumpObjectruntime.gcmarknewobjectruntime.gcMarkTinyAllocsruntime.(*gcControllerState).initruntime.(*gcControllerState).startCycleruntime.(*gcControllerState).reviseinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Float64).Storeruntime.(*gcControllerState).endCycleruntime.(*gcControllerState).enlistWorkerruntime.(*gcControllerState).findRunnableGCWorkerruntime.(*gcCPULimiterState).needUpdateruntime.(*gcControllerState).resetLiveruntime.(*gcControllerState).markWorkerStopruntime.(*gcControllerState).updateruntime.(*gcControllerState).addScannableStackruntime.(*gcControllerState).heapGoalInternalruntime.(*gcControllerState).memoryLimitHeapGoalruntime.(*gcControllerState).triggerruntime.(*gcControllerState).commitruntime.(*gcControllerState).setGCPercentinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int32).Storeruntime.readGOGCruntime.atoi32runtime.(*gcControllerState).setMemoryLimitruntime.readGOMEMLIMITruntime.(*gcControllerState).addIdleMarkWorkerruntime.(*gcControllerState).needIdleMarkWorkerruntime.(*gcControllerState).removeIdleMarkWorkerruntime.(*gcControllerState).setMaxIdleMarkWorkersruntime.gcControllerCommitruntime.heapRetainedruntime.gcPaceScavengerruntime.(*scavengerState).initruntime.(*timer).initruntime.(*scavengerState).parkruntime.(*scavengerState).wakeruntime.(*scavengerState).sleepruntime.(*timer).resetruntime.(*scavengerState).controllerFailedruntime.(*scavengerState).runruntime.bgscavengeinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uintptr).Addruntime.(*pageAlloc).scavengeruntime.(*pageAlloc).scavenge.func1runtime.printScavTraceruntime.(*pageAlloc).scavengeOneruntime.pallocSum.maxruntime.(*pageAlloc).chunkOfruntime.chunkBaseruntime.offAddr.lessThanruntime.(*pallocBits).freeruntime.fillAlignedruntime.fillAligned.func1runtime.(*pallocData).findScavengeCandidateruntime/internal/sys.LeadingZeros64runtime.(*scavengeIndex).initruntime.(*scavengeIndex).growinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uintptr).Loadruntime.chunkIndexruntime.(*scavengeIndex).findruntime.scavChunkData.shouldScavengeruntime.(*scavChunkFlags).isEmptyruntime.(*atomicOffAddr).StoreUnmarkinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int64).CompareAndSwapruntime.chunkPageIndexruntime.(*scavengeIndex).allocruntime.(*scavengeIndex).freeruntime.(*atomicOffAddr).StoreMarkedruntime.(*scavengeIndex).nextGenruntime.(*scavengeIndex).setEmptyruntime.(*scavChunkFlags).setEmptyruntime.(*atomicScavChunkData).loadruntime.unpackScavChunkDataruntime.(*atomicScavChunkData).storeruntime.scavChunkData.packruntime.(*scavChunkData).allocruntime.(*scavChunkData).freeruntime.(*scavChunkFlags).setNonEmptyruntime.(*piController).nextruntime.isInfruntime.isNaNruntime.isFiniteruntime.(*piController).resetruntime.(*stackScanState).putPtrruntime.(*stackScanState).getPtrruntime.(*stackScanState).addObjectruntime.binarySearchTreeruntime.(*sweepClass).updateruntime.(*sweepClass).loadruntime.(*mheap).nextSpanForSweepruntime.sweepClass.splitruntime.(*activeSweep).beginruntime.(*activeSweep).endruntime.(*activeSweep).markDrainedruntime.finishsweep_mruntime.(*activeSweep).sweepersruntime.bgsweepruntime.(*sweepLocker).tryAcquireruntime.sweeponeruntime.(*scavengerState).readyruntime.(*mspan).ensureSweptruntime.(*sweepLocked).sweepruntime.(*specialsIter).validruntime.(*specialsIter).nextruntime.(*specialsIter).unlinkAndNextruntime.markBits.setMarkedNonAtomicruntime.(*mspan).markBitsForBaseruntime.clobberfreeruntime.traceAllocFreeEnabledruntime.(*mspan).allocBitsForIndexruntime.(*mSpanStateBox).setruntime.(*mheap).freeSpanruntime.(*markBits).advanceruntime.(*sweepLocked).sweep.func2runtime.(*sweepLocked).sweep.(*mheap).freeSpan.func4runtime.(*sweepLocked).sweep.(*mheap).freeSpan.func3runtime.(*sweepLocked).sweep.func1runtime.(*mspan).reportZombiesruntime.deductSweepCreditruntime.gcPaceSweeperruntime.(*gcWork).initruntime.(*gcWork).putruntime.(*gcWork).putBatchruntime.(*gcWork).tryGetruntime.(*gcWork).disposeruntime.(*gcWork).balanceruntime.(*workbuf).checknonemptyruntime.(*workbuf).checkemptyruntime.getemptyruntime.getempty.func1runtime.putemptyruntime.putfullruntime.trygetfullruntime.handoffruntime.prepareFreeWorkbufsruntime.(*mSpanList).takeAllruntime.(*mSpanList).isEmptyruntime.freeSomeWbufsruntime.freeSomeWbufs.func1runtime.recordspanruntime.inHeapOrStackruntime.spanOfHeapruntime.(*mheap).initruntime.(*mcentral).initruntime.(*mheap).reclaiminternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uintptr).CompareAndSwapruntime.(*mheap).reclaimChunkruntime.(*mheap).allocruntime.(*mheap).alloc.func1runtime.(*mheap).allocManualruntime.spanAllocType.manualruntime.(*mheap).setSpansruntime.(*mheap).allocNeedsZeroruntime.(*mheap).allocMSpanLockedruntime.(*mheap).allocSpanruntime.(*pageCache).emptyruntime.(*mheap).tryAllocMSpanruntime.traceTryAcquireruntime.(*mheap).initSpanruntime.newAllocBitsruntime.(*mheap).growruntime.(*mheap).freeManualruntime.(*mheap).freeSpanLockedruntime.(*mheap).freeMSpanLockedruntime.(*mspan).initruntime.(*mSpanList).removeruntime.(*mSpanList).insertruntime.spanHasSpecialsruntime.spanHasNoSpecialsruntime.addspecialruntime.(*mspan).specialFindSplicePointruntime.removespecialruntime.addfinalizerruntime.removefinalizerruntime.gcParkStrongFromWeakruntime.gcWakeAllStrongFromWeakruntime.getOrAddWeakHandleruntime.getWeakHandleruntime.setprofilebucketruntime.freeSpecialruntime.(*gcBitsArena).tryAllocruntime.newMarkBitsruntime.nextMarkBitArenaEpochruntime.newArenaMayUnlockruntime.(*pageAlloc).initruntime.(*pageAlloc).growruntime.(*pageAlloc).enableChunkHugePagesruntime.(*pageAlloc).updateruntime.addrsToSummaryRangeruntime.(*pageAlloc).allocRangeruntime.(*pallocData).allocAllruntime.(*pageBits).clearAllruntime.(*pallocBits).allocAllruntime.(*pageBits).setAllruntime.(*pageAlloc).findMappedAddrruntime.(*pageAlloc).findruntime.offAddrToLevelIndexruntime.pallocSum.startruntime.pallocSum.endruntime.levelIndexToOffAddrruntime.offAddr.addruntime.(*pageAlloc).find.func1runtime.offAddr.lessEqualruntime.(*pageAlloc).allocruntime.(*pageAlloc).freeruntime.(*pallocBits).free1runtime.(*pageBits).clearruntime.(*pallocBits).freeAllruntime.mergeSummariesruntime.pallocSum.unpackruntime.packPallocSumruntime.(*pageAlloc).sysInitruntime.(*pageAlloc).sysGrowruntime.blockAlignSummaryRangeruntime.(*scavengeIndex).sysInitruntime.(*pageCache).allocruntime.(*pageCache).allocNruntime.findBitRange64runtime.(*pageCache).flushruntime.(*pageAlloc).allocToCacheruntime.(*pallocBits).pages64runtime.(*pageBits).block64runtime.(*pallocBits).allocPages64runtime.(*pageBits).setBlock64runtime.(*pageBits).clearBlock64runtime.(*pageBits).setRangeruntime.(*pageBits).s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{ runtime.lfnode; runtime.popped internal/runtime/atomic.Uint32; runtime.spans [512]runtime.atomicMSpanPointer }]).StoreNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.lfnode; runtime.popped internal/runtime/atomic.Uint32; runtime.spans [512]runtime.atomicMSpanPointer }]).Loadruntime.(*atomicMSpanPointer).StoreNoWBruntime.(*spanSet).popruntime.(*atomicHeadTailIndex).loadruntime.(*atomicHeadTailIndex).casruntime.(*atomicMSpanPointer).Loadruntime.(*spanSet).resetruntime.headTailIndex.splitruntime.(*atomicHeadTailIndex).resetruntime.(*spanSetBlockAlloc).allocruntime.(*spanSetBlockAlloc).freeruntime.(*atomicHeadTailIndex).incTailruntime.init.3runtime.(*sysMemStat).addruntime.(*consistentHeapStats).acquireruntime.(*consistentHeapStats).releaseruntime.(*cpuStats).accumulateruntime.(*wbBuf).resetruntime.wbBufFlushruntime.(*wbBuf).discardruntime.wbBufFlush1runtime.(*pollDesc).publishInforuntime.(*pollDesc).setEventErrruntime.netpollGenericInitruntime.(*pollCache).freeruntime.netpollreadyruntime.netpollcheckerrruntime.(*pollDesc).inforuntime.pollInfo.closingruntime.pollInfo.expiredReadDeadlineruntime.pollInfo.expiredWriteDeadlineruntime.pollInfo.eventErrruntime.netpollblockcommitruntime.netpollAdjustWaitersruntime.netpollgoreadyruntime.netpollgoready.goready.func1runtime.netpollblockruntime.netpollunblockruntime.netpolldeadlineimplruntime.netpollDeadlineruntime.netpollReadDeadlineruntime.netpollWriteDeadlineruntime.(*pollCache).allocruntime.netpollinitinternal/runtime/syscall.EpollCreate1internal/runtime/syscall.Eventfdinternal/runtime/syscall.EpollCtlruntime.netpollopenruntime.netpollcloseruntime.netpollBreakruntime.netpollruntime.futexsleepruntime.(*timespec).setNsecruntime.timedivruntime.futexwakeupruntime.futexwakeup.func1runtime.getproccountruntime.newosprocruntime.sigprocmaskruntime.mcountruntime.newosproc.func1runtime.sysargsruntime.argv_indexruntime.sysauxvruntime.getHugePageSizeruntime.atoiruntime.osinitruntime.readRandomruntime.minitruntime.setsigruntime.sigfillsetruntime.sigactionruntime.setsigstackruntime.sysSigactionruntime.signalMruntime.validSIGPROFruntime.(*sigctxt).sigcoderuntime.setThreadCPUProfilerruntime.runPerThreadSyscallruntime.checkgoarmruntime.archauxvruntime.gostringnocopyruntime.panicCheck1internal/stringslite.HasPrefixruntime.panicCheck2runtime.goPanicIndexruntime.goPanicIndexUruntime.goPanicSliceAlenruntime.goPanicSliceAlenUruntime.goPanicSliceAcapruntime.goPanicSliceAcapUruntime.goPanicSliceBruntime.goPanicSliceBUruntime.goPanicSlice3Alenruntime.goPanicSlice3Acapruntime.goPanicSlice3Bruntime.goPanicSlice3Cruntime.goPanicSliceConvertruntime.panicshiftruntime.panicdivideruntime.deferprocruntime.panicrangestateruntime.deferconvertinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.heap bool; runtime.rangefunc bool; runtime.sp uintptr; runtime.pc uintptr; runtime.fn func(); runtime.link *runtime._defer; runtime.head *internal/runtime/atomic.Pointer[runtime._defer] }]).Loadruntime.badDeferinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.heap bool; runtime.rangefunc bool; runtime.sp uintptr; runtime.pc uintptr; runtime.fn func(); runtime.link *runtime._defer; runtime.head *internal/runtime/atomic.Pointer[runtime._defer] }]).CompareAndSwapinternal/runtime/atomic.(*UnsafePointer).CompareAndSwapruntime.deferprocStackruntime.newdeferruntime.popDeferruntime.deferreturnruntime.Goexitruntime.preprintpanicsruntime.printpanicsruntime.(*PanicNilError).Errorruntime.(*PanicNilError).RuntimeErrorruntime.(*_panic).startruntime.(*_panic).nextDeferruntime/internal/sys.LeadingZeros8runtime.(*_panic).nextFrameruntime.(*_panic).nextFrame.func1runtime.(*_panic).initOpenCodedDefersruntime.funcdataruntime.funcInfo.entryruntime.readvarintUnsaferuntime.gorecoverruntime.throw.func1runtime.fatalruntime.fatal.func1runtime.recoveryruntime.fatalthrowruntime.fatalthrow.func1runtime.crashruntime.fatalpanicruntime.fatalpanic.func1runtime.startpanic_mruntime.dopanic_mruntime.signameruntime.canpanicruntime.shouldPushSigpanicruntime.isAbortPCruntime.goPanicExtendIndexruntime.goPanicExtendIndexUruntime.goPanicExtendSliceAlenUruntime.goPanicExtendSliceAcapruntime.goPanicExtendSliceAcapUruntime.goPanicExtendSliceBruntime.goPanicExtendSliceBUruntime.isPinnedruntime.(*mspan).getPinnerBitsruntime.(*pinState).isPinnedruntime.(*pinnerBits).ofObjectruntime.(*mspan).refreshPinnerBitsruntime.(*mspan).pinnerBitSizeruntime.(*mspan).newPinnerBitsruntime.(*mspan).setPinnerBitsruntime.suspendGruntime.resumeGruntime.asyncPreempt2runtime.init.4runtime.wantAsyncPreemptruntime.isAsyncSafePointruntime.canPreemptMruntime.(*inlineUnwinder).srcFuncruntime.funcInfo.srcFuncruntime.srcFunc.nameruntime.recordForPanicruntime.printlockruntime.gwriteruntime.printspruntime.printnlruntime.printboolruntime.printfloatruntime.printcomplexruntime.printuintruntime.printintruntime.printhexruntime.printpointerruntime.printuintptrruntime.printstringruntime.bytesruntime.printsliceruntime.hexdumpWordsruntime.mainruntime.doInitruntime.runExitHooksruntime.main.func2runtime.init.5runtime.init.6runtime.forcegchelperruntime.goschedIfBusyruntime.acquireSudogruntime.releaseSudogruntime.badmcallruntime.badmcall2runtime.badreflectcallruntime.badmorestackg0runtime.badmorestackg0.func1runtime.badmorestackgsignalruntime.writeErrStrruntime.badctxtruntime.switchToCrashStackinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.a43ffc4a4831591b9de7c1ed0cb93795c1209295578eacf0b17a0150abe1d3e7]).CompareAndSwapNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.(*UnsafePointer).CompareAndSwapNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.a43ffc4a4831591b9de7c1ed0cb93795c1209295578eacf0b17a0150abe1d3e7]).Loadruntime.usleep_no_gruntime.allgaddruntime.atomicAllGruntime.forEachGruntime.forEachGRaceruntime.atomicAllGIndexruntime.schedinitruntime.(*rwmutex).initruntime.moduledataverifyruntime.stackinitruntime.(*mSpanList).initruntime.cpuinitruntime.alginitruntime.sigsaveruntime.goenvsruntime.secureruntime.secureEnvruntime.mProfStackInitruntime.makeProfStackFPruntime.dumpgstatusruntime.checkmcountruntime.mReserveIDruntime.mcommoninitruntime.mpreinitruntime.(*m).becomeSpinninginternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int32).Addruntime.readyruntime.freezetheworldruntime.casfrom_Gscanstatusruntime.releaseLockRankAndMruntime.castogscanstatusruntime.acquireLockRankAndMruntime.casgstatusruntime.waitReason.isMutexWaitruntime.casgstatus.func1runtime.casGToWaitingForGCruntime.waitReason.isWaitingForGCruntime.casGToWaitingruntime.casGToPreemptScanruntime.casGFromPreemptedruntime.stopTheWorldruntime.stwReason.Stringruntime.stopTheWorld.func1runtime.startTheWorldruntime.startTheWorld.func1runtime.stopTheWorldGCruntime.startTheWorldGCruntime.stopTheWorldWithSemaruntime.stwReason.isGCruntime.noteclearruntime.startTheWorldWithSemaruntime.netpollinitedruntime.(*puintptr).setruntime.mstart0runtime.mstart1runtime.mstartm0runtime.mexitruntime.unminitruntime.mParkruntime.forEachPInternalruntime.runSafePointFnruntime.allocmruntime.traceShuttingDownruntime.allocm.func1runtime.needmruntime.needAndBindMruntime.newextramruntime.oneNewExtraMruntime.dropmruntime.(*gTraceState).resetruntime.msigrestoreruntime.cgoBindMruntime.lockextraruntime.osyield_no_gruntime.unlockextraruntime.getExtraMruntime.putExtraMruntime.addExtraMruntime.newmruntime.newm1runtime.startTemplateThreadruntime.templateThreadruntime.muintptr.ptrruntime.stopmruntime.mspinningruntime.startmruntime.mgetruntime.handoffpinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int32).CompareAndSwapruntime.stoplockedmruntime.startlockedmruntime.gcstopmruntime.executeruntime.findRunnableruntime.wakefingruntime.netpollAnyWaitersinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Int64).Swapruntime.pollWorkruntime.stealWorkruntime.(*randomOrder).startruntime.(*randomEnum).nextruntime.(*randomEnum).doneruntime.(*randomEnum).positionruntime.checkRunqsNoPruntime.checkTimersNoPruntime.checkIdleGCNoPruntime.wakeNetPollerruntime.resetspinningruntime.injectglistruntime.scheduleruntime.schedEnabledruntime.parkunlock_cruntime.park_mruntime.dropgruntime.setMNoWBruntime.setGNoWBruntime.goschedImplruntime.traceLocker.GoPreemptruntime.traceLocker.GoSchedruntime.globrunqputruntime.gosched_mruntime.goschedguarded_mruntime.gopreempt_mruntime.preemptParkruntime.goyield_mruntime.goexit1runtime.goexit0runtime.gdestroyruntime.saveruntime.reentersyscallruntime.reentersyscall.func3runtime.reentersyscall.func2runtime.reentersyscall.func1runtime.entersyscall_sysmonruntime.entersyscall_gcwaitruntime.entersyscallblock.func3runtime.entersyscallblock.func2runtime.entersyscallblock.func1runtime.entersyscallblock_handoffruntime.exitsyscall.func2runtime.exitsyscall.func1runtime.exitsyscallfastruntime.exitsyscallfast.func1runtime.exitsyscallfast_reacquiredruntime.exitsyscallfast_reacquired.func1runtime.exitsyscallfast_pidleruntime.exitsyscall0runtime.traceExitingSyscallruntime.traceExitedSyscallruntime.malgruntime.round2runtime.malg.func1runtime.newprocruntime.newproc.func1runtime.newproc1runtime.saveAncestorsruntime.gfputruntime.(*gQueue).pushruntime.gfgetruntime.gfget.func2runtime.gfget.func1runtime.gfpurgeruntime.LockOSThreadruntime.UnlockOSThreadruntime.dounlockOSThreadruntime.unlockOSThreadruntime.badunlockosthreadruntime.gcountruntime._Systemruntime._ExternalCoderuntime._LostExternalCoderuntime._GCruntime._LostSIGPROFDuringAtomic64runtime._LostContendedRuntimeLockruntime._VDSOruntime.sigprofruntime.inVDSOPageruntime.(*p).initruntime.(*p).destroyruntime.globrunqputheadruntime.freemcacheruntime.(*p).destroy.freemcache.func2runtime.(*p).destroy.func1runtime.procresizeruntime.(*randomOrder).resetruntime.gcdruntime.acquirepruntime.wirepruntime.wirep.func2runtime.releasepruntime.releasepNoTraceruntime.incidlelockedruntime.checkdeadruntime.checkdead.func1runtime.sysmonruntime.retakeruntime.preemptallruntime.preemptoneruntime.schedtraceruntime.schedEnableUserruntime.mputruntime.globrunqgetruntime.pMask.readruntime.pMask.setruntime.pMask.clearruntime.pidleputruntime.pidlegetruntime.pidlegetSpinningruntime.runqemptyruntime.runqputruntime.(*guintptr).casruntime.runqputslowruntime.runqputbatchruntime.runqgetruntime.runqdrainruntime.runqgrabruntime.runqstealruntime.doInit1runtime.(*profBuf).takeOverflowruntime.(*profBuf).incrementOverflowruntime.(*profBuf).canWriteRecordruntime.(*profAtomic).loadruntime.profIndex.tagCountruntime.countSubruntime.(*profBuf).canWriteTwoRecordsruntime.(*profBuf).writeruntime.(*profBuf).hasOverflowruntime.profIndex.addCountsAndClearFlagsruntime.(*profAtomic).casruntime.(*profBuf).closeruntime.(*profBuf).wakeupExtraruntime.(*profBuf).readruntime.(*profAtomic).storeruntime.randinitruntime.readTimeRandomruntime.bootstrapRandruntime.bootstrapRandReseedruntime.rand32runtime.mrandinitruntime.retryOnEAGAINruntime.(*ticksType).initruntime.(*godebugInc).IncNonDefaultinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.func()]).Loadinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.func(string) func()]).Loadinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.func()]).CompareAndSwapruntime.godebugNotifyinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.func(string, string)]).Loadinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.string]).Loadruntime.writeErrDataruntime.gotracebackruntime.argsruntime.goargsruntime.goenvs_unixruntime.testAtomic64runtime.checkruntime.parsedebugvarsinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.string]).Storeinternal/runtime/atomic.(*UnsafePointer).Storeruntime.reparsedebugvarsruntime.parsegodebugruntime.waitReason.Stringruntime.getcallerfpruntime.(*rwmutex).rlockruntime.(*rwmutex).rlock.func1runtime.(*rwmutex).runlockruntime.sellockruntime.selunlockruntime.selparkcommitruntime.selectgoruntime.(*waitq).dequeueSudoGruntime.selectgo.func3runtime.selectgo.func2runtime.readyWithTimeruntime.readyWithTime.goready.func1runtime.semacquire1runtime.(*semTable).rootForruntime.semrelease1runtime.goyieldruntime.cansemacquireruntime.(*semaRoot).queueruntime.(*semaRoot).dequeueruntime.(*semaRoot).rotateLeftruntime.(*semaRoot).rotateRightruntime.dumpregsruntime.(*sigctxt).trapruntime.(*sigctxt).regsruntime.(*sigctxt).errorruntime.(*sigctxt).oldmaskruntime.(*sigctxt).r0runtime.(*sigctxt).r1runtime.(*sigctxt).r2runtime.(*sigctxt).r3runtime.(*sigctxt).r4runtime.(*sigctxt).r5runtime.(*sigctxt).r6runtime.(*sigctxt).r7runtime.(*sigctxt).r8runtime.(*sigctxt).r9runtime.(*sigctxt).r10runtime.(*sigctxt).fpruntime.(*sigctxt).ipruntime.(*sigctxt).spruntime.(*sigctxt).lrruntime.(*sigctxt).pcruntime.(*sigctxt).cpsrruntime.(*sigctxt).faultruntime.(*sigctxt).preparePanicruntime.(*sigctxt).set_spruntime.(*sigctxt).set_lrruntime.(*sigctxt).set_r10runtime.(*sigctxt).set_pcruntime.initsigruntime.getsigruntime.sigInstallGoHandlerruntime.sigenableruntime.sigdisableruntime.clearSignalHandlersruntime.sigpipeos/signal.signal_ignoredruntime.doSigPreemptruntime.(*sigctxt).sigpcruntime.(*sigctxt).sigspruntime.(*sigctxt).siglrruntime.(*sigctxt).pushCallruntime.preemptMruntime.sigFetchGruntime.sigtrampgoruntime.restoreGsignalStackruntime.sigprofNonGoPCruntime.adjustSignalStackruntime.setGsignalStackruntime.setSignalstackSPruntime.sighandlerruntime.(*sigctxt).sigFromUserruntime.(*sigctxt).sigFromSeccompruntime.fatalsignalruntime.dieFromSignalruntime.raisebadsignalruntime.ensureSigMruntime.noSignalStackruntime.sigNotOnStackruntime.signalDuringForkruntime.badsignalruntime.sigfwdgoruntime.sigblockruntime.unblocksigruntime.sigaddsetruntime.minitSignalsruntime.minitSignalStackruntime.minitSignalMaskruntime.blockableSigruntime.sigdelsetruntime.unminitSignalsruntime.signalstackruntime.sigsendruntime.sigInitIgnoredruntime.panicmakeslicelenruntime.panicmakeslicecapruntime.makeslicecopyruntime.makeslice64runtime.slicecopyruntime.stackpoolallocruntime.gclinkptr.ptrruntime.stackpoolfreeruntime.stackcacherefillruntime.stackcachereleaseruntime.stackcache_clearruntime.stackallocruntime.stacklog2runtime.stackfreeruntime.adjustpointersruntime.adjustframeruntime.adjustpointerruntime.adjustdefersruntime.syncadjustsudogsruntime.adjustsudogsruntime.copystackruntime.fillstackruntime.findsghiruntime.adjustctxtruntime.adjustpanicsruntime.newstackruntime.nilfuncruntime.gostartcallfnruntime.isShrinkStackSaferuntime.shrinkstackruntime.freeStackSpansruntime.gcComputeStartingStackSizeruntime.(*stkframe).argBytesruntime.(*stkframe).argMapInternalruntime.(*stkframe).getStackMapruntime.stackmapdataruntime.stkobjinitruntime.concatstringsruntime.stringDataOnStackruntime.concatstring2runtime.concatstring3runtime.concatstring4runtime.concatstring5runtime.rawstringtmpruntime.rawstringruntime.stringtoslicebyteruntime.stringtosliceruneruntime.slicerunetostringruntime.intstringruntime.rawbytesliceruntime.rawrunesliceruntime.atoi64runtime.parseByteCountruntime.findnullruntime.badsystemstackruntime.(*Frames).Nextruntime.inlineFrame.validruntime.elideWrapperCallingruntime.expandCgoFramesruntime.modulesinitruntime.(*gcControllerState).addGlobalsruntime.(*moduledata).textAddrruntime.(*moduledata).funcNameruntime.(*Func).Nameruntime.(*_func).isInlinedruntime.(*Func).funcInforuntime.(*_func).funcInforuntime.(*Func).Entryruntime.(*Func).FileLineruntime.pcvalueruntime.pcvalueCacheKeyruntime.funcpkgpathruntime.funcfileruntime.funcMaxSPDeltaruntime.pcdatavalueruntime.pcdatastartruntime.pcdatavalue1runtime.(*inlineUnwinder).nextruntime.(*inlineUnwinder).resolveInternalruntime.gostartcallruntime.(*timers).unlockruntime.(*timer).unlockruntime.(*timer).updateHeapruntime.resetForSleepruntime.goroutineReadyruntime.goroutineReady.goready.func1runtime.(*timers).addHeapruntime.(*timer).maybeRunAsyncruntime.(*timer).lockruntime.(*timer).maybeRunAsync.func1runtime.(*timer).stopruntime.(*timer).hchanruntime.(*timers).deleteMinruntime.(*timer).modifyruntime.(*timer).needsAddruntime.(*timer).maybeAddruntime.(*timers).lockruntime.(*timers).cleanHeadruntime.(*timers).takeruntime.(*timers).adjustruntime.(*timers).wakeTimeruntime.(*timers).checkruntime.(*timers).runruntime.(*timer).unlockAndRunruntime.(*timers).updateMinWhenHeapruntime.(*timers).updateMinWhenModifiedruntime.timeSleepUntilruntime.(*timers).siftUpruntime.(*timers).siftDownruntime.(*timers).initHeapruntime.badTimerruntime.(*timer).maybeRunChanruntime.(*timer).maybeRunChan.func1runtime.blockTimerChanruntime.unblockTimerChanruntime.traceAdvance.func6runtime.(*traceBufQueue).emptyruntime.traceAdvance.forEachP.func7runtime.traceAdvance.func4runtime.traceAdvance.func3runtime.traceAdvance.func1runtime.(*traceSchedResourceState).statusWasTracedruntime.traceAdvance.func1.1runtime.traceRegisterLabelsAndReasonsruntime.traceReaderruntime.traceReaderAvailableruntime.(*traceAdvancerState).stopruntime.(*wakeableSleep).wakeruntime.(*wakeableSleep).closeruntime.traceLocker.SpanAllocruntime.traceSpanIDruntime.traceSpanTypeAndClassruntime.traceLocker.SpanFreeruntime.traceLocker.HeapObjectAllocruntime.traceHeapObjectIDruntime.traceLocker.rtyperuntime.traceLocker.HeapObjectFreeruntime.traceLocker.GoroutineStackAllocruntime.traceGoroutineStackIDruntime.traceLocker.GoroutineStackFreeruntime.traceCompressStackSizeruntime.(*unwinder).initAtruntime.(*g).guintptrruntime.(*unwinder).resolveInternalruntime.funcspdeltaruntime.(*unwinder).nextruntime.(*unwinder).finishInternalruntime.(*unwinder).symPCruntime.(*unwinder).cgoCallersruntime.tracebackPCsruntime.printArgsruntime.printArgs.func3runtime.printArgs.func2runtime.readUnaligned64runtime.printArgs.func1runtime.funcNamePiecesForPrintruntime.printFuncNameruntime.printcreatedbyruntime.printcreatedby1runtime.funclineruntime.tracebacktrapruntime.traceback1runtime.traceback1.func1runtime.traceback2runtime.traceback2.func1runtime.(*inlineUnwinder).fileLineruntime.printAncestorTracebackruntime.printAncestorTracebackFuncInforuntime.callers.func1runtime.gcallersruntime.showframeruntime.showfuncinforuntime.isExportedRuntimeruntime.goroutineheaderruntime.tracebackothersruntime.tracebackothers.func1runtime.tracebackHexdumpruntime.tracebackHexdump.func1runtime.isSystemGoroutineruntime.printCgoTracebackruntime.printOneCgoTracebackruntime.callCgoSymbolizerruntime.cgoContextPCsruntime.traceWriter.ensureruntime.(*traceBuf).availableruntime.traceWriter.flushruntime.traceWriter.flush.func1runtime.traceWriter.refillruntime.traceClockNowruntime.(*traceBuf).byteruntime.(*traceBuf).varintruntime.(*traceBuf).varintReserveruntime.traceWriter.refill.func1runtime.(*traceBuf).varintAtruntime.traceBufFlushruntime.(*traceBufQueue).pushruntime.traceStopReadCPUinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.r runtime.profAtomic; runtime.w runtime.profAtomic; runtime.overflow internal/runtime/atomic.Uint64; runtime.overflowTime internal/runtime/atomic.Uint64; runtime.eof internal/runtime/atomic.Uint32; runtime.hdrsize uintptr; runtime.data []uint64; runtime.tags []unsafe.Pointer; runtime.rNext runtime.profIndex; runtime.overflowBuf []uint64; runtime.wait runtime.note }]).Storeruntime.traceReadCPUruntime.traceCPUFlushruntime.traceCPUFlush.func1runtime.traceCPUSampleinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.r runtime.profAtomic; runtime.w runtime.profAtomic; runtime.overflow internal/runtime/atomic.Uint64; runtime.overflowTime internal/runtime/atomic.Uint64; runtime.eof internal/runtime/atomic.Uint32; runtime.hdrsize uintptr; runtime.data []uint64; runtime.tags []unsafe.Pointer; runtime.rNext runtime.profIndex; runtime.overflowBuf []uint64; runtime.wait runtime.note }]).Loadruntime.traceLocker.eventWriterruntime.traceLocker.writerruntime.traceEventWriter.commitruntime.traceEventWriter.writeruntime.traceEventWriter.endruntime.traceWriter.endruntime.traceWriter.eventruntime.traceLocker.startPCruntime.traceExpWriter.ensureruntime.(*traceMap).putruntime.(*traceMap).newTraceMapNoderuntime.(*traceMap).resetruntime.(*traceRegionAlloc).allocruntime.(*traceRegionAlloc).dropruntime.traceLockInitruntime.traceAcquireEnabledruntime.traceTryAcquireEnabledruntime.traceReleaseruntime.traceLocker.Gomaxprocsruntime.traceLocker.stackruntime.traceLocker.ProcStartruntime.(*traceSchedResourceState).nextSeqruntime.traceLocker.ProcStopruntime.traceLocker.GCActiveruntime.traceLocker.GCStartruntime.traceLocker.GCDoneruntime.traceLocker.STWStartruntime.traceLocker.stringruntime.traceLocker.STWDoneruntime.traceLocker.GCSweepStartruntime.traceLocker.GCSweepSpanruntime.traceLocker.GCSweepDoneruntime.traceLocker.GCMarkAssistStartruntime.traceLocker.GCMarkAssistDoneruntime.traceLocker.GoCreateruntime.(*traceSchedResourceState).setStatusTracedruntime.traceLocker.GoStartruntime.traceLocker.GoEndruntime.traceLocker.GoStopruntime.traceLocker.GoParkruntime.traceLocker.GoUnparkruntime.emitUnblockStatusruntime.traceLocker.GoSysCallruntime.traceLocker.GoSysExitruntime.traceLocker.ProcStealruntime.traceLocker.HeapAllocruntime.traceLocker.HeapGoalruntime.traceLocker.GoCreateSyscallruntime.traceLocker.GoDestroySyscallruntime.traceThreadDestroyruntime.traceThreadDestroy.func1runtime.traceStackruntime.(*traceStackTable).putruntime.(*traceStackTable).dumpruntime.dumpStacksRecruntime.makeTraceFramesruntime.makeTraceFrameruntime.fpunwindExpandruntime.fpunwindExpand.func1runtime.startPCForTraceruntime.traceWriter.writeGoStatusruntime.traceWriter.writeProcStatusForPruntime.traceWriter.writeProcStatusruntime.goStatusToTraceGoStatusruntime.(*traceSchedResourceState).acquireStatusruntime.(*traceSchedResourceState).readyNextGenruntime.traceNextGenruntime.(*traceStringTable).putruntime.(*traceStringTable).put.func1runtime.(*traceStringTable).writeStringruntime.(*traceBuf).stringDataruntime.(*traceStringTable).resetruntime.(*traceStringTable).reset.func1runtime.traceFrequencyruntime.traceFrequency.func1runtime.(*traceTypeTable).putruntime.(*traceTypeTable).dumpruntime.dumpTypesRecruntime.rtype.stringruntime.rtype.pkgpathruntime.rtype.uncommonruntime.rtype.textOffruntime.reflectOffsLockruntime.reflectOffsUnlockruntime.pkgPathruntime.typelinksinitruntime.typesEqualruntime.panicunsafestringlenruntime.panicunsafestringnilptrruntime.panicunsafeslicelenruntime.panicunsafeslicelen1runtime.panicunsafeslicenilptrruntime.panicunsafeslicenilptr1runtime.decoderuneruntime.encoderuneruntime.vdsoInitFromSysinfoEhdrruntime.vdsoFindVersionruntime.vdsoParseSymbolsruntime.vdsoParseSymbols.func1runtime._ELF_ST_BINDruntime.vdsoauxvruntime.float64toint64runtime.float64touint64runtime.int64tofloat64runtime.uint64tofloat64runtime.int64tofloat32runtime.uint64tofloat32runtime._d2vruntime.uint64divruntime.dodivruntime.uint64modruntime.int64divruntime.int64modruntime.slowdodivruntime.writeErrruntime.initLegacyruntime.initLogdruntime.writeLogdHeaderruntime.packUint32runtime.printCgoTraceback.func1runtime.traceAdvance.func2runtime.traceAdvance.func5runtime.ensureSigM.func1runtime.schedtrace.func1runtime.wirep.func1runtime.injectglist.func1runtime.casgstatus.func2runtime.init.5.func1runtime.main.func1runtime.fatalpanic.func2runtime.preprintpanics.func1runtime.sysSigaction.func1runtime.wbBufFlush.func1runtime.sweepone.func1runtime.(*scavengerState).init.func1runtime.(*scavengerState).init.func2runtime.(*scavengerState).init.func3runtime.(*scavengerState).init.func4runtime.(*gcControllerState).findRunnableGCWorker.func1runtime.gcResetMarkState.func1runtime.gcBgMarkWorker.func1runtime.gcMarkTermination.func4runtime.gcMarkTermination.func4.1runtime.gcMarkTermination.func5runtime.gcMarkDone.func1runtime.gcStart.func2runtime.initMetrics.func1runtime.initMetrics.func2runtime.nsToSecruntime.initMetrics.func3runtime.initMetrics.func4runtime.initMetrics.func5runtime.initMetrics.func6runtime.initMetrics.func7runtime.initMetrics.func8runtime.initMetrics.func9runtime.initMetrics.func10runtime.initMetrics.func11runtime.initMetrics.func12runtime.initMetrics.func13runtime.initMetrics.func14runtime.initMetrics.func15runtime.initMetrics.func16runtime.initMetrics.func17runtime.initMetrics.func18runtime.initMetrics.func19runtime.initMetrics.func20runtime.initMetrics.func21runtime.initMetrics.func22runtime.initMetrics.func23runtime.initMetrics.func24runtime.initMetrics.func25runtime.initMetrics.func26runtime.initMetrics.func27runtime.initMetrics.func28runtime.initMetrics.func29runtime.initMetrics.func30runtime.initMetrics.func31runtime.initMetrics.func32runtime.initMetrics.func33runtime.initMetrics.func34runtime.initMetrics.func35runtime.initMetrics.func36runtime.initMetrics.func37runtime.initMetrics.func38runtime.initMetrics.func39runtime.initMetrics.func40runtime.initMetrics.func41runtime.initMetrics.func42runtime.initMetrics.func43runtime.initMetrics.func44runtime.initMetrics.func45runtime.initMetrics.func46runtime.initMetrics.func47runtime.initMetrics.func48runtime.initMetrics.func49runtime.initMetrics.func50runtime.initMetrics.func51runtime.initMetrics.func52runtime.initMetrics.func53runtime.initMetrics.func54runtime.initMetrics.func55runtime.initMetrics.func56runtime.(*mheap).allocSpan.func1runtime.(*timer).unlockAndRun.func1runtime.nilinterhashruntime.typehashreflect.typehashruntime.atomicwbinternal/runtime/atomic.storePointerinternal/runtime/atomic.casPointersync/atomic.StorePointersync/atomic.SwapPointersync/atomic.CompareAndSwapPointerruntime.cgoUseruntime.cgocallruntime.cgoCheckPointerruntime._cgo_panic_internalreflect.chansend0reflect.chanrecvreflect.chanleninternal/reflectlite.chanlenreflect.chancapreflect.chancloseruntime.getitabruntime.convT64runtime.convTstringruntime.convTslicereflect.ifaceE2Iinternal/reflectlite.ifaceE2Iruntime.mallocgcruntime.nextFreeFastreflect.unsafe_Newinternal/reflectlite.unsafe_Newruntime.newarrayreflect.unsafe_NewArrayruntime.makemap_smallruntime.makemapruntime.mapaccess2runtime.mapassignruntime.tooManyOverflowBucketsruntime.mapdeleteruntime.mapiterinitruntime.mapiternextruntime.mapclearruntime.mapclear.func1reflect.makemapreflect.mapaccessreflect.mapaccess_faststrreflect.mapassign0reflect.mapassign_faststr0reflect.mapdeletereflect.mapdelete_faststrreflect.mapiterinitreflect.mapiternextreflect.mapiterkeyreflect.mapiterelemreflect.maplenreflect.mapclearinternal/reflectlite.maplenruntime.mapaccess2_fast32runtime.mapassign_fast32runtime.mapassign_fast32ptrruntime.mapaccess2_fast64runtime.mapassign_fast64runtime.mapaccess2_faststrruntime.mapassign_faststrruntime.typedmemmovereflect.typedmemmoveinternal/reflectlite.typedmemmoveruntime.typedslicecopyreflect.typedslicecopyreflect.typedmemclrreflect.typedmemclrpartialreflect.typedarrayclearruntime.memclrHasPointersruntime.findObjectreflect.verifyNotInHeapPtrinternal/godebug.registerMetricruntime.metricsLockruntime.metricsUnlocksync.runtime_registerPoolCleanupunique.runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanupinternal/weak.runtime_registerWeakPointerinternal/weak.runtime_makeStrongFromWeakruntime.blockeventruntime.blocksampledsync.eventinternal/poll.runtime_pollServerInitinternal/poll.runtime_pollOpeninternal/poll.runtime_pollCloseinternal/poll.runtime_pollResetinternal/poll.runtime_pollWaitinternal/poll.runtime_pollSetDeadlineruntime.(*pollDesc).makeArginternal/poll.runtime_pollUnblockruntime.fcntlruntime.gopanicsync.throwsync.fatalruntime.throwos.runtime_beforeExitruntime.goparkruntime.wakepruntime.entersyscallruntime.entersyscallblockruntime.exitsyscallsyscall.runtime_BeforeForksyscall.runtime_AfterForksyscall.runtime_AfterForkInChildsync.runtime_procPinruntime.procPinsync.runtime_procUnpinruntime.procUnpinsync/atomic.runtime_procPinsync/atomic.runtime_procUnpinsync.runtime_canSpinsync.runtime_doSpinruntime.randruntime.cheaprand64syscall.runtime_envssyscall.Getpagesizeos.runtime_argssyscall.Exitinternal/godebug.setUpdateinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.func(string, string)]).Storeinternal/godebug.setNewIncNonDefaultinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.func(string) func()]).Storeruntime.getAuxvruntime/debug.SetTracebackreflect.typelinksreflect.resolveNameOffreflect.resolveTypeOffreflect.resolveTextOffinternal/reflectlite.resolveNameOffinternal/reflectlite.resolveTypeOffreflect.addReflectOffsync.runtime_Semacquireinternal/poll.runtime_Semacquiresync.runtime_Semreleasesync.runtime_SemacquireMutexsync.runtime_SemacquireRWMutexRsync.runtime_SemacquireRWMutexinternal/poll.runtime_Semreleasesync.runtime_notifyListAddsync.runtime_notifyListWaitruntime.lesssync.runtime_notifyListNotifyAllsync.runtime_notifyListNotifyOnesync.runtime_notifyListChecksync.runtime_nanotimeos.sigpipeos.ignoreSIGSYSos.restoreSIGSYSruntime.sigpanicruntime.panicmemAddrruntime.panicmemruntime.panicfloatruntime.panicoverflowos/signal.signal_recvos/signal.signalWaitUntilIdleos/signal.signal_enableos/signal.signal_disableruntime.makesliceruntime.growsliceruntime.nextslicecapruntime.isPowerOfTworeflect.growsliceinternal/bytealg.MakeNoZeroruntime.morestackcruntime.slicebytetostringruntime.gostringreflect.memmoveruntime.moduledataverify1runtime.FuncForPCruntime.(*inlineUnwinder).isInlinedruntime.findfuncruntime.findmoduledatapruntime.(*moduledata).textOffruntime.funcline1runtime.pcdatavalue2runtime.stepruntime.readvarintruntime.newInlineUnwindertime.Sleeptime.newTimertime.stopTimertime.resetTimerruntime.writetime.nowruntime.traceAdvanceruntime.callersruntime.resolveNameOffruntime.resolveTypeOffruntime.mapinitnoopgogocallRetgosave_systemstack_switchsetggcWriteBarriermainruntime.rt0_goruntime.asminitruntime.mstartruntime.gogoruntime.mcallruntime.systemstack_switchruntime.systemstackruntime.switchToCrashStack0runtime.morestackruntime.morestack_noctxtruntime.reflectcallruntime.call16runtime.call32runtime.call64runtime.call128runtime.call256runtime.call512runtime.call1024runtime.call2048runtime.call4096runtime.call8192runtime.call16384runtime.call32768runtime.call65536runtime.call131072runtime.call262144runtime.call524288runtime.call1048576runtime.call2097152runtime.call4194304runtime.call8388608runtime.call16777216runtime.call33554432runtime.call67108864runtime.call134217728runtime.call268435456runtime.call536870912runtime.call1073741824runtime.asmcgocallruntime.cgocallbackruntime.setgruntime.emptyfuncruntime.abortruntime.armPublicationBarrierruntime.memhashruntime.strhashruntime.memhash32runtime.memhash64runtime.return0runtime.procyield_cgo_topofstackruntime.goexitruntime.usplitR0runtime.checkASMruntime.gcWriteBarrier1runtime.gcWriteBarrier2runtime.gcWriteBarrier3runtime.gcWriteBarrier4runtime.gcWriteBarrier5runtime.gcWriteBarrier6runtime.gcWriteBarrier7runtime.gcWriteBarrier8runtime.panicIndexruntime.panicIndexUruntime.panicSliceAlenruntime.panicSliceAlenUruntime.panicSliceAcapruntime.panicSliceAcapUruntime.panicSliceBruntime.panicSliceBUruntime.panicSlice3Alenruntime.panicSlice3Acapruntime.panicSlice3Bruntime.panicSlice3Cruntime.panicSliceConvertruntime.panicExtendIndexruntime.panicExtendIndexUruntime.panicExtendSliceAlenUruntime.panicExtendSliceAcapruntime.panicExtendSliceAcapUruntime.panicExtendSliceBruntime.panicExtendSliceBUruntime.duffzeroruntime.duffcopyruntime.memclrNoHeapPointersruntime.memmoveruntime.asyncPreemptexit1kernelPublicationBarrierruntime.openruntime.closefdruntime.write1runtime.readruntime.exitruntime.exitThreadruntime.gettidruntime.raiseruntime.raiseprocruntime.getpidruntime.tgkillruntime.mmapruntime.munmapruntime.madviseruntime.timer_createruntime.timer_settimeruntime.timer_deleteruntime.mincoreruntime.vdsoCallruntime.walltimeruntime.nanotime1runtime.futexruntime.cloneruntime.sigaltstackruntime.sigfwdruntime.sigtrampruntime.cgoSigtrampruntime.rtsigprocmaskruntime.rt_sigactionruntime.usleepruntime.publicationBarrierruntime.osyieldruntime.sched_getaffinityruntime.accessruntime.connectruntime.socketruntime.sbrk0setg_gccruntime.save_gruntime.load_gruntime._initcgoruntime.udivinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[runtime._defer]).CompareAndSwapinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[runtime._defer]).CompareAndSwapNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.heap bool; runtime.rangefunc bool; runtime.sp uintptr; runtime.pc uintptr; runtime.fn func(); runtime.link *runtime._defer; runtime.head *internal/runtime/atomic.Pointer[runtime._defer] }]).CompareAndSwapNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[runtime._defer]).Storeinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.heap bool; runtime.rangefunc bool; runtime.sp uintptr; runtime.pc uintptr; runtime.fn func(); runtime.link *runtime._defer; runtime.head *internal/runtime/atomic.Pointer[runtime._defer] }]).Storeinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[runtime._defer]).StoreNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { runtime.heap bool; runtime.rangefunc bool; runtime.sp uintptr; runtime.pc uintptr; runtime.fn func(); runtime.link *runtime._defer; runtime.head *internal/runtime/atomic.Pointer[runtime._defer] }]).StoreNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Pointer[runtime._defer]).Loadruntime.(*lockRank).Stringruntime.(*waitReason).Stringgo:builtin.error.Errorruntime.(*errorString).Errorruntime.(*errorString).RuntimeErrorruntime.(*errorAddressString).Addrruntime.(*errorAddressString).Errorruntime.(*errorAddressString).RuntimeErrorruntime.(*plainError).Errorruntime.(*plainError).RuntimeErrorruntime.(*boundsError).Errorruntime.(*boundsError).RuntimeErrorruntime.metricReader.compute-fmruntime.metricReader.computeruntime.(*itabTableType).add-fmtype:.eq.runtime.Frametype:.eq.runtime.modulehashtype:.eq.runtime._functype:.eq.runtime.PanicNilErrortype:.eq.runtime.boundsErrortype:.eq.runtime._panictype:.eq.runtime.mcachetype:.eq.runtime.mspantype:.eq.runtime.mSpanListtype:.eq.runtime.gcBitstype:.eq.runtime.specialtype:.eq.runtime.hchantype:.eq.runtime.pTraceStatetype:.eq.runtime.notInHeaptype:.eq.runtime.limiterEventtype:.eq.runtime.gcWorktype:.eq.runtime.workbuftype:.eq.runtime.traceBuftype:.eq.runtime.mOStype:.eq.runtime.errorAddressStringtype:.eq.runtime.untracedG·4type:.eq.runtime.TypeAssertionErrortype:.eq.runtime.funcinltype:.eq.runtime.piControllertype:.eq.[2]runtime.Frametype:.eq.[3]stringtype:.eq.[2]stringtype:.eq.[5]stringsync/atomic.(*Bool).Loadsync/atomic.(*Bool).Storesync/atomic.(*Bool).Swapsync/atomic.(*Bool).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Int32).Loadsync/atomic.(*Int32).Storesync/atomic.(*Int32).Swapsync/atomic.(*Int32).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Int32).Addsync/atomic.(*Int32).Andsync/atomic.(*Int32).Orsync/atomic.(*Int64).Loadsync/atomic.(*Int64).Storesync/atomic.(*Int64).Swapsync/atomic.(*Int64).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Int64).Addsync/atomic.(*Int64).Andsync/atomic.(*Int64).Orsync/atomic.(*Uint32).Loadsync/atomic.(*Uint32).Storesync/atomic.(*Uint32).Swapsync/atomic.(*Uint32).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Uint32).Addsync/atomic.(*Uint32).Andsync/atomic.(*Uint32).Orsync/atomic.(*Uint64).Loadsync/atomic.(*Uint64).Storesync/atomic.(*Uint64).Swapsync/atomic.(*Uint64).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Uint64).Addsync/atomic.(*Uint64).Andsync/atomic.(*Uint64).Orsync/atomic.(*noCopy).Locksync/atomic.(*noCopy).Unlocksync/atomic.(*Value).Loadsync/atomic.(*Value).Storesync/atomic.(*Value).Swapsync/atomic.(*Value).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.SwapInt32sync/atomic.SwapUint32sync/atomic.SwapInt64sync/atomic.SwapUint64sync/atomic.SwapUintptrsync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUintptrsync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64sync/atomic.AddInt32sync/atomic.AddUint32sync/atomic.AddInt64sync/atomic.AddUint64sync/atomic.LoadInt32sync/atomic.LoadUint32sync/atomic.LoadInt64sync/atomic.LoadUint64sync/atomic.LoadUintptrsync/atomic.LoadPointersync/atomic.StoreInt32sync/atomic.StoreUint32sync/atomic.StoreInt64sync/atomic.StoreUint64sync/atomic.StoreUintptrsync/atomic.AndInt32sync/atomic.AndUint32sync/atomic.AndInt64sync/atomic.AndUint64sync/atomic.OrInt32sync/atomic.OrUint32sync/atomic.OrInt64sync/atomic.OrUint64type:.eq.sync/atomic.Booltype:.eq.sync/atomic.Int32type:.eq.sync/atomic.Int64type:.eq.sync/atomic.Uint32type:.eq.sync/atomic.Uint64internal/runtime/atomic.Or8internal/runtime/atomic.And8internal/runtime/atomic.(*Int32).Swapinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint8).Andinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint8).Orinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).LoadAcquireinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).StoreReleaseinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).CompareAndSwapReleaseinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uint32).Addinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uintptr).LoadAcquireinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uintptr).StoreReleaseinternal/runtime/atomic.(*Uintptr).Swapinternal/runtime/atomic.Xchguintptrinternal/runtime/atomic.(*noCopy).Lockinternal/runtime/atomic.(*noCopy).Unlockinternal/runtime/atomic.panicUnalignedinternal/runtime/atomic.And32internal/runtime/atomic.Or32internal/runtime/atomic.And64internal/runtime/atomic.Or64armCas64armXadd64armXchg64armLoad64armStore64internal/runtime/atomic.armcasinternal/runtime/atomic.Loadpinternal/runtime/atomic.LoadAcqinternal/runtime/atomic.LoadAcquintptrinternal/runtime/atomic.Casint32internal/runtime/atomic.Casint64internal/runtime/atomic.Casuintptrinternal/runtime/atomic.Casp1internal/runtime/atomic.CasRelinternal/runtime/atomic.Loadint32internal/runtime/atomic.Loadint64internal/runtime/atomic.Loaduintptrinternal/runtime/atomic.Loaduintinternal/runtime/atomic.Storeint32internal/runtime/atomic.Storeint64internal/runtime/atomic.Storeuintptrinternal/runtime/atomic.StorepNoWBinternal/runtime/atomic.StoreRelinternal/runtime/atomic.StoreReluintptrinternal/runtime/atomic.Xaddint32internal/runtime/atomic.Xaddint64internal/runtime/atomic.Xadduintptrinternal/runtime/atomic.Xchgint32internal/runtime/atomic.Xchgint64internal/runtime/atomic.Cas64internal/runtime/atomic.Xadd64internal/runtime/atomic.Xchg64internal/runtime/atomic.Load64internal/runtime/atomic.Store64caskernelcasmemory_barrierinternal/runtime/atomic.Casinternal/runtime/atomic.Loadinternal/runtime/atomic.Storeinternal/runtime/atomic.Load8internal/runtime/atomic.Store8type:.eq.internal/runtime/atomic.Int64type:.eq.internal/runtime/atomic.Uint64type:.eq.internal/godebugs.Infointernal/runtime/syscall.EpollWaitinternal/runtime/syscall.Syscall6internal/stringslite.Indexinternal/stringslite.IndexByteinternal/bytealg.Cutoverinternal/stringslite.Cutinternal/bytealg.IndexRabinKarp[go.shape.string]internal/bytealg.HashStr[go.shape.string]internal/runtime/exithook.Runinternal/runtime/exithook.Run.deferwrap2internal/runtime/exithook.Run.deferwrap1internal/runtime/exithook.Run.func1internal/reflectlite.Swapperinternal/reflectlite.ValueOfinternal/reflectlite.unpackEfaceinternal/reflectlite.Value.Kindinternal/reflectlite.Value.Typeinternal/reflectlite.flag.kindinternal/reflectlite.Swapper.func9internal/reflectlite.arrayAtinternal/reflectlite.addinternal/reflectlite.Swapper.func8internal/reflectlite.Swapper.func7internal/reflectlite.Swapper.func6internal/reflectlite.Swapper.func5internal/reflectlite.Swapper.func4internal/reflectlite.Swapper.func3internal/reflectlite.name.nameinternal/reflectlite.name.readVarintinternal/reflectlite.name.datainternal/reflectlite.pkgPathinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Stringinternal/reflectlite.rtype.nameOffinternal/reflectlite.rtype.commoninternal/reflectlite.rtype.exportedMethodsinternal/reflectlite.rtype.uncommoninternal/reflectlite.rtype.NumMethodinternal/reflectlite.rtype.PkgPathinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Nameinternal/reflectlite.eleminternal/reflectlite.rtype.Eleminternal/reflectlite.toTypeinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Ininternal/reflectlite.rtype.Keyinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Leninternal/reflectlite.rtype.NumFieldinternal/reflectlite.rtype.NumIninternal/reflectlite.rtype.NumOutinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Outinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Implementsinternal/reflectlite.rtype.AssignableTointernal/reflectlite.rtype.Comparableinternal/reflectlite.implementsinternal/reflectlite.rtype.typeOffinternal/reflectlite.directlyAssignableinternal/reflectlite.haveIdenticalTypeinternal/reflectlite.haveIdenticalUnderlyingTypeinternal/reflectlite.packEfaceinternal/reflectlite.(*ValueError).Errorinternal/reflectlite.methodNameinternal/reflectlite.flag.mustBeExportedinternal/reflectlite.flag.mustBeAssignableinternal/reflectlite.Value.Eleminternal/reflectlite.flag.rointernal/reflectlite.valueInterfaceinternal/reflectlite.Value.Leninternal/reflectlite.Value.pointerinternal/reflectlite.Value.numMethodinternal/reflectlite.Value.Setinternal/reflectlite.Value.assignTointernal/reflectlite.Value.IsNilinternal/reflectlite.Swapper.func1internal/reflectlite.Swapper.func2internal/reflectlite.rtype.Aligninternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Aligninternal/reflectlite.rtype.ArrayTypeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).ArrayTypeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).AssignableTointernal/reflectlite.rtype.ChanDirinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).ChanDirinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Commoninternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Commoninternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Comparableinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Eleminternal/reflectlite.rtype.ExportedMethodsinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).ExportedMethodsinternal/reflectlite.rtype.FieldAligninternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).FieldAligninternal/reflectlite.rtype.FuncTypeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).FuncTypeinternal/reflectlite.rtype.GcSliceinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).GcSliceinternal/reflectlite.rtype.HasNameinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).HasNameinternal/reflectlite.rtype.IfaceIndirinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).IfaceIndirinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Implementsinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Ininternal/reflectlite.rtype.InterfaceTypeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).InterfaceTypeinternal/reflectlite.rtype.IsDirectIfaceinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).IsDirectIfaceinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Keyinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Kindinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Kindinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Leninternal/reflectlite.rtype.MapTypeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).MapTypeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Nameinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).NumFieldinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).NumIninternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).NumMethodinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).NumOutinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Outinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).PkgPathinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Pointersinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Pointersinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Sizeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Sizeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Stringinternal/reflectlite.rtype.StructTypeinternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).StructTypeinternal/reflectlite.rtype.Uncommoninternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).Uncommoninternal/reflectlite.(*rtype).commontype:.eq.internal/reflectlite.ValueErrorerrors.initinternal/reflectlite.TypeOfinternal/abi.TypeOferrors.Newerrors.(*errorString).Errorerrors.Iserrors.iserrors.Aserrors.assync.initsync.(*Cond).Waitsync.(*copyChecker).checksync.(*Cond).Signalsync.(*Cond).Broadcastsync.(*noCopy).Locksync.(*noCopy).Unlocksync.(*Map).Loadsync.(*Map).loadReadOnlysync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { sync.m map[interface {}]*sync.entry; sync.amended bool }]).Loadsync.(*entry).loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.interface {}]).Loadsync.(*Map).Storesync.(*Map).Clearsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { sync.m map[interface {}]*sync.entry; sync.amended bool }]).Storesync.(*Map).Clear.deferwrap1sync.(*entry).tryCompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.interface {}]).CompareAndSwapsync.(*Map).LoadOrStoresync.(*entry).unexpungeLockedsync.newEntrysync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.interface {}]).Storesync.(*entry).tryLoadOrStoresync.(*Map).LoadAndDeletesync.(*Map).Deletesync.(*entry).deletesync.(*entry).trySwapsync.(*Map).Swapsync.(*entry).swapLockedsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.interface {}]).Swapsync.(*Map).CompareAndSwapsync.(*Map).CompareAndSwap.deferwrap1sync.(*Map).CompareAndDeletesync.(*Map).Rangesync.(*Map).missLockedsync.(*Map).dirtyLockedsync.(*entry).tryExpungeLockedsync.(*Mutex).Locksync.(*Mutex).TryLocksync.(*Mutex).lockSlowsync.(*Mutex).Unlocksync.(*Mutex).unlockSlowsync.(*Once).Dosync.(*Once).doSlowsync.(*Once).doSlow.deferwrap2sync.(*Once).doSlow.deferwrap1sync.(*Pool).Putsync.(*Pool).Getsync.(*Pool).getSlowsync.indexLocalsync.(*Pool).pinsync.(*Pool).pinSlowsync.(*Pool).pinSlow.deferwrap1sync.init.0sync.(*poolDequeue).pushHeadsync.(*poolDequeue).popHeadsync.(*poolDequeue).popTailsync.(*poolChain).pushHeadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { sync.poolDequeue; sync.next sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.poolChainElt]; sync.prev sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.poolChainElt] }]).Storesync.(*poolChain).popHeadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { sync.poolDequeue; sync.next sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.poolChainElt]; sync.prev sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.poolChainElt] }]).Loadsync.(*poolChain).popTailsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { sync.poolDequeue; sync.next sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.poolChainElt]; sync.prev sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.poolChainElt] }]).CompareAndSwapsync.init.1sync.(*RWMutex).RLocksync.(*RWMutex).TryRLocksync.(*RWMutex).RUnlocksync.(*RWMutex).rUnlockSlowsync.(*RWMutex).Locksync.(*RWMutex).TryLocksync.(*RWMutex).Unlocksync.(*RWMutex).RLockersync.(*rlocker).Locksync.(*rlocker).Unlocksync.(*WaitGroup).Addsync.(*WaitGroup).Donesync.(*WaitGroup).Waitsync.poolCleanupsyscall.hasWaitingReaderstype:.eq.sync.rlockersync/atomic.(*Pointer[sync.readOnly]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { sync.m map[interface {}]*sync.entry; sync.amended bool }]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[sync.readOnly]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { sync.m map[interface {}]*sync.entry; sync.amended bool }]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[sync.readOnly]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[sync.readOnly]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[interface {}]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[interface {}]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[interface {}]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[interface {}]).Loadtype:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.poolChainElt]type:.eq.sync.poolLocaltype:.eq.sync.poolLocalInternaltype:.eq.sync.poolChaintype:.eq.sync.RWMutextype:.eq.sync.entrytype:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[interface {}]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[sync.readOnly]type:.eq.sync.Condtype:.eq.sync.Oncetype:.eq.sync.WaitGroupio.init.func1io.WriteStringio.ReadAtLeastio.CopyNio.LimitReaderio.Copyio.CopyBufferio.copyBufferio.(*LimitedReader).Readio.(*SectionReader).Readio.(*SectionReader).Seekio.(*SectionReader).ReadAtio.(*SectionReader).Sizeio.(*SectionReader).Outerio.discard.Writeio.discard.WriteStringio.discard.ReadFromio.nopCloser.Closeio.nopCloserWriterTo.Closeio.nopCloserWriterTo.WriteToio.ReadAllio.eofReader.Readio.(*multiReader).Readio.(*multiReader).WriteToio.(*multiReader).writeToWithBufferio.(*multiWriter).Writeio.(*multiWriter).WriteStringio.(*onceError).Storeio.(*onceError).Store.deferwrap1io.(*onceError).Loadio.(*onceError).Load.deferwrap1io.(*pipe).readio.(*pipe).closeReadio.(*pipe).closeRead.func1io.(*pipe).writeio.(*pipe).write.deferwrap1io.(*pipe).closeWriteio.(*pipe).closeWrite.func1io.(*pipe).readCloseErrorio.(*pipe).writeCloseErrorio.(*PipeReader).Readio.(*PipeReader).Closeio.(*PipeReader).CloseWithErrorio.(*PipeWriter).Writeio.(*PipeWriter).Closeio.(*PipeWriter).CloseWithErrortype:.eq.io.LimitedReaderio.(*discard).ReadFromio.(*discard).Writeio.(*discard).WriteStringio.(*nopCloser).Closeio.nopCloser.Readio.(*nopCloser).Readio.(*nopCloserWriterTo).Closeio.nopCloserWriterTo.Readio.(*nopCloserWriterTo).Readio.(*nopCloserWriterTo).WriteToio.(*eofReader).Readio.(*onceError).Lockio.(*onceError).TryLockio.(*onceError).Unlocktype:.eq.io.SectionReadertype:.eq.io.onceErrortype:.eq.io.pipetype:.eq.io.PipeReadertype:.eq.io.PipeWritermath/bits.Add64math/bits.Sub64math/bits.Mul64math.cbrtmath.IsNaNmath.IsInfmath.Float64bitsmath.Float64frombitsmath.expmath.Infmath.expmultimath.Ldexpmath.truncmath.Modfmath.frexpmath.normalizemath.ldexpmath.Copysignmath.logmath.Frexpmath.NaNmath.log2math.Logmath.modfmath.isOddIntmath.powmath.Signbitmath.Powmath.Expmath.Sqrtunicode/utf8.DecodeRuneunicode/utf8.DecodeRuneInStringunicode/utf8.DecodeLastRuneunicode/utf8.RuneStartunicode/utf8.DecodeLastRuneInStringunicode/utf8.EncodeRuneunicode/utf8.appendRuneNonASCIIunicode/utf8.RuneCountunicode/utf8.RuneCountInStringunicode/utf8.Validunicode/utf8.ValidStringstrconv.specialstrconv.commonPrefixLenIgnoreCasestrconv.(*decimal).setstrconv.lowerstrconv.readFloatstrconv.(*decimal).floatBitsstrconv.atof64exactstrconv.atof32exactstrconv.atofHexstrconv.rangeErrorinternal/stringslite.Clonemath.Float32frombitsstrconv.atof32strconv.syntaxErrorstrconv.atof64strconv.ParseFloatstrconv.parseFloatPrefixstrconv.(*NumError).Errorstrconv.Quotestrconv.quoteWithstrconv.(*NumError).Unwrapstrconv.baseErrorstrconv.Itoastrconv.bitSizeErrorstrconv.ParseUintstrconv.ParseIntstrconv.Atoistrconv.underscoreOKstrconv.(*decimal).Assignstrconv.trimstrconv.rightShiftstrconv.leftShiftstrconv.prefixIsLessThanstrconv.(*decimal).Shiftstrconv.(*decimal).Roundstrconv.shouldRoundUpstrconv.(*decimal).RoundUpstrconv.(*decimal).RoundDownstrconv.(*decimal).RoundedIntegerstrconv.eiselLemire64math/bits.LeadingZeros64strconv.eiselLemire32strconv.genericFtoamath.Float32bitsstrconv.bigFtoastrconv.formatDigitsstrconv.roundShorteststrconv.fmtEstrconv.fmtFstrconv.fmtBstrconv.fmtXstrconv.ryuFtoaFixed32strconv.mulByLog2Log10strconv.divisibleByPower5strconv.ryuFtoaFixed64strconv.formatDecimalstrconv.ryuFtoaShorteststrconv.computeBoundsstrconv.ryuDigitsstrconv.ryuDigits32strconv.mult64bitPow10strconv.mulByLog10Log2strconv.mult128bitPow10strconv.divmod1e9strconv.FormatUintstrconv.smallstrconv.FormatIntstrconv.AppendIntstrconv.AppendUintstrconv.formatBitsstrconv.isPowerOfTwomath/bits.TrailingZerosstrconv.appendQuotedWithstrconv.appendQuotedRuneWithunicode/utf8.ValidRunestrconv.appendEscapedRunestrconv.isInGraphicListstrconv.bsearch[go.shape.[]uint16,go.shape.uint16]unicode/utf8.AppendRunestrconv.CanBackquotestrconv.UnquoteCharstrconv.unhexstrconv.Unquotestrconv.unquotestrconv.indexstrconv.containsstrconv.IsPrintstrconv.bsearch[go.shape.[]uint32,go.shape.uint32]type:.eq.strconv.NumErrorcrypto.initcrypto.Hash.HashFunccrypto.Hash.Stringcrypto.Hash.Sizecrypto.Hash.Newcrypto.Hash.Availablecrypto.(*Hash).Availablecrypto.(*Hash).HashFunccrypto.(*Hash).Newcrypto.(*Hash).Sizecrypto.(*Hash).Stringunicode.map.init.0unicode.map.init.1unicode.IsPrintunicode.Inunicode.IsSpaceunicode.is16unicode.is32unicode.Isunicode.isExcludingLatinunicode.tounicode.ToUpperunicode.Tounicode.ToLowerunicode.SimpleFoldunicode.initbytes.(*Buffer).Bytesbytes.(*Buffer).AvailableBufferbytes.(*Buffer).Stringbytes.(*Buffer).Lenbytes.(*Buffer).Capbytes.(*Buffer).Availablebytes.(*Buffer).Truncatebytes.(*Buffer).Resetbytes.(*Buffer).growbytes.(*Buffer).tryGrowByReslicebytes.(*Buffer).Growbytes.(*Buffer).Writebytes.(*Buffer).WriteStringbytes.(*Buffer).ReadFrombytes.growSlicebytes.(*Buffer).WriteTobytes.(*Buffer).WriteBytebytes.(*Buffer).WriteRunebytes.(*Buffer).Readbytes.(*Buffer).emptybytes.(*Buffer).Nextbytes.(*Buffer).ReadBytebytes.(*Buffer).ReadRunebytes.(*Buffer).UnreadRunebytes.(*Buffer).UnreadBytebytes.(*Buffer).ReadBytesbytes.(*Buffer).readSlicebytes.IndexBytebytes.(*Buffer).ReadStringbytes.Comparebytes.Countbytes.IndexRunebytes.IndexAnybytes.makeASCIISetinternal/bytealg.IndexStringbytes.(*asciiSet).containsbytes.Joinbytes.Mapbytes.ToLowerbytes.TrimRightFuncbytes.TrimFuncbytes.TrimLeftFuncbytes.indexFuncbytes.lastIndexFuncbytes.TrimLeftbytes.trimLeftBytebytes.trimLeftASCIIbytes.trimLeftUnicodebytes.containsRunebytes.TrimRightbytes.trimRightBytebytes.trimRightASCIIbytes.trimRightUnicodebytes.TrimSpacebytes.Replacebytes.Indexbytes.Equalbytes.Cutbytes.(*Reader).Lenbytes.(*Reader).Sizebytes.(*Reader).Readbytes.(*Reader).ReadAtbytes.(*Reader).ReadBytebytes.(*Reader).UnreadBytebytes.(*Reader).ReadRunebytes.(*Reader).UnreadRunebytes.(*Reader).Seekbytes.(*Reader).WriteTobytes.(*Reader).Resetbytes.growSlice.func1bytes.Repeatinternal/bytealg.IndexRabinKarp[go.shape.[]uint8]internal/bytealg.HashStr[go.shape.[]uint8]crypto/subtle.XORBytescrypto/subtle.xorBytescrypto/subtle.alignedcrypto/subtle.wordscrypto/subtle.xorLoop[go.shape.uintptr]crypto/subtle.xorLoop[go.shape.uint8]crypto/cipher.newCBCbytes.Clonecrypto/cipher.NewCBCEncryptercrypto/cipher.(*cbcEncrypter).BlockSizecrypto/cipher.(*cbcEncrypter).CryptBlockscrypto/internal/alias.InexactOverlapcrypto/internal/alias.AnyOverlapcrypto/cipher.(*cbcEncrypter).SetIVcrypto/cipher.NewCBCDecryptercrypto/cipher.(*cbcDecrypter).BlockSizecrypto/cipher.(*cbcDecrypter).CryptBlockscrypto/cipher.(*cbcDecrypter).SetIVcrypto/cipher.NewCTRcrypto/cipher.(*ctr).refillcrypto/cipher.(*ctr).XORKeyStreamcrypto/cipher.newGCMWithNonceAndTagSizeinternal/byteorder.BeUint64crypto/cipher.reverseBitscrypto/cipher.gcmDoublecrypto/cipher.gcmAddcrypto/cipher.(*gcm).NonceSizecrypto/cipher.(*gcm).Overheadcrypto/cipher.(*gcm).Sealcrypto/cipher.sliceForAppendcrypto/cipher.(*gcm).Opencrypto/subtle.ConstantTimeComparecrypto/subtle.ConstantTimeByteEqcrypto/cipher.(*gcm).mulcrypto/cipher.(*gcm).updateBlockscrypto/cipher.(*gcm).updatecrypto/cipher.gcmInc32internal/byteorder.BeUint32internal/byteorder.BePutUint32crypto/cipher.(*gcm).counterCryptcrypto/cipher.(*gcm).deriveCounterinternal/byteorder.BePutUint64crypto/cipher.(*gcm).authcrypto/cipher.StreamReader.Readtype:.eq.crypto/cipher.gcmcrypto/cipher.(*StreamReader).Readtype:.eq.crypto/cipher.StreamReadercrypto/internal/boring/sig.StandardCryptocrypto/internal/boring.(*PublicKeyECDH).Bytescrypto/internal/boring.(*PrivateKeyECDH).PublicKeycrypto/sha256.init.0crypto.RegisterHashcrypto/sha256.(*digest).MarshalBinaryinternal/byteorder.BeAppendUint32internal/byteorder.BeAppendUint64crypto/sha256.(*digest).UnmarshalBinarycrypto/sha256.consumeUint32crypto/sha256.consumeUint64crypto/sha256.(*digest).Resetcrypto/sha256.Newcrypto/sha256.New224crypto/sha256.(*digest).Sizecrypto/sha256.(*digest).BlockSizecrypto/sha256.(*digest).Writecrypto/internal/boring.Unreachablecrypto/sha256.blockcrypto/sha256.(*digest).Sumcrypto/sha256.(*digest).checkSumcrypto/sha256.Sum256crypto/sha256.Sum224crypto/sha256.blockGenerictype:.eq.crypto/sha256.digestiter.initinternal/itoa.Itoainternal/itoa.Uitoareflect.initreflect.rtypeOfreflect.(*abiSeq).addArgreflect.(*abiSeq).stackAssignreflect.alignreflect.(*abiSeq).addRcvrreflect.(*abiSeq).regAssignreflect.(*abiSeq).assignFloatNreflect.(*abiSeq).assignIntNreflect.newAbiDescreflect.(*bitVector).appendreflect.(*abiSeq).stepsForValuereflect.intFromRegreflect.intToRegreflect.deepValueEqualreflect.Value.IsValidreflect.Value.Typereflect.Value.Kindreflect.flag.kindreflect.Value.Complexreflect.Value.Floatreflect.Value.Boolreflect.Value.Intreflect.Value.Uintreflect.Value.Stringreflect.Value.IsNilreflect.Value.Lenreflect.Value.Bytesinternal/bytealg.Equalreflect.Value.MapRangereflect.DeepEqualreflect.ValueOfreflect.unpackEfacereflect.Value.Seqreflect.rangeNum[go.shape.int8,go.shape.int64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.int,go.shape.int64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.int16,go.shape.int64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.int32,go.shape.int64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.int64,go.shape.int64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.uint,go.shape.uint64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.uint8,go.shape.uint64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.uint16,go.shape.uint64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.uint32,go.shape.uint64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.uint64,go.shape.uint64]reflect.rangeNum[go.shape.uintptr,go.shape.uint64]reflect.Value.Seq.func6reflect.Value.Seq.func5reflect.Value.Seq.func4reflect.Value.Seq.func3reflect.Value.Seq.func2reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.uintptr,go.shape.uint64].func17reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.uint64,go.shape.uint64].func16reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.uint32,go.shape.uint64].func15reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.uint16,go.shape.uint64].func14reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.uint8,go.shape.uint64].func13reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.uint,go.shape.uint64].func12reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.int64,go.shape.int64].func11reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.int32,go.shape.int64].func10reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.int16,go.shape.int64].func9reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.int8,go.shape.int64].func8reflect.Value.Seq.rangeNum[go.shape.int,go.shape.int64].func7reflect.Value.Seq.func1reflect.Value.Seq.func1.1reflect.Value.Seq2reflect.Value.Seq2.func5reflect.Value.Seq2.func4reflect.Value.Seq2.func3reflect.Value.Seq2.func2reflect.Value.Seq2.func1reflect.Value.Seq2.func1.1reflect.MakeFuncreflect.makeMethodValuereflect.methodValueCallCodePtrreflect.(*rtype).commonreflect.pkgPathreflect.Method.IsExportedreflect.Kind.Stringreflect.(*rtype).exportedMethodsreflect.(*rtype).uncommonreflect.elemreflect.stringForreflect.(*rtype).OverflowComplexreflect.(*rtype).Kindreflect.overflowFloat32reflect.(*rtype).OverflowFloatreflect.(*rtype).OverflowIntreflect.(*rtype).Sizereflect.(*rtype).OverflowUintreflect.(*rtype).CanSeqreflect.(*rtype).Elemreflect.toTypereflect.canRangeFuncreflect.(*rtype).CanSeq2reflect.canRangeFunc2reflect.ChanDir.Stringreflect.(*interfaceType).Methodreflect.(*interfaceType).nameOffreflect.(*rtype).nameOffreflect.(*interfaceType).typeOffreflect.(*rtype).typeOffreflect.(*interfaceType).MethodByNamereflect.StructField.IsExportedreflect.StructTag.Getreflect.StructTag.Lookupreflect.(*structType).Fieldreflect.(*structType).FieldByIndexreflect.(*structType).FieldByNameFuncreflect.(*structType).FieldByNamereflect.(*structType).FieldByName.func1reflect.TypeOfreflect.implementsreflect.nameOffForreflect.typeOffForreflect.specialChannelAssignabilityreflect.nameForreflect.directlyAssignablereflect.haveIdenticalTypereflect.pkgPathForreflect.haveIdenticalUnderlyingTypereflect.MapOfreflect.newNamereflect.resolveReflectNamereflect.fnv1reflect.MapOf.func1reflect.initFuncTypesreflect.initFuncTypes.deferwrap1reflect.FuncOfreflect.FuncOf.func1reflect.FuncOf.deferwrap1reflect.funcStrreflect.isReflexivereflect.needKeyUpdatereflect.hashMightPanicreflect.bucketOfreflect.ptrToreflect.emitGCMaskreflect.appendGCProgreflect.SliceOfreflect.isLetterunicode.IsLetterreflect.isValidFieldNameunicode.IsDigitreflect.isRegularMemoryreflect.isPaddedFieldreflect.StructOfreflect.Value.Interfacereflect.appendVarintreflect.resolveReflectTypereflect.textOffForreflect.(*rtype).textOffreflect.resolveReflectTextreflect.StructOf.func2reflect.addreflect.StructOf.func1reflect.StructOf.deferwrap1reflect.embeddedIfaceMethStubreflect.runtimeStructFieldreflect.typeptrdatareflect.ArrayOfreflect.ArrayOf.func1reflect.arrayAtreflect.funcLayoutreflect.funcLayout.func1reflect.addTypeBitsreflect.packEfacereflect.(*ValueError).Errorreflect.valueMethodNameruntime.Callersreflect.flag.mustBeExportedSlowreflect.flag.mustBeAssignableSlowreflect.Value.Addrreflect.Value.panicNotBoolreflect.flag.mustBereflect.Value.bytesSlowreflect.Value.CanAddrreflect.Value.runesreflect.Value.CanSetreflect.Value.Callreflect.flag.mustBeExportedreflect.Value.CallSlicereflect.Value.callreflect.storeRcvrreflect.floatFromRegreflect.floatToRegreflect.callReflectreflect.methodReceiverreflect.callMethodreflect.funcNamereflect.Value.Capreflect.Value.capNonSlicereflect.Value.pointerreflect.Value.Closereflect.Value.CanComplexreflect.Value.Elemreflect.flag.roreflect.Value.Fieldreflect.Value.FieldByIndexreflect.Value.FieldByIndexErrreflect.Value.FieldByNamereflect.Value.FieldByNameFuncreflect.Value.CanFloatreflect.Value.Indexreflect.Value.CanIntreflect.Value.CanInterfacereflect.Value.InterfaceDatareflect.escapesreflect.Value.IsZeroreflect.isZeroreflect.Value.SetZeroreflect.flag.mustBeAssignablereflect.Value.lenNonSlicereflect.Value.MapIndexreflect.Value.MapKeysreflect.(*MapIter).Keyreflect.(*hiter).initializedreflect.Value.SetIterKeyreflect.(*MapIter).Valuereflect.Value.SetIterValuereflect.(*MapIter).Nextreflect.(*MapIter).Resetreflect.flag.panicNotMapreflect.copyValreflect.Value.Methodreflect.Value.NumMethodreflect.Value.MethodByNamereflect.Value.NumFieldreflect.Value.OverflowComplexreflect.Value.OverflowFloatreflect.Value.OverflowIntreflect.Value.OverflowUintreflect.Value.Pointerreflect.Value.Recvreflect.Value.recvreflect.Value.Sendreflect.Value.sendreflect.chansendreflect.contentEscapesreflect.Value.Setreflect.Value.SetBoolreflect.Value.SetBytesreflect.Value.setRunesreflect.Value.SetComplexreflect.Value.SetFloatreflect.Value.SetIntreflect.Value.SetLenreflect.Value.SetCapreflect.Value.SetMapIndexreflect.Value.SetUintreflect.Value.SetPointerreflect.Value.SetStringreflect.Value.Slicereflect.Value.Slice3reflect.Value.stringNonStringreflect.Value.TryRecvreflect.Value.TrySendreflect.Value.typeSlowreflect.Value.CanUintreflect.Value.UnsafeAddrreflect.Value.UnsafePointerreflect.typesMustMatchreflect.Value.Growreflect.Value.growreflect.Value.extendSlicereflect.Value.Clearreflect.Appendreflect.Copyreflect.MakeSlicereflect.MakeMapWithSizereflect.Zeroreflect.Newreflect.NewAtreflect.Value.assignToreflect.Value.Convertreflect.Value.CanConvertreflect.Value.Comparablereflect.Value.Equalreflect.convertOpreflect.makeIntreflect.makeFloatreflect.makeFloat32reflect.makeComplexreflect.makeStringreflect.makeBytesreflect.makeRunesreflect.cvtIntreflect.cvtUintreflect.cvtFloatIntreflect.cvtFloatUintreflect.cvtIntFloatreflect.cvtUintFloatreflect.cvtFloatreflect.cvtComplexreflect.cvtIntStringreflect.cvtUintStringreflect.cvtBytesStringreflect.cvtStringBytesreflect.cvtRunesStringreflect.cvtStringRunesreflect.cvtSliceArrayPtrreflect.cvtSliceArrayreflect.cvtDirectreflect.cvtT2Ireflect.cvtI2Ireflect.mapassign_faststrreflect.deepValueEqual.func1reflect.deepValueEqual.func2reflect.(*rtype).Stringreflect.(*rtype).Bitsreflect.(*rtype).Alignreflect.(*rtype).FieldAlignreflect.(*rtype).NumMethodreflect.(*interfaceType).NumMethodreflect.(*rtype).Methodreflect.(*rtype).MethodByNamereflect.(*rtype).PkgPathreflect.(*rtype).Namereflect.(*rtype).ChanDirreflect.(*rtype).Fieldreflect.(*rtype).FieldByIndexreflect.(*rtype).FieldByNamereflect.(*rtype).FieldByNameFuncreflect.(*rtype).Keyreflect.(*rtype).Lenreflect.(*rtype).NumFieldreflect.(*rtype).Inreflect.(*rtype).NumInreflect.(*rtype).NumOutreflect.(*rtype).Outreflect.(*rtype).IsVariadicreflect.(*rtype).ptrToreflect.(*rtype).Implementsreflect.(*rtype).AssignableToreflect.(*rtype).ConvertibleToreflect.(*rtype).Comparablereflect.typesByStringreflect.rtypeOffreflect.valueInterfacereflect.mapassignreflect.makeFuncStubreflect.methodValueCalltype:.eq.reflect.Methodreflect.(*Kind).Stringreflect.(*ChanDir).Stringreflect.(*StructTag).Getreflect.(*StructTag).Lookupreflect.(*StructField).IsExportedreflect.(*Method).IsExportedreflect.(*Value).Addrreflect.(*Value).Boolreflect.(*Value).Bytesreflect.(*Value).Callreflect.(*Value).CallSlicereflect.(*Value).CanAddrreflect.(*Value).CanComplexreflect.(*Value).CanConvertreflect.(*Value).CanFloatreflect.(*Value).CanIntreflect.(*Value).CanInterfacereflect.(*Value).CanSetreflect.(*Value).CanUintreflect.(*Value).Capreflect.(*Value).Clearreflect.(*Value).Closereflect.(*Value).Comparablereflect.(*Value).Complexreflect.(*Value).Convertreflect.(*Value).Elemreflect.(*Value).Equalreflect.(*Value).Fieldreflect.(*Value).FieldByIndexreflect.(*Value).FieldByIndexErrreflect.(*Value).FieldByNamereflect.(*Value).FieldByNameFuncreflect.(*Value).Floatreflect.(*Value).Growreflect.(*Value).Indexreflect.(*Value).Intreflect.(*Value).Interfacereflect.(*Value).InterfaceDatareflect.(*Value).IsNilreflect.(*Value).IsValidreflect.(*Value).IsZeroreflect.(*Value).Kindreflect.(*Value).Lenreflect.(*Value).MapIndexreflect.(*Value).MapKeysreflect.(*Value).MapRangereflect.(*Value).Methodreflect.(*Value).MethodByNamereflect.(*Value).NumFieldreflect.(*Value).NumMethodreflect.(*Value).OverflowComplexreflect.(*Value).OverflowFloatreflect.(*Value).OverflowIntreflect.(*Value).OverflowUintreflect.(*Value).Pointerreflect.(*Value).Recvreflect.(*Value).Sendreflect.(*Value).Seqreflect.(*Value).Seq2reflect.(*Value).Setreflect.(*Value).SetBoolreflect.(*Value).SetBytesreflect.(*Value).SetCapreflect.(*Value).SetComplexreflect.(*Value).SetFloatreflect.(*Value).SetIntreflect.(*Value).SetIterKeyreflect.(*Value).SetIterValuereflect.(*Value).SetLenreflect.(*Value).SetMapIndexreflect.(*Value).SetPointerreflect.(*Value).SetStringreflect.(*Value).SetUintreflect.(*Value).SetZeroreflect.(*Value).Slicereflect.(*Value).Slice3reflect.(*Value).Stringreflect.(*Value).TryRecvreflect.(*Value).TrySendreflect.(*Value).Typereflect.(*Value).Uintreflect.(*Value).UnsafeAddrreflect.(*Value).UnsafePointerreflect.(*ptrType).Alignreflect.(*ptrType).ArrayTypereflect.(*ptrType).ChanDirreflect.(*ptrType).Commonreflect.(*ptrType).ExportedMethodsreflect.(*ptrType).FieldAlignreflect.(*ptrType).FuncTypereflect.(*ptrType).GcSlicereflect.(*ptrType).HasNamereflect.(*ptrType).IfaceIndirreflect.(*ptrType).InterfaceTypereflect.(*ptrType).IsDirectIfacereflect.(*ptrType).Keyreflect.(*ptrType).Kindreflect.(*ptrType).Lenreflect.(*ptrType).MapTypereflect.(*ptrType).NumMethodreflect.(*ptrType).Pointersreflect.(*ptrType).Sizereflect.(*ptrType).StructTypereflect.(*ptrType).Uncommonreflect.(*structType).Alignreflect.(*structType).ArrayTypereflect.(*structType).ChanDirreflect.(*structType).Commonreflect.(*structType).Elemreflect.(*structType).ExportedMethodsreflect.(*structType).FieldAlignreflect.(*structType).FuncTypereflect.(*structType).GcSlicereflect.(*structType).HasNamereflect.(*structType).IfaceIndirreflect.(*structType).InterfaceTypereflect.(*structType).IsDirectIfacereflect.(*structType).Keyreflect.(*structType).Kindreflect.(*structType).Lenreflect.(*structType).MapTypereflect.(*structType).NumMethodreflect.(*structType).Pointersreflect.(*structType).Sizereflect.(*structType).Uncommontype:.eq.reflect.ValueErrortype:.eq.reflect.makeFuncCtxttype:.eq.reflect.methodValuetype:.eq.reflect.visittype:.hash.reflect.visitencoding/binary.littleEndian.Uint16encoding/binary.littleEndian.PutUint16encoding/binary.littleEndian.AppendUint16encoding/binary.littleEndian.Uint32encoding/binary.littleEndian.PutUint32encoding/binary.littleEndian.AppendUint32encoding/binary.littleEndian.Uint64encoding/binary.littleEndian.PutUint64encoding/binary.littleEndian.AppendUint64encoding/binary.littleEndian.Stringencoding/binary.littleEndian.GoStringencoding/binary.bigEndian.U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{ Key reflect.Value; Value reflect.Value }]internal/fmtsort.comparecmp.Compare[go.shape.int64]cmp.Compare[go.shape.uint64]cmp.Compare[go.shape.float64]cmp.isNaN[go.shape.float64]cmp.Compare[go.shape.uintptr]cmp.Compare[go.shape.string]internal/fmtsort.nilCompareinternal/fmtsort.Sort.func1slices.stableCmpFunc[go.shape.struct { Key reflect.Value; Value reflect.Value }]slices.symMergeCmpFunc[go.shape.struct { Key reflect.Value; Value reflect.Value }]slices.rotateCmpFunc[go.shape.struct { Key reflect.Value; Value reflect.Value }]slices.swapRangeCmpFunc[go.shape.struct { Key reflect.Value; Value reflect.Value }]slices.insertionSortCmpFunc[go.shape.struct { Key reflect.Value; Value reflect.Value }]internal/bisect.Newinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).MarkerOnlyinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).ShouldEnableinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).matchResultinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).ShouldPrintinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).FileLineinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).fileLineinternal/bisect.printFileLineinternal/bisect.AppendMarkerinternal/bisect.appendFileLineinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).Stackinternal/bisect.(*Matcher).stacksync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/bisect.recent [128][4]uint64; internal/bisect.mu sync.Mutex; internal/bisect.m map[uint64]bool }]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/bisect.recent [128][4]uint64; internal/bisect.mu sync.Mutex; internal/bisect.m map[uint64]bool }]).CompareAndSwapinternal/bisect.PrintMarkerinternal/bisect.printStackinternal/bisect.Hashinternal/bisect.fnvStringinternal/bisect.fnvUint64internal/bisect.fnvUint32internal/bisect.fnvinternal/bisect.(*parseError).Errorinternal/bisect.(*dedup).seeninternal/bisect.(*dedup).seenLossysync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/bisect.dedup]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/bisect.dedup]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/bisect.recent [128][4]uint64; internal/bisect.mu sync.Mutex; internal/bisect.m map[uint64]bool }]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/bisect.dedup]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/bisect.recent [128][4]uint64; internal/bisect.mu sync.Mutex; internal/bisect.m map[uint64]bool }]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/bisect.dedup]).Loadtype:.eq.internal/bisect.condtype:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/bisect.dedup]type:.eq.[2]interface {}internal/godebug.(*Setting).IncNonDefaultinternal/godebug.(*Setting).registerinternal/godebug.(*Setting).Nameinternal/godebug.(*Setting).Valuesync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/godebug.text string; internal/godebug.bisect *internal/bisect.Matcher }]).Loadinternal/godebug.(*Setting).Value.func1internal/godebug.(*Setting).Undocumentedinternal/godebug.lookupinternal/godebugs.Lookupsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/godebug.text string; internal/godebug.bisect *internal/bisect.Matcher }]).Storeinternal/godebug.init.0internal/godebug.newIncNonDefaultinternal/godebug.Newinternal/godebug.updateinternal/godebug.update.func1internal/godebug.update.deferwrap1internal/godebug.parseinternal/godebug.(*runtimeStderr).Writesync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/godebug.value]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/godebug.text string; internal/godebug.bisect *internal/bisect.Matcher }]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/godebug.value]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/godebug.text string; internal/godebug.bisect *internal/bisect.Matcher }]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/godebug.value]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/godebug.value]).Loadinternal/godebug.(*Setting).IncNonDefault-fmsync/atomic.(*Uint64).Load-fminternal/godebug.(*Setting).register-fmtype:.eq.internal/godebug.settingtype:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/godebug.value]type:.eq.internal/godebug.valuetype:.eq.internal/godebug.Settingsyscall.initsyscall.init.func1syscall.copyenvsyscall.Getenvsyscall.Getenv.deferwrap1syscall.Environsyscall.Environ.deferwrap1syscall.forkAndExecInChildsyscall.forkAndExecInChild1sync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { Cur uint64; Max uint64 }]).Loadsyscall.forkExecPipesyscall.capToMasksyscall.capToIndexsyscall.formatIDMappingssyscall.writeIDMappingssyscall.Opensyscall.Writesyscall.writeSetgroupssyscall.writeUidGidMappingssyscall.os_checkClonePidfd.deferwrap1syscall.doCheckClonePidfdsyscall.SlicePtrFromStringssyscall.SetNonblocksyscall.forkExecsyscall.BytePtrFromStringsyscall.forkAndExecFailureCleanupsyscall.init.0syscall.acquireForkLocksyscall.acquireForkLock.deferwrap1syscall.releaseForkLocksyscall.releaseForkLock.deferwrap1syscall.newNetlinkRouteRequestsyscall.(*NetlinkRouteRequest).toWireFormatsyscall.NetlinkRIBsyscall.Socketsyscall.NetlinkRIB.deferwrap2syscall.NetlinkRIB.deferwrap1syscall.ParseNetlinkMessagesyscall.netlinkMessageHeaderAndDatasyscall.nlmAlignOfsyscall.ParseNetlinkRouteAttrsyscall.netlinkRouteAttrAndValuesyscall.rtaAlignOfsyscall.init.1sync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { Cur uint64; Max uint64 }]).Storesyscall.ParseSocketControlMessagesyscall.cmsgAlignOfsyscall.CmsgLensyscall.socketControlMessageHeaderAndDatasyscall.ByteSliceFromStringsyscall.(*Timespec).Unixsyscall.(*Timeval).Unixsyscall.(*Timespec).Nanosyscall.(*Timeval).Nanosyscall.isGroupMembersyscall.isCapDacOverrideSetsyscall.Faccessatsyscall.Geteuidsyscall.Getuidsyscall.Getegidsyscall.Getgidsyscall.Fchmodatsyscall.Pipe2syscall.Getwdsyscall.Getgroupssyscall.WaitStatus.Exitedsyscall.WaitStatus.Signaledsyscall.WaitStatus.Stoppedsyscall.WaitStatus.Continuedsyscall.WaitStatus.CoreDumpsyscall.WaitStatus.ExitStatussyscall.WaitStatus.Signalsyscall.WaitStatus.StopSignalsyscall.WaitStatus.TrapCausesyscall.Wait4syscall.(*SockaddrInet4).sockaddrsyscall.(*SockaddrInet6).sockaddrsyscall.(*SockaddrUnix).sockaddrsyscall.(*SockaddrLinklayer).sockaddrsyscall.(*SockaddrNetlink).sockaddrsyscall.anyToSockaddrsyscall.Accept4syscall.Getsocknamesyscall.recvmsgRawsyscall.(*Iovec).SetLensyscall.GetsockoptIntsyscall.(*Msghdr).SetControllensyscall.sendmsgNsyscall.Acceptsyscall.Getrlimitsyscall.setrlimitsyscall.rawSetrlimitsyscall.Errno.Errorsyscall.Errno.Issyscall.Errno.Temporarysyscall.Errno.Timeoutsyscall.Signal.Signalsyscall.Signal.Stringsyscall.Bindsyscall.Connectsyscall.Getpeernamesyscall.Recvfromsyscall.recvfromInet4syscall.recvfromInet6syscall.recvmsgInet4syscall.recvmsgInet6syscall.Recvmsgsyscall.SendmsgNsyscall.sendmsgNInet4syscall.sendmsgNInet6syscall.sendtoInet4syscall.sendtoInet6syscall.Sendtosyscall.SetsockoptStringsyscall.faccessatsyscall.errnoErrsyscall.fchmodatsyscall.fchmodat2syscall.openatsyscall.pipe2syscall.readlinkatsyscall.symlinkatsyscall.unlinkatsyscall.utimensatsyscall.Getcwdsyscall.wait4syscall.Closesyscall.Dupsyscall.Fchdirsyscall.Fchmodsyscall.Fchownatsyscall.fcntlsyscall.Fsyncsyscall.Getdentssyscall.Killsyscall.Mkdiratsyscall.prlimit1syscall.readsyscall.Unamesyscall.writesyscall.readlensyscall.munmapsyscall.accept4syscall.bindsyscall.connectsyscall.getgroupssyscall.socketsyscall.getpeernamesyscall.getsocknamesyscall.recvfromsyscall.sendtosyscall.recvmsgsyscall.sendmsgsyscall.Fchownsyscall.Fstatsyscall.fstatatsyscall.Listensyscall.Renameatsyscall.sendfilesyscall.Shutdownsyscall.Splicesyscall.preadsyscall.pwritesyscall.Ftruncatesyscall.mmap2syscall.getrlimitsyscall.setrlimit1syscall.acceptos.checkClonePidfdsyscall.RawSyscallsyscall.RawSyscall6syscall.Syscallsyscall.Syscall6syscall.prlimitsyscall.Getpidsyscall.mmapsyscall.getsockoptsyscall.setsockoptsyscall.seeksyscall.rawVforkSyscallsyscall.rawSyscallNoErrortype:.eq.syscall.SockaddrLinklayertype:.eq.syscall.SockaddrUnixsyscall.(*Errno).Errorsyscall.(*Errno).Issyscall.(*Errno).Temporarysyscall.(*Errno).Timeoutsyscall.(*Signal).Signalsyscall.(*Signal).Stringsyscall.(*WaitStatus).Continuedsyscall.(*WaitStatus).CoreDumpsyscall.(*WaitStatus).ExitStatussyscall.(*WaitStatus).Exitedsyscall.(*WaitStatus).Signalsyscall.(*WaitStatus).Signaledsyscall.(*WaitStatus).StopSignalsyscall.(*WaitStatus).Stoppedsyscall.(*WaitStatus).TrapCausetime.inittime.map.init.0time.lookuptime.matchtime.appendInttime.appendInt.func1time.appendNanotime.digitsLentime.separatortime.Time.Stringtime.Time.GoStringtime.absClocktime.Time.Nanosecondtime.(*Time).nsectime.Time.Locationtime.Time.Formattime.Time.AppendFormattime.Time.appendFormattime.Month.Stringtime.fmtInttime.absWeekdaytime.Weekday.Stringtime.quotetime.(*ParseError).Errortime.getnumtime.isDigit[go.shape.string]time.skiptime.cutspacetime.Parsetime.parsetime.newParseErrortime.commaOrPeriodtime.isLeaptime.daysIntime.(*Time).unixSectime.(*Time).sectime.(*Time).setLoctime.(*Time).stripMonotime.getnum3time.parseTimeZonetime.parseGMTtime.parseSignedOffsettime.leadingInt[go.shape.string]time.ParseDurationtime.leadingFractiontime.Time.appendFormatRFC3339time.Time.appendStrictRFC3339time.Time.appendStrictRFC3339.func1time.parseStrictRFC3339time.syncTimertime.whentime.(*Timer).Stoptime.NewTimertime.(*Timer).Resettime.sendTimetime.AfterFunctime.goFunctime.opentime.closefdtime.preadnsyscall.Seeksyscall.Readtime.NewTickertime.(*Ticker).Stoptime.(*Ticker).Resettime.(*Time).addSectime.Time.Aftertime.Time.Beforetime.Time.Comparetime.Time.Equaltime.Time.IsZerotime.Time.abstime.(*Location).gettime.Time.locabstime.Time.Datetime.Time.Yeartime.Time.Monthtime.Time.Daytime.Time.Weekdaytime.Time.ISOWeektime.Time.Clocktime.Time.Hourtime.Time.Minutetime.Time.Secondtime.Time.YearDaytime.Duration.Stringtime.Duration.formattime.fmtFractime.Duration.Nanosecondstime.Duration.Microsecondstime.Duration.Millisecondstime.Duration.Secondstime.Duration.Minutestime.Duration.Hourstime.Duration.Truncatetime.Duration.Roundtime.lessThanHalftime.Duration.Abstime.Time.Addtime.Time.Subtime.subMonotime.Sincetime.Untiltime.Time.AddDatetime.Time.datetime.Time.UTCtime.Time.Localtime.Time.Intime.Time.Zonetime.Time.ZoneBoundstime.unixTimetime.Time.Unixtime.Time.UnixMillitime.Time.UnixMicrotime.Time.UnixNanotime.Time.MarshalBinarytime.(*Time).UnmarshalBinarytime.Time.GobEncodetime.(*Time).GobDecodetime.Time.MarshalJSONtime.(*Time).UnmarshalJSONtime.Time.MarshalTexttime.(*Time).UnmarshalTexttime.Time.IsDSTtime.Datetime.normtime.daysSinceEpochtime.Time.Truncatetime.Time.Roundtime.divtime.(*Location).Stringtime.FixedZonetime.fixedZonetime.(*Location).lookuptime.(*Location).lookupFirstZonetime.(*Location).firstZoneUsedtime.tzsettime.tzsetNametime.tzsetOffsettime.tzsetNumtime.tzsetRuletime.tzruleTimetime.(*Location).lookupNametime.initLocaltime.init.0time.androidLoadTzinfoFromTzdatatime.(*dataIO).readtime.(*dataIO).big4time.androidLoadTzinfoFromTzdata.deferwrap1time.FixedZone.func1time.nextStdChunktime.startsWithLowerCasetime.stdFracSecondtime.absDatetime.Nowtime.parseRFC3339[go.shape.[]uint8]time.parseRFC3339[go.shape.[]uint8].func1time.isDigit[go.shape.[]uint8]time.parseNanoseconds[go.shape.[]uint8]time.atoi[go.shape.[]uint8]time.leadingInt[go.shape.[]uint8]type:.eq.time.ParseErrortime.parseNanoseconds[go.shape.string]time.atoi[go.shape.string]time.parseRFC3339[go.shape.string]time.parseRFC3339[go.shape.string].func1time.(*Time).Addtime.(*Time).AddDatetime.(*Time).Aftertime.(*Time).AppendFormattime.(*Time).Beforetime.(*Time).Clocktime.(*Time).Comparetime.(*Time).Datetime.(*Time).Daytime.(*Time).Equaltime.(*Time).Formattime.(*Time).GoStringtime.(*Time).GobEncodetime.(*Time).Hourtime.(*Time).ISOWeektime.(*Time).Intime.(*Time).IsDSTtime.(*Time).IsZerotime.(*Time).Localtime.(*Time).Locationtime.(*Time).MarshalBinarytime.(*Time).MarshalJSONtime.(*Time).MarshalTexttime.(*Time).Minutetime.(*Time).Monthtime.(*Time).Nanosecondtime.(*Time).Roundtime.(*Time).Secondtime.(*Time).Stringtime.(*Time).Subtime.(*Time).Truncatetime.(*Time).UTCtime.(*Time).Unixtime.(*Time).UnixMicrotime.(*Time).UnixMillitime.(*Time).UnixNanotime.(*Time).Weekdaytime.(*Time).Yeartime.(*Time).YearDaytime.(*Time).Zonetime.(*Time).ZoneBoundstime.(*Month).Stringtime.(*Weekday).Stringtime.(*Duration).Abstime.(*Duration).Hourstime.(*Duration).Microsecondstime.(*Duration).Millisecondstime.(*Duration).Minutestime.(*Duration).Nanosecondstime.(*Duration).Roundtime.(*Duration).Secondstime.(*Duration).Stringtime.(*Duration).Truncatetype:.eq.time.zonetype:.eq.time.zoneTranstype:.eq.time.Tickertype:.eq.time.Timertype:.eq.[1]time.zonetype:.eq.[1]time.zoneTranspath.Cleanpath.(*lazybuf).appendpath.(*lazybuf).stringpath.(*lazybuf).indexpath.Joinpath.Baseio/fs.initio/fs.FormatDirEntryio/fs.ValidPathio/fs.FileMode.Stringio/fs.FileMode.IsDirio/fs.FileMode.IsRegulario/fs.FileMode.Permio/fs.FileMode.Typeio/fs.(*PathError).Errorio/fs.(*PathError).Unwrapio/fs.(*PathError).Timeouttype:.eq.io/fs.PathErrorslices.pdqsortCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.reverseRangeCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.partitionCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.partitionEqualCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.partialInsertionSortCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.choosePivotCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.medianAdjacentCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.medianCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.order2CmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.breakPatternsCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.heapSortCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.siftDownCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]slices.insertionSortCmpFunc[go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]io/fs.(*FileMode).IsDirio/fs.(*FileMode).IsRegulario/fs.(*FileMode).Permio/fs.(*FileMode).Stringio/fs.(*FileMode).Typeinternal/filepathlite.Cleaninternal/filepathlite.IsPathSeparatorinternal/filepathlite.(*lazybuf).appendinternal/filepathlite.(*lazybuf).stringinternal/filepathlite.(*lazybuf).indexinternal/filepathlite.Localizeinternal/filepathlite.localizeinternal/filepathlite.Baseinternal/filepathlite.Dirinternal/testlog.PanicOnExit0internal/testlog.PanicOnExit0.deferwrap1internal/testlog.Getenvinternal/testlog.Loggerinternal/testlog.Openinternal/testlog.Statinternal/syscall/unix.Unlinkatinternal/syscall/unix.Openatinternal/syscall/unix.CopyFileRangeinternal/syscall/unix.Fcntlinternal/syscall/unix.GetRandominternal/syscall/unix.KernelVersioninternal/syscall/unix.PidFDOpeninternal/poll.initsync.OnceValue[go.shape.bool]internal/poll.init.OnceValue[go.shape.bool].func5internal/poll.init.OnceValue[go.shape.bool].func4internal/poll.init.OnceValue[go.shape.bool].func4.1internal/poll.init.func1internal/poll.init.func2internal/poll.init.func3internal/poll.CopyFileRangeinternal/poll.copyFileRangeinternal/poll.(*FD).writeLockinternal/poll.errClosinginternal/poll.(*FD).readLockinternal/poll.copyFileRange.deferwrap2internal/poll.copyFileRange.deferwrap1internal/poll.errNetClosing.Errorinternal/poll.errNetClosing.Timeoutinternal/poll.errNetClosing.Temporaryinternal/poll.(*DeadlineExceededError).Errorinternal/poll.(*DeadlineExceededError).Timeoutinternal/poll.(*DeadlineExceededError).Temporaryinternal/poll.(*FD).Fsyncinternal/poll.(*FD).increfinternal/poll.ignoringEINTRinternal/poll.(*FD).Fsync.func1internal/poll.(*FD).Fsync.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*fdMutex).increfinternal/poll.(*fdMutex).increfAndCloseinternal/poll.(*fdMutex).decrefinternal/poll.(*fdMutex).rwlockinternal/poll.(*fdMutex).rwunlockinternal/poll.(*FD).decrefinternal/poll.(*FD).readUnlockinternal/poll.(*FD).writeUnlockinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).initinternal/poll.errnoErrinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).prepareinternal/poll.convertErrinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitinternal/poll.(*FD).SetDeadlineinternal/poll.(*FD).SetReadDeadlineinternal/poll.(*FD).SetWriteDeadlineinternal/poll.setDeadlineImplinternal/poll.setDeadlineImpl.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Shutdowninternal/poll.(*FD).Shutdown.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Fchowninternal/poll.(*FD).Fchown.func1internal/poll.(*FD).Fchown.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Ftruncateinternal/poll.(*FD).Ftruncate.func1internal/poll.(*FD).Ftruncate.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).RawControlinternal/poll.(*FD).RawControl.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Initinternal/poll.(*FD).destroyinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).closeinternal/poll.(*SysFile).destroyinternal/poll.(*FD).Closeinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).evictinternal/poll.(*FD).SetBlockinginternal/poll.(*FD).SetBlocking.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Readinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).prepareReadinternal/poll.ignoringEINTRIOinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).pollableinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitReadinternal/poll.(*FD).eofErrorinternal/poll.(*FD).Read.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Preadsyscall.Preadinternal/poll.(*FD).ReadFrominternal/poll.(*FD).ReadFrom.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).ReadFromInet4internal/poll.(*FD).ReadFromInet4.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).ReadFromInet6internal/poll.(*FD).ReadFromInet6.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).ReadMsginternal/poll.(*FD).ReadMsg.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).ReadMsgInet4internal/poll.(*FD).ReadMsgInet4.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).ReadMsgInet6internal/poll.(*FD).ReadMsgInet6.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Writeinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).prepareWriteinternal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitWriteinternal/poll.(*FD).Write.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Pwritesyscall.Pwriteinternal/poll.(*FD).Pwrite.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).WriteToInet4internal/poll.(*FD).WriteToInet4.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).WriteToInet6internal/poll.(*FD).WriteToInet6.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).WriteTointernal/poll.(*FD).WriteTo.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).WriteMsginternal/poll.(*FD).WriteMsg.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).WriteMsgInet4internal/poll.(*FD).WriteMsgInet4.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).WriteMsgInet6internal/poll.(*FD).WriteMsgInet6.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Acceptinternal/poll.(*FD).Accept.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Fchmodinternal/poll.(*FD).Fchmod.func1internal/poll.(*FD).Fchmod.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Fstatinternal/poll.(*FD).Fstat.func1internal/poll.(*FD).Fstat.deferwrap1internal/poll.DupCloseOnExecinternal/poll.(*FD).Dupinternal/poll.(*FD).Dup.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).WaitWriteinternal/poll.(*FD).WriteOnceinternal/poll.(*FD).WriteOnce.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).RawReadinternal/poll.(*FD).RawRead.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).RawWriteinternal/poll.(*FD).RawWrite.deferwrap1internal/poll.dupCloseOnExecOldsyscall.CloseOnExecinternal/poll.dupCloseOnExecOld.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Fchdirinternal/poll.(*FD).Fchdir.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).ReadDirentsyscall.ReadDirentinternal/poll.(*FD).ReadDirent.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).Seekinternal/poll.(*FD).Seek.deferwrap1internal/poll.writevinternal/poll.SendFilesyscall.Sendfileinternal/poll.SendFile.deferwrap1internal/poll.SendFile.func1internal/poll.acceptinternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptIntsyscall.SetsockoptIntinternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptInt.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptInet4Addrsyscall.SetsockoptInet4Addrinternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptInet4Addr.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptLingersyscall.SetsockoptLingerinternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptLinger.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).GetsockoptIntinternal/poll.(*FD).GetsockoptInt.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptIPMreqnsyscall.SetsockoptIPMreqninternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptIPMreqn.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptBytesyscall.SetsockoptByteinternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptByte.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptIPMreqsyscall.SetsockoptIPMreqinternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptIPMreq.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptIPv6Mreqsyscall.SetsockoptIPv6Mreqinternal/poll.(*FD).SetsockoptIPv6Mreq.deferwrap1internal/poll.Spliceinternal/poll.getPipeinternal/poll.Splice.deferwrap1internal/poll.spliceDraininternal/poll.spliceinternal/poll.spliceDrain.deferwrap1internal/poll.splicePumpinternal/poll.splicePump.deferwrap1internal/poll.newPoolPipeinternal/poll.putPipeinternal/poll.newPipeinternal/poll.destroyPipeinternal/poll.(*FD).Writevinternal/poll.consumeinternal/poll.(*FD).Writev.deferwrap1internal/poll.(*errNetClosing).Errorinternal/poll.(*errNetClosing).Temporaryinternal/poll.(*errNetClosing).Timeouttype:.eq.internal/poll.splicePipetype:.eq.internal/poll.FDos.initsync.OnceValue[go.shape.interface { Error() string }]os.init.OnceValue[go.shape.interface { Error() string }].func3os.init.OnceValue[go.shape.interface { Error() string }].func2os.init.OnceValue[go.shape.interface { Error() string }].func2.1os.init.func1os.(*File).Readdiros.(*File).Readdirnamesos.(*File).ReadDiros.ReadDirslices.SortFunc[go.shape.[]io/fs.DirEntry,go.shape.interface { Info() (io/fs.FileInfo, error); IsDir() bool; Name() string; Type() io/fs.FileMode }]os.ReadDir.deferwrap1os.(*File).Closeos.(*File).readdirsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { os.mu sync.Mutex; os.buf *[]uint8; os.nbuf int; os.bufp int }]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { os.mu sync.Mutex; os.buf *[]uint8; os.nbuf int; os.bufp int }]).Storeos.direntNamlenos.direntTypeos.IsNotExistos.(*File).readdir.deferwrap1os.readIntLEinternal/byteorder.LeUint16internal/byteorder.LeUint32os.direntInoos.readIntos.direntReclenos.Expandos.getShellNameos.isShellSpecialVaros.isAlphaNumos.Getenvos.LookupEnvos.(*SyscallError).Erroros.(*SyscallError).Unwrapos.(*SyscallError).Timeoutos.underlyingErrorIsos.underlyingErroros.newHandleProcessos.(*Process).handleTransientAcquireos.(*Process).handleTransientReleaseos.(*Process).closeHandleos.(*Process).handlePersistentReleaseos.StartProcessos.(*Process).Releaseos.(*Process).Killos.(*Process).killos.(*Process).Signalos.(*Process).Waitos.(*ProcessState).UserTimeos.(*ProcessState).userTimeos.(*ProcessState).SystemTimeos.(*ProcessState).systemTimeos.(*ProcessState).Exitedos.(*ProcessState).exitedos.(*ProcessState).Successos.(*ProcessState).successos.(*ProcessState).Sysos.(*ProcessState).sysos.(*ProcessState).SysUsageos.(*ProcessState).sysUsageos.startProcessinternal/syscall/execenv.Defaultos.(*File).Fdsyscall.StartProcessos.newPIDProcessos.(*ProcessState).Pidos.(*ProcessState).Stringos.(*ProcessState).ExitCodeos.(*Process).waitos.(*Process).pidWaitos.(*Process).pidStatusos.(*Process).pidDeactivateos.NewSyscallErroros.(*Process).signalos.(*Process).pidSignalos.convertESRCHos.(*Process).pidSignal.deferwrap1os.(*Process).releaseos.executableos.Readlinkinternal/stringslite.TrimSuffixinternal/stringslite.HasSuffixos.(*File).Nameos.(*LinkError).Erroros.(*LinkError).Unwrapos.(*File).Reados.(*File).checkValidos.(*File).reados.(*File).ReadAtos.(*File).preados.(*File).ReadFromos.noReadFrom.ReadFromos.genericReadFromos.(*File).Writeos.(*File).writeos.epipecheckos.(*File).WriteAtos.(*File).pwriteos.(*File).WriteToos.noWriteTo.WriteToos.genericWriteToos.(*File).Seekos.(*File).WriteStringos.Mkdiros.ignoringEINTRos.Mkdir.func1os.syscallModesyscall.Mkdiros.OpenFileos.openDiros.(*File).wrapErros.(*File).Chmodos.(*File).SetDeadlineos.(*File).SetReadDeadlineos.(*File).SetWriteDeadlineos.(*File).SyscallConnos.newRawConnos.ReadFileos.Openos.ReadFile.deferwrap1os.WriteFileos.openos.chmodos.chmod.func1syscall.Chmodos.(*File).chmodos.Chownos.Chown.func1syscall.Chownos.(*File).Chownos.(*File).Truncateos.(*File).Syncos.Chtimessyscall.UtimesNanoos.Chtimes.func1syscall.NsecToTimespecos.(*File).Chdiros.(*File).setDeadlineos.(*File).setReadDeadlineos.(*File).setWriteDeadlineos.renameos.SameFileos.rename.func1syscall.Renameos.sameFileos.NewFileinternal/syscall/unix.HasNonblockFlagos.newFileos.openFileNologos.openFileNolog.func1os.openDirNologos.openDirNolog.func1os.(*file).closesync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { os.mu sync.Mutex; os.buf *[]uint8; os.nbuf int; os.bufp int }]).Swapos.(*dirInfo).closeos.(*File).seekos.Removeos.Remove.func1syscall.Unlinkos.Remove.func2syscall.Rmdiros.Symlinkos.Symlink.func1syscall.Symlinkos.readlinksyscall.Readlinkos.fixCountos.(*unixDirent).Nameos.(*unixDirent).IsDiros.(*unixDirent).Typeos.(*unixDirent).Infoos.(*unixDirent).Stringos.newUnixDirentos.Getwdos.MkdirAllos.IsPathSeparatoros.splitPathos.ensurePidfdos.pidfdWorksos.getPidfdos.(*Process).pidfdWaitinternal/syscall/unix.(*SiginfoChild).WaitStatusos.(*Process).pidfdWait.deferwrap1os.(*Process).pidfdSendSignalinternal/syscall/unix.PidFDSendSignalos.(*Process).pidfdSendSignal.deferwrap1os.checkPidfdos.checkPidfd.deferwrap1os.Pipeos.init.0os.Exitos.(*rawConn).Controlos.(*rawConn).Reados.(*rawConn).Writeos.removeAllos.endsWithDotos.removeAll.deferwrap1os.removeAllFromos.removeAllFrom.func1os.removeAllFrom.func2os.openDirAtos.Statos.Lstatos.fillFileStatFromSystime.Unixos.(*File).Statos.statNologos.statNolog.func1syscall.Statos.lstatNologos.lstatNolog.func1syscall.Lstatos.Hostnameos.hostnameos.nextRandomos.CreateTempos.TempDiros.tempDiros.joinPathos.IsExistos.prefixAndSuffixos.(*fileStat).Nameos.(*fileStat).IsDiros.(*fileStat).Modeos.(*fileStat).Sizeos.(*fileStat).ModTimeos.(*fileStat).Sysos.(*Process).blockUntilWaitableos.(*File).writeToos.isUnixOrTCPos.wrapSyscallErroros.(*File).writeTo.func1os.(*File).readFromos.(*File).spliceToFileos.tryLimitedReaderos.(*File).copyFileRangeos.getPollFDAndNetworkos.ReadDir.func1internal/bytealg.CompareStringnet.newUnixFiletype:.eq.os.fileStattype:.eq.os.unixDirenttype:.eq.os.LinkErrortype:.eq.os.filetype:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[os.dirInfo]type:.eq.os.SyscallErrorsync/atomic.(*Pointer[os.dirInfo]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { os.mu sync.Mutex; os.buf *[]uint8; os.nbuf int; os.bufp int }]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[os.dirInfo]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[os.dirInfo]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[os.dirInfo]).Loados.(*noReadFrom).ReadFromos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Chdiros.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Chdiros.fileWithoutReadFrom.Chmodos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Chmodos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Chownos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Chownos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Closeos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Closeos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Fdos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Fdos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Nameos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Nameos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Reados.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Reados.fileWithoutReadFrom.ReadAtos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).ReadAtos.fileWithoutReadFrom.ReadDiros.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).ReadDiros.fileWithoutReadFrom.Readdiros.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Readdiros.fileWithoutReadFrom.Readdirnamesos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Readdirnamesos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Seekos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Seekos.fileWithoutReadFrom.SetDeadlineos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).SetDeadlineos.fileWithoutReadFrom.SetReadDeadlineos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).SetReadDeadlineos.fileWithoutReadFrom.SetWriteDeadlineos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).SetWriteDeadlineos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Statos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Statos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Syncos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Syncos.fileWithoutReadFrom.SyscallConnos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).SyscallConnos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Truncateos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Truncateos.fileWithoutReadFrom.Writeos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).Writeos.fileWithoutReadFrom.WriteAtos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).WriteAtos.fileWithoutReadFrom.WriteStringos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).WriteStringos.fileWithoutReadFrom.WriteToos.(*fileWithoutReadFrom).WriteToos.(*noWriteTo).WriteToos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Chdiros.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Chdiros.fileWithoutWriteTo.Chmodos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Chmodos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Chownos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Chownos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Closeos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Closeos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Fdos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Fdos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Nameos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Nameos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Reados.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Reados.fileWithoutWriteTo.ReadAtos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).ReadAtos.fileWithoutWriteTo.ReadDiros.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).ReadDiros.fileWithoutWriteTo.ReadFromos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).ReadFromos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Readdiros.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Readdiros.fileWithoutWriteTo.Readdirnamesos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Readdirnamesos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Seekos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Seekos.fileWithoutWriteTo.SetDeadlineos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).SetDeadlineos.fileWithoutWriteTo.SetReadDeadlineos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).SetReadDeadlineos.fileWithoutWriteTo.SetWriteDeadlineos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).SetWriteDeadlineos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Statos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Statos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Syncos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Syncos.fileWithoutWriteTo.SyscallConnos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).SyscallConnos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Truncateos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Truncateos.fileWithoutWriteTo.Writeos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).Writeos.fileWithoutWriteTo.WriteAtos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).WriteAtos.fileWithoutWriteTo.WriteStringos.(*fileWithoutWriteTo).WriteStringtype:.eq.os.Processfmt.init.func1fmt.init.func2fmt.Errorfslices.Sort[go.shape.[]int,go.shape.int]fmt.(*wrapError).Errorfmt.(*wrapError).Unwrapfmt.(*wrapErrors).Errorfmt.(*wrapErrors).Unwrapfmt.(*fmt).writePaddingfmt.(*fmt).padfmt.(*buffer).writefmt.(*fmt).padStringfmt.(*buffer).writeStringfmt.(*fmt).fmtBooleanfmt.(*fmt).fmtUnicodefmt.(*fmt).fmtIntegerfmt.(*fmt).truncatefmt.(*fmt).fmtSfmt.(*fmt).truncateStringfmt.(*fmt).fmtBsfmt.(*fmt).fmtSbxfmt.(*fmt).fmtQstrconv.AppendQuotestrconv.AppendQuoteToASCIIfmt.(*fmt).fmtCfmt.(*fmt).fmtQcstrconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCIIstrconv.AppendQuoteRunefmt.(*fmt).fmtFloatstrconv.AppendFloatfmt.(*buffer).writeBytefmt.newPrinterfmt.(*fmt).initfmt.(*fmt).clearflagsfmt.(*pp).freefmt.(*pp).Widthfmt.(*pp).Precisionfmt.(*pp).Flagfmt.(*pp).Writefmt.(*pp).WriteStringfmt.Fprintffmt.Sprintffmt.Appendffmt.Fprintfmt.Sprintfmt.Appendfmt.Fprintlnfmt.Sprintlnfmt.Appendlnfmt.getFieldfmt.(*pp).unknownTypefmt.(*pp).badVerbfmt.(*buffer).writeRunefmt.(*pp).fmtBoolfmt.(*pp).fmt0x64fmt.(*pp).fmtIntegerfmt.(*pp).fmtFloatfmt.(*pp).fmtComplexfmt.(*pp).fmtStringfmt.(*fmt).fmtSxfmt.(*pp).fmtBytesfmt.(*fmt).fmtBxfmt.(*pp).fmtPointerfmt.(*pp).catchPanicfmt.(*pp).handleMethodsfmt.(*pp).handleMethods.deferwrap4fmt.(*pp).handleMethods.deferwrap3fmt.(*pp).handleMethods.deferwrap2fmt.(*pp).handleMethods.deferwrap1fmt.(*pp).printArgfmt.(*pp).printValuefmt.intFromArgfmt.tooLargefmt.parseArgNumberfmt.parsenumfmt.(*pp).argNumberfmt.(*pp).badArgNumfmt.(*pp).missingArgfmt.(*pp).doPrintffmt.(*pp).doPrintfmt.(*pp).doPrintlnfmt.(*stringReader).Readfmt.Fscanfmt.(*ss).Readfmt.(*ss).ReadRunefmt.(*ss).Widthfmt.(*ss).getRunefmt.(*ss).errorfmt.(*ss).UnreadRunefmt.(*ss).Tokenfmt.(*ss).Token.func1fmt.notSpacefmt.isSpacefmt.(*readRune).readBytefmt.(*readRune).ReadRuneunicode/utf8.FullRunefmt.(*readRune).UnreadRunefmt.newScanStatefmt.(*ss).freefmt.(*ss).SkipSpacefmt.(*ss).errorStringfmt.(*ss).tokenfmt.(*ss).consumefmt.indexRunefmt.(*ss).peekfmt.(*ss).notEOFfmt.(*ss).scanBoolfmt.(*ss).okVerbfmt.(*ss).acceptfmt.(*ss).scanNumberfmt.(*ss).scanRunefmt.(*ss).scanBasePrefixfmt.(*ss).scanIntfmt.(*ss).getBasefmt.(*ss).scanUintfmt.(*ss).floatTokenfmt.(*ss).complexTokensfmt.(*ss).convertFloatfmt.hasXfmt.(*ss).scanComplexfmt.(*ss).convertStringfmt.(*ss).quotedStringfmt.(*ss).mustReadRunefmt.(*ss).hexBytefmt.hexDigitfmt.(*ss).hexStringfmt.(*ss).scanOnefmt.errorHandlerfmt.(*ss).doScanfmt.(*ss).doScan.deferwrap1type:.eq.fmt.readRunetype:.eq.fmt.wrapErrorslices.pdqsortOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.reverseRangeOrdered[go.shape.int]cmp.Less[go.shape.int]slices.partitionOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.partitionEqualOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.partialInsertionSortOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.choosePivotOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.medianAdjacentOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.medianOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.order2Ordered[go.shape.int]slices.breakPatternsOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.heapSortOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.siftDownOrdered[go.shape.int]slices.insertionSortOrdered[go.shape.int]type:.eq.fmt.ssavetype:.eq.fmt.fmtmath/rand.(*Rand).ExpFloat64math/rand.(*Rand).Uint32math/rand.(*Rand).Int63math/rand.(*Rand).Float64math/rand.(*Rand).NormFloat64math/rand.absInt32math/rand.(*Rand).Seedmath/rand.(*Rand).Uint64math/rand.(*Rand).Int31math/rand.(*Rand).Intmath/rand.(*Rand).Int63nmath/rand.(*Rand).Int31nmath/rand.(*Rand).int31nmath/rand.(*Rand).Intnmath/rand.(*Rand).Float32math/rand.(*Rand).Permmath/rand.(*Rand).Shufflemath/rand.(*Rand).Readmath/rand.readmath/rand.(*rngSource).Int63math/rand.(*rngSource).Uint64math/rand.globalRandsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { math/rand.src math/rand.Source; math/rand.s64 math/rand.Source64; math/rand.readVal int64; math/rand.readPos int8 }]).Loadmath/rand.Newsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { math/rand.src math/rand.Source; math/rand.s64 math/rand.Source64; math/rand.readVal int64; math/rand.readPos int8 }]).CompareAndSwapmath/rand.(*runtimeSource).Int63math/rand.(*runtimeSource).Seedmath/rand.(*runtimeSource).Uint64math/rand.(*runtimeSource).readmath/rand.Seedmath/rand.Uint32math/rand.Intmath/rand.Int31nmath/rand.Intnmath/rand.Float64math/rand.Shufflemath/rand.Readmath/rand.(*lockedSource).Int63math/rand.(*lockedSource).Uint64math/rand.(*lockedSource).Seedmath/rand.(*lockedSource).seedPosmath/rand.(*lockedSource).seedmath/rand.newSourcemath/rand.(*lockedSource).readmath/rand.(*rngSource).Seedmath/rand.seedrandtype:.eq.math/rand.Randmath/big.Accuracy.Stringmath/big.divWWmath/big.nlzmath/bits.LeadingZerosmath/bits.Mulmath/bits.Mul32math/bits.Addmath/bits.Submath/bits.Add32math/bits.Sub32math/big.reciprocalWordmath/bits.Divmath/bits.Div32math/big.(*Float).setExpAndRoundmath/big.makeAccmath/big.(*Float).roundmath/big.nat.bitmath/big.nat.stickymath/big.fnormmath/big.(*Float).SetIntmath/big.(*Int).BitLenmath/big.nat.bitLenmath/big.umax32math/big.nat.setmath/big.nat.makemath/big.(*Float).Setmath/big.(*Float).Float64math/big.msb64math/big.(*Int).Signmath/big.(*Int).SetInt64math/big.(*Int).SetUint64math/big.(*Int).Setmath/big.(*Int).Bitsmath/big.(*Int).SetBitsmath/big.nat.normmath/big.(*Int).Absmath/big.(*Int).Negmath/big.(*Int).Addmath/big.(*Int).Submath/big.(*Int).Mulmath/big.(*Int).MulRangemath/big.(*Int).Binomialmath/big.(*Int).Quomath/big.(*Int).Remmath/big.(*Int).QuoRemmath/big.(*Int).Divmath/big.(*Int).Modmath/big.aliasmath/big.(*Int).DivModmath/big.(*Int).Cmpmath/big.(*Int).CmpAbsmath/big.(*Int).Int64math/big.low64math/big.(*Int).Uint64math/big.(*Int).IsInt64math/big.(*Int).IsUint64math/big.(*Int).Float64math/big.nat.trailingZeroBitsmath/big.(*Int).SetStringstrings.NewReadermath/big.(*Int).setFromScannermath/big.(*Int).SetBytesmath/big.(*Int).Bytesmath/big.nat.bytesmath/big.(*Int).FillBytesmath/big.(*Int).TrailingZeroBitsmath/big.(*Int).Expmath/big.(*Int).expmath/big.(*Int).GCDmath/big.lehmerSimulatemath/big.lehmerUpdatemath/big.nat.setWordmath/big.euclidUpdatemath/big.(*Int).lehmerGCDmath/big.(*Int).Randmath/big.(*Int).ModInversemath/big.Jacobimath/big.(*Int).Stringmath/big.(*Int).Textmath/big.(*Int).modSqrt3Mod4Primemath/big.(*Int).modSqrt5Mod8Primemath/big.(*Int).Lshmath/big.(*Int).modSqrtTonelliShanksmath/big.(*Int).ModSqrtmath/big.(*Int).Rshmath/big.(*Int).Bitmath/big.(*Int).SetBitmath/big.(*Int).Andmath/big.(*Int).AndNotmath/big.(*Int).Ormath/big.(*Int).Xormath/big.(*Int).Notmath/big.(*Int).Sqrtmath/big.(*Int).Appendmath/big.(*Int).Formatmath/big.nat.utoamath/big.writeMultiplemath/big.(*Int).scanmath/big.scanSignmath/big.byteReader.ReadBytemath/big.byteReader.UnreadBytemath/big.(*Int).Scanmath/big.(*Int).GobEncodemath/big.(*Int).GobDecodemath/big.(*Int).MarshalTextmath/big.(*Int).UnmarshalTextbytes.NewReadermath/big.(*Int).MarshalJSONmath/big.(*Int).UnmarshalJSONmath/big.nat.Stringmath/big.nat.setUint64math/big.nat.addmath/big.nat.submath/big.nat.cmpmath/big.nat.mulAddWWmath/big.basicMulmath/big.nat.montgomerymath/big.karatsubaAddmath/big.karatsubaSubmath/big.karatsubamath/big.addAtmath/big.nat.mulmath/big.karatsubaLenmath/big.putNatmath/big.basicSqrmath/big.mulWWmath/big.karatsubaSqrmath/big.nat.sqrmath/big.nat.mulRangemath/big.getNatmath/big.nat.shlmath/big.samemath/big.nat.shrmath/big.nat.setBitmath/big.nat.andmath/big.nat.truncmath/big.nat.andNotmath/big.nat.ormath/big.nat.xormath/big.nat.randommath/big.nat.expNNmath/big.nat.isPow2math/big.nat.expNNMontgomeryEvenmath/big.nat.modInversemath/big.nat.expNNWindowedmath/big.nat.expNNMontgomerymath/big.nat.setBytesmath/big.bigEndianWordmath/big.nat.sqrtmath/big.nat.subMod2Nmath/big.nat.scanmath/big.maxPowmath/big.powmath/big.nat.itoamath.Log2math/big.nat.convertWordsmath/big.nat.expWWmath/big.divisorsmath/big.nat.remmath/big.nat.divmath/big.nat.divWmath/big.nat.modWmath/big.divWVWmath/big.nat.divLargemath/big.nat.divBasicmath/big.greaterThanmath/big.nat.divRecursivemath/big.nat.divRecursiveStepmath/big.(*Int).ProbablyPrimemath/big.nat.probablyPrimeMillerRabinmath/rand.NewSourcemath/big.nat.probablyPrimeLucasmath/big.addVVmath/big.subVVmath/big.addVWmath/big.subVWmath/big.shlVUmath/big.shrVUmath/big.mulAddVWWmath/big.addMulVVWmath/big.(*Accuracy).Stringmath/big.(*nat).Stringmath/big.byteReader.Readmath/big.(*byteReader).Readmath/big.(*byteReader).ReadBytemath/big.byteReader.ReadRunemath/big.(*byteReader).ReadRunemath/big.byteReader.SkipSpacemath/big.(*byteReader).SkipSpacemath/big.byteReader.Tokenmath/big.(*byteReader).Tokenmath/big.(*byteReader).UnreadBytemath/big.byteReader.UnreadRunemath/big.(*byteReader).UnreadRunemath/big.byteReader.Widthmath/big.(*byteReader).Widthunicode/utf16.decodeunicode/utf16.DecodeRuneencoding/asn1.initmath/big.NewIntencoding/asn1.StructuralError.Errorencoding/asn1.SyntaxError.Errorencoding/asn1.parseInt64encoding/asn1.checkIntegerencoding/asn1.parseInt32encoding/asn1.parseBigIntencoding/asn1.BitString.Atencoding/asn1.BitString.RightAlignencoding/asn1.ObjectIdentifier.Equalencoding/asn1.ObjectIdentifier.Stringencoding/asn1.parseObjectIdentifierencoding/asn1.parseBase128Intencoding/asn1.parseUTCTimeencoding/asn1.parseGeneralizedTimeencoding/asn1.parsePrintableStringencoding/asn1.isPrintableencoding/asn1.parseBMPStringunicode/utf16.Decodeencoding/asn1.parseTagAndLengthencoding/asn1.parseSequenceOfencoding/asn1.invalidLengthencoding/asn1.parseFieldencoding/asn1.parseNumericStringencoding/asn1.parseUTF8Stringencoding/asn1.parseBitStringencoding/asn1.parseIA5Stringencoding/asn1.parseT61Stringencoding/asn1.parseBoolencoding/asn1.isNumericencoding/asn1.setDefaultValueencoding/asn1.canHaveDefaultValueencoding/asn1.(*invalidUnmarshalError).Errorencoding/asn1.UnmarshalWithParamsencoding/asn1.parseFieldParametersstrings.Cutencoding/asn1.getUniversalTypestrings.HasSuffixencoding/asn1.byteEncoder.Lenencoding/asn1.byteEncoder.Encodeencoding/asn1.bytesEncoder.Lenencoding/asn1.bytesEncoder.Encodeencoding/asn1.stringEncoder.Lenencoding/asn1.stringEncoder.Encodeencoding/asn1.multiEncoder.Lenencoding/asn1.multiEncoder.Encodeencoding/asn1.setEncoder.Lenencoding/asn1.setEncoder.Encodeslices.SortFunc[go.shape.[][]uint8,go.shape.[]uint8]encoding/asn1.(*taggedEncoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*taggedEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.int64Encoder.Lenencoding/asn1.int64Encoder.Encodeencoding/asn1.makeBigIntencoding/asn1.appendTagAndLengthencoding/asn1.appendBase128Intencoding/asn1.base128IntLengthencoding/asn1.lengthLengthencoding/asn1.appendLengthencoding/asn1.bitStringEncoder.Lenencoding/asn1.bitStringEncoder.Encodeencoding/asn1.oidEncoder.Lenencoding/asn1.oidEncoder.Encodeencoding/asn1.makePrintableStringencoding/asn1.outsideUTCRangeencoding/asn1.makeUTCTimeencoding/asn1.makeGeneralizedTimeencoding/asn1.appendUTCTimeencoding/asn1.appendTwoDigitsencoding/asn1.appendGeneralizedTimeencoding/asn1.appendFourDigitsencoding/asn1.appendTimeCommonencoding/asn1.makeBodyencoding/asn1.makeNumericStringencoding/asn1.makeIA5Stringencoding/asn1.makeUTF8Stringencoding/asn1.makeObjectIdentifierencoding/asn1.stripTagAndLengthencoding/asn1.makeFieldencoding/asn1.MarshalWithParamstype:.eq.encoding/asn1.taggedEncoderslices.pdqsortCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.reverseRangeCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.partitionCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.partitionEqualCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.partialInsertionSortCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.choosePivotCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.medianAdjacentCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.medianCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.order2CmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.breakPatternsCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.heapSortCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.siftDownCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]slices.insertionSortCmpFunc[go.shape.[]uint8]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.*uint8]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.[]uint8]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.struct { Class int; Tag int; IsCompound bool; Bytes []uint8; FullBytes []uint8 }]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.struct { time.wall uint64; time.ext int64; time.loc *time.Location }]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.bool]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.int]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.[]int]reflect.TypeFor[go.shape.struct { Bytes []uint8; BitLength int }]encoding/asn1.(*BitString).Atencoding/asn1.(*BitString).RightAlignencoding/asn1.(*ObjectIdentifier).Equalencoding/asn1.(*ObjectIdentifier).Stringencoding/asn1.(*byteEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*byteEncoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*StructuralError).Errorencoding/asn1.(*SyntaxError).Errorencoding/asn1.(*bytesEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*bytesEncoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*stringEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*stringEncoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*multiEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*multiEncoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*setEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*setEncoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*int64Encoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*int64Encoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*bitStringEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*bitStringEncoder).Lenencoding/asn1.(*oidEncoder).Encodeencoding/asn1.(*oidEncoder).Lentype:.eq.encoding/asn1.fieldParameterstype:.eq.encoding/asn1.tagAndLengthtype:.eq.[2]encoding/asn1.encodertype:.eq.[5]interface 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{}]internal/concurrent.newIndirectNode[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]internal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).itersync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.isEntry bool }]).Loadinternal/concurrent.(*node[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).indirectsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]; internal/concurrent.overflow sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]]; internal/concurrent.key go.shape.*internal/abi.Type; internal/concurrent.value go.shape.interface {} }]).Loadinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).CompareAndDeleteinternal/concurrent.(*node[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).entrysync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.isEntry bool }]).Storeinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).expandsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]; internal/concurrent.overflow sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]]; internal/concurrent.key go.shape.*internal/abi.Type; internal/concurrent.value go.shape.interface {} }]).Storeinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).LoadOrStoreinternal/concurrent.newEntryNode[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]internal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).LoadOrStore.deferwrap1internal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).Loadinternal/concurrent.(*indirect[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).emptyinternal/concurrent.(*entry[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).compareAndDeleteinternal/concurrent.(*entry[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).lookupinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]).Allinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).Allinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]).All.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]).All.func1internal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]).CompareAndDeleteinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]).LoadOrStoreinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.isEntry bool }]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.isEntry bool }]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]; internal/concurrent.overflow sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]; internal/concurrent.key *internal/abi.Type; internal/concurrent.value interface {} }]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]; internal/concurrent.overflow 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}]).Loadtype:.eq.internal/concurrent.indirect[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]type:.eq.internal/concurrent.entry[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]type:.eq.[16]sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[*internal/abi.Type,interface {}]]type:.eq.internal/concurrent.indirect[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]type:.eq.[16]sync/atomic.Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.isEntry bool }]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.isEntry bool }]type:.eq.internal/concurrent.entry[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[go.shape.*internal/abi.Type,go.shape.interface {}]]net/netip.initnet/netip.AddrFrom16net/netip.ParseAddrnet/netip.parseAddrError.Errornet/netip.parseIPv4Fieldsnet/netip.parseIPv4net/netip.AddrFrom4net/netip.parseIPv6net/netip.IPv6Unspecifiednet/netip.AddrFromSlicenet/netip.Addr.IsValidnet/netip.Addr.BitLennet/netip.Addr.Zoneunique.Handle[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }].Valuenet/netip.Addr.Comparenet/netip.Addr.Is6net/netip.Addr.Lessnet/netip.Addr.Is4net/netip.Addr.Is4In6net/netip.Addr.Unmapnet/netip.Addr.WithZonenet/netip.Addr.IsLinkLocalUnicastnet/netip.Addr.v4net/netip.Addr.v6u16net/netip.Addr.IsLoopbacknet/netip.Addr.IsMulticastnet/netip.Addr.IsInterfaceLocalMulticastnet/netip.Addr.IsLinkLocalMulticastnet/netip.Addr.IsGlobalUnicastnet/netip.IPv4Unspecifiednet/netip.Addr.IsPrivatenet/netip.Addr.v6net/netip.Addr.IsUnspecifiednet/netip.Addr.Prefixnet/netip.mask6net/netip.uint128.andnet/netip.PrefixFromnet/netip.Addr.isZeronet/netip.Addr.withoutZonenet/netip.Addr.As16net/netip.Addr.As4net/netip.Addr.AsSlicenet/netip.Addr.Nextnet/netip.uint128.addOnenet/netip.uint128.isZeronet/netip.Addr.Prevnet/netip.uint128.subOnenet/netip.Addr.Stringnet/netip.Addr.string4In6net/netip.Addr.string6net/netip.Addr.string4net/netip.Addr.AppendTonet/netip.Addr.appendTo4net/netip.appendDecimalnet/netip.Addr.appendTo4In6net/netip.Addr.appendTo6net/netip.appendHexnet/netip.Addr.StringExpandednet/netip.appendHexPadnet/netip.Addr.MarshalTextnet/netip.(*Addr).UnmarshalTextnet/netip.Addr.marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytesnet/netip.Addr.MarshalBinarynet/netip.(*Addr).UnmarshalBinarynet/netip.AddrPort.Addrnet/netip.AddrPort.Portnet/netip.splitAddrPortnet/netip.ParseAddrPortnet/netip.AddrPort.IsValidnet/netip.AddrPort.Comparecmp.Compare[go.shape.uint16]net/netip.AddrPort.Stringnet/netip.AddrPort.AppendTonet/netip.AddrPort.MarshalTextnet/netip.(*AddrPort).UnmarshalTextnet/netip.AddrPort.MarshalBinaryinternal/byteorder.LePutUint16net/netip.(*AddrPort).UnmarshalBinarynet/netip.AddrPortFromnet/netip.Prefix.Addrnet/netip.Prefix.Bitsnet/netip.Prefix.IsValidnet/netip.Prefix.IsSingleIPnet/netip.parsePrefixError.Errornet/netip.ParsePrefixnet/netip.Prefix.Maskednet/netip.Prefix.Containsnet/netip.Addr.hasZonenet/netip.uint128.xornet/netip.Prefix.Overlapsnet/netip.Prefix.AppendTonet/netip.Prefix.isZeronet/netip.Prefix.MarshalTextnet/netip.(*Prefix).UnmarshalTextnet/netip.Prefix.MarshalBinarynet/netip.(*Prefix).UnmarshalBinarynet/netip.Prefix.Stringinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).iterinternal/concurrent.(*node[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).indirectsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.ea0710d912261ce6c8a6c91ea69f308f3d93959fe0c1ec034c5de474e276239b]).Loadinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).CompareAndDeleteinternal/concurrent.(*node[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).entryinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).expandinternal/concurrent.newIndirectNode[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]sync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.ea0710d912261ce6c8a6c91ea69f308f3d93959fe0c1ec034c5de474e276239b]).Storeinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).LoadOrStoreinternal/concurrent.newEntryNode[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]internal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).LoadOrStore.deferwrap1internal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).Loadinternal/concurrent.(*indirect[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).emptyinternal/concurrent.(*entry[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).compareAndDeleteinternal/concurrent.(*entry[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).lookuptype:.eq.net/netip.parsePrefixErrortype:.eq.net/netip.parseAddrErrorinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]).Allinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).Allinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]).All.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).All.func1internal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]).CompareAndDeleteinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]).LoadOrStoreinternal/concurrent.(*HashTrieMap[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]; internal/concurrent.overflow sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]; internal/concurrent.key net/netip.addrDetail; internal/concurrent.value internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail] }]).CompareAndSwapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]; internal/concurrent.overflow sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]; internal/concurrent.key net/netip.addrDetail; internal/concurrent.value internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail] }]).Swapsync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]; internal/concurrent.overflow sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]; internal/concurrent.key net/netip.addrDetail; internal/concurrent.value internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail] }]).Storesync/atomic.(*Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]).Loadsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { internal/concurrent.node = internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]; internal/concurrent.overflow sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]; internal/concurrent.key net/netip.addrDetail; internal/concurrent.value internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail] }]).Loadinternal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail].Stronginternal/weak.Pointer[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }].Strongunique.Make[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }]unique.Make[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }].func1unique.clone[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }]internal/weak.Make[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }]internal/abi.Escape[go.shape.*uint8]unique.addUniqueMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }]unique.addUniqueMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }].func1unique.addUniqueMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }].func1.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).All.2unique.addUniqueMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }].func1.1internal/concurrent.NewHashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]internal/abi.TypeFor[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }]unique.Handle[net/netip.addrDetail].Valueunique.(*Handle[net/netip.addrDetail]).Valueinternal/weak.(*Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]).Strongunique.uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail].Allunique.uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail].All.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).All.func1unique.(*uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail]).Allunique.(*uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail]).All.(*HashTrieMap[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]).All.func1unique.uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail].CompareAndDeleteunique.(*uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail]).CompareAndDeleteunique.uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail].Loadunique.(*uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail]).Loadunique.uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail].LoadOrStoreunique.(*uniqueMap[net/netip.addrDetail]).LoadOrStorenet/netip.(*Addr).AppendTonet/netip.(*Addr).As16net/netip.(*Addr).As4net/netip.(*Addr).AsSlicenet/netip.(*Addr).BitLennet/netip.(*Addr).Comparenet/netip.(*Addr).Is4net/netip.(*Addr).Is4In6net/netip.(*Addr).Is6net/netip.(*Addr).IsGlobalUnicastnet/netip.(*Addr).IsInterfaceLocalMulticastnet/netip.(*Addr).IsLinkLocalMulticastnet/netip.(*Addr).IsLinkLocalUnicastnet/netip.(*Addr).IsLoopbacknet/netip.(*Addr).IsMulticastnet/netip.(*Addr).IsPrivatenet/netip.(*Addr).IsUnspecifiednet/netip.(*Addr).IsValidnet/netip.(*Addr).Lessnet/netip.(*Addr).MarshalBinarynet/netip.(*Addr).MarshalTextnet/netip.(*Addr).Nextnet/netip.(*Addr).Prefixnet/netip.(*Addr).Prevnet/netip.(*Addr).Stringnet/netip.(*Addr).StringExpandednet/netip.(*Addr).Unmapnet/netip.(*Addr).WithZonenet/netip.(*Addr).Zonenet/netip.(*Prefix).Addrnet/netip.(*Prefix).AppendTonet/netip.(*Prefix).Bitsnet/netip.(*Prefix).Containsnet/netip.(*Prefix).IsSingleIPnet/netip.(*Prefix).IsValidnet/netip.(*Prefix).MarshalBinarynet/netip.(*Prefix).MarshalTextnet/netip.(*Prefix).Maskednet/netip.(*Prefix).Overlapsnet/netip.(*Prefix).Stringnet/netip.(*parseAddrError).Errornet/netip.(*AddrPort).Addrnet/netip.(*AddrPort).AppendTonet/netip.(*AddrPort).Comparenet/netip.(*AddrPort).IsValidnet/netip.(*AddrPort).MarshalBinarynet/netip.(*AddrPort).MarshalTextnet/netip.(*AddrPort).Portnet/netip.(*AddrPort).Stringnet/netip.(*parsePrefixError).Errortype:.eq.net/netip.addrDetailtype:.eq.internal/concurrent.indirect[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]type:.eq.internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]type:.eq.[16]sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.node[net/netip.addrDetail,internal/weak.Pointer[net/netip.addrDetail]]]type:.hash.net/netip.addrDetailtype:.eq.net/netip.Prefixtype:.eq.net/netip.AddrPorttype:.eq.go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string }type:.eq.internal/concurrent.indirect[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]type:.eq.internal/concurrent.entry[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]type:.eq.sync/atomic.Pointer[internal/concurrent.entry[go.shape.struct { net/netip.isV6 bool; net/netip.zoneV6 string },go.shape.struct { internal/weak.u unsafe.Pointer }]]sort.Searchsort.Findsort.StringSlice.Searchsort.SearchStringssort.StringSlice.Search.SearchStrings.func1sort.Slicesort.SliceStablesort.Sortsort.StringSlice.Lensort.StringSlice.Lesssort.StringSlice.Swapsort.StringSlice.Sortsort.Stablesort.intsImplsort.stringsImplsort.insertionSort_funcsort.siftDown_funcsort.heapSort_funcsort.pdqsort_funcsort.partition_funcsort.partitionEqual_funcsort.partialInsertionSort_funcsort.breakPatterns_funcsort.nextPowerOfTwosort.(*xorshift).Nextsort.choosePivot_funcsort.medianAdjacent_funcsort.median_funcsort.order2_funcsort.reverseRange_funcsort.stable_funcsort.symMerge_funcsort.rotate_funcsort.swapRange_funcsort.insertionSortsort.siftDownsort.heapSortsort.pdqsortsort.partitionsort.partitionEqualsort.partialInsertionSortsort.breakPatternssort.choosePivotsort.medianAdjacentsort.mediansort.order2sort.reverseRangesort.stablesort.symMergesort.rotatesort.swapRangesort.(*StringSlice).Lensort.(*StringSlice).Lesssort.(*StringSlice).Searchsort.(*StringSlice).Sortsort.(*StringSlice).Swapcontext.initcontext.deadlineExceededError.Errorcontext.deadlineExceededError.Timeoutcontext.deadlineExceededError.Temporarycontext.emptyCtx.Deadlinecontext.emptyCtx.Donecontext.emptyCtx.Errcontext.emptyCtx.Valuecontext.backgroundCtx.Stringcontext.todoCtx.Stringcontext.WithCancelcontext.withCancelcontext.WithCancel.func1context.WithCancelCausecontext.WithCancelCause.func1context.Causecontext.Cause.deferwrap1context.AfterFunccontext.AfterFunc.func1context.AfterFunc.func1.1context.(*afterFuncCtx).cancelcontext.(*afterFuncCtx).cancel.func1context.parentCancelCtxcontext.removeChildcontext.init.0context.(*cancelCtx).Valuecontext.(*cancelCtx).Donecontext.(*cancelCtx).Done.deferwrap1context.(*cancelCtx).Errcontext.(*cancelCtx).propagateCancelcontext.(*cancelCtx).propagateCancel.func2context.(*cancelCtx).propagateCancel.func1context.contextNamecontext.(*cancelCtx).Stringcontext.(*cancelCtx).cancelcontext.withoutCancelCtx.Deadlinecontext.withoutCancelCtx.Donecontext.withoutCancelCtx.Errcontext.withoutCancelCtx.Valuecontext.withoutCancelCtx.Stringcontext.WithDeadlineCausecontext.WithDeadlineCause.func3context.WithDeadlineCause.func2context.WithDeadlineCause.deferwrap1context.WithDeadlineCause.func1context.(*timerCtx).Deadlinecontext.(*timerCtx).Stringcontext.(*timerCtx).cancelcontext.WithTimeoutcontext.WithDeadlinecontext.WithValuecontext.stringifycontext.(*valueCtx).Stringcontext.(*valueCtx).Valuecontext.valuetype:.eq.context.valueCtxcontext.(*deadlineExceededError).Errorcontext.(*deadlineExceededError).Temporarycontext.(*deadlineExceededError).Timeoutcontext.(*emptyCtx).Deadlinecontext.(*emptyCtx).Donecontext.(*emptyCtx).Errcontext.(*emptyCtx).Valuecontext.backgroundCtx.Deadlinecontext.(*backgroundCtx).Deadlinecontext.backgroundCtx.Donecontext.(*backgroundCtx).Donecontext.backgroundCtx.Errcontext.(*backgroundCtx).Errcontext.(*backgroundCtx).Stringcontext.backgroundCtx.Valuecontext.(*backgroundCtx).Valuecontext.todoCtx.Deadlinecontext.(*todoCtx).Deadlinecontext.todoCtx.Donecontext.(*todoCtx).Donecontext.todoCtx.Errcontext.(*todoCtx).Errcontext.(*todoCtx).Stringcontext.todoCtx.Valuecontext.(*todoCtx).Valuecontext.cancelCtx.Deadlinecontext.(*cancelCtx).Deadlinecontext.afterFuncCtx.Deadlinecontext.(*afterFuncCtx).Deadlinecontext.(*afterFuncCtx).Donecontext.(*afterFuncCtx).Errcontext.(*afterFuncCtx).Stringcontext.(*afterFuncCtx).Valuecontext.stopCtx.Deadlinecontext.(*stopCtx).Deadlinecontext.stopCtx.Donecontext.(*stopCtx).Donecontext.stopCtx.Errcontext.(*stopCtx).Errcontext.stopCtx.Valuecontext.(*stopCtx).Valuecontext.(*withoutCancelCtx).Deadlinecontext.(*withoutCancelCtx).Donecontext.(*withoutCancelCtx).Errcontext.(*withoutCancelCtx).Stringcontext.(*withoutCancelCtx).Valuecontext.(*timerCtx).Donecontext.(*timerCtx).Errcontext.(*timerCtx).Valuecontext.valueCtx.Deadlinecontext.(*valueCtx).Deadlinecontext.valueCtx.Donecontext.(*valueCtx).Donecontext.valueCtx.Errcontext.(*valueCtx).Errvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.initvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.map.init.0vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Type.Stringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.printUint16vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.printUint32vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Type.GoStringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Class.Stringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Class.GoStringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.RCode.Stringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.RCode.GoStringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.printByteSlicevendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.printUint8Bytesvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.printStringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.(*nestedError).Errorvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.(*header).packvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.packUint16vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.(*header).unpackvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.unpackUint16vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.(*Resource).GoStringvendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.(*Parser).Startvendor/golang.org/x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{ net.servers []string; net.search []string; net.ndots int; net.timeout time.Duration; net.attempts int; net.rotate bool; net.unknownOpt bool; net.lookup []string; net.err error; net.mtime time.Time; net.soffset uint32; net.singleRequest bool; net.useTCP bool; net.trustAD bool; net.noReload bool }]).Loadnet.(*resolverConfig).initsync/atomic.(*Pointer[go.shape.struct { net.servers []string; net.search []string; net.ndots int; net.timeout time.Duration; net.attempts int; net.rotate bool; net.unknownOpt bool; net.lookup []string; net.err error; net.mtime time.Time; net.soffset uint32; net.singleRequest bool; net.useTCP bool; net.trustAD bool; net.noReload bool }]).Storenet.(*resolverConfig).tryUpdatenet.(*resolverConfig).tryAcquireSemanet.(*resolverConfig).tryUpdate.deferwrap1net.(*resolverConfig).releaseSemanet.(*Resolver).lookupnet.(*Resolver).strictErrorsnet.avoidDNSnet.(*dnsConfig).nameListnet.(*Resolver).goLookupHostOrdernet.goLookupIPFilesnet.splitHostZonenet.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrdernet.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrder.func4net.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrder.func3net.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrder.func3.gowrap1net.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrder.func3.1net.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrder.func2net.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrder.func2.deferwrap1net.(*Resolver).goLookupCNAMEnet.(*Resolver).goLookupPTRnet.dnsReadConfignet.getFieldsnet.ensureRootednet.JoinHostPortnet.dnsReadConfig.deferwrap1net.(*file).closenet.dnsDefaultSearchnet.(*netFD).Closenet.(*netFD).shutdownnet.wrapSyscallErrornet.(*netFD).Readnet.(*netFD).readFromnet.(*netFD).readFromInet4net.(*netFD).readFromInet6net.(*netFD).readMsgnet.(*netFD).readMsgInet4net.(*netFD).readMsgInet6net.(*netFD).Writenet.(*netFD).writeTonet.(*netFD).writeToInet4net.(*netFD).writeToInet6net.(*netFD).writeMsgnet.(*netFD).writeMsgInet4net.(*netFD).writeMsgInet6net.(*netFD).SetDeadlinenet.(*netFD).SetReadDeadlinenet.(*netFD).SetWriteDeadlinenet.(*netFD).namenet.(*netFD).connectnet.(*netFD).connect.func2net.(*netFD).connect.func1net.(*netFD).connect.deferwrap1net.(*netFD).acceptnet.newFDnet.(*netFD).initnet.(*netFD).addrFuncnet.(*netFD).setAddrnet.(*netFD).dupnet.fileAddr.Networknet.fileAddr.Stringnet.FileConnnet.dupSocketnet.newFileFDnet.fileConnnet.newUnixConnnet.newUDPConnnet.newIPConnnet.parseLiteralIPnet.readHostsnet.lowerASCIIBytesnet.readHosts.deferwrap1net.lookupStaticHostnet.hasUpperCasenet.lookupStaticHost.deferwrap1net.lookupStaticAddrnet.lookupStaticAddr.deferwrap1net.Flags.Stringnet.(*Interface).Addrsnet.(*Interface).MulticastAddrsnet.Interfacesnet.InterfaceByIndexnet.interfaceByIndexnet.InterfaceByNamenet.(*ipv6ZoneCache).updatenet.(*ipv6ZoneCache).update.deferwrap1net.(*ipv6ZoneCache).namenet.(*ipv6ZoneCache).indexnet.interfaceTablenet.newLinknet.linkFlagsnet.interfaceAddrTablenet.addrTablenet.newAddrnet.CIDRMasknet.interfaceMulticastAddrTablenet.parseProcNetIGMPnet.parseProcNetIGMP.deferwrap1net.parseProcNetIGMP6net.parseProcNetIGMP6.deferwrap1net.IP.IsUnspecifiednet.IP.IsLoopbacknet.IP.IsPrivatenet.IP.IsMulticastnet.IP.IsInterfaceLocalMulticastnet.IP.IsLinkLocalMulticastnet.IP.IsLinkLocalUnicastnet.IP.IsGlobalUnicastnet.IP.DefaultMasknet.IP.Masknet.allFFnet.IP.Stringnet.hexStringnet.IP.MarshalTextnet.(*IP).UnmarshalTextnet.IP.Equalnet.IP.matchAddrFamilynet.IPMask.Sizenet.simpleMaskLengthnet.IPMask.Stringnet.networkNumberAndMasknet.(*IPNet).Containsnet.(*IPNet).Networknet.(*IPNet).Stringnet.parseIPnet.ParseCIDRnet.(*IPAddr).Networknet.(*IPAddr).Stringnet.ipEmptyStringnet.ResolveIPAddrnet.(*IPConn).SyscallConnnet.newRawConnnet.(*IPConn).ReadFromIPnet.(*IPConn).ReadFromnet.(*IPConn).ReadMsgIPnet.(*IPConn).WriteToIPnet.(*IPAddr).opAddrnet.(*IPConn).WriteTonet.(*IPConn).WriteMsgIPnet.ListenIPnet.sockaddrToIPnet.(*IPAddr).familynet.(*IPAddr).sockaddrnet.(*IPConn).readFromnet.stripIPv4Headernet.(*IPConn).readMsgnet.(*IPConn).writeTonet.(*IPConn).writeMsgnet.(*sysDialer).dialIPnet.(*sysDialer).dialIP.func1net.(*sysListener).listenIPnet.(*sysListener).listenIP.func1net.isIPv4net.addrList.forResolvenet.isNotIPv4net.addrList.partitionnet.filterAddrListnet.ipv4onlynet.ipv6onlynet.SplitHostPortnet.SplitHostPort.func1net.(*Resolver).internetAddrListnet.(*Resolver).internetAddrList.func1net.(*ipStackCapabilities).probenet.(*ipStackCapabilities).probe.deferwrap1net.internetSocketnet.ipToSockaddrInet4net.ipToSockaddrInet6net.addrPortToSockaddrInet4net.addrPortToSockaddrInet6net.lookupPortMapnet.lookupPortMapWithNetworknet.(*Resolver).LookupHostnet.LookupIPnet.(*Resolver).LookupIPAddrnet.(*Resolver).LookupIPnet.(*Resolver).LookupNetIPnet.(*onlyValuesCtx).Valuenet.(*Resolver).lookupIPAddrnet.withUnexpiredValuesPreservednet.(*Resolver).getLookupGroupnet.ipAddrsEfacenet.lookupIPReturnnet.(*Resolver).lookupIPAddr.gowrap2net.(*Resolver).lookupIPAddr.gowrap1net.(*Resolver).lookupIPAddr.func1net.(*Resolver).LookupPortnet.(*Resolver).LookupCNAMEnet.(*Resolver).LookupSRVnet.(*Resolver).lookupSRVnet.(*Resolver).LookupMXnet.(*Resolver).lookupMXnet.(*Resolver).LookupNSnet.(*Resolver).lookupNSnet.(*Resolver).LookupTXTnet.(*Resolver).lookupTXTnet.(*Resolver).LookupAddrnet.(*Resolver).dialnet.(*Resolver).goLookupSRVnet.(*Resolver).goLookupMXnet.(*Resolver).goLookupNSnet.(*Resolver).goLookupTXTnet.readProtocolsnet.readProtocols.deferwrap1net.lookupProtocolnet.lookupProtocolMapnet.(*Resolver).lookupHostnet.systemConfnet.(*Resolver).lookupIPnet.(*Resolver).lookupPortnet.(*Resolver).lookupCNAMEnet.(*Resolver).lookupAddrnet.HardwareAddr.Stringnet.initMPTCPavailablenet.(*sysDialer).dialMPTCPnet.supportsMultipathTCPnet.(*sysListener).listenMPTCPnet.isUsingMultipathTCPnet.hasFallenBacknet.isUsingMPTCPProtonet.(*conn).Readnet.(*conn).Writenet.(*conn).Closenet.(*conn).RemoteAddrnet.(*conn).SetDeadlinenet.(*conn).SetReadDeadlinenet.(*conn).SetWriteDeadlinenet.(*conn).SetReadBuffernet.(*conn).SetWriteBuffernet.(*conn).Filenet.canceledError.Errornet.canceledError.Isnet.(*OpError).Unwrapnet.(*OpError).Errornet.(*OpError).Timeoutnet.(*OpError).Temporarynet.isConnErrornet.(*ParseError).Errornet.(*ParseError).Timeoutnet.(*ParseError).Temporarynet.(*AddrError).Errornet.(*AddrError).Timeoutnet.(*AddrError).Temporarynet.UnknownNetworkError.Errornet.UnknownNetworkError.Timeoutnet.UnknownNetworkError.Temporarynet.(*timeoutError).Errornet.(*timeoutError).Timeoutnet.(*timeoutError).Temporarynet.(*timeoutError).Isnet.(*notFoundError).Errornet.(*temporaryError).Errornet.(*temporaryError).Temporarynet.(*temporaryError).Timeoutnet.newDNSErrornet.(*DNSError).Unwrapnet.(*DNSError).Errornet.(*DNSError).Timeoutnet.(*DNSError).Temporarynet.noReadFrom.ReadFromnet.genericReadFromnet.noWriteTo.WriteTonet.genericWriteTonet.acquireThreadnet.releaseThreadnet.(*Buffers).WriteTonet.(*Buffers).consumenet.(*Buffers).Readnet.getSystemNSSnet.(*nsswitchConfig).initnet.(*nsswitchConfig).tryUpdatenet.(*nsswitchConfig).tryAcquireSemanet.(*nsswitchConfig).tryUpdate.deferwrap1net.(*nsswitchConfig).releaseSemanet.parseNSSConfFilenet.parseNSSConfFile.deferwrap1net.parseNSSConfnet.removeCommentnet.trimSpacenet.isSpacenet.parseCriterianet.parseNSSConf.parseCriteria.func1net.(*file).getLineFromDatanet.(*file).readLinenet.(*file).statnet.opennet.statnet.countAnyBytenet.splitAtBytesnet.xtoinet.xtoi2net.foreachFieldnet.stringsHasSuffixFoldnet.(*pipeDeadline).setnet.isClosedChannet.(*pipeDeadline).set.func1net.(*pipeDeadline).set.deferwrap1net.(*pipeDeadline).waitnet.(*pipeDeadline).wait.deferwrap1net.pipeAddr.Networknet.pipeAddr.Stringnet.Pipenet.makePipeDeadlinenet.(*pipe).LocalAddrnet.(*pipe).RemoteAddrnet.(*pipe).Readnet.(*pipe).readnet.(*pipe).Writenet.(*pipe).writenet.(*pipe).write.deferwrap1net.(*pipe).SetDeadlinenet.(*pipe).SetReadDeadlinenet.(*pipe).SetWriteDeadlinenet.(*pipe).Closenet.(*pipe).Close.func1net.parsePortnet.readServicesnet.readServices.deferwrap1net.goLookupPortnet.(*rawConn).Controlnet.(*rawConn).oknet.(*rawConn).Readnet.(*rawConn).Writenet.(*rawConn).PollFDnet.(*rawConn).Networknet.(*rawListener).Readnet.(*rawListener).Writenet.concurrentThreadsLimitnet.sendFilenet.sendFile.func1net.sysSocketnet.maxAckBacklognet.maxListenerBacklognet.maxListenerBacklog.deferwrap1net.socketnet.listenerBacklognet.(*netFD).dialnet.(*netFD).ctrlNetworknet.(*netFD).listenStreamnet.(*netFD).listenDatagramnet.setDefaultSockoptsnet.setDefaultListenerSockoptsnet.setDefaultMulticastSockoptsnet.setReadBuffernet.setWriteBuffernet.setKeepAlivenet.setLingernet.spliceFromnet.spliceTonet.(*TCPAddr).AddrPortnet.(*TCPAddr).Networknet.(*TCPAddr).Stringnet.ResolveTCPAddrnet.(*TCPConn).SyscallConnnet.(*TCPConn).ReadFromnet.(*TCPConn).WriteTonet.(*TCPConn).CloseReadnet.(*netFD).closeReadnet.(*TCPConn).CloseWritenet.(*netFD).closeWritenet.(*TCPConn).SetLingernet.(*TCPConn).SetKeepAlivenet.(*TCPConn).SetKeepAlivePeriodnet.(*TCPConn).SetNoDelaynet.(*TCPConn).MultipathTCPnet.newTCPConnnet.(*TCPListener).SyscallConnnet.(*TCPListener).oknet.newRawListenernet.(*TCPListener).AcceptTCPnet.(*TCPListener).Acceptnet.(*TCPListener).Closenet.(*TCPListener).closenet.(*TCPListener).Addrnet.(*TCPListener).SetDeadlinenet.(*TCPListener).Filenet.(*TCPListener).filenet.ListenTCPnet.(*TCPAddr).opAddrnet.sockaddrToTCPnet.(*TCPAddr).familynet.(*TCPAddr).sockaddrnet.(*TCPConn).readFromnet.(*TCPConn).writeTonet.(*sysDialer).dialTCPnet.(*sysDialer).doDialTCPnet.(*sysDialer).doDialTCPProtonet.spuriousENOTAVAILnet.(*sysDialer).doDialTCPProto.func1net.selfConnectnet.(*TCPListener).acceptnet.(*sysListener).listenTCPProtonet.(*sysListener).listenTCPProto.func1net.(*TCPConn).SetKeepAliveConfignet.setNoDelaynet.setKeepAliveIdlenet.roundDurationUpnet.setKeepAliveIntervalnet.setKeepAliveCountnet.(*UDPAddr).AddrPortnet.(*UDPAddr).Networknet.(*UDPAddr).Stringnet.ResolveUDPAddrnet.UDPAddrFromAddrPortnet.addrPortUDPAddr.Networknet.(*UDPConn).SyscallConnnet.(*UDPConn).ReadFromUDPnet.(*UDPConn).readFromUDPnet.(*UDPConn).ReadFromnet.(*UDPConn).ReadFromUDPAddrPortnet.(*UDPConn).ReadMsgUDPnet.(*UDPConn).ReadMsgUDPAddrPortnet.(*UDPConn).WriteToUDPnet.(*UDPAddr).opAddrnet.(*UDPConn).WriteToUDPAddrPortnet.(*UDPConn).WriteTonet.(*UDPConn).WriteMsgUDPnet.(*UDPConn).WriteMsgUDPAddrPortnet.DialUDPnet.ListenUDPnet.sockaddrToUDPnet.(*UDPAddr).familynet.(*UDPAddr).sockaddrnet.(*UDPConn).readFromnet.(*UDPConn).readFromAddrPortnet.(*UDPConn).readMsgnet.(*UDPConn).writeTonet.(*UDPConn).writeToAddrPortnet.(*UDPConn).writeMsgnet.(*UDPConn).writeMsgAddrPortnet.(*sysDialer).dialUDPnet.(*sysDialer).dialUDP.func1net.(*sysListener).listenUDPnet.(*sysListener).listenUDP.func1net.(*UnixAddr).Stringnet.(*UnixAddr).isWildcardnet.(*UnixConn).SyscallConnnet.(*UnixConn).CloseReadnet.(*UnixConn).CloseWritenet.(*UnixConn).ReadFromUnixnet.(*UnixConn).ReadFromnet.(*UnixConn).ReadMsgUnixnet.(*UnixConn).WriteToUnixnet.(*UnixAddr).opAddrnet.(*UnixConn).WriteTonet.(*UnixConn).WriteMsgUnixnet.(*UnixListener).SyscallConnnet.(*UnixListener).oknet.(*UnixListener).AcceptUnixnet.(*UnixListener).Acceptnet.(*UnixListener).Closenet.(*UnixListener).Addrnet.(*UnixListener).SetDeadlinenet.(*UnixListener).Filenet.(*UnixListener).filenet.unixSocketnet.sockaddrToUnixnet.sockaddrToUnixgramnet.sockaddrToUnixpacketnet.(*UnixAddr).familynet.(*UnixAddr).sockaddrnet.(*UnixConn).readFromnet.sotypeToNetnet.(*UnixConn).readMsgnet.(*UnixConn).writeTonet.(*UnixConn).writeMsgnet.(*sysDialer).dialUnixnet.(*sysDialer).dialUnix.func1net.(*UnixListener).acceptnet.(*UnixListener).closenet.(*UnixListener).close.func1net.(*UnixListener).SetUnlinkOnClosenet.(*sysListener).listenUnixnet.(*sysListener).listenUnix.func1net.(*sysListener).listenUnixgramnet.(*sysListener).listenUnixgram.func1net.(*conn).writeBuffersnet.(*netFD).writeBuffersnet._C2func_getaddrinfonet._C2func_getnameinfonet._Cfunc_freenet._Cfunc_freeaddrinfonet._Cfunc_gai_strerrornet._Cfunc_res_searchnet._cgo_cmallocnet.cgoNameinfoPTRnet._C_free.func1net._C_freeaddrinfo.func1net._C_gai_strerrornet._Cfunc_GoStringnet._C_getaddrinfonet._C_getaddrinfo.func1net._C_res_nclosenet.acquireThread.func1net.byPref.sort.func1net.byPriorityWeight.sort.func1net.initConfVal.func1net.(*Resolver).lookupIPAddr.func2net.(*Resolver).lookupIPAddr.func3net.(*Resolver).goLookupIPCNAMEOrder.func1net.(*netFD).accept.(*netFD).addrFunc.func1net.(*netFD).accept.(*netFD).addrFunc.func2net.newFileFD.(*netFD).addrFunc.func1net.newFileFD.(*netFD).addrFunc.func2net.socket.listenerBacklog.func1net.(*netFD).dial.(*netFD).addrFunc.func1net.(*netFD).dial.(*netFD).addrFunc.func2net.(*netFD).dial.(*netFD).addrFunc.func3net.(*netFD).dial.(*netFD).addrFunc.func4net.(*netFD).dial.(*netFD).addrFunc.func5net.(*netFD).listenStream.(*netFD).addrFunc.func1net.(*netFD).listenDatagram.(*netFD).addrFunc.func1net.isDomainNamenet.favoriteAddrFamilynet.supportsIPv4mapnet.supportsIPv4net.ipToSockaddrtype:.eq.net.UnixAddrtype:.eq.net.OpErrortype:.eq.net.netFDtype:.eq.net.KeepAliveConfigtype:.eq.net.pipetype:.eq.net.AddrErrortype:.eq.net.onlyValuesCtxtype:.eq.net.DNSErrortype:.eq.net.ParseErrortype:.eq.net.UnixListenerslices.pdqsortCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.reverseRangeCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.partitionCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.partitionEqualCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.partialInsertionSortCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.choosePivotCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.medianAdjacentCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.medianCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.order2CmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.breakPatternsCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.heapSortCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.siftDownCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]slices.insertionSortCmpFunc[go.shape.*uint8]type:.eq.net.addrPortUDPAddrnet.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.[]vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Resource]net.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.[]vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Resource].func1net.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.[]string]net.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.[]string].func1net.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.[]net.IPAddr]net.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.[]net.IPAddr].func1net.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.int]net.doBlockingWithCtx[go.shape.int].func1net.Conn.SetWriteDeadlinenet.(*IP).DefaultMasknet.(*IP).Equalnet.(*IP).IsGlobalUnicastnet.(*IP).IsInterfaceLocalMulticastnet.(*IP).IsLinkLocalMulticastnet.(*IP).IsLinkLocalUnicastnet.(*IP).IsLoopbacknet.(*IP).IsMulticastnet.(*IP).IsPrivatenet.(*IP).IsUnspecifiednet.(*IP).MarshalTextnet.(*IP).Masknet.(*IP).Stringnet.(*IP).To16net.(*IP).To4net.(*IPMask).Sizenet.(*IPMask).Stringnet.(*HardwareAddr).Stringnet.(*Flags).Stringnet.onlyValuesCtx.Deadlinenet.(*onlyValuesCtx).Deadlinenet.onlyValuesCtx.Donenet.(*onlyValuesCtx).Donenet.onlyValuesCtx.Errnet.(*onlyValuesCtx).Errnet.(*canceledError).Errornet.(*canceledError).Isnet.(*addrinfoErrno).Errornet.(*addrinfoErrno).Temporarynet.(*addrinfoErrno).Timeoutnet.(*TCPConn).Closenet.(*TCPConn).Filenet.(*TCPConn).LocalAddrnet.(*TCPConn).Readnet.(*TCPConn).RemoteAddrnet.(*TCPConn).SetDeadlinenet.(*TCPConn).SetReadBuffernet.(*TCPConn).SetReadDeadlinenet.(*TCPConn).SetWriteBuffernet.(*TCPConn).SetWriteDeadlinenet.(*TCPConn).Writenet.(*TCPConn).writeBuffersnet.(*IPConn).Closenet.(*IPConn).Filenet.(*IPConn).LocalAddrnet.(*IPConn).Readnet.(*IPConn).RemoteAddrnet.(*IPConn).SetDeadlinenet.(*IPConn).SetReadBuffernet.(*IPConn).SetReadDeadlinenet.(*IPConn).SetWriteBuffernet.(*IPConn).SetWriteDeadlinenet.(*IPConn).Writenet.(*IPConn).writeBuffersnet.(*UDPConn).Closenet.(*UDPConn).Filenet.(*UDPConn).LocalAddrnet.(*UDPConn).Readnet.(*UDPConn).RemoteAddrnet.(*UDPConn).SetDeadlinenet.(*UDPConn).SetReadBuffernet.(*UDPConn).SetReadDeadlinenet.(*UDPConn).SetWriteBuffernet.(*UDPConn).SetWriteDeadlinenet.(*UDPConn).Writenet.(*UDPConn).writeBuffersnet.(*UnixConn).Closenet.(*UnixConn).Filenet.(*UnixConn).LocalAddrnet.(*UnixConn).Readnet.(*UnixConn).RemoteAddrnet.(*UnixConn).SetDeadlinenet.(*UnixConn).SetReadB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{ sync.Once; crypto/x509.v *crypto/x509.Certificate 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*SugaredLogger).Warnwgo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Errorwgo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).DPanicwgo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Panicwgo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Fatalwgo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Debuglngo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Infolngo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Warnlngo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Errorlngo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).DPaniclngo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Paniclngo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Fatallngo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).Syncgo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).loggo.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).loglngo.uber.org/zap.getMessagelngo.uber.org/zap.getMessagego.uber.org/zap.(*SugaredLogger).sweetenFieldsgo.uber.org/zap.invalidPair.MarshalLogObjectgo.uber.org/zap.invalidPairs.MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.Opengo.uber.org/zap.CombineWriteSyncersgo.uber.org/zap/zapcore.NewMultiWriteSyncergo.uber.org/zap.opengo.uber.org/zap.open.func1go.uber.org/zap.Config.buildOptions.Development.func3type:.eq.go.uber.org/zap.invalidPairtype:.eq.go.uber.org/zap.Loggergo.uber.org/zap.errArrayElem.Errorgo.uber.org/zap.(*errArrayElem).Errorgo.uber.org/zap.(*AtomicLevel).Enabledgo.uber.org/zap.(*AtomicLevel).Levelgo.uber.org/zap.(*AtomicLevel).MarshalTextgo.uber.org/zap.(*AtomicLevel).ServeHTTPgo.uber.org/zap.(*AtomicLevel).SetLevelgo.uber.org/zap.(*AtomicLevel).Stringgo.uber.org/zap.(*bools).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*complex128s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*complex64s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*durations).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*float64s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*float32s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*ints).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*int64s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*int32s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*int16s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*int8s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*stringArray).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*times).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*uints).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*uint64s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*uint32s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*uint16s).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*uintptrs).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*errArray).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*optionFunc).applygo.uber.org/zap.(*nopCloserSink).Closego.uber.org/zap.nopCloserSink.Syncgo.uber.org/zap.(*nopCloserSink).Syncgo.uber.org/zap.nopCloserSink.Writego.uber.org/zap.(*nopCloserSink).Writego.uber.org/zap.(*invalidPair).MarshalLogObjectgo.uber.org/zap.(*invalidPairs).MarshalLogArraygo.uber.org/zap.(*sinkRegistry).newFileSinkFromURL-fmtype:.eq.[1]go.uber.org/zap/zapcore.Fieldgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.ConfigError.Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.ConnectError.Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.ConnectError.Unwrapgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.AuthError.Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.DialError.Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.ClosedError.Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.ClosedError.Unwrapgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.ProtocolError.Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*ConfigError).Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*ConnectError).Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*ConnectError).Unwrapgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*AuthError).Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*DialError).Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*ClosedError).Errorgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*ClosedError).Unwrapgithub.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.(*ProtocolError).Errortype:.eq.github.com/apernet/hysteria/core/v2/errors.ConfigErrorgolang.org/x/exp/rand.initgolang.org/x/exp/rand.NewSourcegolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*PCGSource).Seedgolang.org/x/exp/rand.Newgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).ExpFloat64golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Uint32golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Uint64golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Float64golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).NormFloat64golang.org/x/exp/rand.absInt32golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Seedgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Int63golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Int31golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Intgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Uint64ngolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Int63ngolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Int31ngolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Intngolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Float32golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Permgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Shufflegolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*Rand).Readgolang.org/x/exp/rand.readgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*LockedSource).Uint64golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*LockedSource).Seedgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*LockedSource).seedPosgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*LockedSource).Readgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*PCGSource).Uint64golang.org/x/exp/rand.(*PCGSource).addgolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*PCGSource).multiplygolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*PCGSource).MarshalBinarygolang.org/x/exp/rand.(*PCGSource).UnmarshalBinarytype:.eq.golang.org/x/exp/rand.Randgithub.com/apernet/quic-go/internal/protocol.initgithub.com/apernet/quic-go/internal/protocol.ArbitraryLenConnectionID.Lengithub.com/apernet/quic-go/internal/protocol.ArbitraryLenConnectionID.Bytesgithub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محDمخDممDمىDميDنجDنحDنخDنرDنزDنمDننDنهDنىDنيDهجDهمDهىDهيDوٴDيجDيحDيخDيرDيزDيمDينDيهDيىDييDيٴDۇٴE(ᄀ)E(ᄂ)E(ᄃ)E(ᄅ)E(ᄆ)E(ᄇ)E(ᄉ)E(ᄋ)E(ᄌ)E(ᄎ)E(ᄏ)E(ᄐ)E(ᄑ)E(ᄒ)E(一)E(七)E(三)E(九)E(二)E(五)E(代)E(企)E(休)E(八)E(六)E(労)E(十)E(協)E(名)E(呼)E(四)E(土)E(学)E(日)E(月)E(有)E(木)E(株)E(水)E(火)E(特)E(監)E(社)E(祝)E(祭)E(自)E(至)E(財)E(資)E(金)E0⁄3E10日E10月E10点E11日E11月E11点E12日E12月E12点E13日E13点E14日E14点E15日E15点E16日E16点E17日E17点E18日E18点E19日E19点E1⁄2E1⁄3E1⁄4E1⁄5E1⁄6E1⁄7E1⁄8E1⁄9E20日E20点E21日E21点E22日E22点E23日E23点E24日E24点E25日E26日E27日E28日E29日E2⁄3E2⁄5E30日E31日E3⁄4E3⁄5E3⁄8E4⁄5E5⁄6E5⁄8E7⁄8EA∕mEV∕mEm∕sF1⁄10FC∕kgFm∕s2FبحيFبخيFتجمFتجىFتجيFتحجFتحمFتخمFتخىFتخيFتمجFتمحFتمخFتمىFتميFجحىFجحيFجمحFجمىFجميFحجيFحمىFحميFسجحFسجىFسحجFسخىFسخيFسمجFسمحFسممFشجيFشحمFشحيFشمخFشممFصححFصحيFصلىFصلےFصممFضحىFضحيFضخمFطمحFطممFطميFعجمFعممFعمىFعميFغممFغمىFغميFفخمFفميFقلےFقمحFقممFقميFكممFكميFلججFلجمFلجيFلحمFلحىFلحيFلخمFلمحFلميFمجحFمجخFمجمFمجيFمحجFمحمFمحيFمخجFمخمFمخيFمميFنجحFنجمFنجىFنجيFنحمFنحىFنحيFنمىFنميFهمجFهممFيجيFيحيFيممFيميFئاFئجFئحFئخFئرFئزFئمFئنFئهFئوFئىFئيFئۆFئۇFئۈFئېFئەFําFຫນFຫມFໍາFཀྵFགྷFཌྷFདྷFབྷFཛྷFྐྵFྒྷFྜྷFྡྷFྦྷFྫྷF′′F‵‵F∫∫F∮∮FほかFよりFキロFココFコトFトンFナノFホンFミリFリラFレムF令和F大正F平成F明治F昭和Grad∕sG〔S〕H(가)H(나)H(다)H(라)H(마)H(바)H(사)H(아)H(자)H(주)H(차)H(카)H(타)H(파)H(하)Hrad∕s2HاكبرHاللهHرسولHریالHصلعمHعليهHمحمدHوسلمI′′′I‵‵‵I∫∫∫I∮∮∮I〔三〕I〔二〕I〔勝〕I〔安〕I〔打〕I〔敗〕I〔本〕I〔点〕I〔盗〕IアールIインチIウォンIオンスIオームIカイリIケースIコルナIセンチIセントIデシIドルIノットIハイツIビルIピコIフランIペソIヘルツIホールIホーンIマイルIマッハIマルクIヤールIユアンIワットL′′′′L∫∫∫∫LアルファLエーカーLガロンLガンマLカラットLカロリーLギニーLキュリーLグラムLクローネLサイクルLダースLパーツLピクルLフィートLベータLペニヒLペンスLボルトLマイクロLミクロンLメートルLリットルLルピーL株式会社N(오후)Oجل جلالهOアパートOアンペアOキロワットOサンチームOバーレルOヘクタールOポイントOマンションOメガトンOルーブルQ(오전)RギルダーRキログラムRキロメートルRグラムトンRクルゼイロRパーセントRピアストルRブッシェルRミリバールRレントゲンaصلى الله عليه وسلمোৌୋୈୌஔொௌோೀೇೈൊൌോෞဦᬆᬈᬊᬌᬎᬒᬻᬽᭀᭁᭃ𑄮𑄯𑍋𑍌𑒼𑒻𑒾𑖺𑖻𑤸 ೋ ෝDDŽDDžDdžFلآFلأFلإF가F나F다F라F마F바F사F아F우F자F차F카F타F파F하IメガL주의LギガLコーポLヤードO참고OイニングOシリングOページOポンドRエスクードRファラッドೊො≮≠≯ÀÁÃĀẢǍȀȂḀĄḂḄḆĆĈĊČḊĎḌḐḒḎÈÉẼĔĖËẺĚȄȆĘḘḚḞǴĜḠĞĠǦĢĤḢḦȞḤḨḪÌÍÎĨĪĬİỈǏȈȊỊĮḬĴḰǨḲĶḴĹĽĻḼḺḾṀṂǸŃÑṄŇṆŅṊṈÒÓŎỎŐǑȌȎṔṖŔṘŘȐȒŖṞŜṠȘŞṪŤṬȚŢṰṮÙÚÛŬỦŮŰǓȔȖỤṲŲṶṴṼṾẀẂŴẆẄẈẊẌỲÝŶỸȲẎŸỶỴŹẐŻŽẒẔàáãāảǎȁȃḁąḃḅḇćĉċčḋďḍḑḓḏèéẽĕėëẻěȅȇęḙḛḟǵĝḡğġǧģĥḣḧȟḥḩḫẖìíîĩīĭỉǐȉȋịįḭĵǰḱǩḳķḵĺľļḽḻḿṁṃǹńñṅňṇņṋṉòóŏỏőǒȍȏṕṗŕṙřȑȓŗṟŝṡșşṫẗťṭțţṱṯùúûŭủůűǔȕȗụṳųṷṵṽṿẁẃŵẇẅẘẉẋẍỳýŷỹȳẏÿỷẙỵźẑżžẓẕ῭΅῁ǼǢǾǽǣǿẛǮǯᾺΆᾹᾸᾼῈΈῊΉῌῚΊῙῘΪῸΌῬῪΎῩῨΫῺΏῼᾱᾰᾳὲέῃὶίῑῐῖὸόῤῥὺύῡῠῦῳϓϔЇӐӒЃЀӖЁӁӜӞЍӢЙӤЌӦӮЎӰӲӴӸӬӑӓѓѐӗёӂӝӟѝӣйӥќӧӯўӱӳӵӹӭїѶѷӚӛӪӫآأإؤئۂۓۀẦẤẪẨẰẮẴẲǠǞǺẬẶḈỀẾỄỂḔḖỆḜḮḸỒỐỖỔṌȬṎṐṒȰȪỜỚỠỞỢỘǬṜṤṦṨṸṺǛǗǕǙỪỨỮỬỰầấẫẩằắẵẳǡǟǻậặḉềếễểḕḗệḝḯḹồốỗổṍȭṏṑṓȱȫờớỡởợộǭṝṥṧṩṹṻǜǘǖǚừứữửự῍῎῏῝῞῟↚↛↮⇍⇏⇎∄∉∌∤∦≁≄≇≉≭≢≰≱≴≵≸≹⊀⊁⋠⋡⊄⊅⊈⊉⋢⋣⊬⊭⊮⊯⋪⋫⋬⋭ᾈᾉἚἜἛἝᾘᾙἺἼἾἻἽἿὊὌὋὍὛὝὟᾨᾩᾲᾴᾀᾁᾷἒἔἓἕῂῄᾐᾑῇῒΐῗἲἴἶἳἵἷὂὄὃὅῢΰῧὒὔὖὓὕὗῲῴᾠᾡῷऩ ऱ ऴ 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